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.` i���.�i.:�.� . �c`�` �� ...;Y...�.:� ^�`���� <br /> --�� , . - . . . ���`� ' _ : <br /> <<k° � _ . ` ` � „ t - �., <br /> � ; � , � �=� k � � t ,� �- <br /> - �k .t . t .r.-r � . ' �r�y �r - . . s ..� �- f.� -. <br /> t,T,. .' _ _ 'r� � . , � . _ . � . .� c�. 4 . . �a �G 4F ' �� , r. <br /> . t ��. -c . s .—�. . �.� (,. <br /> ..�'C d` - q�-.t .h - . t '���' , j . . - 1 <br /> o � r� ` .� ' . , z- - h F . � -. _ � ' �� ` t,;� t . ' ��: c x' i� ' <br /> � , . <br /> -. - _�_ .- �--4'_i `C�: __ _ . _ _�- - _ _ � _ _ L _ _ - _ 4.4' - _ _' '� c- o _�. � v-C. __ <br /> .. '�r `�'. . �,�. <br /> ,�� .. . ` . ' . , ,- .- .c . . . , . . ' , � .. , , ' �. 'F t , F. . <br /> • ' - , t�. ` ``� 't . : r . . �.i _ . � � „t . •• �.< <br /> • � . . .. • G • � , - ' 'v•I " • � - r : '.. - - �i' tc <br /> - . '� .r..� _ �_....._.`�` �:--..s ..�....»�_ ..t: a.., c �t _._ �:Y.� ' � . ' . <br /> . .t�`� . ` � . <br /> �� -� - . g7_ i��� , �� <br /> - �:.,::::,-:�------ <br /> ' ,. pay�aents may no longer be requited,at the apuaa of L�der,if mo�a,ge insvrance�v�age('m the amount�d for the peaiod � , �: `; 4`. : <br /> ' 'aa �: :.,.4... . :. <br /> . _ - , �<4 tbat Lender r�u�cs)F�ovided by�t msarer appmved by Leuder again becomes ava�7ablc ead is abtamed.Bosrawer sdall pay the �.:::." :,:{,<<:_,.�.,: �. <br /> ` • . reqnic�d tfl maintaia mon$age msmance ia e�'ect.or to Provide a Ioss reserve. und7 tbe rc4uIIe�aent for mo�tg,age �'��� ". .. <br /> PT�anis�s � - <br /> � � � insura�tee eads m aocardance with any wtittrn ag�emeat b�weat Bosmw�ffitd Leader at apgliab2e Iaw. ;t <br /> :':.----� g.Inspec�FoL. l�eader ar its agent maY mrake�le eauics u�aa aod �ons of the Propaty.Lendcr sha11 give ' = r <br /> � • . , � <br /> . < Bomower notice at the time af or prior tn an mspe�oa sPe�ifYing ma���ble cause for the msp�tion. : , <br /> ' 10.Cond�natlon. Ttse pioceeds af any award ot claim far damages.dIIect or caacaquential,in connecaon with any , �, , <br /> cand�nation ar other taklnII af any part of the Ptopeny,or for canveyanoe in liea of condemnation,are h�ebY a�i��d ` :s-,E::�%��' 1c:.� <br /> ; shall be paid m I.r�d� s ��' � ; <br /> . � - _ In the eveat af a total ta�t8 of dee RvpatY.the Pr'�ds sball�e epplied to the s�uns se�vred 6y tlnis Seau�y tnsuuffient. ��'fi',�3r�" .�. <br /> �.�� whether ar not then due,arit�am/exces9 paid w Bonower.In t6e eveat of a partial tskmg af dce A�o�ryr ia arLich tt�e fair marlcet :.�!`�is�,•�-_`-=y_x s' �,, <br /> ' � vatae af the Propacy immediarciy before the taking is eqaal tn or gceater than the aanoimt af the s�uav s�ecured by dr.r�SeiaaitY � ` ��r:`'_ ` <br /> E <br /> � Inslrmnent imme.diatety befoie t$e takiag,�tess Borrower and Leader otheiwise ug�ee in wrrting,the sums�c�cS bY this �`;`;� °:'` �;,. <br /> �• . � � Se�rity Ia�Irument shail be�by the amoant af the prooaeds multiplied by the following 6�tia�.�a)the mtal amoiwi of _�;,:<`�,r�S<� � � :`• <br /> am `� ' � <br /> the fa'a ma�et vatQe of the Yiog� immediatelY before ttte ;,,. �_.° ; �°:. <br /> � the snms s�ed immediasely before the takiag.dn►ided bY(b) -r ` : = •�;-: <br /> In the eveat of apa�tial�an8 of t6e Fi'ope�ty m w6iah t�e Fair marketvaIue of the : `%� . ��=; <br /> " rakia g.An y balance s6aII be paid m S�aimwa ,�:%;�'" �`, _. ��°. ; <br /> . before che ta�ng �s 1� thaa the�aaat of the sums seaued immediately before the taking,� '�:,;r�,��:.� ;�.>� ___. <br /> . propeatY immedialEly ,� � "�` <br /> . r• r. <br /> Bozmwer and Lender atherwise agree ia writing or unt�ss applirablc faw othe�arise provides,the praceeds shall be aPPlied w the ,�.� ,;:�.�..! � ,,,, �, <br /> .r�. . -L:� . smns secared by tbis Ser,�ity Instiumr�t wDether or not tbe sams a�der�dae. �;`. •�'f.: . • • ` ., <br /> �; . x,�--i s�+.+h.,. ' <br /> <,_ If the Propeity is ahaadoaed by Bomnwer,or i�aftes rrotice by L�eadrr to Basowa tl�at the condemaor offexs to make an 4 ., <br /> =, award or sdtle a claim far damages.Borrower fa�s m respond to Leader withm 30 days after the daze the notice is give,n,L.�der ' r � 1 . . <br /> the either to r�tmati repa'u of the Ptope+ty or m the snms secored ',/.���{t,��' � �r.�;�< <br /> , . ,. is anthoriud to coll�x and a p piY ns aption. a�� �;.�' :��',: <br />_ � � by Wis Seamrity Insuoment,whetha or not thea due. � ��` �.;K' <br /> .. _..- ,- UNesg Le�de,r and Boaow�atheiwiie a8cee �.�►9�APlic�ion of shaII not extend ur � "+�` ,_�`i_, <br /> �i' .` L � in wiitm P��D�� �� � r,�'" . . <br /> d�dae date of the monthlY PaY��mfared ro in gar�phs 1 and 2 ar change the amouat of sucb�yuQentv. {� ,, { .�,. � <br /> �.Bp�io�Not Rele�s�ad's FoTlleat88sC By I.eQde�l�tot 8 WSivet. Bxte�ina of thc time for paymeat or modifcario� ��Q� .s" � . <br /> de <br /> af��n of the sums seca�ed by this Secarity tnsu�t panted by Lender m aay saoce�os in Inta�st of Barroarer shai� t��; � , <br /> `. : . ¢at v�cats to�se the liav�p of the orig'mal Baara�a�Bomaw�'s suor�ars in int�est Leader shati not 1�aequired to !�'x,�4 .~', �; <br />-`�. . commeuce�oce�ir►gs aF,ainst anY sus�r ia intaest or seFuse w exo�nd ame for payment ar otheawise modify amarr;zation�F �,:;.«ra:��.:_,. :,� <br /> : � `. •: , the sams se�ed by this Security Ias�uttemt by iesson of any demand made Dy the orig'mal Bmrowes as Bomower's saocessnra �: . :i R� „:�,,�', <br /> - . in inteiest.Any foibe�ance by Lendea in eaeccising any right ar remedy shaU not be a waiver of ar yte�lude the e�cercise of aay :�;.�;°,i:::;: .•�•:��; ,� <br /> rtghtasreanedy, �y � :� '� ;��I <br /> 12.sae�ors aua Affifg�s Hoand�Jo�t ana severa�II.aaeaity;c�ga�rs.'it�e wveaanrs aaa agnaem�ts of tius j , <br /> m �.: <br /> ' - Sewrity Ias�umeut slmll biod and�Caefu the�ars sad assigns of Lander and Barmwer.sublect w the provisions of j-�:.;. ,.�: <br /> paza�apb 17. Bmmwer's covraants an d agReem�t s s h a l l b e jo i a t a n d s e ve�al. An y Hmrower who co-sgns tLis Sec�ity _.,::. :a��. <br /> ,,,,. , eg � � <br /> � �. . . � In��ument bvt daes aot e�cecatc the Nate: (a)is co-siSn�€�S S�Y Inctnunent only w maitgege�.8rant and convey tbat ',�::` '"�;_ <br /> I <br /> ;a.� ' ;:�,: Baaowea's mterest in the Broperty unda it�e ter�of thrs�uity Inst�amea�(b)is not peisunally obllgated to pay the suma ',� �'�-+ �, <br /> $ „ seaue,�by tbis S�auit}►Ins�aea�ana(�)agceeg thaz Ir�w�r and any oth�Bosrow�r may agtee o�exoead,modifY.forbeat or ��„ �T. , -- <br /> . , ��,, •' �s�y a c c o m m o d a ti o n a c v i t b r e g a r d ro t h e t e s m s of Wiv Seaui ry Inso�ument or the Note without tLat Barmwer's conseut , `,.^�::,..�_`,...�.,. <br /> sms <br /> • f i�J.Laaa�es. If ihe Ioan seta�:ii�tl�i4 Se�autty Iusttum�i:i sab�eet to a law ahicb sets ma�citmm�loan chai'8es,. '���,ss - -_ <br /> ��i " ' m so tLat r��or adusr loaa charg�wIIected or to be wllecteA ia cnnnecHon witL tt�Iaam , . <br /> �� is�.Iy' telpseted : • _ _ <br /> pr � <br /> �r 45:ry , ��°k��.t eaffa�ad the p�niued timits,then:(a)m�Y s:.c�l oaa c h a rge s h a U h e r e d n c e d D y t h e a m o u n t n o c e a�y t o:e d u c e t h e c t�8 e t o @ e � :. � y <br /> ,�r`G.; y r�;; �� g�rn,,.i�d limi�and(b)anY sums alread9 ooftected fmm Bmmwea whicb eaceeded pesmiaed Umits a7!be refanded w Bomower. _.__ <br /> �. � , - �.�a�.�;._ <br /> ��,.�f`�,:` I.euder may choose w make this re fan d[sy r e d ucing t he prin c i p a l o w e d i m d e r tho Not,e or B y maiom g a d'aect pay�t to <br /> v • - .'/.1 ' ��•Y . <br /> '�:t� ��'� Baumwer.If a m.fartd reduces priaciyal.�'n.;reducflon will be ueated�a D�P�Y�ent whhout any pmpay�aent et�er8� � ,;' ��r:.-- <br /> ` ?�� :;.. _ -- <br /> ' �;, +:�. . : andatheNote. � �' <br />_�,,,;;,��;: .._ � � .14.Nottcea My notice m Borrower�uvided far ia¢his Security Instrame�t st�all be give�n by deliv�ing ii or by mailiaQ u 1t1�' �f�� <br /> .. . (s�f�st ciass ma�uNess aDDlicable law re�.�use of�awher methad.'Itte aotioe s1�aU i�e d'uectcd tn the Pt�'Address os �•�,, ��� '...•.:.,..,: <br /> .. }. . �t iJ.�. <br /> ' �otha addr�.ss Boaowea desi�ates by�e w L�ea�.Any notice w Lendea sbal!be glve�by fast c1a�m��L�der's ' !���'f.: .•;��: <br /> • :,1��i address stated haein or any other add�'�+ada designsues by aaticz�r Baimw�.Any noticce pmvided for in this Sec�ait�i •�, , i:,�, <br /> � } ' lnstrament sball be deeme�w have beeu�.�¢4 Bomnwer or Leadcd�grvea as pmvideA ia this patag�apb. , l,�n" <br /> am tt'��: <br /> _;1,���i,•. :' 15.Coverming;Sev�rability. 7bis Secttriiy InsUtunmt siWt bo govemed by fe4eaal 1aw and the 1aw of ttte ����}y}.� � ..�` <br />-_ ';:y�)• _ ' �qion in whtch�he Re�is the eveat that any pmvision a:cS�se of this Secariiy Instrumeat ar the Note ,,,; ' , <br />_- . ,. eanflicts arith aDplicable taw.sszcch oontlict stmil not afPea othea pmvisiona of this 5e�ay Insunmeat or the Tlotc whicb can be ,;,;�;���;;�. .. <br /> ' S h �. �. <br /> �� :;.;;�,•: glven effact wirhout tho conIIicdng pmvi9ioa To�his end tho yrnvisions of this 5ecudry L�tmment and the Note are dec1ared[a ';���;� ;,, ; <br /> ,. .�r�}�< <br /> �� � .3�;;,., ueseve�sete. �-. . � :.,,z,ts� <br />.— '�.7� '�,.1�"' . <br /> _ . 6or.�a so2a s190 �`4;i:�f':• . . . <br /> � V�aO�01 B 1�f:��: �i ��� . _ . <br /> .r �-8R(NE7re2�21.0� •---- .{�5;;�1 . • <br />--�; ,.��.:. ;�' <br /> -.� • ._ <br />�i .; ... ' .• . . <br />_ - '. .. ,. . .. . . . ,. <br /> � . . <br /> ,.. . _.,-.,--.-•--�----�- . . . • � <br /> . .. . . . . ..• . .�._•. � .. . _ ._ _ . � . . • _ �. <br /> . � � . • . � . - .. . .. ' ' . ' � , . �� .. . � <br />_ .ii'._ •�• .� " . -, . .� .. — . . 4 ._.___. . . � . ' ; � - � �: � . . � �_ ,. <br /> � - . . .. . • . ' _ . . " . -� � � . • � I " . - . � .� <br /> .ti . ' ' '} ' . . � ' _ _, ' . _ ' ' ' •- _ • - . \ . ! ,. . ' <br /> •'��! • • ' , � �� . • . . � � � � - � - _ . . . ' .. . j� 1. � . . j � . • 1' . <br /> .. . . <br /> � . <br /> . . ' . . . _.. ! <br />