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<br /> ' '..2aK .� .rc ti� — � • � - �-:-� - --��-.- .� �- --. -t qa�u' �4�' �_c����-fs` m..
<br /> c - --
<br /> ' - � �= a t � �. . /f , �: .s+ t - -"� af't y t � � _
<br />_ '.�.s'`_.ri;`rt.�ts,'" '•.t,i� .� . � .�' . 'y\N ' c - _ y c
<br /> C'( < `4 �
<br /> F� � t.,.'S✓ t� _;:.:a�._wc:�.,..a., 1 - -�---y---- s-..- c f-�t s
<br />. .�i� _.4rt-, _ _ . . _-_ -
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<br /> " �:t:�-s?:�� - • -C,. . '�����-+'_t.
<br /> y " • • p
<br /> . : � .
<br /> �-- t �� OT�� �� �r�.� , � � i ', r ..
<br /> � pdncfpat amaunt of fhe inde6tedness securad�y this Deed of T�uS�.no!Inctudtng sum�eAvanced[o pmtect the sewn'ty ot this Ceei�o� �
<br /> r. .:. -:
<br /> ' Tn�st,exceed the odgirtal prindaat amowt stated hetetn.or S?�!=a r��.�1 ,vfitchbvcir is gr+eater. �-;<<.-<<,-
<br /> � ` � �. �� ;' 16.6lfseettaneous Provisio�. ;:.:,.. , •�t•-
<br />��'',T.�.'� •' (`,"L� � (a)�orrov�er NoY Released F�ctenstan oi tha Umo far p�ymeri!or ma�lAcallan ot amorti�allon of fhe sums secured�r�4t�ka � .. . �.`�``��.-�.
<br /> . `� '' [leed ai Tn�st grante�by!$ndar to any sucoassor in Intecest oi Borrav�ar shatl nat operate to release.In any m�ner,the�hi�- � `=`"`
<br /> ; ` , .r-.:_
<br /> ° �� ty oi Me original Barrower a�d Bortanrer's successars in tntartast.Londar ohtili no1 bo�eQutred to�mrrtence proceedi�qs ,.`;:,-; _�eeR;~?
<br /> ��<'; ,"` - agains!such suct�essor sr rafuse tu extend tkna tor payment or olhmwlso modtty amortizatton oI the sums secured by tfns; � �
<br /> � � Qeed of Tnrs!by reason of srry demartds mada by the odgtna!�war er�d Borrcworo sacaegsora M interesi •:• . . � `t`
<br /> �:��.z..'�. .. . ` ;�„�._�-:
<br /> °� (b)�endaPs Powers.Without affecEtn�the ItabiUry ot amt cther pereon Ua6te tor tts�payment ot arry obUgaUon herein ma�s= � '':
<br /> ��' ' Honed,and without affecttng the t�sn or charge of U�ta OaeA M TPUS1 n an oNan uf tho ��'
<br /> � •. . ��s � Y P PtaPerty►not ihen or therefofAre:
<br />_ ' �S � reteased as security for the fiiD amount oi all unpatd ahligatians.Lendor m�y.irom Ume to Uma snd v�ithout no�ce(�relea�a� � �� -��`_=�-..�
<br /> �4� . .c ' . _ .
<br /> ,�`:. any p�rson so liabte,p)extend the ma��iry ar elter any oi ths terms a!eny nuch obitgatlons.(tt�grant other indutgences.;nrj ' �� � �� �"
<br /> !w�".' reiease or reooma or crtuse to be rateased ar reoon :� � `��`y�"`
<br /> r�.. °� y. veyed at arty ttme at Lende�'a apttan eny parcol,portton or ail of#hs � ,
<br /> --��--�'' �P�Y.ivI tatce or retease s olher or eQ�iUonai secur tor a oD Non hereln rt��er.fiorteQ.ar • :•. ��{ �
<br /> ; ,:,. �►Y HY �1+ � t�make ccmpasdia�§ar . �---
<br /> . ott►er arrangemerds w1h�ebtoss 1n celaVon fhereto. _
<br />._ �� ` (c)F�rbearanco by Lender Ho!e Watvor.My farbearance by Lender tn euerctsing arJJ dght or re�nedy heteunder oi mih- ���;;:;`_
<br /> _ ��� erwise aftordad by appllpble taw.ahalt nat 6e a waiver of or predude tha exoretse of any eucb rtght or remedy.Tha prorirca- ; -
<br /> ,, ' � ..}:�, ment of insurance or the payment ot taxes at other Ilena or chargaa by Leader shaJl no10e a watver or lendefs dght 4o axete��.. ..;,:;<�_ "�`
<br /> .: :�.�,.`;'a.�,s�: ate the�1�uiry of the Inde6tedness secured by ti�la Deed of Trust - : .�,':`=
<br /> . _ -..h.Y.i y �' -`..f zr_.;.:
<br /> - �_:_:s:;`n�E, (d}SzsccQSSQrs and Asst g ns Bound:.toint�nd 3�veral L f a D f i t t y t C e p Uone.Tha covonen t s an d sgreemen T s h e r e fi ca� . :.":.. , ._
<br /> �`�� � fa�ad s"tfaD��l.and the dghts hereunQer shali Inura to,fhe�espective euccessara and essigns oi Lender and TnBGOr.I+i'x �.: �";"�
<br /> � �,ua�s�:¢!agreements ot Tnistor shall De joint an�f ssveral.The aaptbna end headings a1 the paragrephs oi this Deed aY F`�rt =
<br /> � � ;: ��'� ��.z�a�z�r zc�nvenfience oni�r and are not to ba used to interyret or define the proWstona hereof. �
<br /> �° ,., �� �. � �a)�uest for Nottces.The parttes hereby request Ehat a capy ot eny noiMs oi defauU Aereunder and e cagy af any rtottce �•: �F�;•.-=-
<br /> ds�ia i�a-e�der ba maited to each party to this Deed oi Tn�st at the aQdress set foAb ebave in the maru�er presc�ibed by t ,M::
<br /> ,�,;;, �ti�alaw.Exoept for any other noU�requirgd under eppl[t�ble iaw to be ghran in another manner.ertS►rwtice pravfded for �'. ,�,;�.:-
<br /> w���:•,z �d7si���ot Trust shaU be gtvan by maUing sucti noUce tiy oeAifled mail addresse4 to tho athe�parttes.a!the add�ass sei ��,:.-_:
<br /> -;;;;'�:�'f. `; �E°'�' : �rai#t}e�va.My nottce provfdad for in thts Oeed ot Trust shaU be efiacttve upon malitcq im ti�e manrter desi�tated heretn.li `YF°=
<br /> �T�'�.: - ���is�ace than one persan.notl�sent to the eQdress set foN�ebave shall be nWic�i O3ai1 sudt persons. �
<br /> , �Izr�aWon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable eMrieB upo�t end InapecUon9 ai the Ptoperly.provlded
<br /> ;� ". y�: thai�.�rnc}�sshaU gtve Tnistnr rtoUee prfor to eny such tnspect[an specii�ling reascnabte causa tlierefor retated to lenders tnier- . � �
<br /> estin�t�toperiy. t �
<br /> �? a t`� (g)Rrsoomreyar[ce.Upon payment M atl sums secured by this Oeed oi Trust,Lertder at�ail reqnest T�ustee to reoonvey tha ,. r��` --
<br /> ± ` .:a> Praperty and shati surrender this Deed oi Trust and atl notes evldenctng UQebteGaoss secured�y this Deed oi Trust to � <`��"�:_---
<br /> �� � �� '' Trustaa.Trtsstee shall reconvey the P�yeriy.without war�anty end withau!charge to the pers�n or parsons tegalty ent�ted �1.��
<br /> f �:,i
<br /> thelet0_TtuetO�SIYd11 eli CA�3ffi Of BOORfetiOQ�if e �� +"" .�.�"
<br /> k�� ; ` "�� (h)Pers�ai�topeRy:Security Agrearnant Aa addiUortal secudly fa lhe payment of the Note, Trustar here�y granLs ,�'��'
<br /> �,Mf� �. �;�': Lendar.uad�r��Nab�aska Uniform Commerclat Codg a aecuHry(nterest(n ell ltxNres.equlpment,and other personal pmperty '.��cY�J� �
<br /> _ • � used t�r x�an:se�F#a�s�h the reai estate ar impro�menb located thereon.an0 not othenvise dectared or daemad to tre a part of �.,__�_ =
<br /> � �.. tha rea�.as't�tesacnred hereby.This instrument shali be oonaUUed as a Security Agree�ttonC tmdet eeld Cade.end the LertQer , .�
<br /> �.�. sh�t fi�va a1!fha rtg�+ts and remedies o!a seaaed party under sald Code In additlon to ltt�a PTgt�tc�an0 ramedias aeated unQer -
<br />_ an1 ac�cQes!�a L�der pursuant to thb Dead of Tn�pmvtded that LenQets►ighb anQ remedles under thla paregrepA sfiaf{ -
<br />= ba.cnrnu�vs cvr�h;,�and an no Hray a Iimitation on.Lendars dghb and remedles under any othe�secudty agreament eigned by �_--
<br /> '� �� £�ar�+owaror�'cc+�: • -��;
<br /> (3�2am�IIn�E,rr�,mb,ances.Trustor he�eby warrants and�epresenb that there is np defautt unBer Iha pravt�!orta ot airy
<br /> : ��' � . � ma;{ga.ga de.ed of trust,Saasa or p�.u�fiass cantract des�xibing a0 cr erry part ot the PmpaRy.or other oontrad,(nabumeat or s -
<br /> C,�1
<br /> � ��� �� agreaTSt�nt cansi.`�ng s lierti or enqrmbrance agalnst al{or any part ot the Property(oollecttvety.'Ltens�,existln8 aa ot the �
<br />--':.�:�••::•,�,�s�s��;'�;:: :: d�:aa�'i3�isDee�d�#3mst.andMa! -
<br /> �%��r�'i ` = ten,��iiasure ot fians and encumb�ta�ces'pro�vlQ d tor here�in�Tn�istcr shall t mely peKm o�rmg 8 of Trustor'e oDli aqpns.
<br /> ����'v�` � � cavern�s repres�n3aUons and warrantles undar arry and a11 existing and tuture Lfens.ahail promptry forwatsd to LenQer cople� �
<br /> � . ���' - of af!n�li�es M default sent In connecHon with any and a0 existing or future tlens.and shaU not wHhout Lend9Ps psiat wdtten
<br /> - • � conserM tn arry manner nsodify the provistons of or atiow any future aQvances under any exJstJng or futura ttana. , _.. "•-•
<br /> . ' �Applicatton of Paymants.Untess othenv(se requi�ed by law.sums paid to Lender hereunder.tnctading vuithout Itm(teUon -4 :-
<br /> ' . , s payments ot pdncipal artd interes�Ir�surance procaeds,condemnattan p�aceeds and cenfD and protite,ohatl ba eppllBd by
<br /> ,1� ' �.�;j Y�+rj ,., LenQer to tha amounts due and oiMng frum Trustor antt Borrawer in suc�orQer as Lender U tts sa[e diIICretian Qeema desir-
<br /> , ;;}f�,;�rr!.�. . , �t(k�Severabitt ��tany provision of this Oeed of Trust eonflfcta wfth =
<br /> n►- appacab�e law or Is dedaced IrtvattA or otherwtse unera
<br /> ra T;- �„`.; t tor+oeabh�sucb c¢r��INct ar invaEldity shail noi sffeq the other provlstons oi this Deed ot Tnist or ftre Nate whtrfi cen be ghran
<br /> . efFe�i rust�ovt!��c��;4tc*�g nmv�s��n.and to fhis end the provislons oi tht�Oeed of T�ust and the NotQ are dadared tu Oe sciw --
<br /> . ;. •f es�Dre.
<br /> � '� Q�}Ta�ms.The csrm3'Tn�..a�'and"Qortawer sha(i inc(ude both singutar and piural.and when the Trustot Fsnd�ortower are
<br />�' �� �� tt�s�persan(sj,r�ss terfns as used in this Deed o!Trust aha0 be interchangeable.
<br /> - � �� . `. : . � (m��cveming f.�vr.This��aQ oitrust shail be govemed by the faws o!the StatO of(Jobraske.
<br /> _ • .. :�4�;` � ;
<br /> . . : ' ,! , .
<br />_ 7
<br /> _ � +
<br /> _ ' .
<br /> -- � � ' �
<br />-- � . .. � Se�hss exasx�ted thls Oeed at Trust as ot the da�mfiten abwe.
<br />- � ' � � ' �,�.rn.(1_. �V\ ��4,(�1�1 .
<br /> -' ' . JCa .,.:�t'� Trustor � � }i.;ati� Ttuator
<br /> :. �i n�. . . .
<br /> = , . ��.� �. .
<br /> . , �; �
<br /> '. • Trustor Trutitot
<br /> :-z ,
<br /> • ..� �. . :
<br /> . :. . . � ..
<br /> -. . .
<br /> - _ . .. _..__.
<br /> �... , . • � • _ .
<br />.,.: �
<br /> .. � —,--- ,,, �-,�f,...�1�� �„} � _ „� --
<br /> ._ . .,. ..""__":/�".—`i ._—`-+'•V�M. .+.k�,L a..:'!6S�a.Jii.. .. . ..._,4c+i�n .._ .,, - �- '- - -_.._ �..+ -- . . ,�T _,. ,,. � 5 .. , .;_.. _,.s: . r� ''. , .. :!i.��. ..�-
<br />