y. _� � Tr��:t. _ ,'l:i.f. . � �.i.`2�.�� _ � _ .
<br /> -V X�l .ii.7'. _ _ ' A. L�.- ) c' - �7 1 L ` .l.�'YS. ,O
<br /> ':i
<br /> . ' i'f _ ��y.���' . . . .. .. ' '.—�--'C.:c]� — , . /`— _ - ' L - �...� � :f.-' .
<br /> . r . . .
<br /> - � -'.7. r ... . ..�. ._ . _. ._ ,. ' ! - 3.
<br /> `c'_ ' ` - . .,`:J�.�'r^ ��s F :n .-
<br /> _-:� , . t. . -�.c _ r. �}_:c . .•._„'f�':,:_�..-. - - '
<br /> .��y:__.�=...�.--T--'--=�—�—". i
<br /> -$' _ ".c`' 'y � ' ._,... _ 'c- -�...._-c...=...�.._,_.._:..-`---�----- �. '
<br /> - -�.�_,-;:i:s` - - "` --^ ' ' _ 3i" ``��' . '�.
<br /> _ �.
<br />.. :.-.-._=�� -- - - - -
<br /> � .. `.�=, ,..u� ;F�.. � `:�
<br /> �t����� ' ' 97� ��� . . ,:.ss . � , .
<br /> � ;° , �. .n °.C�.Y rt.� ` - :�•
<br /> ` `� ' , ,p�ceeds)in aonnec�ton with conde�ation ar otfter taking oi the Property or paR thereut.or fir conveyance tn Ilau M conderns�ation. .•u;<�ti•�".+ �. �
<br /> Lender shall be ent[Ued at its aptFon to oommenoe.appear in and proseaite in Its awn name�nY ae�on or proceadD►Ss�and sl�0 aiso i ; �t•:
<br /> `.,� ,�`�'�'-� be entitted to make ar►y corr�promise or setttement in connectIon with such taking or damage.tn tha evertt any pertton ot the Rroperty(s ":,�c .. �`
<br /> ' � � so taken or damaged,Lender shatl hava the opUon in its sote and absotute discietion.to aPP�Y�$u�pt0�� �r dedur.ttrtg 't � , 4
<br /> , , ther�efrom all aasts and expenses incurtad by R in oonnectian wid�such ProoeeEs.upon any indebtedness secured hereby a�d�tn s� ' ` ,. �
<br /> -`� ,, (`�` , .`�: order as Lender may detem�ine.or to apPty all such Praveeds.after such deductions.to the restnraflon ot the ProPertY W ,Y�.� • �F`� ;
<br /> � , dtions as Lender may detennine.My appikation af Praceeds W lndebteMess st�tl not extend or postpons the due Qate oi any pay-
<br /> • � � . ments under the Note,or cure erry detautt thereunder or hereunder.Any unapPged fimds shaU ba paid to TrusOor. : �+<`•�
<br /> �� �-. 8.Performance by Lender.Upon the ooairtenca oi an Event oi Qetault hereunder,ot ii any act ts tatcen ar�sgat proteedin9 �.
<br /> "�Y cpminence�whfich matarialty aftects Lenders tnterest in the P[apeKy.Lender may in its own discreUon,bu!wl�out obiigaUon to do so. � ��'°���
<br /> =�.�,,-�.-.�.� •
<br /> t-,�. an d w�hoc�t noiica to or demand upon Tnistor and without releastng 7rustor irom any obAgatlon,do any act which 7rustor has agreed
<br /> . :�,`. but{aited to do artd may also do any ofher act it deems necessary to proted the secimty hereoL 1'n�Or shaU, t m�m a d t a t e t Y u0� �ti;
<br /> � ` � • demand therefor by Lender.pay to Lender all oosTs and expensas incurred and sums expended by Lender in conneGton with the exer• .
<br />- � '. ,�. c i sa by L ender ot the fa r+e goin g dgtt�.iagether with interest therean at tha default rats ProvMed in the Note.wtilch sh$II be added to r.�:' y _ c.°• .
<br /> �€.•`;, t h e i ndebtedness secured hereby.Le.��rzr shaD noi incur any liabii�ly b..�ause oi anything it may da or omlt ta do hereun der. ; t
<br /> - 9.Hasardaus Mate�tals.Tntsto►sAali tceep the Property ia r�a.11ance u+ath al!applica6te laws.o r d inan�s a n d r e 3�lauons f "` � ; .
<br />- �` : re€aUng to indusMa!hygtena or environmental pmtedion(ooltect�rs'►�,.'s;�3�s�sein as'Environmentai Laws�.Trustor shaU keep •.`s _" -
<br /> .r�,;;,- ..�
<br /> - the ProPeriy ftee from aU•ss�bstances deemed to 6e harardous or to,.�'"c• x :�:�C-�vironmentai Laws(coUectivety referted W herein � ,_`• -
<br /> - . ''<-�1 as'Hazanious Mateda(s'�.Tcustor de#+by warra�ts am!represe�''i�t���er�`���no Hamrdous Matedafa on or unQer the r:; :
<br /> �' ' •:3. Property.Tn�sOOr hereby agrees to tr�:i�jt and hotd harmiess i_%��its direcmis.afBcers.empioyees and agents.end a�l succos• �'.��
<br /> K .:`<, sors to Ler�ders InLerest.irom and a�a�s a�y and sll datms.��s.�osses and liabDiUss arising in wnnedton w3th the presence. . .r .� °
<br /> ' � use.disPosal or transport of any Haza.�3a�:��1fL32�ia'fs aa��!��**�or about�.Pcoperty.THE FOREGOtt�(i WARRANTIES AND `�`�
<br /> . . ..°.-_,;�. �ECAM/EYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. all pteser�t.tittuto and '' `�:��` • ��'
<br />� . - � >�_�issignmer�t of Rents.T[��r bereby ass�to l....�^:�and�arY�it�n��seaidty interest in. �` . -� .z��
<br /> :�i�; •�,
<br /> �° ' after ari�ri,�sents.issues and proftts d•T.'�a PropeRy:p..v'Q3ed�uf T��stor shail.anbl ths�xu�srce ot an Event of OafauR,hereunQer. . ,t :.
<br /> %•�. �., H =:, have the�t to ooited an d ce t a lp su�t o�.i s s u e s�:,�p r c�t s a s±S r e y b e�a m e d u e a r t d p a��2 6 F e.U pon tha occurcence ot an Event ot i,`' ':-�::.�
<br /> to "
<br /> .=,� <`'�s.�:_
<br /> qetaut��ender may.elther in psrsoa os by agent,s�►�:ar with°�i Drtnging arry adfan or proceeding.or by a reoehrer appointed bl►a :;�.
<br /> ` �;� L, ', , •
<br /> � 'S+.�. �;..;:;r° caurt and without regasd to the adequatiy oi ib sQCa�i},enter upon and taks possassion oi the Property.or arry paA theteoi,in Ns atim ,.: �
<br /> __."-.�..ec.f:iSti�' .:
<br /> �7�:��i4kp�;fs�;q'�3¢aV°::.-;:'f,`. name or tn the name ot the Trustae.a�d du any a�which R deems neoessary or dssirable to presesve the vatue.madcetabifi4y or - ...�•:�,
<br /> - � rentabillty of tRe Property.or any pzs•*-�`re�eoi or interest iherein,or to increase the tncome therefram cr protect tAe seairity heteoi and. .�.*�'�-
<br /> .�:<a�u�J r..�y,.,.,- • %�.��.
<br /> .%.���'�:.:,��� wtU►or�ithout tatcing possasston o#�a�toDerty►•sue tor or otheiwise oollect the r�ents.iss�ces and Profib thereot.induding those Past �A. ' �t.
<br /> .. . , ....•:�;.r� due an0 unpaiA.bY notitytn9 tenant�ta make paym�nts ta Lender.Lendar may appiy rents.tssues snd pco�ts.less cosb and expens- r _r
<br /> " �� `=� es af aperdtion an�wi;.'�tion induding attoma7�s�aas.to any indebtedrtess secured hereby,a0 in suct�order as Lender may det8r- ;, �
<br /> - - '���i� mine.Tl�a enterirtg npo�a and taking possessto�i�'t�a t�operty.the coUectton c�s�ch�rents.issues and profis.and the appliradan . `,
<br /> .:' � ;;i�i
<br />-;r. . tneredt a's afiresatd sha8 not cure or waive any da�cilt cr naUoe oi defauit hes���er or imielidate any act done in response to suc�+ �V>Y '
<br /> �� ` •, deta�cn�ursuant to such noUoe a`r d�fauR asr�n.,^_wi�*standtng the oontinuance in possr'�sion ot the property or tha colledion.
<br /> _ ," '�;,,. d ht ded tar in eny ot the ,.:�-',
<br /> • ;'..;.,:,._��, - .,
<br /> :..:ao,-,..;;,_ receipYa:cd�aPPlicaUon ot rents.issuas asr proftis,�c.s5�a ar3!�r sha11 be entitted W exe:tis�everY 9 P� :
<br /> • -,°.�;.,,.. ` .
<br /> , ''-:"�=' ��" Loan I�enffi or by!aw upon oa�nce cF�I��"�a�II�.�incfuding without Umita�tise right to exerctse the power of sa!e. �E�. .;r�
<br /> f..:.°' �'-P,. '-.�.+
<br /> .�'; �'. `�,,,�.;Y.;: Furthet Lenders righ9s�d remedies under thls��h shaQ ba cumutaUve with,and in no�ray a I�mitadon on,Lender's rights and :��
<br /> '•��`��'� remeQtes under arry assig�ment ot teases and rems recurded against the PropeRy.Lender.Trustee and the receive►shail be Qab1s to •
<br /> } ," `,�;. acoount onry for those rents actuaUY cecetveA. _. �'� �u
<br /> '� 1 1.E v e n t s o f O e t a u l t Th e f c�o e i n g s h a11 ccnstitute an Evard af Detault under thls Qeed ot Tnist Y�L ;�"�.`':
<br /> � (a)Failure to pay any instaltment of DdnciPal or inte[est or any other sum seai�ed hereby w h en due; ,�<�_ ,_
<br /> " . • (b)A breach oi or default under any provision contained In the Note.this Oeed of Trus�t.atry oi the Loan inshumenb,or an�► �=
<br /> = � ��',•.' other lien o�enwmbrance upon the Pmperty; ��. � d t ,1 a�.
<br /> • ��,..
<br /> �• (c)A wdt ai execuUon ar attachment or any s im i tar pm c e s s s h a t l b e e n t e t e d a g a t n s t T n i s t or whlch shati beaoma a lien on ,. .---
<br /> `' t�se Pro periy or arry poNon thet8ot or interest therelo; .`��" � -
<br /> (Q)There sha0 be flied by or against Trustot or Borrot�er�n adton under any preser2 or fuwre tederal,state ot o t Aer s t a t u t e. �T_ �.,
<br /> •� + � Faarvor regutattan relaUng to b2cJ:auDtcf►.insolvency or e(�rts cotiei for QeDtore:or therv�r be appotnted any truatee.resetvor or _-
<br /> � Pmperty.or the rer+ts,issu2sa��ro8tslhereoL or TrusWr or Bomawer ��;
<br /> Bquidator ot Tcu�ar or Borrave�ror oi aD os�,r�y�t af�,a
<br /> � ' � � shatl mak0 anyt g�.�netal assfignment for ttts I��sr�t of creditors; -
<br /> + � � . . �:
<br /> _ . (e)The sale.transfer,lease,assignme;YL earrveyance or further encumbrance ot ail or�p�t ot or eny tnterest in the ��. � T,�—.
<br /> • � . . ' „,:r.� properly,either vofunteflty ca irnrotuntarity.without the express written consent of L�naer:Cn�vi�d that Tn�stor shatl be pertnit ���-�°__
<br /> ' '` � ted to execute a tease ot th�C�erty that does not wntain an opUon to purchase atu�r:we term oi wlilcb does not exoeed one .R l
<br /> . , � r Year, -
<br /> , . � (�Abandonment ot the Ptoperry;or ,
<br /> � � .;.'' -: ,;ti.�ti � (g)Ii Trustor is not an lrtdividual,the I��nce.sa�e.transfer,a��e��e�.�nveyanco or encumbrance of mors than(it a
<br /> wrporaUon)a totat of percert oT its issued a�d autsten�isrc��cJc,or(it$ partr�ership)e totai ot__,,,per- •
<br />_ ',::;4:' oa�t ot parMership interesta.or(i!a tlm(ted Uabttlty wmp�ny)a toml of Peroent o1 the limtted(lability oompa- . . '
<br />'`-��.�'°.` . . .�,,,:;::.. rt�.ir�torests or voting dghts during tha Veriad this Deed aC trw-t remains a lian on tte l3�DertY• . . .,;
<br /> 3�
<br /> - � � � �> w�.�amodies;Acceteratlon Upon OefaWt M the ev�C ag arry Evertt at t�efault ter�r rnay,without noUce except as reqnired
<br /> � � � by tav+.dectare a0 indebtedness secured hereby to he due znC�ayable art�t�ms same sha�l a:"sareupon become due an0 payaEte wlth- . .
<br />__ . � • y;.;�`,r,, out any presantmertt,demand.pmtost or rtotice of sny klnd.Thereafter LerSe�cis�l: �: . � •
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustea eaercise the POWER OF SALE grante�[vE�iri,and Tnastee ahall thereafter cause Trustor's inter- �.
<br /> =_ .,`:i,::,;,�.,,,,�.,;: �(b)Euorcis0 anY and aB etr�ts P orv�tded to�n erty cC�d�oa'n tr�'r�neats ax�flefawnupon ac�c�wrrenoa of a�y Even oi �
<br /> _ .-�:..
<br /> _= Qelsul�an4 •
<br />��=;:,1°.° � " • (a)Comm�an aciton M foredase t�tJ GJeed ot Tn,;s�as a rnartg�,�point o r�ceiver,ar speclflcatly enfocee eny ot the . . .
<br /> • � c�venanta ha�R.
<br /> ° No temedy hereln oonYerred upan ot resetved ta�'�i�s or Lertde�is inter,��to be exefusive of eny uther remedy herein,in ihe 4oa� .
<br /> = . . in the I.aan tnsWmentps or oov�or here RuaextsUng etstaw or tst c�s;i?�y�r by statute,'and m8y be exer�ed ooncurfentty,indep�de Uy , ..
<br /> �'`" ot succesivety. .
<br /> Y • .� � ,.. 13.Taateo.The T�ustee may resign at any time wlthout cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a suc-
<br /> ` � �� oassor or substyttute Ttustee.Trustee shap not ba liabte ta any party.including without Iimltatlon Lender.Botrower,Ttustor ar any puti
<br /> ut
<br />