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c <br /> I <br /> ht ' ,� .f����'��r C{r}4.� i�!'fYf�r� .. �� �- tj�y <br /> t'{ j � J r t � i n-� - .. . _ _ . :.�r . . <��t ,. <br /> y� ri��-°�`.�_ ' /`�� s �y,. '�.�. _-. -e. ,,.rt- . ... - ,-:-- . - ��: <br /> I �,.«�.......,....____.,.._.�...____<._ ...�_..___... .. . - --_ _..-_., . ._.---°- <br /> `:. �;� <br /> -- �' <br /> 92--- �.0�99�� <br /> 4� Hirc,i•7eotl and Olher Hwttd Insunncr.6orrower sLtll(nsurc all improvenun�s nn thc Proptny, x�c��cr now in <br /> - J exlstcncu cr subseqnqidy emvcd,agxitut any h.var&,casualqcs,a�d rnmingcncia, Including firo, for xfiich I.endor rcquires <br /> insunnce. 7Ms insurmia stull Ix nuimaincd in �hc amounu nnd fm dio pcd�ds �ha� Lender rcqu(rcs. }Sorrowcr shail also <br /> Insure all Imprpvcmcros on thc Propcny,witciher now in exiricncc or subsa�ucmly eruud,against loss by Oonds to�hc extrnt <br /> ��ulrtd by thc SarGnry. All Inwrenco shall be cattial �vlih companics npprovcd by LenAcr.'Ihc irovnnce policics nnd any <br /> renexals sLall Iw held by Lendcr and sho11 Inciude Ioss payxbl¢clauses In fnvor oG�nd In a fomi axcp�ab!o to,I�cnder. � <br /> �� in�ho cvcnt of Ioss,Aortower shnil givc I.enACr imnudiatc nalco by mafl. Lendcr may makc proof of loss if not madc <br /> prompdy by 6onon�er. L'ich insumnco mmpany rnacerr.od Is huc6y authodv.ed and dtrccted to malce p.�yment for such loss <br /> Eirxlly ro I.cndcr,instead of to Borrouer znd to Fair3:r Jointly. All or nny pan of the insuran�;Q[omc4s may be.pplitd by <br /> Lrr.dzr, at fu option,eitt�xr(a)to the mlection of U:e irdetcedncss under the Nae and thi4 S.cvricy[astruntm.e,fim to any <br /> drlim,:rnt am�uuts applied ia tFr.on?er in garagrsgh 3,and rhen�o perpxYnrat of principai.or @1 w@e restonx[on or reyair <br /> --. of tht diauged Property. Any a,npiication of tM pnx� ta �he princiTal ct;Al na extaeul or qostpone the dce d�te oF tlr _. <br /> � . monthly na�nr,ms�+hieL are re.ferced to irt pc+r�eraph 2,or change�he r.aioent of such payrrertts.My exmss invtrar.�p[ocrads <br /> =-`:%� over an anvunt n9Jiirtd to pay ail outslanding in�tDtainess under the tda..and this S:ruriry inunameu sbalt 6e paid to tt:� <br />�--= rntitylegnllycntldad�hcrcto. � <br />� In the evcm nf forxlosure of this Ser.eriiy Irmrumem or aher tnncfcr of tiqc m �hc ProP:.ny tLal cx�inguishcs th; - <br /> --' fndeblcdneu.atE ri,h�,�iAe and interat of Pc�rmaer in and to insuronce p.ili:iu in force shall pass n,thc purchaur. <br /> =`==� 5. Occuiw�xy, Prcservatbn, Mxintenance und �'untection ot the Propertys BorroKer's Iuan A��14cution; - <br /> - I.euseholds. 6o�mwer shall oeeupy,eswblish,and use ft:r Feepeny as Dorrower's pdncipal residenee within aiay A�rys aQer =- <br />�— the exceution of Sk:�Secumy Instrumem and shall mmintx nf a�ccupy�Ae Propeny ac Rorrox�er's principal residence Ior at leact = <br />-,`--a one ycar�Rer th Aau of ottupancy,untus the Sccrnary i)eunninu ihis raauirement wlll causc mxlxc hanlship for Borrowor, <br /> "3� or uniess extenuaFeg circunvctances exisl �vhich are L•eynnA Ilorrower's mmrol. Dorrotvtr shaU nolify Lenden of any <br /> :_`;� extenuatfng ctrcunutenca. 6oROx�er sh�ll not comnut�t-r.xc or destroy,d�mage m•sn6seinUally ch�nge tho Propeny or aliow _ <br /> -�, '.`�7z the Propeny to detedorate, rcnso:rible wear and lear exce�+:eA. Lcnder may inspcct ttse ih�peny if�he Properfy is vacam or _ <br /> ,�,;## abandoned or Ihe loan is in def:mh. Lender r.av �aie xr�nnabie nciion to pro1M zx�t prckrve such vaeant or abandoned � <br /> �,'`r� Propeny. 6orrower shall also be In defuult it"Bn;coaer,during�he loan applica�lon procr�,gavm mr,xr;�tily falx or inaccura�e <br /> ,_��e• infomia�Ion or statements�o Lendcr(or faiCat m provide I.ender wl�h any material infortnvionl is oxir.ectlon w(th the losn -' <br /> rt�� cvidrnccd by tlm i:utc. incluJing. Lui mA ii�iuiid iu. icp[ciudaiimw a��ioxiidTi$ QJRJFii'c�iG".rn+.j a�i fhc FiG-y22f'ei o - . <br /> ,;y�..� principal rtntdctu.. If this Sccuri�y InslrumcN Is on e Ir.s�haYJ, IIo:�o�rer shall rnn;p!y ai�h thp rro�islons d tk•lcau. If _ <br /> --_`j-`- Oonowcr acquires(cc�idc ro�he Propeny,thc Icaxhold nr.:1 Cve tiilc sha11 cm be mcrgrd nnkss Lene�cragrecs m tln merger in -- <br />^?�:�L'� wriUng. - - <br />_:eY'"F'a =-. <br />..:t'.1���� _ <br /> <��`���"� 6. Charges �o Dormxar and Prottttfon of Lendcr's Rights in r,k-r 5'roperty. 4s.rcower shall pay all gorernmenlal or - <br /> �����ey} municipal charges, fines and impnsiiions�hat arc no�includal in paragmph 2. Dorro��rr shall pay �hese abliga�fnns on�ime � <br />�=:1��'•.. Cinrody ro�he eml�y which is o�s.d the paymem.It failurc�o pay wauld adversely a(fal l.endcr's Interes�in the 1'roperty,epon = <br />-�','�,t_�� Lcnder's reqeat Dortmrcr s6a11 promptly Porainh�o Lendcr rcceipts e��idcncing thesc paymcros. �.�;_ <br /> f^. <br /> '� - It IIorrower falls to make these p:qmec•r.x ur the paymenis required b;:fumgr�ph 2,or fails ro pertorm nuy othtt eo�•emms �'° <br /> "'+#�� and agrcenKr.�s cantaincd in�his Stturi�y Instrument.or ttKre is a legal promcding�hal nuy signiftcantly sffcct iRr+.;er's rigT�a �"! <br /> ����- in�he Propeny (such as n proceeding in banAm}�cy,for cmdemnation nr m enfnrce laws or regula�iuns), then Len.+r_�ma��do � <br /> r a�d pay�vhatever is necessary �o protec��he vr.lue of�hc Propeny anA's rights in dte Properly,including qa�`rar.t of i,�� <br /> {�� �ucs.hmard Insunacc and oiher i�cros m.�ai�.�d in pamgraph 2. F"-� <br /> t� �' <br /> ',:a k,j Any amoums disbursoA b� Lcncfer under�his pansraph shall Mcome an addiiina.�1 de6t uf 6orro���er and h ucured by _ <br /> �,� �his Securiry Insuument.Thesr.;,noums shall Ixar in;cra�from�he da�e ot disbur.unxo:.a��he No�e ratt, and e�the optlon of - <br /> �ti�� Lender,shall bc Immcdlately due and payable. <br /> _� <br /> r--yl�� 7. Condcamallon. Thc promds of any award or daim for damages. dircc� or mnscqurn:n!. fn ronntttian with any . <br /> `�,�� mMemnatioa or othcr taking of any pan o(U�c Propnp,or(or mnreyance in place M�m^drmnavon,arc hereby aaigncd and �.` <br /> - shall bc paid lo Ler.dcr m thc extent of the full amour.t of�hc indeMedness tha� remamx n�Fuid under tlx Note nM c:n>Sccurity L'- <br /> Irtslmmenl. Lender shall appiy such pramds lo Ihc r.dutlinn nhhe indchtedness under�he Nule and Ihis Sccurip�1�ulrunten4 <br /> ��,+�;-?� firs� �o any deEim�:ent amounts appiicd in the order provided in pnr.:er.�ph 1, ��� then to prepaynxnt of principaL Any �;=• <br /> -" xpplica�ion nf thc proa�cdi w thc principal s6a11 no� extcnd ur �ws�p+rh ihc Juc Jalc of�hc �m�mhly paymcr.�s, which nre i;� <br /> �1 �'• �-0fIMEI �+o�oo�e -.: <br /> _ t:i s >.,:. <br />,;"�rs* :: <br /> f f,. s'_ <br /> A.. <br /> :r,l.i:�'' �l/� <br /> . 7} �TV�7}�1 )T��F:!Tl—c— �^9c:•r r.r^.:t�ai�ni���xt � . r, . .._/.��.-•,il".:-ira::'° 'lt _�L ,'a c` `SZr{ if i ;-. <br /> {b ���(!I 1 i � i _ - � i-' [$.. *S}�tt� � IS;.t � �r.F1 i . �'�:�IS.� * <br /> * s - �'l�tk �;li. _ . _ . . . ` l��. <br /> ., '- .- :. . . " . . <br /> '.___. ._'�1`�.. -4.-... ..._ ' _ ' " � ._. —�_ "_ ' _'_!"_ "tie. <br /> ' _ _ - '_ __'. __ r " . .��.i__ <br /> - - ' . :!. �i.. . __ .. . . <br /> �4 . <br /> * +. . _ ..v Nl 5�- _ "� . . <br /> � i : • <br /> �' <br /> t `�° , � ri y)l. _ " _ . _ � _ . <br /> .�i�'y+ '�1. -. . .- ' . � . , <br /> f 4 <br /> i/ t( r�1� _�i�. . - - � � - . .. . . <br /> q Aq-: j�r _ � tt i , -. . . . . _ . . . _. <br /> r�g�( . . .. . � <br /> k �V ;`r +; . . , . <br /> �` �{� : � <br /> }JS�� t . " _�` . Y� . . <br /> YR� _ _ - �S'- - Y�s! V �. � . <br /> �l <br /> SS <br /> '4t 4 �i! P _ _ _ ' - _ <br /> F <br /> t ' � 4 1 - { :vl . .. js . _ 1.. <br /> t+.`3�� . �� r{1s FY ta�.,� 7i.° 4r . .. � . .s.:.l, . . ... . ' ... , . _ t �0.}i39:1�. . .. _ .._ . <br />