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�1-`fJ ie� ����.at--�,J� � .�. ref�':. <br /> , <br /> 1 t � t tt�• I�� -{ - � � . <br /> � �.f.� �J,t t �.r �. . _ .. . <br /> ••..C_�\ ��Sf.v�v'7�r-.+ns5'll'uc��.'B�icW -. +w'1�%ks'h�?ei:i.l`'�MiaL'J/kRYT�'CK+ -.- . -.r � <br /> _ ._.�__' ". ...._... ' " ..._._._�. ... _. _.__� :: <br /> Q� 2p�A8!� <br /> TO(3IfT8[iR W!7'tl atl tlx improvamoms now nr httaQer uated on �ho�propEl[y ud alI wunxrda, rigtus, <br /> ��nttu��as.rcnts,roynl�ip,m6r_rei,oil and gas righ�a and profits.wamr rig]ns and stock atd all fixturcs iww or horeafttr x <br /> part ot the propeny.All rt�inttnxnts a:xl nAdi[tons ihali atm 6o covercd by this Security Insuumuit. All ot the torcgoing Is <br /> rckmd tu in tl�is Saudty Inimmxnt as tho"Property." <br /> 80RROWRR CQVIiNANTS Iha�Onrmx•er Is Imvfi�lly selsed of iLc n�atc hcrcby mnvcytd and has�ho dgM lo grant and <br /> mmey dw Prnperty n�xl thet the Propeny is unoncumUcnd,czeep for c�xvmbnnca ot rcconl. Hotmu•cr wnrcams nnd will <br /> defenJ ganrally ihe�Ido to tha Ptopeny agains�all elaims and demaois,wbJect W any ercumbrz�es of remM. . <br /> L r�yn,G,i ar r��a�i,Intercsl and Imte Cliprqe.Mrtmeer shall poy�vhen dou Uu pdncipal of,nnd tnterut on,thc <br /> de6t evidenttd by tho Nnto m�d lato charges duc undcr tho Notc. <br /> 1. MonlMly Pnnncnls at Tnxcs, Jnn�rnnca nnA Olhrr Ch�rga. Qormwcr shall includo in cac6 mor.ihly paymcN. <br /> together with tha pdncipal end interes�as sG forti�in the No�e And any Iate charga,an Installment ot any(a)taxes and speclal <br /> asscssmen�s Ievled or to be Icvled ngainst tlio Propeny, (L) ia�schold paynsnts or ground renes on �ho Propeny, a.rcl (c) <br /> przmiums for insurenco rcquired by pamgnph 4. <br /> 4'�ch momhiy Installment for items(a).@),and(c)shall a�nal onrtu�e11t1�of the annuni anwunts,u r:asvos§Iy rstimated a- <br /> by lander,pius an anwunt su�lcient m n�almain an�ddi�lanal bnlonce of not morc than one•sixih uf tho eiti�ed amaunts.'the w. <br /> fuli annuai anwunt Por each item shall be aocumuia�ed by I.cnder within a pericd enAfng one month beforc an item woutd <br /> become delinquent. [.erder shall hold the amoums collececd in wst to pay items (n), (6), ar.�f (c) cetore they ixeooK <br /> delinquent. <br />� If at any timc ihe total of�hc paymems held by Lender for ilenu(a). (6), nnd (c), ccze¢her �L�i�h �2+.(uturo n:onthly <br /> paynxnts for such items payabte to Ler.ACr prior m the duc dates of such items,excecJs by morr�han one-six�h the estinuted � - <br /> anwunt of paymems required to pay sach itens when due,and if paymems on the Note are currcne, then Lender shall either -� <br /> rcfund Ihe excesx ovcr one-sixth of Ihe atimatetl pa��nxms or cndi� tM1e excess over one•sisih o(�he estimated paymems to <br /> subscqucnt pv�mems by Donower,a��hc opdon nt➢ormwcr.If the mtal of tlie paynKnts madc hy IIovower for iiem(e).(b), ___ <br /> or (c)is insuffirixra m qay the item when due, then 6orcower shall pay m Lender any amounl necessary to make up du = <br /> deficiency un nr hefse ahe da�¢the item becames due. <br /> As uscti In�his�Stctze.y inswment, "Secre�ary" meanc�he Secrciary ui Houaing unJ U�uaii Derc�vpiic��t ar his ar Ye: <br /> deslgnce. in any ycaf:ia whkh�he Lender must �u.y�a mongage insumnm premium to thc Socretnry,c:nf� momhly payment .-. <br /> shall alm Include ehher.Qi)an inaallmtnt utthe annu�I mongage insuranee premium�o be paid by Lender�o�te Secre�ary,or <br /> (fl) a momhly ciiarge Insiead of n v; inatirnnca premium it thfs Securi�y Gisimmem ic held by �he Secrc�ary. Cach ;_: <br /> monthly inslallmcm of�hr mm�gage iaaa�ne premium shall h. in an amount sufficfen��o aaumulatc the PoII annual mortgage - <br /> Insuronce prcmlum�vith Lxndtr onc mon'�i prior to t@e da�e�he tull annual mongagt insurance prcmium is due to die Sccrc�ary, _ <br /> ar if�his Security Insimmzm is held by the Secreaary. each momhly charge sM1all ba in an amoum tqual �a ono-twelRh of - <br /> one•6alf permnt of�he oms�anding prtncipal balance due on�he Note. — <br /> If Borrower tenders m l.ender�he(ull payment of all xums secered by this Securi�y Ins�mment. Dorrower's eccour.�shnll <br /> bc eraditcd �sit6 the balancc remaining for all ins�ellmenu for i�emc (a), (bL nnd (c) and any mortgage insurana prer.ciu:n <br /> tnstallment that Ixnder Fu not bzconx obligated �o pay to ihe Secrcmry,and 1.enAcr shall promp�ly m(und any excess funAs�o - <br /> 13orrower. Immediatcly pdur to a forc.losurc salc of[::z Propeny or its acquisition hy l.cnder, C^rmwr�'< �n.mnt shall be - <br /> crcdiced�vith any l�l,vcc rcn�aining tor at1 inc�allmer.n for irems(a),(b),and(c). - <br /> 3.App:icnlion of Pnymenlc, 11(�uy rxms undcr paragraphs I and 2 shall bc applicd tn L:rdcr as follows: <br /> �irst,w the mongmgr inswance pmmium to be paid by Lender�o�he Secre�ary or w the nwmhly charge by the Sttrctary � <br /> instead of�he momhly mongaec intiunr.ce prcmium: <br /> Second.�o any�axts,sp.cial :�unments.Ieasehold paymenu or ground rcms,and �rc.Ilood and other h;vard insnrance - <br /> prcmiums.�u rrquirecl: _ <br /> Third,�o interes�ci��;under�he Note; - <br /> �ourlh,la amoni�.�lion of Ihc principal o(Ihc�rcr: _ <br /> fi(th,io Ivc charges dut undcr ihr hoic. - <br /> y�a<nC�e� �.x:ma .. <br /> ,_�_ ..c:at�_:.T�-r:.:�n;tras,. x• _vp�:�;h;:-: -. . <br /> �,i2'. . . . . .... - .. - . - a7,v �� �„ :., r _ ':�'•:�1i�f)?: iL.°-'_ <br /> o- } . t.:. ... �. , �-- �:.y. >fl...:}iT �' Rd°4:.P: ;y�ia 'S -. <br /> y � . . . _. . <br /> ��l i� _ _ . _ _'�r .. <br /> .dh.,_.. .��a'."�..:�._._ . - , .. _ _ . <br /> , {� _ '_,__.. 2 _ _ . . . _ . <br />_ -_.���;V�.P__,_ . �:-�:. - . <br /> - " _ - ..i' : . . <br /> __':�'ii,»: - .• ..' .- , . . 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