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y i � ': = ; T S : i f ;�re : <br /> � � � �� � � � < FI�r �Y . - ��r �t �tl�-^J�M1xi"d�4i� _-�Yk/ tif� . <br /> . . .�;,.s.}'.tc,.:.�.�:5�.�,awv.c:......aa,�,:u�,,:::tt>�.y.�v.n.:>.oa� ��—_.. _.___..._..-_ <br />,'et'Z:ii`3}�ti5 <br /> wl�:ir,_�'y�_ <br />�Y v>i n M or p�tl ol Ih� fYoANry. a� beneFtW NlKnl N a WIt 6wnNp �E a P�+� ol lh� PropPty, Ir sNd a <br /> -"'£ ' � othMNile tiiNlMfM(OIhM Ih1n by dev11�Ot tNtaM)by lhe AottaxM.NJ <br />:a_`inSY <br />-�*.��4,`3� p)The PropKty is nol ouupNd 6y the purch�ad or qnnta as hN a hK pMic{p+l r�Ndincs,or thr pmchuK a <br /> '.�'-,;,^-�t. qr�nlN doff �o uapy tht Ropxry. bul Als or ha aedl M� not M�n NM�ov1d N �teer�,i,ic� w;�� tye —_ <br /> ��a« � rM�rn�np ol th�lNuM�'. .. . �r•,�•:"•nt°i . <br /> `:'3"�';.r�r (C) NO W�iW�. I! drwmfNncn occur th�t woNd P� tmder to re�te hYn1�1�;�p�iMi1Y�.1SAF��1tt,��n <br /> �3�-a,� -• � d»s�Ot��quY�fuCh(Hym�nis,Lmdtt does nol w�Ne Ea�iqhlt wRh�Hpfd Io f�pf�Ml evMW}y�����,h��ps� ��r� -- <br /> 'r (d) R�putFt(ont ol HUD 8�Onl�ry. In «any Wwm�unrn nyuNtiontihwW:?iS1%�'SfqMry'r�+'�of � <br /> ' �� - ` Lendeis rM�hte,N me caee o�Myment de��uus, io requYe Nvncda:a p�ymenl N 'NTifiY foredot0 X not W1d Th1s .- - � ,=-, <br /> `1 ��tj„��; O &curlry Instn�menl do�7 no1�uthoAxs�ccelenqon or laedoture M not pem�MCd by tepv4tions ol the Seaetuy. r�-} � � <br /> �p+b�`a;(� � p) Mortg�gs Not� Infund. Uonowef�qreos tlul shouW thls 9wurXy InsWm�n1+nd Ih�NoU��cur�d Ihxeby ��s._, ,,� � �.:. ._ <br /> r i�sr,''i�.;ri� � nol b� OCpNb fot Insw�nc! unEa the N�llonN HousN9 Ad x?ihN 9D davs hom the d�le hereol, ; , �i h. +_- `. <br /> �'�i<-.¢•,¢¢i� � Ltoder riuy, al Ms oplion and nonvXhslmdny anylhN9 M p�nqnPh 8.raquYe Immocl'rle p�ymonl h ful ot�I mura � r r .�� - <br />�,E';�+ 9 i,,y (� securwl by 16IS 9ecurXy Instrument. A wrNlen sLitern�nl of�ny aWhalzW �pent ol Ih�Secreury d�t�d suhoaqrant .rt '+ z �.._ <br /> ".�;_ (r� lo�Q��yy,�,_ hom lhe dat4 R2r¢of, dx:mY+y Io Nsure Ihls &aiNy ImWmenl ar.d Ne !!oU aacvmd .: �, ;�c r::y,,�.'. <br /> - r . ��?: thxeh�, fR�E be tleemetl canc4sha pact oP scoh hetyt,ddy. Notwnhs��ndny ihe loroqchig Ws op"wn m�y rA: bx ��.« �- <br /> '' l ' EiYtl3td Ey LRfidPf WhM i1:r 1.Y;td3dL�y 07 hS.Ydfit!It 301N/CUO 10 LMdN�3 1�7:tS LO fMT3!1 ff.CR�'y1SQ S13'A'ulCi '�i� � ,3_�_ �� � <br /> i�F -; � prtersFJm i0 lhe S¢a4•.uY- +t.���c .� t��-�: <br /> +�C .t � " <br /> K--j�. ��. �O. R�I(ISI�I'�TAlIII.BOrt4�/Er iN5 2(kjhl iD 60 fClISW:Cd�lMd2f hi5 fFGVYCd hVf.¢6d'0 yiym+cill S1 1�IF Fi2�iV50 01 r ' f�� � <br /> �� ?� �Bortnrcers laP:t!to pty ae a»cuM d�E undx Iha ND;e or Ihis SeCUtYy MSLVrr:En4 TIJS f.Tit appEES etai iRa UrtdOSUre Y�- , Y{y2t ' ,�'� <br /> i �tr�'���`. t4•�#oCeWnys are i'�StitutM- To �ehil�lo IhB SCa�+�y I�Slnmenl, OortowOt shi:k'�fdtv 0 i Nmp scro s? tm.Y.`nl5 ttqul'M lo -v����e>�<.e-- <br /> �' -� bMg 8onowccs account arteN 4odudn , to c0c er,zM �R �ro ob6 �Ilone ol Oortower undrr tAis Sr.s I.�s'.rummt. '�'�f �E��.z�,r�^'_, <br /> f0'KiOSUI! fASIS A�d lC350nd312 end W91Pr�, pt!P'M iCIMS i�tl !]71CI�SES f0 aS50dsIM �3h IhE I:tlCbSVPo ��Y' �� 5���-� <br /> i�t�L���� � F P P�Y nr:� r�[a" ; <br /> 4 ',�`'t�2�`��, Prccead'rg.VGO��e�nsl�te+nrnt t�r Hazcwx, tns Secuiy las•rwr.enl end Iha obGga:lons that 1 sewres shell rmuh L�tESC1�s - .-ff�f i} ����' <br /> , �<<i n lmde an9 c:t reqv4ed I:nme�'ato pa�ment h NA t4�n.wec lender is nol reQulred to petrrl reinslelemem R � Lenda h�f $=f �'`r�i Y?p -_ A . <br /> -�t€������ j acc Ter ret+S.r.:manl �(ter the eomrctneerr.eci o� fe�sc�nme proceedngs wi�hin lwo yean immcda;ey pretedNg Ihe .if3�-Xjt��ac- ,t."� <br />.}i;Y�- Ef�t.y;.�� wmmenamen�N a wttmt toredosuro proeoueng. (�a«�nstn�emmt x�T prccNde brtdosure on dMerml g*mmdt M the hNre. 'j� y..5yifi�� �_- <br /> iF �'-'� or(w��einstetemec»w�l udrt+6eD/aflttf I�e prio:tp a the Em aealed by Ihis Securlry InsWmml. � + f1s),�.� r` ;- <br /> �%xfi`� �� t t.Borrower Not Retalsad; Forbaarance ay iondar Not a Welvar. E�nmswn of iha�me ot paymem m l�51:yj 1'�.� ;'� ' <br /> #j;::�`-'��>`� mod�fiuLOn ol amorllzelfon of lhe sums seaueA by�his 8ecudy msWment yr+nled by lendc�lo my¢uccessor N Nleiest oi .St;4x�-_ <br /> � __: <br />'��iC?'6,•'�� "��- Bortower 5ha0 not coznte lo reie�sa th�fabfli of Ihe o �no1 Fr.:rowx or Bortower's auecesso+N htnesl. Lender shoG not be �'4:`���`:;�-�� �- <br />:n.+ r .nUY�? � � `7?t:�,'<`,�^"`==- <br /> L � -. . p yment or olhmvlee mod ;�:F ' ' <br /> ,, roqvYM to proaa6n9s �p�NSI any euceassor in inlnesl or mluae�o e.imd Ilme tor � M1/ .fR �t� - <br /> ��T-s,�'^�{.;j^ �monlze:io� ol tF.a aums seaisd by tn!s Socud:� Inswmem by re�son ol �ny demend m�de by Ihe ari�iml Bottowa or ;;S3Y il�-r���: <br />- - Oortcwri auccessors In Imnesl. Mv fo1beannce 4Y lendxr h any d9h1 w �emecy sha0 no: Co e weNM ol or �.f.z:.-:;r.,�;.u.,,.., <br /> +r � � '�; P�eclatloth�n�a�dse ol�ny d9h1 or rttnecy ,,Jyn�j`i l�( -' <br /> '"`�r,!� {� 98. Si1FCOSa0�3 and As��gns BaunGl; Jo1n1 uacl S�vetal Ua611ity; Co•9lpnera. 7he ar�eca:ns �a �'i}����Fr�t�F�+� <br /> � C �s;- e9�eemenls ol Ihis Secuiiry InsWmmi sh�0 b:nd a�a Omef1 the suecossers ond asslqns ol Lcnder�nd Oortc�+e�,subject to mo ,��.��Ryi �1j31 t���i ��_; <br /> .si..e': <br />_ - :• 7,��b pmdslons ol P�Rgnph 8.6.Oortowe�'s covonancs e�d agretmmis shall Cia io�:� and sg+eroL My 6ortoxvr:Nn tcn'�.�s thtx n n i�,� � ��� :- <br /> -'-��3';%�lp't'1L�4� Scw�i leslmmrnl bul does nol•xealo Iho NY.a: (e)Is ccs�pe�np Ihfe&turi.y 7nsWmmt ony l0 motlgspa.qram tnd unva/ ct-"1` � `�,,f��'°a,•;=r <br /> `�;;'��'�'tlt�''jy thnt E owers Nlerest In Ihe ProP�Y under thn txrca o7 mis 5ecuirty Inslm:nenl: (0) Is not persone:y obl:gMed lo pas tha ;?�tir'(ti,�7.�j qy�.tYr-:v, <br /> . f rrr 1'L 7 -� <br /> ,��,,��t��;. oa�w seared by Ihis 9ecudry Inslrument and (c� a��ees �:�;t Lender end any olha Donower mey ayree lo eztmd, modrty. }:t)�+�, i.� ' <br /> �ij� t�i �i� larbear a m+ke�ny�ecortvnoda:lons w.'.h reOBa t� lhe lerms ol lh!5 Seadry InsWmenl or Ihe Note wdhoN ihal Oortowtt's �'��' �j-� - �i-�� ��� <br /> tv�1r i}-}�;��. consm6 Tt�����,F}'f't`,1�5r��. <br /> �`°��{��s$��,� 13. Notica. My no:ice lo Oonowtt proNdatl lor N Ihy&arly InsVUmMI shal bo qNen by ticliverNy%or by rcaxn9% ��C F�����i!�v�iA;�� .= <br />��,t}�� �t-S?4� by�ral�ss m�0 unless appfitablg I�w�¢qulrcs uso 01 anotaer melhotl.Tha no9to sh�i Eo drocled lo lhe Properly Address or �i����i��i�+.�`��', _-�� <br /> y��i�i -_t;_ eny otncv address Bortown designeles by no�ke lo Lentlsc My�o9ce to Lrnda aheA be gMen by lvsl dass maB to Lmder's �`h��b j r'!i-„ <br /> y��r {�+_5- atld�ess steted hereN e: any 6���oss tentltt des�{,oa�aa ny ��PCe lo Oortovrer. My noqea provided br N Ih:s SearOy - F 9��Jr�;�4j��i . <br /> Inslmmmf sh�0 be deemetl lo h�ro been gNen to flcnarer cr Lendtt when q:vm as prov�dM N Ih s pareyreph. -'r t �t y(p �_ <br /> �� � � ,'� Y4. Qov�ming lpw; $�Vefebliity. Tn!s Secway I:uwmmt sha:l 6e goremed by Federel kw entl Ih0 kw 01 tha °��t � 1if �t,i� _j <br /> ' �"� pdsdellon N which ihe PropMy is loa7ed. lo[ro erenl 1na:any provislon or Gause ol Ihls Secudry Instmmenl w Iho Nofe ��.�' � 1--•• <br /> z�����"iy� -;r- wnFUS with oppGUb:o law.such con"kl sha!I not nMCal othe�D�ovislons ol tWS Seariry InsWmml or Ihe Nole whkh wn bn x�"� � ��nr k,e�,_ <br /> .�,v_Y;y�•.����Y. ghen el:ecl wi:h0ut Ihe wn�icWg pwrision. To lhis md�ho prorislons of tMs&curi.y Insuvmrnl end tho Nolo oro deUastl lo ,__,},':`','. '- `�{5.:. <br /> ,�; f y�l be seva�ble. �.� , z F� �„S <br /> . <br /> }�}.N J} � F�}� 1b.BOfIOWO�'9 CO(ly.Oortowtt sholl bo ghen ono wnformed eopy of this Sewtlry Ins!mn+enl. y � k i�,-F _ <br /> R�'�.^" 16.A991fl�mBilt Of RB�t3. Oortower uncond.ionz'.y�ssi9ns end trans!en la Lrndtt e7�he rents an0 rmeners cC lse .� � � �a�'d.'.- <br /> Sd�uF.'�`�� ProeMry.Uortowq�uthodzes lender or LmAer s agenis b coUCU�he rmis nnd rermues end hereby dueets eaoh lmart d R.o .�- s,+ ��,1+;,�„ _. <br /> x f� ` '�i� ProOMN�o pey ihe renls lo Lcndcr or lmtlers egenls.Hr•.e�.e�,ptlor lo Lenders no5tt to Oortorrtt of Oortowtta breocn ol � �� :.+;�7 <br /> -- ?�,� any eo.mam or apreemenl In me Secunry ms�romem. Oertvxa shaa eo7ec�nr,u recerve aa rents antl rrrcnuez of tho Properry � 1 `, <br /> ",''S'i�%'�" es wsiee for t�e be�ef:� of tender anE Oonowc�. This ass'.gnmcmt of rems constr.utes an absolute assignmenl end not en - - °-- <br /> ":�.:i):. .;.�,� � .� ' <br />- ;_`-kz,- .- ess�gnmml lot etldAional Sewrity o�!y. �. - - ' <br /> '%�%� +'>•i�� 1!icnder 9hes nollca of breaeh to Borccwe� ia1 es ren:;�ecehed by Oortower eha9 be ne:d by Oortowtt es wsteo tor ; � � <br /> _'.'c�L�/,1..� <br />'j�.:,'v,;,�� {;;� bcre'r. d LenCer ony. lo ba apD�ec'.lo me surs axned by ae Sear�y InsWment: @) LerGtt sha11 be entY.'ed lo coAetl Und I . � . <br /> "-'(`l,i�,'.};��:�'j tecc;`.e ai ol Ihe tenis ol Ihe %c0erly.anU (.^ ea.n IMant ol lhe Property Shall Day a7 rents Cue entl unpaW lo Lmdtt or ' ' , ' <br /> , �1�..•,:.> _ <br /> �:�.�5;,�"I% Ler.der S�genl on lender's wrieen denunE la :'^'.-anl. __. <br /> ,�-� �•��"°"•'-�� Ao�rower ras oo� e,ea�ea e� �q v r v <br /> . �,..� y pdtt ess. ,ment o�the renu and has �.-i»d 2 oot Mcr.n a� ae�met wocld re.enl �' <br />:::" 'Yn�. !:. - <br />\�, ��'�_ j it�:er Irom exe�dsmg Cs r�g�ts cnett ihc Paragrap�16- <br /> �i„ �.j {'.,♦ tMEer Sha9 nol Ee rep�vcW la enitt upon.Iate to�trc�ol cr mamtan�Re PmpM)befo�E or aler ghing nolice N b?ioT lo <br /> . � 1°{ OcrtOwtt.HOr'htt. lc*�tltt M d pd:tiaP�2pp4nl¢d rece.�¢r ma�ao ao u a+y Yme �Atte �s e Dreach. My eppF.w::cn<t�ents <br /> - ::�ti''L•4iSt�r�:" <br /> ahaf no1 twe o� v+aHe any Oe'ac4 c� rra�uate any omcr ngM o< <aT.eC/ ol lmtltt. ThB oss�gnaenl ol reni, ol Ihe P(cpnry <br /> '�����'�-'"_� s�a7 Ie�R:noie wrm I�e dNt secwed by ihe Stturtry�os:vmmt�s 934 n�+�- <br /> _�- `��a��l����:� <br /> r � 17. Forociosuro Procodu�o. If l.ondor raquiras Immodlnto paymont In full undor Paragraph 9. <br /> . . �' '� Lc�dor may Invoko tho powor of salo end any othor romodlos pormittod by ap�ilcabla lam � <br /> - � -) Londor shnll be ontillod lo collect all exponsos IncurraJ In pursWng the remedias provided in �. <br /> � �-`^ thls paragrapN 17, Inciudinp, but not Ilmitod to, roaaonabte attomoys' foea and coste oi tiila � <br /> -�. �� ovlHoneo. <br /> t- • <br /> �a:'.�j�A„ ;` <br /> : ic•i�'�:�:�. cY.�i�v��nhb ��Je)o�� <br /> .. .�.��t.�� <br /> 5 _ <br /> V > . � . <br /> y._ � <br /> � i <br /> _ tsn <br /> , <br />