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� _ � � . � . � . _. _. G f . . <br /> +`1it _ . r �i y. _ t3'F k7. -f Cc1-"t <br /> - �gir �;:r� $.� '-S •� ^ _�...."�"...�° . . �lU�+� , / ' <br /> {'.+le ti'� '�. �:x.�l�a�iE�n�...(l..l.., � .� a..�_ ._. r�-+�r...•�.....r.. 1.�:�i.taiNiAJ�P4r�J y� ��r <br /> Yi �' �.-'.__.-_ <br /> -� fT � r -., .._. <br /> X`� r, <br /> , � ,�; Pf�IS by Oonoww,�1 Ihe opibn ot portowx. �I th�toUl ot �h� P�YTM�+^IS m�d� by OorrcwK(or Iiem (q. NI, or (c) le � .,� . <br /> � -i r +� M��i(cNn{10 p�y����X�m wh�n dur.V:n Oonowa d��0 p�y lo ltado a�y�mounl neafs�ry lo rvk�up Ihe deRdency on or ' r-`� <br /> ? bNae lh1 MI!tho Ndn E�caMt du�. r` � i1 � ��* <br /> �t; A1 u:N ri IHf Slaxlty h1UUnMn1. '8weury' rr�nt tht S�u�tary ol HousL�p antl Urb�n Ur+MOpmenl or his a h« ,�C �`'r � f �-_... <br />..T::;.=,. � W�ip»r. N�ny yvcr�i wiikh V¢L:nda ua�:i Pry a madp:qe Nxvenee pr�n9um io Ih�Sa+nuy,wch mon;hy p�ymenl sMi , ,1h,i� "y Y_r-. <br /> ,�S-.ff�. • �po Pdutl��MhM:��htl�t ol the annutl moNy�p�Nsuronce (irud+r fo b�paltl 6Y UnMr lo the B�ael�ry,a n• �b4�1� rf ;_. <br /> - r. mo0lhy chYW NIIMd Of � mWlp�p�NWrMCO p�emWm N thli BIWtUY NfWminl b hefd by�h� 8lCrot�ry. E�th mOn.IJ/ 1'�fr�}'�tt�� i . <br /> ��.'T��'t���}; Q NIUGnmt ol7he matqp�lnNxuiti pw�um sh�0 6�N L�unouM�uffidrl 10 euvnwW�Ih�fui�nnu�l mo�tq�p�NwrcnN r.,,j..,,,i.l,;.,r,-:.,, <br /> d <br /> �i��;4;�' �{ pnrr�unf wih Lvnd�r on�monfh Prfo+lo Ihe G�e tNe ."3 sak»1 r�ipl9�y�Nsurenu pm9um k du�lo the 8ecrNUy, ar il tN� �; F . -, :.,.. <br /> h'fn�lt,� 8�cwy fn�Wm�ni k h�td by Ihe B�aNry,«ch mm:hy chuy�ahN b�N�n �mounl KNd lo ontNrdhh o�on�Mtl p�rcnl ss�?j, +, �i >> + <br /> 3 <:� .. oi ttw oubtn7ny pdncpY WMnu du�on the Nota f�� �` �}� :. <br /> , �x�-7•. � li Bonax�. Indm N L.ndet i6�F�:WrnMt oI a9 sums saarxtl hy tNS 3ew�'ry Inetn.�mm�.Oorrmvcr'e eaoum ihs�b� -x.3�. �, : . <br /> y�t��j£ � aeAW wAh the IuUna nnwNN9 fa�I Nfuw�ml�tor Nans(q.N)and(a)�nd��y moM1y�q�Nsunnea premwm N�uknem - _t r,,,' r_i�•< <br /> a; .��i�?c� � Ihil Lader h�s not beWma obiy�led lo p1Y lo lh�BeaN�ry.�nd lender f�al Promp',y reNnd�ny exctss Nnds to Uortowp. i.- , ., <br />' -„-�..t `Z Immed�tN/pdor lo�faeUO¢ure sak ol the Properry or tts�cW�sY,ion hy Le'�Nec.Oortowela�uounl snai 6¢ned.led wrih�ny .._-�: .: ,« _- ;�;_ <br /> i r',}� ba4nce rmuinin0�or�I N51�0.ments lor Ilemt(q.@)��d(c). _ "i_ <br /> y... ` <br /> L f 3. Ap(111Q�114+'1 Ot 6�dyc�1�11U.A!P�Ymmis untlM Per�yraPhs t a:d 2 slui hx a�.'Risd DY la<:da as lc7ows: <br /> Fl�st io u^�x mcv�rY:t+surance y.�:m to be a`d by lenan to n�:`Ra'aca�a to U+e mc�v:'�eew'4't M�'�as:t+'/ .�' , , <br /> � ? InSleltl o14he mccW/mp29ag:i�5��a�a:prEfrS✓n; - � �; <br /> l # 'y S�COnd. to xry twrs. s7'�-u sseesarcrts:lt. le�sehold p�ymenta tt�ovn6 rants. �nd fin. Sood r.d othar tazud �� -: -�; <br /> yLs 1}+. Nsurinr,m pcpr.t;ms,u rl�..,.:ztQ �s{ �4�F�'�'E^�. <br /> . <br />;jk'.�•`��� 71fio'd,so I::arit di2 ur,dct tho Note: ':�+:;:-j��:r{���,,,�. <br /> ,� ,{�1. Fourih, io tw�:ac`�on cl tlxe p+Mdpe10l the Note: �Z fy�,v >+}�1, ', <br /> J r( rc .c FNth,to a;e et�vg>s we�nan�ne Note. 5 , - . <br /> -; l/t u ..�,� <br /> a,y,� �r �, PU�, Flc�d ancl Othv H�sard Irourane�. eortw+x ahxl Insvn at Nyirovemmb cn tnx Yroperry.wfiN.nn ; .; .�rk x'., <br /> ncx h az'e1dr:� s_O:rG_'m1y e'edtd. �Ahst any han:de. usu�ttlp.�nd con:i�$a�des, inc4�Jtg fire.for whlch Lmder _ .y r a,_.,.. <br /> s'� °� requFes lnsursnce.Th'.s hsuro�ce shal be rtuhlihed N lhe unoums and br Ihe paktls tMt lmder req�Yes. Oortawer sA�3 _:� � t! r f; <br /> �[' - i also hsure�A lrc�rovemenis on the PropMy.whelher now h eds{enee a subsequenty err,tetl.�ge�nsl loss by Iloods to ihe - -�t b i.;�v}�. �� <br /> i�:.�`A±�-" exlMl fe(pr`aed by�he$eC+ciery M Ns��ence S�aO bB canted wph wmp�Nes appmxed by lender.The Nsuance pa6des and --.`�� ^ �I k r}-�.: <br /> v-1�,� 1.'-i2 �Ii. /� <br /> �.��:,�t�C,';� any rmew��s shal bo hCd 6y Lendtt�nd sh�1 NWtle bss p+y+b:e Wuses h(avor ol,and n a lorm wceptable lo.Lender. +4,.;(�._�;`�ti��:�.S'-;.._: <br /> ,���XuF � L� the MB�I Ct IOSL UOrtOwN Shil 9M� LMdN YM�ldJU nolit� bY^'��. La�dtt may m�k�prool ol los� X nN m�G .� r �� ��a._ -. <br /> _ ``y x pwmpUi by�at+anec Ee[h insumnCe fAmp�ny co�temed(3 htrC-0y �ulhOked end d�e:led lo meke p0ymenl (or�uth �ots �f���� ,�;= : <br /> r-- '� �' duecCy to Lencler.iastea! of 4t �ortown and lo Lmder�ohly.M or �ny p�rt ol the lnsuanee proueds rtyy be�ppfal by , f xF ,'., <br /> f- �.�^, Lenda, al ds op'ian, Nher (a�to tha�educUOn o�tne Nde6:tdness untla ihe Note and tt�!s Searity Inswmrnt, k61 b uiy , �}�Yq,�fOt <br />. i.:s- •,ry" def�n ent�moums ed b the orda B Pan �ph 9.�nd Ihm�o prepeynaA of PAnGpal,a@)�a���e ratonlion a repaY oi _: ii; . <br /> �7;r�)�,�, the bm�peA Pra�er�ry.�My +ppiu0on ol the proceeds to the P�dP+� �A�� no� eztend a Postpone the tlu� Gle oi ihe -;'y?tt.-!Sr t-4':i};<: <br /> � mon:Ay p�ymaniz wAkh are retened 10 In Pu� nph 2, or eh�n e the amoum ol such peymmis. N�y ezcess Nsuruiu %�'jtt��:`������,;r�i:::. <br /> i . ;i 9 9 � 2Y�( �� � ar 5.. <br /> s�,y�eat- proatds mer a�e emcust requ4ed lo p+y a0 outslmdn9 Ndebledness unda tha Note and lhts Sea�ly h�sWmenl zh�1 be pdd r�i,� r . - <br /> '� �e�h�enL1y IeneN mlTSed lhtteio. �j �'��f��� p�`-- <br /> i� ,����� L� ihe wCnl 01 faeUOSUr! ol �hi5 SC[urity ��StNmMi or ot�tt Vl�tler ol v.�e to tne Prope�ry Ibil ezWguiS�es ine F ���� �� � n� <br /> ��+1 ti _- �� Indeblednefs.eE dghl,4.10 0�d NIMC51 0l 6ortowH N Bnd Io InsunnCe pOfipes In fo�Ce ShaE pess Io Ihe pufChi4lf. �]-�� �a:ft`;x i� <br /> y r <br /> �+1r - � 6. Ocrupnncy, Preearvatlon, Malntanonce md Proteclton of the Propedy; 8orrower's Lo�n .,Sh,?� ` * � c "' � <br /> �,�.-�': Applieapon: Eaa3BhOlde. Oortower aba7 occupy. es�ab��sh, entl use ct! Pwpefly as Oonowtt's p�ncipel res�dmce w!thn �f�};�S'��)7� � � �;i-.:- <br /> - sixry days alter Gie e.ewl�on ol Ihia 5=ar� '+simmenl entl she7 eontTCe to octupy tho PropMy M BOrtowei 5 p�1Up11 .�� (',�r II�4, z p--�- - <br /> ' ' ��� rcs�Cmce for el k3al one yea�aRa l'ye da�e cl occupanry.unless�ho &+axlsry detnrr.�:es Ihfs requiremenl vn�ceuse u�due --��`<<;i � i s;?� �-' <br /> harOship lo� (iort;.wer,or uKer> c�lenaa':n9 dramstences eilsl whieh a:e boyond Barreners conlml. Oortower Sh87 nou.y J�r�% p � �"_' <br /> „';�����. �.�'.: � '�:, <br />� •��•5"��"': PtoP�Y or el!n et�a*FlOp m b�dete omte.�ieasonab:a vear o�nd lear o cr,"ed. lmdtt may In P9 N the Qra�pnry N Ihe�Ropnry �t�i�;�``�!�5_'�-.��%��y�_. <br /> - - ° is vzcant or oba+eoned or tho loan Is In Ce�autl. Lender nwy leke reesonxS'e acUon to pro�ecl end yre,enro euch rium or (.��r, �,� �V�_ <br /> r � I' nbar,doned PropvrJ. P.arowcr shen e:so bo in de:au!I II Oortower, dudng�`x ioen eDP����on proass. �ave nulMe�y lalse or I rG�•1.�r ` -, . <br /> t[!'{��� "� inacd:mte Y.(oma5on a sletemenls lo lender(or 1a�etl to provitlo LendM���h eny mele�7a!Ir.!ormatlon) In eonne911on w'Ah lho ��f�t71v�P� q e s�"s� <br /> tl �'t w s�f �oo�eddmceU Dy the hoto.Indudng.b�t not im�e d to.represen ta:ions c a:c e m�n g 6 o n c�,e r 5 o c w p en q ol tho Pro p�t y�z a t1���s. 1 .,;, •: <br /> (J U�r pric�l re�lde�:e. tl Ih!5 Sew�ry ��sWmenl I5 on a Ieasehold. Oonower aha� compy with tha provisions ol the i.asa. il 7i.� �µ�� S r <br /> �Ftt+ i . 6oRarer aer;�ies 1ee 0.'e to tho Propery.Ihe Ieasehold e�d 1ee U:lo she�no�bo me+gud unless Lender aa Ms to ihe me�qer N 'L(,# ,� � . <br /> � a" wri:ug. �s d _f�sy <br /> �j '.' B. Chzrgas to Borrower and Prolactlon of Lender's fllghts In the Propedy. aa�ower sha7 pey e� <�t� ?` ;_ <br /> �°,?�,: ���� gorcmmenz� or munidpal charges. Anes a�d Impoi�bns Irtal are nol t�duded N Paro;2Dh 2. Oortower sha7 pay Ihese !f' ti�f: ,:_ <br /> � �, _ obli,aGOns on tino d�ttty lo lhe e�try whfch is owed the paymenl. 11 la:cie to p�y wodd aCrersey atleel Lender'S INerest in � s '�t� ' <br /> r i- ,�, ino Proputy.upon Lc�nOer'a requesl Oartower¢he:l promply fumish lo Le�dH mecl0�s a��6encing ihese paymonls. `1 ;' *� F s "-�`, <br />'":{.¢r:t...;s� tl Bor.owe��7s to maka thesa paymems w tho paymm�s requ4ed by Pmegreph 2, or fa�s lo peAOrm any mher wrenanls S _ ,_��;Iy,.r__ <br /> t i��,.� entl agreemems ccme�neC in mis Sewri.y Inswa+eN.or there�s a legal praeeding Iha�rcay slgnucan�y eHed Lender's e9hls In �_ y(�.�.� <br /> :��,,;,.,�:.;,��� iho%opc+ry(such es e pwree6ng in bankn;p:ry.1or eondemnatlon or to mbrw lews u reguWGOns).Ihen lender may do ana � <br />.;t,�d;;' �.�+.;. poy whntwer Is necessary lo D�mecl Iho va:ae ol the Pitt^:9 and Lendn's dghts in v«F�eperry,indutling peyment ol taxes, � _ � � <br /> �,;jyF,,.� �i. taza�d lnscaneo;.r.d ot.`.er Rer.:s mem!o�ea�n Pa�eprepn 2. <br />-_�..M1:_:;.:'.,;j Fny 3r.qun�s d�abursetl by Lender undtt mis Pereyrep` a:�a7 beccrte en ndCn:onal hbl ol Dortower and 6e sewred 6y ' <br /> Ih!s:eCUi:� �nstrtmenL These amounis shy�_!e�:Mareet hcn�Ee tlate tho No:e refe,a�tl al ihe op:ion ol � <br />" � ; tenc�r. s�a'�Ce amedaleiy due on0 Dayare � <br /> '.'s��,�� 7. CO�IJBroI10110n. The voceees o�cr.y aaa�:: a cam fr� tla�a�es. d:�ecl or ccnsequenl'al. i� ccnneelion wah ony I ' <br /> 5 er:tmne�on or mhe�takinq r.•rny Ca�l 0�@e PoCF�f'i v C• ccn�.r.acce T p�ace d co^eemne;icn.aro Eereby ess:5�etl entl , <br /> i <br /> s:z1 bo Oa+d Io LenEtt (0 1^: t+'Itm tl I�C hA B��CLO: : I�! �f.fICC[2R.F55 I�a: re�'a�5 unD�:d ur.C¢r Ihe NGIe n'd lhis <br /> � �5 S[a1Sy ��3�':."iTi LMdB� Sh91 dOPh' S�cI f4G¢eE5 IO iht /eLUtY:tf 0'i'C Y�fChI24'O¢55 GRtlff 1"C YCf GCd 1:'�5 J¢<Cffl% <br /> - ' �ns�rement.�:_� 'c eny dei�nGuem amoun:s a:cyed in �he e�Qe� pmriCae:+ =a•a;uC1 3. a.^.d Iher. Ic C'e,^aymenl cl pANpai. <br /> %�� Any apD'��a�.c� :`t�e O�ocerdz lo Ihe p��.�pal shall not edentl or pos::o�= :^e 2ce Ca�e el lhe mcr.:->�p�yromis•wMCh are . <br /> -� �.!z�¢t1 lo in Paraqrsph 2, o�chenge Ihe emoanl of wch Caymenls My .�:ess C«<e.ES cn emcunl requ'red lo p9y e� <br /> c..issndiq indebledr.ezs unEe�Ihe No�e en0 ihFS Secumy�nsau:r.e�t sha3!e pnid l0 1`r e�:a�Iegaly emi:led Ihere:o <br /> - ' • j 8. FB09.lmOtt may co=ecl�ees a�d charges au:herized bY�he Secu'ary. <br /> a _� n..�.. <br /> � J� VfVV�1V0 IV�I�14YOi0iaiivi� v� vvv�. <br /> (3) UD12t1I�.lentic�mBy. eaccpl af f.m�ed by reg�aGO�s issu¢d by Ihe Seuetary in I�e wse o�paymert Ae�avYS. <br /> rzp:ae r.+cetlw�e paynml m M111 O�d�Sum1 SKat¢tl Or IM3 S('Ca:RJ:115W�'Ml d_ <br /> � n 0o�o•K aehvns by laa.ny io pay n F�a a�y ramm�vaym�r.t�equneA C7 tn�s Seari�y��Siru:r.enl ptlot lo o�on <br /> . Ih£?�e G:e O�I�e neA¢p��h`�pay�4�L G� <br /> (.)8cnowx tle'aa7s Gy la�:g b�z o�a a���r,�days. w GMorm a�y amtt oesgaso�s eoma�eE 10�ms Secvr.y - <br />�. Ins:NmM1 <br /> (b) Sa10 Wflhout CrOdil ApproraL�enc.a swat. E perma:e7 Cy aapsaLb x4�l�e pr'or aDD�a+a1 01 me <br /> - i Sevelery.requ're Im�Male paymem m ta�o�a�me soms secure0 ty en�s Sau�r,�miwmer.i tl: <br /> - _`� t I �SG+]lRq 111.9h hi<�o�a <br /> / <br /> �. �-.- � 1595 t <br /> � � <br />