i �i�t'.�e.h��` t�n-�F1"�:'�4r_t i �{n -j- : �}{v7 rJ:�1F i' .� ��:-:.
<br /> �,�tv��t:��. - . . ,. ..
<br /> , _�a;;�:;a::+.r��i�iwM�uYw��a,:S`,:fi:.��:,w 'tiswcri+:wuwr.:;r�u,u_... .-- -„
<br /> Hotrowcr shall promptiy glve I.endcr wrincn notico of any investigaqnn, clahn. demand. inwsull or ahcr aninn by nny
<br /> govcrnntental or rog�dmmy ngency oe pdvato p�rty Involvins tho Propcny anA any ilnranious Subsmnro m I?nvlmnnxnml l.ow
<br /> of which Anrco�ecr i�as atual kM+wlafge.if i�orcnn•cr leams,or is no�iHed by any Su��rrcmcntul or rcg�datnry nulhnri�g,�6a�
<br /> any ronMvat or olhor amedlation otany Haunfous Snbsmiwe affa�ing�ho Property is nccesury.Oormwar shnll prompdy t�ko
<br /> all necessary renxdlal x�lons In accordanro wfih tinvironmamal taw.
<br /> Aa usal In thlx paragropl�20. 'Haranlous Subs�anccs'arc ihom substances dciincd as toatc or ha�anlnus suhs�ances 6y -
<br /> 4nvtronmenml Iaw and the following subs�ances: gawline. kerosene, o�her (lanmiable or roxic pc�rotcnm P�alucls. �nxic
<br /> {KSlicides anJ hc�6lcidcs,volatllo salrenls,maicdnls mnlaining aslxs�os or fnrmxidch�dc,and r.Wfa�dive ma�cd�ils.As u�l In —
<br /> � tl�Is paragraph 20, "J?nvlmnmcmal I.aw' mca�s fcdcnl laws and Iaws nf dio Jndsd3cUon x�hcrc�he Pmp:ny Is ioca�cd �hat _
<br /> � rclau to liwlih,safctg or cnvironnr.mal protcalon. -n---
<br /> NON-UMPORAI COVIiNANTS.ISorroHer uid la��der further crn•cnam nnd cgrce u follows:
<br /> 2I.Acccleretlnn�Remnita.6.eadrr si�oll ghx noqce lo Rorrmecr pdor to nacieration foliow(n6 norro��er's 6mnrh
<br /> G� of any mvenant or agreemrtct In fDJs Secadly Instrument @nt not pdnr lo ncaeteraqnn undrr parnrmph f7 aniess ;_y_._.
<br /> t,�f applita6lc taw provldRS othc�ix(s^).TCe tEat(CC sbal!sptt'Ityt (s)ti�c drteullt(h)tiie uclion rmnircil to curc tlw drtm�lh e._
<br /> !�1 (c)a de�e,nol less than 30 da,�s[rmrn the cszte¢0�nntice Is gire�e to&rrcnuer,by xhlch ihe defn�ii�muh i�e cnrttit nnd �%• --
<br /> (� that teilurc ro ci�re the detauft ca or 6cfoi�a tme date s itted ta the nollm ma rcs�dt tn nccelemUon of lhe swns �""°
<br /> (,MC Y E��;-a-
<br /> sccurcd by this SetuH(y itssteua�ne�c�szte a?tM ikopseEY.TQe nottm sholl t5iriher hiform 6oma�er ut tFre right lo --._
<br /> N rcirwate nTter aceclerotioce and tWr rtgdt to DH�a mu�e ar.etun to�rt the non�ezistence of a da[autt ar an athcr � yr.•-_.
<br /> r €±'�::�..
<br /> dttense o[1Sorron�e�to acttierelton anJ wle. It the JefamY Ls oct c¢red on or betore the Anle sQeeifl.c�k[o tGa uat(ce, ;�.,-,,,,,
<br /> (� I.ender, at fls oplla�,may r.ryutre fmmedlate ga�ntent In tu!!oP at[sums:ecured 6��t6lv SecnrEey[ustcvment �+[thout ri;�.,F�.:
<br /> tunher dem9nd and may ia�voke thepowcr ot sale nnd any oiher rercrzdtaR pemilitcd 6y applicaLle fa+r.I.er.�e s2xl!6e �'i;"-r-r__:_
<br /> • enlfqtd to collat all expcaus Incumd In pnrsuing the rcmttttes proi�ldni in Ihls paroRnph 21,Inciuding,Cut rr.t limtte�! t,;.;�.:
<br /> lo,reasonabie allonxys'lces and easts ot ittic evidenm. � 3 : �
<br /> 1[thepo e'er of saie is im�okarl,Tnistce s6a11 rccord a mfice ot defuuil In ench munt� in x�hhh uny�rt pf t4e � ;_:';`
<br /> tlroperty is l�caled ar.d s6aii m�fG mpics of nich notice in 1Fe munner prrsrdbni by sppllca��e law io ISorrox�er��A en _� �-
<br /> Ihe oiher persons prescd6ed Ly appiirabie inw.Aher lhe tlme rcqulred by appiicab!e laxy'1'ruslce Ehalk gBt p�Clec hciim .�,;4:�;-._�_.
<br /> o(mie lo the perwns and in Ihe manner prasribed by applica6le Iaw.Trustee,xlthoul demand on Sormucr,shai�scli 't,«'-'„
<br /> �he Property nt pnblic auc7ion to 1he Id�hesl bl��kr nt U�e tlme and place and under�he tenns deslg�zted in�he notlee of '"���-'-�
<br /> m1e in onc ar more parecis and S�x au�etder�d'ru::ee detrmilnes.Tnuice may pastpor�e salc of ali or eny parccl of�he "�'?'''���-�
<br /> Fro rt b pnblic m�nouncemen4 sR ihe iSme an3 lace cf x.n reviousl schcvlulcd sale. i.ender or ils drsignee mny ,`�:-�`:'---
<br /> Pe Y Y P Y P Y :�-,�t�•.
<br /> �wrchnse Ihc Property at nny saic, �;,^_""`'
<br /> _ Upon recelpt ot paymem of the price 1�i�E, Trustm shall dcil��er to the purcM1aser Tmslm's dmd canreylnp the _ F,_,:4;:._.
<br /> Property. The rcc(tais in the Tmstee's decd sholl Im prinm fecie evidrnce of the truth of the siatemtms mnde�hercin. ,
<br /> 1luctce shall apply Ihe procccds oF the sate In tlic fallowing order:(a)to all costs and e=penscs of exercisln��he poser of t, > ��
<br /> sale,and U�c salc,including the paymrnt ottl�c Truricc's fccs acU�aliy likurred,nol!o ececedthu of $50.00 or 'b/2� <` =
<br /> oF tAe dnci 1 pmount ot the note ot�he time ot�he deciarntlon of defnull,mtd re.�uonaLle alforne s'fees us rniltted 1;`f"�•.`
<br /> p 1� � nc ron h en itlrd lo 'i�+'�'-���.
<br /> by luw:iui io utl����„�.xu�t,7 ty ihis SRu�t�ir.stmrunf;artU(c)a»�rx:cs ta 1:e,:.!s•,••.^r M�e- 1_„--1.: - r;;; :.
<br /> I�� 22. Rttromeynrter. Upon payment of xll sums ueund by Uiis Securi�y Instrunrr.�. LenJer xl��ll rcyues� Ttust.e �o �S'�E"1 '
<br /> reconvey the Pmperly und shall surrcnder �his Securiiy Instmmem and all no�es ceidencing debi secureJ 6y this Security ,Ly�;=
<br /> Ins�mmem to Tmstee.Trns�ee shall reconvey the Propeny wi�t•ouc�earr,my and wiihout ch�rge to Ihe persan or{xrsom legally ,s _��F �
<br /> emliicd�o it.Such person or�xmn shall pay any renvda�ion acs.. �=+:r'
<br /> 23.SubstllulF aruatte. LenA:r.�t i�s opiion,may from �iinc io iime rcmove Trusttt and appoint a xuccessor imstee io ;�;:;`=;;:
<br /> /-.-i,:::.
<br /> any Trvsim nppotnted hercunder hy mi ins�rument recarded in the coumy in wh[ch�his Securi�y Instmmem is recorded.Ni�hum ,yS,:,-:
<br /> rnnreyance of�he Propcny. �he wcceswr tnutec shall wccecJ w all �h.tiile.p.mer mid dutles conferr�d upnn Tmstce hercin rntS,F-_?.
<br /> nnd6yappIlcablelnw. ���=�'.`i.
<br /> 24.Requesl for Nn�ic¢s. [lurco«�er reqcests�hat copies nFthx no�ices nl Jef�ult and xnle be sen�to 6orrmrer'+:atdress �.->,•.;.::
<br /> whlch Is�hc Propcny Addrcss. i"'� -
<br /> 25.Ridere lo�his i'iecuri��'Insimment.If une ur more riders:ve execut.J by Ilorrontr anJ rccordnl Iogelher�vi�h thix ;,�
<br /> Securi�y Insuumem. thr cm•enams and agreemems o(cach surh riJer shall he iucoryorateJ ir.�o nnd shall amend:mJ+upplemem ;�.�r��-�
<br /> �he covenants and qgrecn�ents of�his Security In.tramem a.i(�hc riJer(s)�nm:i pan of�hisSecurity Insvumcm. ".;il���
<br /> �ChccF:,^.pplicablc hnxle,q �'�,-:--�.
<br /> �F:,i:
<br />- Adjustable Rate Ridtr C�IGmdnminium Kider ❑1-J Pamily Rider '''S�er-:.
<br />- �Gr�dua:cJ Ya.�rc:m Ridcr I :PlanntJ Unil Dceclopmcnt Ridcr ❑6i�vttkly Pe)mtnl Ridc� .�i;-✓.:-..
<br />- �6allounRidar �R:a.ImproccmenlRiJcr ❑SccmidllomcRidcr • `�JY:
<br /> t���� .
<br /> [�V.A.liidcr �O�herts)�.pccify� Acknovledgenent of Power of-finlo 1�y� :
<br />- r,V.
<br />.. �il� - .-:
<br /> 9
<br />= y;;7_:�,:.
<br />.- RYSIGIIRGF3ELO1V. Oorro�ceraccep�.nnJaFrec�b+lhrterm.:mA:o.rn.mt.cnmaineJin�hi.ti<r:+rip�InUrwr,enl:mJ "`-",??!":-
<br /> r-.
<br /> in any ndtrtq cce:ulcJ 6y 6orrox�er and rccordcJ��i�h i�. � � _
<br /> _ Wilncs..•<: X��^l� ���.�---
<br /> � �Scal�
<br /> , Rober[ D. Levander Jr. ��,,,,,,,,�., �� � -
<br />_ ------------- ----- X IIu�C_�'�/_ ` _. ,vs�1.l�'L�i_1�__ s.•�!, �,��.',
<br />- Deborac 5. Lecaader .. .... •}'•"�^
<br /> ` .�i ::_...
<br /> .c.e. �SC.J�
<br />." _ —_ '__._ �-_.- .
<br />� _ _ ' . . . __" _ _ ' _ — _--' _ �. _ .
<br /> _ �w....,r i�..��....n
<br />.. STATEOF\EBRAtiKA. Hall Counq �.: l.'.
<br /> = Thc(oregmng in.�mnr.nt u�.JIAIYIL\IN�hI htlJ(C�:1�Illh 14th J�. .,1 Nove�ber . 1992 . • . -
<br /> = b} Robect D. Levander Jr. and Deborah 5. Levnnder, ae hus6and and vife 3` '�
<br />„ Wimc�sm) h:ud:mJmnarui.eala� Gttind Island/'\ (� uyCii'C•�um�.thrda�r�l.�rtwd .
<br /> _ \1xCoimni��innGapff<� ._�LC.'_��4_n"a�- �.( .lh% ��`-'^'^i� . .
<br />.` �it1EA1l pWR'S�It M MkuYi .,.�,,,��;,,�„ .
<br /> DENMH.D1VA8
<br /> �pw GA�M11A 1496
<br /> .r . � farm 3028 9'90
<br />_ �.-..`:. .
<br />