<br /> .-j . . .�rft�' f-t) '� .fY�l 3� -. � . .
<br /> � �'�� , u '� 'T ��.�.1 'i�i. . . . .� . . _i . _ . .
<br /> -,y- r..Fy<Cir . .
<br /> �=..�u�::�iT.FR�fSG��.�t:STif�in.tad -.:{•.... . _ . . .. 't......
<br /> fr,.... ' "_._...._�.__�._._.__-_ .
<br /> :i!
<br /> � substamially cquivatcm mortgzgc insuan.e covtngo is nnt nvailul�lc.Rorm��er shall p3f l0 I.CptICf M�CIi 111001I1 Y Spl➢tt�11.1I 10
<br /> one•Ix•eIDh of�he ya�dy mo�gage insum�xv:prrmium brinE p�id by florrmrcr��hcn tlm imur�nce mr.rogo la,sed or�sed tn
<br /> be In eff�r�.I.t�ilcr wtll acccpt.usc arvl rc�ain ih�xc paymans az a lnss rrscrvc in Iia nf mnrtgngo insunnre. l.ois rucn�c
<br /> p�ynxnls nuy�x�longer Uen�ulrtd,a�tha opiton of Lender,if mopgage Imurenct mrcrage lin�hc emnuN uxl for tlie p.riai
<br />. -.. .� . Ihal LCiWcr rcqultrsl pmsiclN by an insurcr apprornt by Lcndcr,gan I+armc+,rdlan4,nJ is obiaincJ. Ifnrrmcer xhall p�y . .
<br /> thc pnmiunu rcquind m mnir.tain mongage insunncc in cffcc�.or ta proriJc n loss rc�.n�c,umil dic r�uirerxm for mongagc __
<br /> insurancc cnds in.�mnlnnco u�i�h:my wriltrn agnxmem lx�latiYn Oortm��er and l.cnJcr or.pplli:abtc law•
<br /> =_ , 9.Inspection. I.ender or i�s agcm maq nukc raisonahlc entries upnn nnd ins�xriions of the Pro�xrq•.I.cndcr shatl give
<br />-�'� Bortowcr notimn ai Ihc timc of or pdor io nn Inspcclinn s�clfying maumabtc c.ux for thc ins{krUnn. �._
<br /> V_- l0�Condemnutlon.7'he Pmcads of any nwatd ar claim fnr damaga, dinrl or conxquemtal, im m�nec�inn wi�6,ny '
<br /> °'' m�xfcmna�fon or ahcr�aking nf any put of Ihc Pm�xny,or for caa��cyana In li.0 of mndemnatlon,arc hrr.hy assignal:md =_.
<br /> �_- shall bc pald l0 4cndcr. =� . . ----.....
<br /> In ihe evem of a tmal�aking of the Pro�t:ny,�he pmcecds shall be npplicJ m�hc xunu xrunvl by this Snvri�y(nsuumen4 ;
<br /> -= whcthcr nr no��hcn duc.wltii any cxces.cpaid to 13orro�ccr. In�hc crem nf a {�nial uking n(�hc Pmpcny in ahich thc (air �6�_,-r�.z;:...
<br />.__- matke�value of�I�o Propeny immNiaftly bcforo ihc WAing is equal to or gru�cer th;m�6c nmount nf�he�unu sceanvl hy this � �i _��;�{�y',:;
<br /> Sccuri�y fnsuument immedintely bcPorc�he�aking.unle.as Rnrro�ecr xnJ Irnder o�hcnviu ugnz in wri�ing.�he sum,,ecund by ' � ._
<br /> � �his Sccuri�y Inzlrument shall tn: rcdund b�• Ihc amount of�hc pnxccds mtdtipli�d 6y 16c (nllmeing fr.niion: lal Ihc lo�al _4ES� ��-.���,� -,
<br /> - :_i �. amonnl of�ho xums sceand Immdia�cly bcfane�hc�aling.dividal by 1�)thc fair markc� raluc of�hc Propny inuncJi�ACIY "« �, i ,si-.
<br /> �._� bcfom the wking. Any balartm shall Uc paid to fiorroner. In�he erem of:� panial iaking uf�he Pro�n} in which thc fair :'.f��::,G:�F.�:,,..
<br /> .j � markct valuc nf�hc Prop.rty imnxtiiately bcfnre tlr�aking is!ess thm Ne amoum of ihe sums xttund imm�diatcly Ucfom thc � �t.�,�p�',r-
<br /> � Q �aking,uniess Oorton�er m:d I.ender othcrnice agnr in wnting or ur.less xpplicable law aUienvisc pmride�,�h.pixn�atls.hall t ,r ;{; i:
<br /> � be 0pplial lo lM1e ewru secumJ by this Sccvriiy Gutmmcn[wliethcr or wt Ihe aunu are then duc. � �," r#;`�,,;;_•
<br /> _-•� If the Pmp.•ny i�ab,u�da�xd by Oorm+��er.or if.aRrr r.otiR b�Lcuder�n 6urrox�er�hat thr madrnuiornll'•u.:ru make an _� �� ...
<br /> ,;�� ! awud or scttfc a daim(or Jamages. Iturtm�er fails to rcspor.J eu Ixrtdrr wi�hin 30 daps a�cr thc date lht C�n�a i+@i�en, � f 9.5_ +
<br /> � LcnS.r is authoriad to wltect and apply the pra�ttds,a�its eiF�n,cid�er�a resmntion or repair at�he Proµny oc.o iLe sums 7q �Y yf3�� - y,
<br /> ''�'! xcurcd b)'�his Securiry'Instrur.iem,�cheUrcr nr no�Otzn due. 3.'�i'� �j���• _
<br /> at is n
<br /> ..�i� � Unlecc L.nd¢r aid Uorrawer nthenvise agm in ��-ritiry., anc;g�p:icaiion nf pmceNs m principal ahal! a<w r��end nr � , .d.m.0 .
<br /> _ .}q� pos�ponc�hc dur.datrot�hc momhly•paynums rcfcrnd to in ara ra hs 1 and 2 or chan c thc an7ow�1 nf such n�rm�. �.�;���{y�li�'���� ;�
<br /> p s 7 s wr � ,wz,w�w
<br /> .��j�' t�,Rorrmar�:f RelcaceA;Forl>ear.ence 6y I.cader\of u 11'nt�rr. Ca�ension o(�he iime for paymer.t or��e.difica�ioa s����,r�i��yt� .
<br /> - of amoniralion of�At sums x�nrtd 6p�his S.ruri���Instrurtrent gr.mad h)�I.cnder lo any suttts�r in imcre�t nl R�,rzm.cr.hali r}3 1r .�_
<br /> � not opera�e lo rtle.vse the liabiliq�ol the origin�l 6orrmcrr or Borroorr's succeuoR in imercs�. l.ender shnll nn�hr nyuireJ�n �Yt�� .--�
<br /> ..A;� mmmenR proc.tdings agaiiut,�m sumc»or m intcrcst or rclun�a rzterJ iinu fnr papmem nr o�henvisc malil� on:nniration s, `f+<r�u_A _
<br /> of 1he sumc seeund by �his Snvriry� inmm��tm 6y reacon nf nny demanJ made by the nriginal Uortrn�.r nr florro�cer'a ��i���f2ic"`�r(��
<br /> SG;� suarssors in imcres�. An�• tivtnarame br C,.m'rr in cxcrcising nnq right nr rcm.dy shall not b:a+�m�er of ar pnrluJc �hc = � �n:ly';�r
<br /> ��;� excreix of any right or rcm�d��. . �ii. 4 esrn F _
<br /> �,� 12. Sumssors nnd An�av Uannd;Joinl end Secarul I.Inbilti�:Co-signefc. The invcnam� and agratimeNS n(�hi. �t-�.�j�����>�n =i
<br /> _�.-,� Sccurily Instrun:ent slull bird i.^.J bencfi� ihc wcroswn .sai assigns of LcnJCr anJ Oorrmrcr. �ab�cct to�M1c pnxisinn, af 't ,�� 7.? -
<br /> pir,�gnph 17. Qorm�rers an:�umc and agrcements >hxlC hr join anJ sereral. Any Onrrm��cr oho co-,iFr,. a«. Sccuri�y .�t��'�f„�°��,t'«'m :�.
<br /> « �nymmqn�hm d<w� nm etrrurr ILc M1nt¢ lal i�cu-}icmna 1t.is SaurilY Insirumcnl onip lo motlgagc, gr.im.m.l .om�c)•Ih.n di�Lfn�V:.k'`�
<br /> "� Qortnwcr's intrcat in�Irc Pn;trq• mxlcr�h.�em�s n(ihiv Seavrity Instn:mcnr,�h)ix no�pcnnn:Jiy obl�_anV�o}��y��hc wms �{�ry��i;�,i,� v�' '
<br />:._�i!8� saund 6y�his S.�uritv Insen:mcnL':nx1(c�aercn d�at Lcndcr and a�y�,:hcr 6ounwcr may agcee m cc�.nd.modifc.�nrixnr nr `�j�G�`i.y,4fr��fu,;,,_,_
<br /> *J nuke any aceomm�xla�Inns��iih r;aard to d:e�emis of�hic Securiiy ImlrunMN or�he hole��i�houl�ha�6orroti��r'c eou+rr.i. hn��t`rf-,�����'*�-'
<br /> '.`.1 13. Lonn Chargcs. tl ttr!oai xrural hy this Sriurily In+lrua:en�is suhjctllo:<Lw� �dtich.cls matin:um lcr:m rh:itgr>. g°`(}t"y�'`�t,` - rt'.
<br /> .; 1 and �hat la�r ic lin:dly interprre��.o�h:n�he imerccl or mh.r Inan charges roll.�t�vt o:[o he n�IlecieJ in:nnr.e.twn��nh ihe t$��fij� =-
<br /> ' .'u.l Inan excttvl thc prmiiucJ liniiw. ihcn:(a1:�n) .u�h lu.m rhargc tiha!I hc mluetJ b� tlx ainuunl nac+5ary l��rttlu.e�h ch:�r�c ltr,t�h ;r' ` _
<br /> . � �, 45xy���'. im�d4j
<br /> _,`� w Um pcnnwcJ lunic and (M1l any .um. alrr.�dy eallc.��d I}.un I2nrrnxcr��hieh cx.cedcJ knniucJ limi�s nlll Ix refunJnl to
<br /> ?] Qmm�ccr. LcnArr ma�•choou io mxkc �hi. rcfwiJ b� irJucinE t6c �a:,���.�i a�ctd unJcr lhc Rnlc ��r b) m.iking a Jircc� �`r_. > �•}{ti!a �_-.
<br /> -�-' pa��mcnt In Oorru�scr. If :� nfunJ rrJu�t+ priucipal. the ralucliun �cill bc Ireacrd ati a panial prtp.pnnct uithoul any �� r1 ��`Y`��a
<br /> prcpaym.m chargc undcr thc Kmc. '�� �< �fiv s�
<br /> .� �4.NoiiCCS. Any nolir.ln 1)otrowcr proridcd(or m�hi•Sccunry Imlmmcnt�hdll Iw grcen bg dcL�Cring rt or hr malling $�� -. � a C�•"�:
<br /> -�-s�'�. ii by fin�ela..mail unlr.. appli.ahle law rcquire.u.c nf ano�her nkih��l.Thc naurc.hall fk dirar0.d to lht Pn�rnp AJJre�. r - i`-r t.5.-
<br /> :v_i: o� any oiher .iddre., 13orro«tr dt.ign.ue.hi natim la Lcndrr. An) nnuic lo I.cnJcr .hall hr eutn hy fiN .Ixcx mail ln �`e�� -_ _;� .;.
<br />- ?.; l.cndtr'�aJdreo .<atcJ hcnin or:m} o�hcc n�Jrtx Ixmler dc.igna�a h��no�icr b� Onrro��.r. Am n.»�rc prm�iJcd for in �hi. s r�{p,� --
<br /> :f,`y Sauri�ylmwmr�rtqiallbed�einallahncthengicentnl3�vrnnernrl.er.der��6en�ir.na.prociJniinlhiaparagraph. •-i�t�;�•._"a,�•'s;!�'-"-
<br /> �i�;� �5.Gmrrning Lm�: Scrcm611i1��. Thn S�tunq� In+�mincm +hall I+t gmcmad h� fcJcr,J I:�x• n:xl iht la�� of ihc ��l�j�y .--i f �r
<br /> _ juriselitlimt in��hidi�ht Preprae i.IocnaJ. In�he c�cnt thai any pru�i>ion or d:m.c.+l Ihi�Sciurily Inslruaunt nr lhc\ott 5�(i i}it � ''".
<br />_ �,t- mn0icls�vilh�pplicablc I:���.wc�t coellii1>h.Jl r.m a(Icd nlhrr prou.ian.nl Ihi�Sciunry In.Itmn.nt or lhc\o;c��hir6 can Fr �t,�=�;?fy��a r•-
<br /> �s• gi�•en.(fat wi�houl�6c.nnlliaing proci.ion. To thi..nJ thc prnvi.ion,o(thi�S.rum� Inarumcin anJ Ihc Nntc arc dedarrl j�r+,�1 rtY „ ..
<br /> S `� lo lw urcrable. } Y. }� �-.� �"'f' '
<br /> y�i�jj IG.6orro��er's Cnpy.[hrtro��.r.hall lx gircn on.runlbnn�rlcop��d�hc\a1c.mJ al�hi�Sauniy In.Imincnl. ��+3i 4'r�j '
<br /> ,,{�� 17.Tmns(cr of Ihc Pmpert��nr n Rcncfidal Imcrcst fn Iinrro��cr.If:dl ar.m� p.m nl thc 1'n•�ny or.in} �mrrc.�in i� �f�t} j�nts,�y.`-
<br />-.-?�'�(s� �..:�!J ur Inmfcrnvl(nr il a hnclieial in:crnt fn Oormscr i..ulJ�rt 1ran.f.rral:md ISnrruoer i.not a n:nurai prn..,m uflhou! ,`.c`��?ru+�p.r'.;:_;�.
<br /> yfE,, Ler.drr'x print wfilltn p�nwr.l. I.CnJer m.q, m n. npuun. r.ymrr mmnJcne p.nmrm in lull al.�11 .wn. s.:.:rd b� Wi. �,�r}� rvl a1
<br /> J."_;� Sccn�iq'Ina.uisnl.Ila��tvcr,lin.npiion.6all ixn hc cacrcf.�J h� I cndcnl ctcrcf.c n prohfhii�J h� (IJCfJI Id\\ d�P�Illi tl:llf `�,}S3 �_S�t�
<br /> Si' allh�lfiainl.rerani>c'ihi.nptinn.lcnd:� .h�llgi�cl3arrnuctnn!iirul:iicltr.nmaihcunl�rr.h.Jlpr.nidc.�pcmxl�,tnot ���� I '
<br /> t r `1
<br /> Ics< tl�an ?0 J.n. (rom�hc d��c Ihc nu��:r��dchrcrd nr m.n1oJ�ulhm��hfih 13urrm�cr nm.l p.n cJl .nnt..ccurtJ h� ihi. ._,�
<br /> .:`��' Savrily In.Irun:cm. If IA.rr...::f.ul.lo p.n �hrv.unn priar m thr<�pu.�nun nl th�.�rnnl.LrnJ:r m:n un�.Ar .m� rcm.Jic. �:":: 9. ..
<br />_"„t �.nnillni M i!:i.ti:nml� Lwn:n:em niL`oix funLrr mqu�c onitm.cnl un liorro��rr. >I}�..�`�";V'�'>t:t,.'
<br /> �.{�;x:��( 18. Iiuc�m�er'� Rirhl Io Reinr7ate. lt IArtraner m.eh rcnam u.nJmrn.. ISourn.;. .F�t� :�a�c �.'. ::gh� in h:nr °4�1n' _ - .y
<br /> `�i5 ir cn(orattutcnt . :a.Snun1� In.lnunim �:-.nr.lnmcd.n :m� Iunr pnur w Ihr cadiri oL �, - :r w:h othrr p.•nr.: .:
<br /> ' F� 1 :�?Plita6lr I�o :mn .rytfl� fv rciuya�rn:cr.�� bAom •.di• ol �hr Pra�yn� punuem to em r a .de o,ia.m.vl �r i. - '{Fi..: '..:1'�.
<br /> '�_°5`j i::ueicc In.lmn:an:nr�b. euln .�I a NJ�nxui eninr.mi Ih�.Sr:um� InymmaN 1:�.�.::r:slfuon• .��e Ih.n P:�rrvcr.a�p.n. ri"•�.�-. - . .
<br /> '��u I.:'::t:JI .unn vhirL Ihrn�...uIJ bt dur unJcr tlu. \ccn�� In.lmmcm.mJ IL. \.c:.�.tl m�a:irl.•r.m�.• ` : .�.rnuaJ: �In ' ^
<br />;_,y�ri cc::.anr dcfa�t al r.m .ql:n ca�cn.mt.nr.icrlmcn:. �.� p.n..dl ry.n.r. m.c^:d m cnlorcm� 11:�. Sr.m±l� Iu.ImmcuL �_i _,
<br />� 'f�..�' ir.rluding. hc! r :hnul.�l lo.re.nru:bli•.Nmm�: iit.. an.l��h �eAc. .n.L• .�.�o,n.n I:nJn ntn ta.nnnebk �:ywrt I�..s..wt r r,:.' .
<br /> �t. - : . . ! �
<br /> ;��r.:-. Ihal Iht fien r: P-�$auru) In.lmminl. Lendn .npht.ut tl�.P:.,�•:. .�nd li.ao.vct .ohL�.�u��u in p.n ILr.um..c.urc.l F .
<br />�:�.:::, . . s .
<br />,:�JV.-y� Ihiti �aunb' :r.:";nan1 �La!1 annlmur nuc6.m..J l pon �nr•t.n:m:rt P� lin�n.w.r. Ih�. S.cm�h Indmm:ia .�nJ �F: ...;-.. - .
<br />-•-..-• y-:_..:..... ' ..�.....a.. .v:� ........., o.n. ..u..�..: .. �� �,.. ....4r.a....�L�.'.c.mnJ Ii�n�e�.•� Ilu.nrin t��n�unlalr.h.dl •- '.
<br />..4..=;:.:_ -..�...... ........ '; '"""' " _"_ _ - ' _ - .-_ _.
<br /> •�-:a�plc in Ihc ca.c of z:c-•.r:9nn und«paragra�d� I-
<br /> "�- 19. ,l'a1r u( \nlc: ChanFr uf Lu;m ticnircr. fkr \,.t� ot a �,.m�.d un:re.1 m Iht \.qr �L�ctthr� .���h �h�. tic.ucn. 1 .
<br /> •r�.' Ir..ani��i.: ' . :i�o:dnnernnnrciunt•.��Ihoulpna�nou.ctol0.nn.v�:i \�irmd� n•.u11m.�.h.n.gcm�htrnlm �Ae,...� .
<br /> '�j+.�.�,- :n iL•t'f:_r �:'�iiti I ilml mllt t.ruynhh pa}mrnh Jnc unJtr�L:Vn::anJ�h�.titinnt� In.tmmcm Th:�:.J.n m.n 1� .-:
<br /> -�-F o�li��:::. ' :-nf thc Loan Skn irer unrtlalaJ W n.cdc�q �h:So�c 11 �Lcrc�.e:hentr rl iht 1...m Stn�rtr 1{nrtowtt�u::h�
<br /> . �4•� ci�:" u r colite ol Iht diangt m xao:J.mrt��nh p.vaer.ip:�I1 al.nc anJ app!�..d.li la�� �he nn�ar v dl a.�tc�hc aeinr anJ
<br /> . ....- ..'!.`.d nc�� I.oen Sem�cr and U�r�JJrc..to �.hi<h p.nmo��• .hnu1J h�,�,adc �h:n„u.r vdl .J.,�...,�.un.up „�L.i �
<br /> -� ��«.,R��::.�.�.,;��«�n.���i�.,i,i,i�,,.
<br /> -`V��? 20. 1ia'rarduut tiubslanen. Ilotr.,au .hell nut om.r nr •�i�r.•�e �h,- prt..r.:. u.e. d�yv�l. yr�.n: ..r �:I:a.:.•: .r.�� .
<br /> "i' Har.uJnu. y..r.•anic. nn ot m :hc Pn.Rrt�. ilnrrnwu .lull n.a.L, n..r .di.na .�na.nu :-: �.• , �
<br /> d... .�nu�in_ .�tl:.trr_ •
<br /> � �..
<br /> ,.:.
<br /> "" . Pro�xtl} ihai i.in�falaGnu nf am I-m in•nmcmal I.aa Tht pr�:du�.�a.. -:m:n....L.JI n.•� ai Ph t.. �h:�r:..•n.:. u� •r
<br />- - .tura�c nn thc Propcm n( wnall yux��iilih�+1 If.v_�rdnu, tiuha�n.�itu�ar.• _:r..r�ll. rc.o[mnyl 4.I4 .�ppn.pn,rt.n. r..r.n.il �
<br />':.�.�
<br />..,:p,+q
<br /> .,:_;.
<br /> rc.�drnnal u�ra anJ lo uuinirnanic uf�he Nm�m
<br /> -.'`%' .. . Pom�302d 990
<br />:-.-1t`:} .
<br />