;.�`'4"T'_ . 4c^�.= _:��:..-: �_fit i`.�,.s��t� 'r_ .,iL
<br /> :.� � ; • ,. —� — -- _`
<br /> P--=.q—r e — - , �; -- - i a„ - _
<br /> _ � t _ ti_ ,..`` c f 5_- - � �..
<br /> - . j, 't �t; .. C -, -r� .:- s �`. . � . . .. - t _. -`c. d.
<br /> r '� . : �.- F� � y ,. �c Y�, . -�c ; w . r tr . •. � ,�..r� f `� " '
<br /> s
<br /> .� . -Y� c-.k � ,.. J�� l,.'� s 'Y' hn � 4 ,�m..-� - �'J.::r---`----�---"" --.
<br /> _�. .YY � _ y�_" , � f�� . . �.
<br /> w�._ � —_--_
<br /> '-�:. ..�_ .ic`. t' s � "� .
<br /> {, - , . ` �r-, ,
<br /> . t
<br /> �. ..
<br /> � <' �{y�yo�Q
<br /> <,� ��� �'IiQFQ�$�
<br /> �. . a .
<br /> � liC�bl�t �
<br /> �� . '` any rigAt or remedy hereundez, or ottaerwise �#forded by PP
<br /> ... :..
<br /> -, --:� : : la�, shall no� be a Q�aives' of or preclude the exeraiae of any sucb
<br /> _ �. . ��1 right o� r8medy hereunder f aia�larlp. t&e wai�rer P�y �eaef icis�rg or ��_�:,.r'.��'
<br /> �� " Tznst,se of any de€anit of Treistor under this D@ed of 1'rust o3�a�,I
<br /> Ts `
<br /> �_: - aot be deeme3 a wai.ver of aay other or eimilar defaul��
<br /> subsecguentlp occurringf �gl
<br /> exteneion of the �i� for pay�an� Ear `t... .�.. -
<br /> �: : �. ':,�� ;: :;-: ';. i
<br /> . . s��:, modif ication or amortization of the sums sectsted bY thig D@ed ca� ,l
<br /> —:�x= '�` �'nast granted by Beasficiary to any aucceaear in iaterea� m� r, :,_.:_.__�,;
<br /> ;;�'. ` 'LL Tr�stor shall not ag�rate to releas�, ia any mannez the liabi2i'�g ..,f
<br /> ��. :�� ., a f t g ae o r i g f.:a a l Trustor and Truator's successor in iaiter�t. t
<br /> Benef aciazy shall aot b� requxred to co�enc� procee diai9a ag�i Y t a t ; ` .
<br />-- �- .,,;:t,� such snccessor or refn tioa of the eumns aadt i�ndebt dnessse�u�ed E'�_ -
<br /> �R_._ _:,f..� � othera�ise mcdi.fy aa�ortiz � �. .
<br /> . --�73� -==.`r.- �y this Deed of Trast bg� reason of any demand �ad� by �h; ����� _
<br /> -�� � � trus�or and P.rnstor's successors � �t�eo��r erson l:irable i i.'.�_ .
<br /> `-�`� affecting the liability of the �ruetc�r or anp P ,:
<br /> . for tlae papiaeat of the obligatcions and indebtedne�s secnr�d �iY- ti�� � :�'. �'
<br /> —. Deed of TxEaet, aae� without affecting the lian or charge o� this . ;�`
<br /> n anp portian of the Property na� ��en. or ;
<br /> � Deed of Truet upo :, ,.',. .
<br /> � � .':€��. : � � there�ofore rel�ased as secnritp far the ftill amouat of a1L napai-d :_ _
<br /> ,'. -';.'�; ma from time to time aad Q�ithou� n�tice �:-:
<br /> � .;_ obligations, ��neficiarg Y• li extend the �turity o� alter , ., �
<br /> .,� ; � ';.��`. (i) sel�ase any pe�tsoa so liable, (' l 1� �� r s
<br /> ���' such obligation, (' 1 �� ' �
<br /> � � r�� a a y a f �I i e terms of any , ;
<br /> _ ' indulget�s. (iv) release or reconvey, or cause to be r e k�e a s e d or f,, :;,:
<br /> •s o tioa aay paraeln Poztioa �, �:-
<br /> ��. , s;:�.;:`��:' reco=nveyed at anp time a t H e nefici a r y P
<br /> ' or all of tlse Propgrty� (v) take o� re*ease anp other or add�tioaal �� ;
<br /> .�:. ;t�,t:�r':, :.. �eat�anecl, or �� -
<br /> ,...�,��;�::Y,�'�,�." securitg for anp obligata.on or inde�tedness herein : ,-
<br /> �t��:., �•.' 2IItBA't8 W1�1 �A�O=8 lY1
<br /> � . � �vi) nray-,� compositions or other arraag ��� g�ven � �.�.
<br /> �' � " f� . relatiar� �@retop (i) in addition to t.�se riqbts and P ��a� have
<br /> � �' �' "� � � � to t�ae '�ste� and Heneficiarp herein, �he Beneficiasg � ; -.
<br /> 4 hts both in law and �ity for collect�an:c�f t� „�k;::;_
<br /> � . '�,;�.`,;`;�.y: all suc�s ��� zci.�q
<br /> r:
<br /> . �:= ..
<br /> - - �,��g.����� ��:red hereby as it wou�d have but for t�a D�ed o �,
<br /> �. . �� '.��.,.. �'i�cs�p �(i�i � �oveaa�.�s and agreemen,�s of Trustor se�c �ozth ia �.�.`e,:.
<br />� � � ��is ,II�d csfE �st s��T '..be joint and several= (k) t�:,� �eed of
<br /> - � ���.�_
<br /> �,. '�rus� sha�l � ga��c�.�y the Zaws of ic�.� Sta�e og Nebra�s�.af (11 �.,.�,_ ;.
<br /> � � .. the evesat a� �se or more of the provisions containeiai� �aa tk�.a �,,:�,� -.
<br /> IAStI�iL'!&I1t 43ZS�� 9�r•,'-�_
<br /> ` :�` - � Deed of. ��rsat, � �the Note or any other eecuritg rj�,_�__-
<br /> �. �, • ��:` in cona���3on�r,�'� the indebtedness herebp seaured shs��L ��_ �F �T.-
<br /> � reason Hs� held to be ianvalid, illegal or uaenfo�cceatf7.sh� �L J
<br /> ;d'>w:�.
<br /> � .'; � .� ,:�.,'c:. respect, such icccaliditcp�a illegality, cs uneafozceabili�tty.� ;.�s,�,,,,�
<br /> ' : . the optioa oSE ��fic��. �ot afifect any other provis�n, oiE tb3.e �1��:y.
<br /> ; � Deed of Truet, ltrnt this �'eed af '��t s�all be aonstrue+d� aa.if suc� �,,...4
<br /> ; -�. ,: � � invalid, illegal, o� ��e�s�frmsa��e Provision had m�►ver been 1� : -
<br /> ;. . �.�•�. .:
<br /> � ¢ . � coa�ained herein or t3s�.r�nzb. 71� the I.�a of thie De�ci�.cafr �Tzuet is . tts�'°__
<br /> R� :,; . . ;��� of tha iY►debte�!aa�sa he=eby T-
<br /> � f, a �, invalid or unenfozc�a�� �s.�� �Y F��.
<br /> g.,1. ; . , secured or evidenced by the L��°e. or sf tho lisn ifl• ,�valid or �},_'. :
<br /> . `} ••� � � uneafosceable as to any par� �f the Property, the waeeau�ced os _.—
<br /> '� �• � partiaily secured portion of.su�� indebtednesa ahall be:�aampletely �<<�-,.
<br /> ; � . . � �at� of the remaia�cq �nd eecured +�r pa�tially � ••
<br /> � � paic� gsSor to the payr� nte .i�nade on snch �'; _
<br /> � .;• secused portion of suC1� �ndebtedness, aA.� ai� F�Y� -
<br /> .. �debtedness, whe�h�a voluntary or un8er �cxsealasu�s•. oa ot�rsr dy�,,�,«..
<br /> � :i... � ..
<br /> t,,t,_
<br /> enforcement action or gsrocedure, ahall be coa�of that� ar�i�on of °����"`
<br /> ' t� � first paid on and aggl.€�ed to the full payiuen P �`
<br /> �� • .
<br /> � such indehtedness w�i�ix is not secured or not fu31y secwced� by. the . ', �?;
<br /> ' ' lien of thie Deed of fi'�ust; and (m) the covenaate aad ag�eem�snte _,F
<br /> �� coatained ia this De�c� of Trust shall bind, aa.c8 the beae�i+�e snd _�. ,
<br /> ..`V.
<br /> ad�antages h�s�o£ ahall inure to the respeative �eS.as, exean�c�re� �;"�`:�"
<br /> � .� '` . admi.nistrators, auacessors and asaigns of �1xe partiee hes��o. ��';j;�4;
<br /> ��s�. . (r�hexev�� used heseia, �.1� singular nwmber shall inc].ud� the pltnral �; �
<br /> � ' and conversely, aad tl� �ase of any qender shall be ag�alicmble to
<br /> " � ' all qenders. Wherever the tesm "Heneficfary" ie uaed herein, it � ��'`
<br /> � ' �, .' shall inaluda the legal hmbr3�r or holdera of the Note or the � ;�,
<br /> ' �? ittc2ebtedness secured hereby. ��
<br /> ; .
<br /> � � ,S�BVENTSt IIpon written request of Heneficiasy atating that all �
<br /> '' � � � am�w►�s and indebtedness aecured hereby hane been gaid, snd upon �• ��
<br /> } , ��,
<br /> snrrender of thia Deed of Tru9� and the Note ta Tzuetee �or the ,
<br /> "'- .-- - casacellat9t eashal2 recoaney to Trust�r�AOrbthe p=on°o= peY'SS no8
<br />_� .. fees, Trn .
<br />.;, . . . .
<br /> � 7
<br /> .. . . e--�.
<br />