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<br /> 5 - -'=_.'�'-•-"-_- - -
<br /> �- - -' —. . '�C.S� . < cJ-. , -.-- �- ±� - - -- ` i.
<br /> � - � H v f f�'f � �t � E ' t.
<br /> z. f �� ,/ 1� �~ � `> � � — �-r
<br /> r` 'c-�• ..[j _ '«:��y�° :. - -�4i c V � :t. _i�.�...� ° S ,_.
<br /> �� . - '. A" �4� `++4. � � g. 4- ���tt
<br /> -J ~;�� ::''T-y �c�,tl. ' 6. �.
<br /> ��.d�.�.✓..�� . .�.4{,: \2� _
<br /> t Z
<br />..--_. —�.._. • _- _ - •—}_.� K, .
<br /> .; �E�. , ��� ��7��� �:i`, - y.. <
<br /> ` ` •'`��� of sale aad of th� saler , ,4:•'L: ..�,.�
<br /> y k c .ti..°n..::,.;
<br /> ,c� �e�i'r�' `...: •.`� er Si.e��g fe88 .m':{.'.':,:. -'
<br />. � . � expenses of exsrciaing the I�t�e payment of Trn �:,�.�:, :S�.r:'.:
<br /> } ��.�'" ,' i.ncloding. withau� limita�ion, re ate exceed ; .F.
<br /> � ��° - ���. wbich Trustee's fees ehall not 3.n �s 1 9� Qf 1� of �ge . . ,.:_,;',
<br /> . the aum of k'ioe �undsed Dollsrs ($500.00) p _ '
<br /> un aid aad then to the items _<,..�.; ._
<br /> � . � amoun� secu�ed hereby and rema�n��s p���raph PIFTS in th� order . �.r...
<br /> i`. set forth in subparagraph (�1 - -
<br /> , <: thexein stated. of tliis . � ,
<br /> y_--�:. a�ragraph (b1
<br /> ����-�'�:� the items specified i.t► subP
<br /> or the proper couz� �d ,; �y:
<br /> -,'`��.� �."���;. ��i �h gl�H,if the sale is bp Trustee, suant to judicial
<br />:=�f� � � p a r a g r a P of foreclosure a n a l s a l e i f s a le is P�ied f.a t h e o r d e r - .
<br /> �. other costs ..�;,�` .�.
<br /> roceeds of sale shall be aPp ;4.�.`
<br />-��; .. . foseclosuxe. �e p ent of: • -
<br /> atated bel� to the pagm wi�h '
<br /> ' ,:f ��`,<��; �vidence of title procu�� � co���1on �� '-:�
<br /> _ , �1� C�st of anp revenue r�quired to be paid; �
<br /> ., �j , �,,
<br /> StICh ��•�'r-'-
<br /> � �� sale aad o anY ';;����:?�;y:,...
<br /> � $.��r.•,:t r y`
<br /> . ' :�' ..S: � �: 1�:.1, ,c i A►,e.•
<br /> .. �,1 sums then secur herebyi „��1�,� �
<br /> �.', •t. �2� ersona legally r p�i��yrR
<br /> � ` The remaind�z. if anp. to the person o= P '��f �.r`.
<br /> i � �3� entitled thereto. �t; �
<br /> " �J'. Vt !�'A.,
<br /> , ��,`• �. the arties to this Deed of Trast f� =�ests th$t a ���:����,h,sa° :
<br /> s�. Notice ot Sale J�ra�'�""
<br /> � .;, , Bach o€ P at the `r� `:
<br /> �..j.._ ' co of any Rotice of Default and�a toP each sucls �na�Y �;�"�'�`;•;
<br /> f..v' p o�vided for hezeinabove be mail ;^..,�c�-;.�+,,:�;�.::
<br /> II oa t2a��accnrreaae
<br /> �..
<br /> est office addresg set fostb h sb 1 ha a the optipn to �.Y;=::,,`
<br /> °� parties p g��f iciarp law for the r��A1 �f -
<br />-•.` :�+� � of aap defau�� hereunder, rovided bp '�:.�... .�
<br /> �� st in the ieanaer P (",,;_,,,.��'=.��
<br /> - ' - "'' foreclose thas Deed of Tru t..t��•<r:m�-..
<br /> h a es on real pro�serCY• mr —
<br /> " e of mortq g ',. �'
<br /> foreclosur ees that (a� Treistctr, at its �;':a�'� =
<br /> � • Trustor specifi�allY a9r z 1 u on ���Y� ,--
<br /> . SI - °`
<br /> - • ... , expease. �1� eReaute and deliver to Beaefici�8 Pr�.� gbp �����.-
<br /> reqnest, �� S��itY instsumeats a8 �ay - . -
<br /> . iu a form and substance satisf�o=Y t� Bene�icia�St• ���''3`l,
<br /> ' Y �t �vhich,
<br /> ; . _, .N,.- Heaeff�.:.s�...'�r. of tha Property conve�ed �� tis.�g Deer� diE T�n sto� s ��..--
<br /> '' , I.:fif�e� v.::,.
<br /> ` , L" cover�� �B _
<br /> s,�.., . secusity ��rumants ahall be addi-�isa�I� s�curi'� �� �.�u i
<br /> ' rx,�oaaats and�conditi.one � �
<br /> '`����� faithful ��."'��Ce of all og the te�a. e8S secn�ed� he�ceby.,, ""��,;y�:�
<br /> `�#s��rK �� of Trust, �he Note and iade��� �.
<br /> :�'f :•���,�f:s:��: :�; of thiB DC� � �-
<br /> : ' �„c . ,.;'''` and a�sy ot�ac securitq instruucents executec� :,se connec�tdion��ltbeucl� „�:,;_';,�;.
<br /> , � ` �� iA�r��=daess � aecured by this Deed of Tsusti �asei. (b1� `� _=
<br /> y1j f � : t+���
<br /> ',��, .,.�.�° .:':: : •� b written instrum.r�n� eis�cuted ,��.,,,,,��
<br /> � , .y;,t,..,. �8��cgs��s .shall be filed and zecosded at trua oY £- { .
<br /> ;.`''j�`���"� � � Benefi�cfa�! �Y, from time to time�,iled to Trustos and. �ecoxded �n• .h�i,.� -
<br /> ' � �.':: � .,� � and acicnaw:�adqed by Beneficiar]T. i8 loaa�ed� aad� by , --
<br /> � � � or counties ia wbich �he Propertp ��le �awa ofc ��-....�--
<br /> � �;�f�;;�; thg �o�tY 1 in wi.th the provisions of the app a4..
<br /> �.:�;:.•, -. _r��� � otlaeswise comp Y 9 ��"� ""-_
<br /> aubstitute a auccessos or eue�a II��°oug�° he <<
<br /> .,� ;9 ,";:�. � the State of Nebraeka, hereunder f ( ) ^z
<br /> Trustee named herein or acting be an�ag��� o�, •`, '�
<br /> - .`,i��';; ,. � �' �� ; Truatee, or Tsustee'e successor or successora, may a�b p , �
<br /> �. � ;��. . - �o z n e f o r, o r otheswise conaected i t T�t e e to ea�h$e euab E��`' _
<br />.,.,.,� . � . , or at Y ��,�..��
<br /> � ��'� � faat shall nnt be construed to di�c�uali y
<br /> ��,'�,;;:.::.
<br /> .>'�,.��;�`,`•�.. .. . .. Tsustee, nor shall auch fact in �Y Part ��$U' o� he ProperCy �..�;,;;,;
<br />-_� ;.�'� o� `r:�;;'. ::
<br /> � from bidc�ing at a sale anca ��sY �
<br /> 'r sale &ereunder; Q�i1� �hat if it should be A aonve�� o� ��';` .�-
<br /> __ ,"t�����+, '{ y .��� at aay
<br /> -_ . . appropriate foz th� pratec�,ion °Secured cuforyt� etru8t� os the .;;'':. . ,
<br /> ___ .. H_ � enforcement of the debt hereby to any Proceedi.ag o� ;� .,
<br /> � ' '.:�,���': : B�ne£iciary to ins�itute or become a P�y � '•'.
<br /> _ . � t or probate or other court of�qQU=��d E�
<br /> �',..�;., . , '.� euit in s c�austi of �ankruP �Y , t�;
<br /> ,a;,:=:., .. .: e ensea and costs proPesly �
<br /> or limi.ted juxisdiction, � xP . lncluding reaeonabbe r
<br /> � �� �.�,��r'a' . .��' :`,.:'s` : : by such Trustee or H�neficiarcy in•
<br /> a�,�1 �ru�tee or s� Henefciciary ( �
<br /> , .�,�,,rtt, � ,;�:;,,,,,,,,.� or pro�ecting�
<br /> ,�': ��'. � `�;S��SI{.:; s��mrney;e fees) g�1d or incurred by auch proceecling ; ���,
<br /> , ,'� '•) rose�a�tinq oz defending ,,.
<br /> _ .,..,r•�,ti. , ,.' :. ,Ss{ 1_,.... �in�tais�a.ng. P ,,: ..4:
<br /> <;� � ': ` j�°�::�� their s���ctive zights hereunder shall be an additfonal debtt
<br /> ,...�,.:r.,, ents, ` .,
<br /> ��; - � . � : - this Deed of asuat in like sar�.ner wgo= titspr� ip� �
<br /> � „r;? , ;,�� �
<br /> ; :.�,�c>. secnred � e Benef ic�-�►rY r
<br /> debt her�gn described; ( 1 �;
<br /> �T��:;... � � � zepresentatives or worlamen. a� of the Property for the pnrP°ge ,
<br /> --° . : . s�a�onable time upon ax in any P ose of performi.ng any of the ,,'�..
<br /> --- .�� � . � � � of inapecting the same and for the purP �,. - :.
<br /> ' � � it is authorized to perform under the terms of this Deed of
<br /> . . .. acts Benefiaiary er 'I`xustee in exercieing
<br />__-_ . . . Trnstf (f) any forbearance by
<br /> - ,�;:
<br /> - - - �;� :������.-
<br /> _ ... . 6 '
<br /> ry: ' , . . . .. .
<br /> ��' ' .
<br /> '. ,. - _ -, _ . � ,. .
<br /> . . . ' .,n�rari i:. i�.n�iT1*2'U:i�=2�Ce'nFii:�n"?�3'e�d�i4e -.�....:.... .c.._...�3- � •�}:�3j.�..---q.�. i.��-
<br /> _.,—.._.- _._.�w..�.�. .arn,.re,..._:._a.���r.•,..,ttibti��:,*.:Y,1!-�.�.�.�t"��Y�.�3u��-.L� '`,_!___
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