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. . <br /> � ' �t { y'1 ��,G� f f?� - Y7i � r__' � x�tlX-�lc .,,� ' .-... <br /> - �s>,�Zw�tC<w....Ja:«::L..r.�i/,.nw:+..,��:1..'s'.iFWG7FiklJrfS . . _..�•�•yi�:.�.�_� -- . .. .• <br /> � �L�p.-_,. +�.._.�_.�_.._._.. ..�. �. . <br /> =� S2�- �to�s�� <br />.___.�� p:dwis that Lender rcqcires. 'Ra insurnnco c�Mer providing thu insurance sdall be choscn by Rorcower snhjec��o Lender4 <br />-_._ npprov.J whlA�shali not bc unrcasonably with6cld. If Rortower fnlls io maintaln wvemge descrilxd nlwvc,l.enAer may, nt ._____ _ <br />.-.:,,,�, l.ender�opllon,oblaintovemgaloprotaiLender§rightain�heProyenyinaccoMancewidipamgraph7. _. <br />=�;;� AII insumnce policies nnd rcnowals shall lw nccepmble a I.ender and shall fnclude a siandnrcl mongnge clause. I.tnder <br /> `: .-. <br /> shall havc ilw dght to hald tho policles and rcnewals. If l.endcr requires,Qorm�ecr shnll pmmptly givo ro I.ender oll necfpts <br /> __eF� of pa!d prcmiums and rcnownl notlees. In dic evem of loss,Rorcower shnil give pwmpi naice to ehe insnrance enrder and ��: <br /> - Lender.�er may m�ko proof of loss If not mndo promptly by Qonowcr. <br />'�+:;r� Unlas Lcndcr aml6orrawer mhcnvlso ngrco in writing,Insurance procccds shall Ix npplled lo mslnr,�ton or rcpilr of �,,,,_.,... <br /> - tiw Pr�x�ty J�n�a-cd,if tho rutora0or or rtpair is u,oaomically ( and I.cnAer�ucud�y b not lesuncd. If thc --- <br /> ° rcstor�tlon or rcpa�r Is not economically feufblo or I.enAcr4 secufl�y x�ould bc Iesscncd,ihe Insnrence procecAs shail ix <br /> ` '-' npplied to tho sums secumd 6y Ods Secndiy Instrumem, whe�6cr or not then due,wi�h nny excus pald to Rorconec It <br /> 's�� 6ortower nbandons�be 1'topeny,or dces no�nnsx•cr within 3U deyx a no�ice frmn 4cnder iha� iha insunnce cnrrier hns ���� <br /> .fy offemd m setde a dnim,�hen Isnder may colice�ihe insur,v�ca proceeds. 4ender may ase tl�e proceeds ro rcp9r or rtston: �k. . <br /> j"�,'-� � �ha Propeny or to pay sems secured b�this Securiry Insm�mem,whother or na�hen duu. '[ire 30.dny period will begfnx�hen s��.-.,-„. <br /> � �hc no�tca is givon. � � �:".. <br /> Unless 4ender nad DoROwer othenvi:o agrce in wri�ing,any applica�ion of proa�ed+w pcir.cipal shall not ex�ertd or ,��,,- ,;: <br /> ,%.,�, pos�pone�ho dno daw ot ihc mmchty paymems rckrced to in paragraphs I and 4 ar cfwnge Nc amount of th¢paymems. If ����A z,_,�_-: <br /> - 'n under pangnph 21 Qie ftnpetty is a^.qu[rcd by Lendeq Dorrower�dgh�to any insumr.ce policies nnd proceeds ruu!ting �.y ir - <br /> v -; Gom damage�o qee Fmpeny pdor to the acquisillan shall pass l0 4ender to the extent ot the sums ucured by ihis Saurity ��'r c �. - <br /> ,--;y_ Lutn:mcnttmmcdiatelypriortotheuqui:i�ion. � s;� ,:; <br />�:°•:�rt;�� 6. QccuGaecy, P�esen�Pr.�i, \7aintenance anA ProleMSon o! Iht Property; Fmro�rer's Lonn Applint'.an: ':�.�:,.�;,;:., <br /> f��t LeauholSs. 6oerowershall accupy,establish,ar.d use�he 11op:ny as Oerrowerl piincipal resid.nce�viehin sixry days afxer ��Y -- - <br /> _ �he execmion of this Security(nstmment and shalt wminue to awpy thc Nn�xny as Rortowrr�pdrtcipal msidtnce fnr a! .�x'i�'._ -' _, <br /> f ;¢j' Ieas� one year a0er tk date of occupancy, ucdcs, Lender o�hernise ayrcts in writing, which conax� siai� eu Ree "�TM�*trh :- <br />_ ._,,;�,�� unreasonably wi�hheld.or unless extenuating circums�ances exls�which ue bepa�eA DorcmverB cantrol. Hnm��ror sha:(rr.t !�`e�d,_?.: <br /> ��'��' destroy,damage nr impiir ihe Properiy,allow ihe Propeny io deteriorate,or commi�wax�t on thc Propeny. Uorto���er str.��[ �f ; �>-�__ <br /> _ � be in default if any fodeiturc neion or proceeding,��he�her civil or criminal,is Rgun�hxt in Lender's good faith judgmvsec ;�'.� -:..-_ <br /> 1_yy� muld result in forPoitus of the 1'lopeny or o�henvise materially impair �he lien cmnled b���his Securily Instrument or �i�{�*�:.:N��. <br /> � LenJers secerity Imerest. Dorto�rer may cure such a defauh xnd rcinsiate,as prorided in paragraph 18,by caustng theac�ion -- <br /> �.� or praceeding to be dlsmissed wiih n mifng�ha61n LenderY good feiih determia:nion,prccludes Porkiwrc of the Rorro�ver� „f` `_�--. <br /> �� fntercs� in the Property or o�her ma[edal impairtnent of the lien crea�ed by this Secumy Instrument or Lenderk security i�� y'� t;�- <br /> --�;'t intenst. Dortower sM1ail also be in defauh if 6ortowcr, during �he loan opplica�ion pracss, gavc materially falsc or }is � '-�� <br /> s}��'�� fnaccura�c infomia�ion or s�a�emen�s w Lender(or tailed to provide Lender wi�h any ma�erial infomia�ton)in connection with ,_�j,�'�__-'.-� <br />.`,;�'°,� ihe loan e��i&necd b �he No�e, includin , but noi liml�ed ro, rc resenta�ions concemin UonowerF accu c of�he '-�''°�'�'�'-- <br /> s _'� Y B P 8 P� Y 'c �..; - <br /> .;'��; Propny at xprincipal nsldenec. If ihis Security Insuvmem fs on a Ieasehold.llortower shall comply with:.i[��,e prorislons �1�,a �.__.: <br /> . . �f!Iw Ira�?. If Le••�,•e•acquircs t^_^_�ii!c to i!r_n•c�;a!;.�Ir_!^_=_�eleoln_�n�ti�r..,tiq^_shall nnt m^rgc u^�^�i•nd^_r a�reas - ; <br /> � mtlumergcrinwrih+g ��ilti �' - <br /> ;-. 7. 1'�vlecli¢n �n1l.ender's 721ghts in ihe b'roperly. If Dorro��xr lalk ro perfomi �fk corenamc nrtd agrcemcnts �r�j�fi�12r �- <br /> - + comained in�hiy S:e�imy Inswmene.or �htie is a legal proceeding �hat mny significa:,cly af&n Lender§ righ�s in the }-��317��e • <br /> , ��tF IMopenY(such as a p.�acrzAing in bankruprcy,probaie,fnr cnndemnmion or fodei�nrc or�o tnCarcr Uws or regula�ions).�hen '�,lf�'„t�y;'`,y'�- ,"�� <br /> ,t; Lendrr may do and E�u fot whatever is necessnn io pro�ec��he vnlue o(�he }4�xny anJ Lender�righ�+in�he Propeny. 't�{uL ur;r.-. <br /> Yr�" Lender�s actlons mm ir�ciude paying any sums secnr.d by a lien which has priarin over this Seturiiy fns�nmiem,appearing 4 , 4S ct,•'° <br />'�t'yr�t;-° in caun. � in rcasnnabic attome s'fees and emerin on�he I'ro n io mzke re airs.Alihou h Lender ma take zalon r��=�rr��`;°�?�`;7; <br /> P�Y S Y 8 P� Y P S Y 5�,�� � - <br /> �?: undcr�hi.�nngnph 7,Lcndcr dces nol have lo do so, r��y,�°� _ <br /> � �,� An} nmaums dlchaed 6y Lender unAer�his puagraph 7 shall IxYOme addi�fonal debl of�orrowcr secured by this � �� <br /> „�T,r Secnritylnc�mme�v. Ua!ess Dortuwerand Lenderngree to othenerms of paymem.�hese amoums shtll bear tnurcs�from ihe „4r';1 `yi , <br /> � qij� da�e of d'uhw4ment m ihe Na�c race and shnll Fc nayable,wiih in�ercs6 upon nmicc from Lendcr�0 6ortower reqursiing � n-a�a-_ <br /> paymrnt. ;y� �k : <br /> < �. R. riortgage I�uurance. I(Lenc!ar rcqaired mongage insurance as a eandi�ion of n.�ileing�he Im:i�.•cumd by�his 1��'y,'� -' <br /> i�%� Securip tas�mmen4 Norto�ecr stul[p�}��ha p:eminms requimd !o maintain the mongage in effrc�. If, fn sxy �„�'s ` ,� <br /> ?Z -0s.:� nuos. �he mongage fuurance mrera� rcquired by Lender lapses or c.ases �o Ix In etka. Dorro��er shall pay t1x ,� fR{°T'� - <br /> - `F prcmiunu rcquired �o ob:ain�:suA+�wi,Ily M�uivalem Io Ihe motlgagt mtunrt:e p:evirisl} in effarl, m a cosl b 1 r {-., ,., <br /> 4��:, substantially eyuivalen�m the cos� iu Qortou�er eX i*a mongage insurance p�ece.u.ty in a(feci,Gom an�ilNrnxlt mongagt f�f� � %'.-:- <br /> � ,. insunr approred by Lrndee If substamialty eyui�alrnt mongage insurance cocr:aFe is nm o.ailah!r.IIo:ro��er shall pay[o +�,��ik +-:.i�,.- <br /> i�r Lrnder each momh a scm equal w onanvclf�h of ihe yeady mongage insur�nce premium beinq paid h} ➢onourr whm�hr �i� ,5j.'_ <br /> �.;vs� insuranc.corenge lapxd or ceucd m be in effect. Lender will accepi,use:md rciain ihese payairnte as a loss reserve in lien y� �����_2`_:_: <br /> of mongage insunncc. Loss reservc paymems may no longer bc rcyuired,at �he op�ion of Lender.If morigage insurznce ���4 liiz_.: <br /> � �i cavcrage(in�hc:unoum and for tl�c periad�ha�Lcnder rcquircs�providcd by an insurcr approred b��L.nder again bemmes � <br /> "� availabl.and is ob�aiaal.0ortonrr shall pay lhe ptemiums nquired lo maintain nto�igage insurence in etYe[e nno provide a ; �r.y�+,;.t;": <br /> -`?� loss rrsen�e,umil itk ryuimntent(or motlgage insur.utce ends in aecoMance aiih any w�riltcn agrcemer.[F<�w:rn 6ortmver _ <br /> --"^`_'�' nndLc�xkrrnapplieaAlelaw. - <br /> � 9. InspccNon. Isndcr ar�e.a�rm ma� makc rea�onablc cmrics u�wn and�i..:• :(ihc Ropenp. Lender shatl -1 -' . <br /> t�--� gire Borrmrer nolice auhe lime of.+r��.no an inspe.lion ep.cifying rta�onablr cau.r(or,:-e m.�uon. -` _ . <br /> � 10. Condemnatlon. The,1.o(an}anarJ or claim(m damage�.A�r<:�nr.a«ry.:rnu�l.m a,�seclion�ri�h any ,._. � - <br /> ,�� SmgkFam�h-3annie\IerReddieNatG\IFOR\il�tiTki�i'�T-CmL.mCm:m-:� Vy +etr?./nNKS� �}`��;'.:""�•:�'�. . <br /> :r• <br /> .'�I: t�.s:4n h�tv�Svm!rc f y` � <br /> - ._'IM1 o.Knf�O�ln�0.V).WUf4t614YP'e� S[ . <br /> •':1:�`� [;.��• ' n • <br /> I <br /> l <br /> _ ' ..,-. -.r,c.,_�..� ,:-,. .�..... . ' - - � - � -- <br /> - � ..q.yR'.r:ll.b!ji,`_s. ' .. . .._ .,tc�.i, : . . . .t�{/��.... _C.Y.�ja"" <br /> � " ..a . __ --' ' ___ . <br /> '�tir' - . _ . .. "_ • . <br /> •�. . <br /> :i�,' � <br /> '.lrl,1 - . . <br /> �, � _ <br /> �� {�•._{i �. ` .. . - " .,..�., t_ F : . <br /> i,{{ :�-. <br /> :. _ i'_ <br /> 1 . . - •' . •.. - . <br /> Y <br /> • �._ <br /> � _. .> . - :...- . . '- .' .,- .' ' � ... _i...'_. . . ' _ . �� <br />