.. ` i i ' � ti .: r 9r ��o . a+=� )��/` j, -i 3� at' :
<br /> '- � ;ri a t � . s�,�� y I�S"� ._ xr _ . }'.' ..v� . . 1Y'7 . '•:
<br /> . �,,..isAta�:..a.�:.+n�:,.`,'utLass3r...4.w..:�w.A`s...,�; N£i«%i�YJS4uL3Y.Wsi.c.J.u::m_. - _._,.. --�:'" ..� . -- ,- ��
<br /> 92-� �,U9��5G
<br /> TOOIsTHGR WITH all�he improvements now or 1Mnaffer crsted on ihe property,and all easemems,npputlenances,
<br />- anA Iisuircs�mw or IkrcaOer a pan of�ho pm�ny. Ali repincemoms,nd addlllons Rhnil.Iso h covend by this Yecndly _� _
<br /> Instn�mcnl. Allotthoforcgoingisrefemdtotn�h(sSecuri�ytnstrumrntasthc"1'topeny."
<br /> ROHROWCR COVLNANTS�ha�6orzawer is lawfnlly seiscd of thc cs�atc hercby conveycd and has iM:Ngh��o gnnt
<br /> and coneey t6e Propcny and�hat the Propeny fs nnencumlered,uxcept for encumbrances of raord. Iiorroxror wartams nnd
<br /> will dcfcnd gcncrally tho�idc�othc Propcny ngnins�all clatms and dcmnnds,subJat ia;u�y cncumbranccs of rccord. —_
<br /> 7'HIS SL•CURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifortn covcn;vus for na�lonal us¢ and non�unifurm covenants with !
<br />� Ilmtrc3':adalloas by Judsdictlo�lo cronstitutc�unifomi�`cudty insm�mem cmerfnp rcal propeny. �.�;__.____.
<br /> UNIFORMCOVCNANTS. Rortmvcrnnd4cndcrcm•enant.nd.grccasfollows: =
<br /> I. Aiyment ot Principal and lntcresti Prepaymenl and t.ote Cherges. Dorrower shnll prompily pay wM1en duc�he ��:-,-�—
<br /> pdncipal of nnA interos�on tho debt evidenced by�he Noto and any prcpayn:em and lew clwrges dee under the Nae. .;,-:,:
<br /> 2, fUnds Por'llixes and Insurnnce. Subject m npplicablc Iaw or to a w�itcen�vairer 6y Lsr,d.r.Fiarto�ecr shall pay to �.?�_T_
<br /> Ler,der on�6e day moNhly paymcMS nrc Aue undcr Uie Note,until the Nate is paiJ ia full,a sun CLrunds")for.(a)yearfy --_
<br /> Wxes and asseumeNS�vhich may oltaln pdority uver tRis Security Instrument as a lien on ihe Pmpny:(b)yeazty IeaseCold �:'�:-�-��
<br />- paymznts ar gromtd rems on �hc Propeny, if any:(c) Y.�adY hazard or property insufance premiums;(dJ yeuiy iload '�"%--�'-- � -
<br /> insorance p[emiums, if nny; (c)ycady mongagc insur.ann prcmtums, if any; and(fl �ny sums payabla M1y IIorto�vcr to _•�
<br /> Lender,in z�ecur3,snce wi�h�he provisions o!paragraph 8,in Iieu of the payn:ent of mong��ge inwrar.�prcmiums. These r��;,
<br /> irenu nrc calltti`Fscrow Itcros." Lcndcr may,a�any tlma collccl anA ho!d f'vnds in an amoum r.a tc�cacccd�hc maximum �5�-��
<br /> arceo�mi a lende�!or a feAratly retatni mongage loan may requfrc for 6oROwer�s eseron nccoum under�he federal Real �
<br /> Es�ue Seulement Procednms Act vi 1974 as amendM from�ime�o time. 12 U.S.C.g 2601 er srq.('RPSP.\'),unless anoiher { � __
<br /> law that appllcs ro�Ik Rmds ves;,hsier amoum. If:.o,Lendcr may,at nny�imc,coll��ci and hold Wnds in an amoum no�to ,.•1t%,;-,_-- � -
<br />- caceed �hc Icucr amount. is:�?cr n�.ay evi.^.ia�e thc amounl of fLnds due on tin: h�sis of cmrcnt da�a and reuonable ��y;�<��_._
<br />�� es�imates of expendimrcs of fun:re�Earoa'dceuicoro�hernise in accordance wiih applicable la�v. �,�i�}�vl;:;'�
<br />- 'ILc Ponds shall be hcld in an ins�i�etii�n whosc dcposlts are insnnrl by a tcdenl agcncy,fasuxsncmalily,or emi�y 'SS��K•Y1-�—
<br /> ��. �
<br /> lincluding Lendcr,if Lend�r is xxh an inuinnioN or in any Crdcral Homc Lo�n 6ank. Lendcr shall.pp:y thc�unds to pay ;�;,F�v'?--.
<br /> the F.scro�v Items. Lcnder rrcx} not charge Burto�cer far holding and npplying the Fands. nnnaally nnalyzing �ht escrow �i;?i"(;J�';��'?;_.
<br />- s�.w-•n6 or verifying �he Gscm�v Items, unless Lendrr pxy>Aottmver imercs� on iin �unds and applicab7e tao p�milts '�:�`?�r�;��
<br />- Ceer.ur to nvd:e st�.ch a charga However,4ender may require Uortower�o pay�mie•�ime charge for an i�r.le,;eml:r.�rcal :. '�"�;S`=-;`
<br />� eo�a[e lax repnrring aervice used 6y Lender in connec�ion with thfs loan,unless applicable law pro��idcs othrnise. Unless an `�+�''�-`:;;+s:k�f�;-.
<br />-- agreemem is made or applicable law requfre,iNCresi ro be paid,Lender s*all not Ix re uired to a�R-.�iro'n'cr an intercs�or s.."�;::i:_•r-f-
<br /> 9 P) Y vK,}.r�:e}g-�
<br />• eamings on�he f•Lnds. Oovo�cer end Lcr.Jer may agrcc tn wdling,hower.r.ihat intcrcs�shall 6e p:iJ on�he t'vnAc. Lender iJ:tri„;:::��,'
<br /> shall give�o dorcower,wi0�trut charge,nn annual accouming of�he I�nds,showing crcdils nnd debits�o�he funih and ihe 7�k'�, "
<br />� purpose for which each debic m cfi�a i'unds�vas made. 7Le�unds are pleAgzA at ablhional scenrity Cor all sums sccured by '���f`���
<br />- iM1fs Secudly Ins�mmcm. �j��() ,�.,;:-
<br />- li tke I'vr.ds he:d b� Ler."er:eceei! ;he _moun.!s ;+:rmiusA �n hu hetd 6y applicabte Iao•.Lcndrr sl�all accoum �o .�iR�.:. �c,� ,-
<br /> Dortower for ihe excess Rmds in acconlar.a wi�h�he requlrcmems o(appticabte law. If the amoum of�he Fvnds held by -�,Y't} �
<br /> Lcnder ai any�ime is not su(ficlem�o pay�he 6scrow I�cros when duc.Lendcr may so no�ify Oortower in�niting,and,In -' i �i ;
<br /> scc:+ wse Oorcower shall pay lo Lender �he :mioum necessnry �o make up�he deficiency. Oorto�ver shall m�ke up�he ���.i�; �t s
<br />- d.:iciency in no morc�h�n�arh�e monthly paymems,at Lender§so!e discrc�ion. -,'?�'>=''�
<br /> 'Upon pxymcnt in full af all aums secured by�his Security Inswmem,Lender shall promptly rePond�0 6nrrc�wer nny f -'�d �'� �
<br /> � FLnds heid 6p Lrnder. If,an:ler pangreph 21.Lender shall ncquirc or kil ihe Propeny,Lender.prior�o ihe�cquisi�ion o¢ `7��;__, ,: `_ _
<br /> sale of ihe Proper�y,shall a;}�Iy�any�unds held by Lender�I�he lime of acqulsi�ion or xale:u a credit agninsl Ihe cu^�s �,_ :r �3,5 . .
<br />- securcd by�his Sauriry hivrccm:nl. �'
<br /> 3, Appiicalion of Y:ngmenls. Untess applicable Imv prnvides mF.envise. ail paymems«ceived by Len:er ur,drr ' '� "�'�
<br />= paregraphs 1 and 2 shall be.��ied:firsL�o any pnpaymrnt charges due under�he No�e;sewnd,to nmoums paynble under ,�yti?�, <.,p,i..-
<br /> paragreph 2;�6ird,to imercs�due;founh.�a pdncip�l due:and las6 to nny Ixte rharges due under�he Note. `�" t y
<br />- 4. Charges; Uenx Uurto�cer shnll pay all �azes,assessmenis, cRvges, finex and imposi�ions auribwable to�ht --;�,p_,�,�,.:-
<br />- propeny whieh may atmin prioriry over�hts Securiry Inswnum,and Ieasehotd p�ymems or grocnd rcms,if any. florcower ,"r � k =
<br />- s6a11 a ihese obii a�ions in�hc manner rovidcd in �ra n h 2,or if no� aid in�ha�manncr.Oarcowcr shall pay ther�a� "�-3 -�?-,_��
<br />- P Y S P P� B P P , i��.'�
<br />- s[nr-dircctly to the person o:cnl p:�yment. 6ona���er shall promp�ly fumish to Lend�r all noiicesof amoums to be patd under y��.,Y#.2tS�Ft��_;�
<br /> - ihis paragraph. If Qortow�cr nr.kes�hese payncems direcd..13ortower shall prumpUy fumish io Lender raetp�s rlie'encing � }�:,.+; , "
<br />-- �hc payments. �- •
<br /> Oottowerxh,il promptly discharge vq lfzn which has priorily orer ihis Securi�y InstmmeN cr,tess UoROwer.(a)agrces �<�•5j?„4�`�"�:_-,-�'
<br /> In wriling lu Ihe p:rymem w`tfie obligatioa s�cnrcd 6y the licn in a mann�r�:ceptablc to Lender,lb)conlcsis in good laith thc i- :` �;_`__
<br />._ lien by,or de(ends ngains enCox.mrnt of IL•e lirn in,Iegal proceedings nh�rh in Ihr LcnJer's opin:on operate lo prcrcnt thc '�- ';`,; .
<br />-- enforcement of ihe lirn;�T ic:rcures from�hc holder o!�he lien an agrcemrnt sa�istzctTrv to Lender subordinating�he lien �„- -� ��,--��-
<br />= lo Ihis Secerity Instmm.nc if Lender detemiines iha�any pvt of the Propciiy ix suM1j�x�ro n lian�•hich may allain priorily ��Y'2�;.:`_;;'-"_?��
<br /> = over�his Securi�y insuumenL Lender may give 6ortowcr a no�ice idcmityirg thc licn. Uorto�ren'ull satisfy the licn or�akc ,_ , F .
<br />� one or morc oCit:actionsset falh a6ove wi�hin IO dayx o(ihe giving of noiice. q�.;7:,� � -
<br /> � 5. Ha�arrl nr Prnprrh�Insurancc. [3orro��cr shali keep�he improrcmenls now ezi+�in�ar licrea�cr crce�ed on�hc •'Y�_•-:��
<br />.. Properly inwred agaimt I.�ss F>�re,h��ards incl�ded�vithin tlic�enn"exicnded coeera�e"and any other 6.v�rds,including ;, �.
<br />_ f6�ods or Ilooding. (or afi:h Lcnd.r rcyuins irourancc. Thi� inwrance ihall he m�inlsincd m thc xmounl• and(or Ihc � ,.
<br /> 3 ' � .
<br />.= Fo�n)Ed% 9t0 IAvu:.JoNfn. �{�. �j,y�.. -
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