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<br /> ' 18TN NOUEMF.3F.fi .�y d2 ,
<br /> .----- TNISADNSTAH4�RASfiRIDCRUmWe��is d�yof ,
<br /> . udl�IncorpOrNedMioME�h�llbedtimMlouMnd+nd�uppktetnitheTiotlNtL,PtedofTmt6er5ecudiYlktBithe"SrcuihTlntuuin/ni'7n( . �-. .
<br /> the f+�nt d�u ifrrn bY�M undaa{nM Ghe"BOrcoAn"1�o�ecvie BorrowsP+AdJun�ble Rne Note Ghe"No�e'7�o yQMfi.i�DE11AV9RAHR
<br /> —�� ��g fthe"Lendn'9 of the Hme dHe and covata��he pmptttY duttibed In the SecmiiY Irovummt ind IoutN n:
<br /> �ri�
<br />_ �.� 270 N. PIPER �12, CRIIND ISLIIND� NE6fl11SK0 6FS803 —______
<br /> -_ _- - - �rmanrnaa�n:� --__= - ---
<br /> ".�.�� 7hlt nole m�lun prorNl�u�Iloxlnj ta A�yn h r7 I�Im+1 r�le��d *Y mont�b e __--
<br /> - p�Ymente.Thl��oiealmilMl��the�monnlM)lnemtaieanrbmQe�i�eyonetlmeanl �?fk/ -
<br /> �°� �IiotFeminimuro�WtMewulmmm�lelmmtpq. {i ;l` �c ��.
<br /> vner�n
<br /> �?� ADDt7lONAL COVGNANTS.ta aAdiilou to the cormua aed a¢cccrncr.is maEe la�he Secvstiy[nftrvmert.Uorrow�r and LeMcr � 5<�-�,� `.' �:
<br /> �.���11'^-- futWr.�mreaaaxaadaEram[ollm�s: ..�ss ��.
<br /> i� `:;': �
<br /> :'' A. AMIffA�SL RAEO:/ND MOYEM�Y TAYMFNT�CdA1GSS ,c• 'r L 2 t
<br /> , Tfie N�'r.Gro'.id:s[or u 4uWi[nterat ratc o! 6.25 Kn Srcuon 4 of tk�Nae DrowSda far chu�yes in tF.e Wtuut nte�nd the 'i_>���,:.
<br /> f '
<br />. iN:�;� rtwrihlrPaynxctxa�toCO.i: _ r�_ ;;x ".. '• _
<br />"µ;ri� �v,.�-:'�::<_____
<br /> � r.,'"
<br /> ��*� 4. /M£REST RA7E ANO MO/7lHLY PAYAlENT CNANOES s c
<br /> s�. (A) CMMtDt�t f�1 �l�tf '
<br /> �Ci��k� 'Z Intcralraleladlp�ymiych�ngeonihefirstdayof DECEMAER ,�q 93 ,andon�h��dayerery �JW� y�
<br /> �� q�;� momhelhertaf�er.EacAd�leoswhichmYlnluest�secocldchanFencalicda^Chan6eDaia" �y,�if ._? _
<br /> � / �
<br /> (p '[Me1Mti x�ii 4`(�
<br /> *���p &{inn(n{xilhthefintCTangeDats,xrylninutratewlll6ebuedeuanlnda.The"Index"Is�hereeklyavenE�NAdonUnUedSa!e� �,t� (�
<br /> 1Ytasury stcufl�iu adJurtN to a eonstam malud�y of 1��eu.as made awBi6ls Dy�he FNrtal Reservt Ooard.7he mas<rsnl InAex 06urc }�-7p�'Y{�r '
<br /> :�::r�s,;K� ,�_Ar._.._
<br /> - 5�� r�: arillabieuofthedue45d�n�forc<achChangeDa�eis.cr,'S�P�M•�C\�:x:r.tlndu." �� (�?5 t��.:.
<br /> - �"� if the Index Is no longer arail�ble,�he Note Holdar ufa ciaxe a na.indu which B basM upon mrparoble InPo�maqon.The Nom 4{ r#'F
<br /> s(
<br /> ��}�A}�N. Hoiderwillgtvemeno�laof�htschoice. ;� ���`� _
<br /> l�n�fPl�.��
<br /> ,�-�,�i' (q Gkr��qono�Cy.�ra . THREE A64 021£=HAL� ranu
<br /> - u.rn...�.h(`ha�•51�a,-�heNmelioderwi:lnlrnla!emyncwlnmreslratebYeddin¢ C� i� E -_ _.
<br /> '"� - 50 4e1»it,eCUritnUndex�ndroundlr. IolAenqful l/Blhotl!i.subJecltolYeRmius:a:tAtaSeadon4(D)bAOw.
<br /> .�i f7�Y polnls( �• 8 1f ti�+= �" �
<br /> '��`� ' 7Llsroundedanoumwflt0emynewln,�eS»tcumilthenexlChanSelY:a. �{t .C</+`�'�vn —
<br /> a•.
<br /> �'��1�LF: The tur:e f(oldcr wN Ihtn d�ixr�in�hr amour.t ot thc moniK,y d;.p-uent�ha1 would be suffiNt:s eo repny in full U.e Dtlnciiat I�m ��f��1��lir =
<br /> !$�;f�.,�� expocltdtooveoniheiCFcngeDarciax��.;-.anllallyaqual�aynemsbycPr,maludrydatemmynawimeru:�a�aTF.e«sullohhlsaltulation � i+'�- ,_._
<br /> :ye ._ �i���uiq.1; i
<br /> � Si:4c wfil6ethenew�mounlot�r.yacm�MYPaymrnl. „�j+,';X,•:}"s�' .�:
<br /> _ _-�s�;;- (D) 1.Ir14o�IelerdtRUeCY�eta s i'Ca��;+�i7S"�-�
<br /> - p �'� y� The�N7[rat rate 1 um rcqcirtd 10 pay at tht.firx ChanYC Dae will no� be greata �han �•25 �� or less th�n � �� .--
<br /> � '` °�,}��i 5 r�,p������<r,myimereura�exillncrn•tefncrcazedordareasedonar.rsingleChangeDambymorcthan T� �� y��t= � �����i-�_
<br /> .. Sj'''s� fromthenteoflnunstlharebttnlNylr.B�a��he0��ding�wehamomhs.ThemnimuminRmslraieon�hisloanxillnererbe {��4� ��s -
<br /> '�i�-xt� Icss�hon 4.25 .,_'Yand�hemutmuminlcra�rauxiilnevttbe8rcaterthan 17.25 S�. t�i -- ;zl 4� -�
<br /> '`� � �r� (El Effe�tlrtlk�so°�UU{n .
<br /> S�f IIQh � �.
<br /> rs !e� -- �tYnewimerul�a':w:lbecomeef(tttireontachChar.deDate.IwillpaYtCeamoustofmYnewmomhlYPaymontbe8inninBOn�hefim �E�t f�+r��;�.�i;
<br /> �
<br /> r���y� momhqpxyrcmlda�ru9ulbeChanSeD.«untll�hemnounw(mymertfA[ytaymrnlchandosagaia 4�i g��;ssa�
<br /> far�.-a (Fl NolkeofCh�nRU ulH���Si
<br /> �.�ttiJ�� TheNote11o1denvil4m.�Ilo�delirenomcenoii:e5etou<a:hChana��«•Then.::wwilladvisemeoL• rr ��.. ,!�` ��.��
<br /> �,tl{�.+ ?;� Q) thentwin:crestra�eonmYioana�oRS:C:�nyeAa�e: � c>°' -�i3
<br /> �. s �_�r pp theamountofmYmomhlyD�Ym�mfollowir.b�heCha.;;:D�tc: .,�_iy�� 51 .-
<br /> � „tiri,� piq anyaddi�IOnalmmtenwhich�heNoieHOidcrtsrequ::e3wCixlose;and �rr `I�Nf���� -
<br /> _,�� (iq theaddtusoftheaaala�ionyoumuidaosUC�«garNn,:aayquesqonsaboultheadjuvm�mnoti<a ti21 �7,L+� �` i--
<br /> . r �v �. . .���1i. ':.
<br /> ' - - 6. CIIARCES;LfitiS l �+ : �`
<br /> �t;
<br /> ._„Y._:�:?; UNfortnCorenant4oftle5aud�ylnsimmrn�(samendM�orradasfolloxs: � } tit ,
<br /> � �-Tr /,Chu6n;IJem,Oorrox�r shall pay all�a+es.asnsmrnts,and mhu charget.Gncs,and impositions attribulabte lo Ihe Propenyuhich may * -{�,r�n'�,���
<br /> 1 r.
<br /> - allafnaD�orflyorelhis5cvrilylnslmmtm,andlnuholdDaymtntsofgroundtmu,ifany,inlhemannapto.'IdMundctparagraph2hucof . �rfj]){
<br /> ' '•"�'°`- or,Ifnolpaidinwahmanner,by0orroxermakina�aymc�,uhrndue,di�a�ly�o�hepapeeihuroLOorroxershallF�oreqlylumishLCnder �Y�._. - ) -
<br /> fi`i':.�:�.:; =�_
<br /> �?y_� all nolltts uf amounis¢a:e cndu Ihlf paregr�ph,and i�::::.tm Uorroxtr shall mak<pa)mem dirally,�ortowtt sha!t��'✓.r.D��Y Imr.ish to
<br /> � -1£ ,
<br /> - � �; L�nCer ttteipis eKdenema auch paymams. Oorwwa sta+:pro:nptl)' diuharg<any lien�hkh has prionry'orer�h:e x.vmy IrovummL ..
<br /> ,!1�(i{�(� Sowe:e:.'�:irox�r shall no�be«quircd m diuhar6�an��such lien so lan6 a�6otrov<r.1a1 sSall ag�tt m x�ri�iog lo iCt pa7nrn�ef u`s '
<br /> � ._
<br /> ' o?t„a'..:' ;::u:tdb)'�u<hiitnm�CemannuacttpublewLondar.lbl+ha:4r.�ocdfn�hco+tes�w:hhenb�.adefrndagaintrn(aceec:.:a:
<br /> '- ' `,•f suc�lirnin.le6aip�oce.di�5swhichm�heopimonofLer.h�opuaueo�:ar..:C.�er.(:�zmrn�el�Eel�rnorto�foiwrto(�EeProperquaa� t '
<br /> `?.r :'
<br /> p�n ihereof;or(:1�hi[=em�e frosi the holdn ef u:` :ur.an ay:eemer.:.n z L r -r 9cwn m Lrndcr+u1raE�mnr.!wah Len m�hn
<br /> �cvtiry'Irsue::xnc. �� -
<br /> "' ' !f Le:..:er dr.<rm:nrs�F.at zf!m ar.oan o!�t.P::;uq u s-��r:�'tr o cea.l.:E naY atum a Cuew.Mn�tu:Secanry Ir.ur�r.<r.�, i
<br />� lrxt��Dsll¢t�e OorroxR 0 no:h<<d¢:.:!,ui ro:i b:a &:�o�Y•'aa u:..t_.i�:h Lm or lalt o�e or murc o:::<ttaonv s9 ta�rll a:are � __
<br /> _'--.1��__' _ "
<br />�c�[�:-:•�-__f'. .i;ha un da)s of the gi.ing of�he na�tt.
<br />�"�ri:,n'T:i,:� �
<br /> �' +{`�:t���' C. 50710E
<br /> ��ii.�f,:�� �
<br /> G+-" Oti[xnCo�mantl4ohhe5tturi���Imtmmrn�uamtndeA�ocuii<fa�aa•:
<br /> :.2t:'�
<br /> `---.,•�; 1/. tlV_�<e.Factpt(or an)notitt rcqwrcd undcr aC::�able lax�o h.<y,�en in anmha maaaa.1a1 am nona�o Ikv:o..<�pn»�dN lo�m�hn
<br /> ' �y,� 't" $ttunp'Imlmmem�hallbep.en67dtL�<nngnotb)madinS��b!lntdanmad�oWuo+e�a�ihePwK��>adAm�o�at.ucho�haadditt.
<br />'�:1, .. :1 .
<br /> �'�:�i_..ri as Oorroxtt may dni6note by no��a w Lmdu ss O�midad httFn.and Ib�an�no�ae�o Lrnda ahall M F�•rn b>Ina.iau mad�o I cmin'•
<br /> �1' - addrn�sultdhtr<inono�uchothaaddrn�mL<ndtrma)dniEna:ebyeoutt�oBono+a�a�prondedhaon An>r.ot¢eC�o.�dedfonnihu
<br />..,Ci}i�1�sy� Sttv�it)'Imlmmtmshail6edttmNtoha.<bttnF�•�nto0ouo+tterLanJuwhmp.or.inihrmanr.r.dn�gmtNhu<�n i
<br /> --`.•.ir:.lF� c
<br /> y}t{�'�S
<br /> J_ .
<br /> � r 1
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