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<br /> ir.`:� 2 i y�r't !f ..!�f :�� j� . .. - a�iuw,. _ . '..L'.F -�.•�i t, i : �.
<br /> Y � L ) I w.w.�wwbrjr�i`w+ F: I
<br /> ' r�i2�Lh _c�.::��-��Sifi.?.uss; ''xr�...:._.....�. �.u_w..� �....._� �._. _.
<br />_.-�F i� ASBIO�I�ENT OF RENTd A@ER. 92..w �a''��� —��
<br /> � fiHI8A8810NMENTOFAENYSAIDE0lsmpde7�ndexecutedthls ��T�i d�yof.�pUF.f�Af.R ��p fl2 ,��dis
<br />=;=�,� • IneorpontWlnlo�ndehtllbedeemedto�mendandaupplomenllMMOilp�p�orDNdolTrusl,hnralnelterreteuWto�othe
<br /> �� ^8ecutlly Inslrumenl",ot 1M aeme d�te pWen by the underelpned, Mreln�lbr r�f�rrW to�e the^UOrrox�er", to teeuro
<br /> —__
<br /> Borrowe9lMWlsdma�,hmeln�lterroferradtosNho"NOte",toHOM@f�EU�FtALBAVIN08ANDL0AN.5880CW710iJ -•-�--- ----�
<br />- ' • ORAND18lAND,huUndUrrUerredtoaathe"Lender",otlhoaemodnleandcoverinptMpropertydoacriboUlnlhoBBCUrtly _
<br /> sf'��?��'� If16�NO1ff1I�IlEIOQ�tlEP�: - n, .
<br /> x � 210 N. PIPEfl �12� GR/iPA I5Lt1Ab, NED(i�SKll fi0U�3 ir�+�hs;F.
<br /> t.i (PropeilyAddrosa) ��sc":��1a�rt �-
<br /> � � � WITNESSE'fH: �
<br /> =�y li'�yY2�'t/( �jli '._�.
<br /> .,;.::`: WHERG3,6otrowar and lemNar hevn agroud ihat a�y wnla and prolits alltlbutabla to tho propody ahou!d conatiluto �`+ '�i{�;. p 4u -
<br /> '•`�,11'- atlditlonalsoaudtytottal¢nGerPorthePaYmonloflheNote; 3�;ti��3��K_er•
<br /> • :y,
<br /> 1 C yl T j _.I 3 ?;Y�-.
<br /> NOW,THEGiEFOGiC-,IUS�greetlthattRr�SacucllylnsucmonlshallUOamondotlhoroUyentldeemedtotrtciudothoto�lowinp �����?-�}srir� i-
<br /> ��i'� pro�dslona: fF.-,#„`t *��y�:
<br /> i{i�.,� _ _ry x< :.
<br />_,::.��y' L pg�y,nmen2ofRents�nALendarsvanta�COit� t 1 �tg,[SOrtO�Brhe�O(]ydbn0lul¢IyatKlunCOndltWn,l.Itya5519n5i�� % }}Pr :..�3�.�Q.� �
<br /> k•.."v. ..
<br />�� �::�•w� rants, Issvas a'sf prolils G7 tho property to 8enefFClary. LeMer an,�it h�va ti� afghl, ��+¢: and authorEty duriny tCa x�'1{F�j_4�;?¢�s=,'�.,
<br /> - " continuance oi i:�Security In,trument to col�oct Ihs ro�ts,ISSUeS d.�'?p�oifls Ot lire prOp87iY�ol any yO:SOnp1 p�OpBrty Z1�r �:i +x
<br /> ��' laeated Ihereon wllh or wiCt•p,;t tekin8 Posbession of tha propeRy aRaoteC here3g•Lentla�,hPorveeer,TmJC[tp consant6 to 6 >�};J a'•+i� -
<br /> �<i�R i3orrower'acolleCtionandr¢�to�ttanofauchrenta,issaosandprofitsaslheyaccmeaadbecome &yAU�G,L0�0(1¢ABROflOWBf ��- l .h� �x �_'
<br />.___>,gw�_:� Is not,at 6uch tlme,In def7ndt v,fin respect to paymsM of any Indebtadness sxured horeUy,or In 1he perlormanca of 8ny ur�- ��,g��
<br /> frn�N
<br /> k -Y_�3 apreement heroundar. -� -
<br /> �ti�� 2, Aopointment oi Necelver. If any�vant oi defAUlt In reapact to tne Secutlty lnalmment s�.ai[have occurrod and be �rL;n">�;��y� �-:
<br /> -�::�a��i3 wnllnuing, Lender,as a mallar ol dpht anv with��n nWice fo 8orrowar or anyone Claiming undor 8orro�uer,and without f�rp„ }F(�e�:;
<br /> � r�,f repprdtothavalueofthelmatesteteortheiNarestet�tn=_BOrrowerthereln,ahallhavethadghltoapplytoanYwurthavinp � � �-- �f� �
<br /> •v?.4,�°, �urlsdicHOn to aPPOlnI e racelver of Ihe Property. ��� £-��L s ,�.-
<br /> t 3. Riaht to poeaeas'on.In casa of defaull In the payment o�ihe eald pdncipal Nole or Interest,or any part Ihereol,as II r ��.t' ��� Xr ..
<br /> �� :j
<br /> ,�_rj�a ahallmah�re,ormlhecaseof1a11uretok�eepotpertormanyolthacovenanleoragreementsconlalnedlnlheSecurllylnstra- yyLS.y4
<br /> �i mant,then Ih��irin�er,Its socceasors w assigns, ehail be end la hereby authorized end empowered to take Immetllete a .4j,+� �_.
<br />.,cilA)=�%� �'f' -
<br /> ��� pos8eaalonofllosa:4prEnnts�stherelndoscribetlnndtocollecitherentstheretrom,andloapplythaproceedsihereoftolha � t�r},f�����_
<br /> - �7y; Dfllmant of Ihe Yota. -
<br /> s,�-:
<br /> q. Auollcalion of ReMe.tssvos anA A��g,All ren:scollecled by Lender or tha receF+er ahall be oppllod tlrol lo payment 164v� i,,� � '
<br /> z� Y'�'= ONhLCO�t�of:nanegem�nto!!hspregvtye^dc^!1^^Ilennfrnn�a;mcludina,6utnot'I�mI1Bdla.retBlYBr8fB08,pfOft11U01b00 �Z�.j }�,�i-J'h_. �
<br /> recelvar's bonds and reasonebla allorrvay s.nos,antl Ihan ro the aums sacured by the SeGari;s mstmmenl.lentler antl tne ,i y,t=•r
<br /> i+.�-� tmCO!YBf BhBll b9 119bIB IO 8CC000�Only YCf�YxP38 fBO'�e BCIUeIIy f8C81YBd. �f���A�t�5 E''�
<br /> <<L �
<br /> �fy#,�� 3. ConelmctlonofProylslons.Eecho(Iheprovls�aoscentainedinthlsASSlgnmentolROnlsPoderandthzS�curltylnalm• ,,l{r�;4ff
<br /> �s��, monl ehall,V0�888 Oth8fW18B 6p8ClllG911y fOQUlfed,•'b0 GonSlfVed 10 eCCOfd9fIC0 Wllh NObfBBkp 18W�antl ia the event ery ��y�„f j, ���u _
<br /> {��n provislonhorolnorlhorelnconlalnodshallbedetorminedbyacourtolcompetenl�urlsd�clloMohounentorcoable,lhesemo � � �f!F�,�., -
<br /> iht�5, ahell be con�arued ae IhouBh auch unenTOrceable provlalon were not a pad heraof or therea. l;;j' �{; � _. _
<br /> ,,,�c,u� 8. �(jer,�o�ai�ecEzcep�asapeclflcal�ymotlifledbyorinwnslatenlwllhthlsAaslBnmenlolRentsRlderorbyanyothac- ��;��Fr ,� ���,_�-
<br /> �Y },��f; a��l�db10 dd01,PII Of Ihe tr::mg gnd pfOV181008 COn1flInCd ifl lhB SOCUfIIy 108�fumon"eF�l)COOIIOU91n(UII IOfCB end B1(BCI. ��,�+��;;� Rx -
<br /> ,_�t3� rS'ii�_-_'l.I.�:x:
<br /> �},rl: ITNESS H F, Bmruwer h�s executed thie Aeei nmont ol Ront Idor o Iho Ua1e tirst noted ebove. �� L;�, t x ,
<br /> tF71�� _ t'i��p�,�'t+A1j tFFlJ fl�.�
<br /> � �J. D�EY �. CRUmRIRE oorrowo - _ ,
<br /> d D11V] J. UETHERILi ��` - ��';"'� .
<br /> n,'� E� i J � /_��/ �� .[-/�.('.1 y [ n�Ul� �4�-GIiP� �-C� ��;���151�i{at,� _
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<br /> z<����� LISII L.. CRUM,4IhE sor�oam _�; ��`-:
<br /> ---:'o.•y;r; SUSn'J L. '�=1}IERILT ':.-:,i�:'s%;;.:
<br /> -�`�tE!, S7ATE OF NEBRASKAI -' :���n i�
<br /> k:, t . i �ax :;
<br /> (ss:
<br /> 5., ' CGUkTY OF HALI 1 r. `si x
<br /> n�`+�'.
<br /> On thlb�1fiLH_tla Ot kf11lFf+qFR 78..9L,tOfofo mo,�ho undOfsiflnod,a NolAry'Pub:IC duly CommI531oned end 't �
<br /> }�ti4. queulledtorsaiaeounty,poreonellycamoFi7'h�_,S� QdhRIh� Rti�l I�A 1 fFdnRTt�F,1i�F,'Cf� �`D •�2M�Sm�.._ '�
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<br /> to ih0 tOrogoing Inbtromont,and h�l6hallhoy eckrov.:ai9e lho oxeeutlon IhOreo1 to be hlslherlhoir vo�uretary etl and deal. 1
<br /> y; S .. c
<br /> ?{ Witnoes my hand nnd Noterial Seal a! �5pF�� :S�N�iD, kEBRRSKA _ _- - - f_� �i1 " .
<br /> ._ �.:F -- -- in�s ia�c �date abr e�2jA.. ��y � �j���ti}; ` .
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