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201201013 <br /> in the Property and rights under this Securiry Iastrument; and(d)takes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Properry and rights i�ndes this SeeLffit�Instnmment, <br /> and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sect�ed bq this Security Insh-ument, sha11 continue unchanged <br /> Lender mac require tbat Borro�ver pay such reinsfateinent sums and expenses in one or more of the followin� <br /> forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b)money order; (c) certified check, bar.k check, freasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is dra�m upon an instihition whose deposits aze insured by a <br /> federal agency, insfirumenfality or enrity; or(d) Electronic Funds Transfer. L`pon seinstafement by Borrower, <br /> this Security InsYnunent and obligations sec�sed hereb�s�iall remain fully effeefive as if no accelerarion had <br /> occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer, Notice of Grievance. The Nore or a partizl interest in the <br /> Note(togzther with this Security Insh2mient)can be sold one or more timzs a-ithout prior notice to <br /> Bonoarer. A sale might result in a change in the enrity(lrnown as the "Loan Servicer")that collects Periodic <br /> Payments due under the NoCe and this SACUrity Instrument and performs other mortga�e loan servicing <br /> obligations mider the Note, this Seeurity Instnamant, and Applicable Law. There also might be onc or more <br /> changes Of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of The Note. If there is a change of the Loan SOrvieer, <br /> Borrower will be given written notice af the change which will sYate the name aud address of the new Loan <br /> Servicer, the address to which paym.ents should be made and anv other infonnarion RESPA requires in <br /> connection wiih a notice of iransfet of sen%icing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is szrviced by a <br /> I,oan Sc�icer otha than the purchaser of the Note, the msntgage loan servicing obligafions to Borrowa will <br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Scrvicer and aze not assumed by the <br /> Note purchase:r unless otheiwise protided by the Note putnhaser. <br /> Neither Sorrower nor Lender may conunence,join, or be joined to anyjudicial acfion(as either an <br /> individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this <br /> Securitv Inshvment or that alle�es that the other pazty has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by <br /> reason of, this Security Instiument, nnril such Borrower or Lender has norified the other party(with such <br /> norice gven in compliance with the requirements of Saetion 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the <br /> other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such norice to coaecti�e acEion. If Appllcable <br /> Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain acrion can bc taken, that time period will be <br /> deemed to be reasonable for pLUposes of this pazagraph. The notice of acceleration and e7pportunity to cure <br /> given t�o Borrower p�suant to SecCioa 22 and fhe notiee of acceleratioa gven to Borrower pursuant to <br /> Szction 18 shall be fleemed to satlsfy the notice and appoxtunity ta taice correctivz acrion provisions of this <br /> Section 20. <br /> 2 7. Hazardous Substances. As used in diis Section 21: (a) "Hazardnus Substcrnces"aze those substances <br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutwC,, or wastes bv Env'uonmental Law and the following <br /> substances: gasoItine, kaosenc, otiier flamma.ble or toxic pefrolewn products, Coxic pes6cides and herbiexdes, <br /> volatile solvents, inz.terials canfaining asbesYos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) <br /> "Environmental Law"meaus fedesal la�vs and laws of the jurisdicrion where the Property is Iocated that <br /> xelate to health, safc�y oi environmental proteetion; (c) °EnvironmerataZ Cleanup" includes any response <br /> action, remedial acrion, or removal action, as defiaed in Envuonmental Law; and(d) an "Eravironmental <br /> Condition"means a condifion that can aause, eontrbute ta, or oth�wise trigger an Enviromnental C�leanup_ <br /> Borrower shall not cause or pemut the prasence, use, dis�osal, storage, or release of any Hazardous <br /> Sul�stances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Sutistances; on or in the Property. Boaower shall not dq <br /> nor allow anyone else to do, aaything affecting the Properry(a)that is in violation o£any Environmental <br /> Iaw, (b)uluch creates an Eniironm�ral Condition, or(c)which, due co rhe presence, use, or ielease of a <br /> Hazazdous Substance; ereates a condition that adversely affects tkie value of the Properry. The preceding rivo <br /> 24OOC2<O <br /> NFBRASKASingleFanAy-FamiefelaelFrsdtl�ehlacUNIFORh1 INSTRl1biE�T Form 30281i0� <br /> VM P CJ VA9 P6(VEJ(11�5j <br /> 4Volters Kluwer Financial Services Page'.3 ot 1] <br />