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201201013 <br /> desi�ate[1 a subsritute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of <br /> Borro�uer's change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of addresG; <br /> then Borrower sha11 anly report a cUange of address through that specified procedure. <br /> There may be only one designated nofice address unda this Sec¢ei17 InStrument at any one time. Any notice <br /> to Lender shall be givzn hy delivesing it ar bp mailing it by firgt class mail to Lender's adet�ess stated herein <br /> unless Lender has dcsignated another address by notice to Bonower. Anc notice in connection with this <br /> Security Instrument shall not be deezned to have been given to Lender unta7 actually received bp Lexlder. If <br /> any notiee requirad by this Security Instrument ss also required Bnder Applicable I,aw, khe Applicable Lav✓ <br /> requuement will satisfy the corresponding requisement undei this Sec�nity Insuument. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Sccuriry Instrument shall be govemed hy <br /> federal law an.d the law of the jurlsdiction in which the Property is located. All rights and obligations <br /> coatained in this Security Instnunent aze subject to any requirements and limitations of Applicable Law. <br /> Applicable La�v might explicitly or implicitly allow the parties to agzee by contract or it�night be silent, but <br /> such,ilence shall not be construed as a prohibition against a,�-eement by contract. In the eaent tLat any <br /> provision or clause of diis Securiry Instrument or the Note conflicts with Applicable Law, such conflict shall <br /> not affzct other provisions of this 5ecurity Instrumznf or the Note�vhich can be given effect without the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As wed in this Security Instt-ument: (a) worcli of the masculine gender sha11 mzan and include corresponding <br /> neuter ivords or words of fhe fzminine eender; (b)w•ords in the singulaz shall mean and include the plural <br /> and vice versa; and(c) the word"may" gives sole discretion without any ebligation to take any acrion. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be b ven one copy of the Note and of this Security In,trumem. <br /> 1$. Transfier of the Property or a Beneficial Inierest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in <br /> tb.e Property" means any legal or beneficial interest in the Property, inclucling, buY not]imited to, those <br /> bcneficial intzrests transferred in a bond for deed, con�act for deed, installment sales contract or escrow <br /> agreemenf, the intznt of which is the hansfer of t1tle by Borxo�rer at a future daYe to a putchaser. <br /> If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Property is sold or transferred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> natural pexson and a beneficial interest in Borrowcr is sold or transfexxed)without Lender's prior written <br /> consent; Lender inay require immediate pay7nent in full of all sLUns secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> Howei�er, this option shall noc Ue cxercised by Lender if such eYercise is prolubited by Applicable Law. <br /> If Lenda exereises this opt3on, Lender shall give Borcower noYice oF accelerat4an, The notice shall provide a <br /> period of not less than 30 days&om the datc the notice is given in accordaaee wiYh Section 15 wilhin which <br /> Boaower must pay all smns securzd by tliis Security Inatrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums pdor to <br /> the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Securiry Instrumenz without <br /> further notice or demand on Borro�ver_ <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets czrtain condiaons, Borrower <br /> shall have the right to enfarcemeirt of khis Security InetruzneaY diseontinued at any rime pri,or tp the <br /> earlies't of (a}fivz days before gale of the Pxoperty pursuant to any powei of sale contained in this SecUrity <br /> Instrument; (b) such other per9od as Applicable Law might specify for Lhe tennination of Borrower's right to <br /> reuistate; o*(c) entry of a jud��nent enforcing this Security Insirnmeut. Those conditions are that Borrowec: <br /> (a)pays Lender all stttns which then would be due imdzr this Security Instrument and the Note as if no <br /> acceleraTion had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses <br /> incurred iu enFoxcing ttns 5'ecurity Instrmnent; 3ncluding, but not limited to, reasonable attomeys' fees, <br /> property 3nspection and valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the purpose af protecting Lender's intesest <br /> 24000240 <br /> NEBRASKASingle Fzniiy-Fannie W ae'Frsddie N ac ONfFOR'N INSTRUbi E�T Form 3029 1/01 <br /> WoltesKluwerFinancisl5ervlces vMPA�B21�itp5) <br /> 1 7 <br />