{ x-�5�'y�.� : Sr , � t j, _ _ . _ { .*F,r_..�cy . _ . �X; �F,l n' ,..
<br /> 1� . is,{t )� -' u /` __ _ {i F�.-11 a.,..�4,r�7 s.-urt� ti zt i�t:":;_ :
<br /> �,�?t3�'ab:,�..�._..,...,._�zxw�.,,_,:,�:.S....,.�_�..___,..,�...,w,..�. , ,. ._..._..�.,.�,�:::e�Sd��.3�,.
<br /> �r
<br /> ;Y<�,�Xi4�. 9LI� �(��p�py ��� — —
<br /> ��� � •-T? S�.Horro+wts Alpi�t to R�inetnt�. ti Bortowa mMt eM�h wr,d�tons,Oortmvm alutl hsve the ApAt to'}I�}6'i�i1�5iR�t ol thiS �-:, . ----.
<br /> dl
<br /> i{��,���`t --�. SKUXy.lnfhnxnl tlitconlNu�d al anY tYns prbr fo Ih� Mi�r oF. (�) 6 d�ys (or tud� oG�x perbti�s �ppkWH Ww nry apscJy ta n� • _
<br /> n S iSs �: r�,�wM,�q ewora we d me More�y�i�o„y poww a w,�ot.hsu m�ms S�auiry IntWranq a(b) �nhy ol � �udp�nenl � s
<br /> : +r ' �?;' �nlo�d�0 thl�6�wHy 1niN�ment 1ho��conditlan�+r�Crt Barowr.(q MYa Lnda aG�um�w1�kN tl��n woWd W dw und�r tldt BeanNy � �,',�.
<br />�:z4%�`{`�ti3:a'3�� IIItIN�1M1 1111d Ih0 N010 Il�d fID i1f.EWt�f011 OCQertMk(b) OF�i Yry d1(IUM 01 Ny OIhN tOYD�N1 Of�p�NtilMlt; (C) QIYi IIN 0�j+6fltOt !�',�r:e;����:_ .
<br /> � �'�"}f�� Incurcad 1.7 enlord�Q th�6 Bewiiry IniWma�t Yidu6�y.Wt noi RrMed to,ro�son�ble�llometi iee�; and�07 Iokoa surfi:cean aa iu�d� �� �-
<br /> r��`�+`s�s� m�y te��onnby requYe 10 es6uro Ih�1 Ihe Nn ot Mls&c�xly MtINmm6 LendKe rlplds in�h� Proprry md Dortowx'a oLipfOOn b pry ��}: —
<br /> N � lf� 'p.
<br /> , tho sumt ao�rW Oy lhli Bewiry I.�Nrumont ahN eon;hue unchenpod.Upon rdnstetarent by 8orrovrr,thb 6ewdry Nstmmo-nt��d 1he +t�< sYY _.
<br />'� j,r7'�+`�i obAytlbn� eew�ed henbY alwl rxmN fuy eflecUre u N no weMerollon h�d oecutted. HavevK,1h1�Apht to reNUUe eh�a not�pp1y M t,{+''.y -
<br /> +'{ Y Y�-k me asc ot�ccwnuon under PveD�w�� �7. f�LY��r n:.--' . ..,.. .
<br /> ,r,t�� ;g, g� a p�;o; ClHnpo of I.oan f3uvlcv. T�o No:o or e peditl Intr.est In tM Nd� pogNhn wMh this sec„�ny };i; _
<br /> � ��- - inswmmp mry M sdd one a moro ttrnes whhai nr�r n000e to Durown. A sMe mry resull M a ch�nye S�lhe enlfry(known�a the ;�,,,��� u �_.�
<br /> � '-`-y�,�, •lwn SeMar')LMt oofecli nwnihy prymente du�imder the Nola and Ihis Security I.�aWmeit. Thtte�1+a mry h�one or more ck�nyes �, i•y f ?'�;���;
<br /> ��1- ;�� oi lhe Loen Eanlut wueMled lo p selo ol ll�a Nole. II thxa Is a ch�nge ol lhe lom Serv(ca, Oortowa w,1 bs yken vntltan nolln ol the - `- fi .s- �f%�"�
<br />� �Zi �-:: - - � .:
<br />_L•_.,!�1�;�� thulpe In eCGOtdMICe w11h pinpmph 14 lhove i�d appGUbk I�w. The notltt wID suro tlu neme and�ddress o�the nmv Lom 6eMOx - �,_ ;_ +�,}d -�
<br /> t s ..
<br /> �;� `�� end the nddrss lo whkh pnymmla ahould Ue nude. The nolko vn9 elso contaln eny othor N�ormtllon requ4ed hy�ppfieable Ow. `."i�,f- - � '.7.�1�-�'
<br /> 1 - SrvS+�r� 20. H�z�rdoua Subtt�ncsa. 6ortowa a.L� not cause or permA the prosence, use, �sposN, sloqge, or tde�ae ol arry .;:"� °� }f :,� .`-
<br /> � +� �,{ H�rwdous Su6sluicos ati or N tho Propdy. Bor.owe aha!not do.nor eAOw enyone Nse lo do.�nythNp eHeo:ing the Property thei B 6 f i J �zk�t5i ����'-
<br /> ' '�;j� No411on ot my Environmmul l�w. The M��9�wo sentmas sl�au not eppy lo the presenee,use,a stompe on the Prc�mYi c;�t iCyn:�t���-�iy{G.
<br /> ip ., .,�-:,r�n r r-�1
<br /> ��, qu�nGVrs cf lSmdctt 9�65unws lhet eru gmenNy reeog4ted to 6o appropdelo lo nomW resldentiY usos and to Mat�tenonre o:S.rt �1���f� yyvv�r� �„ .
<br /> ����.t�}?�It Fsaxaxa snat �+ tt he lender w'iilan nolkx ol an hvGYg�tlon. el�in. dmwnd.Ywsux tt oNa�dion tr a vemmmu!a �= `}£�'�ht 5��' .
<br /> s�f'f � � �� FY'� F Y 9' Y V9 / 'rY 4� �}3y �� .vi , '
<br /> !>> t . tegu4iory apenq w pcl.ale party lnwbiy(ho Propwry�nd Yry Ifanrdous Subsl�nco a Em4onmtnW I.�w ol whr.h Sammva h�s ac1uJ -y� � , r .;r�- �
<br /> '�' � knoiMalpe. X 8orrower itams, or is rtl'.hM bY u1y 9ovemmenW a tt9ulalay �Nhoriry, IhN any ronwrd or or}`n remed�Uon ol ury '�r£,1S lzl1� t y v
<br /> y4�� } -fi,� IbWdous SubSi�nco a9n.yN0 Iha Rc•pat�r !s necessuy. Barower ah�!prompty uice a� neaessuy rrnetFel a:Gafs In �aorGnx wAh !.-;�i���'i1 �`��#'•:_
<br /> EUl -i`"y� FJIV�f011MCfIlN�IW. sjr �il�nS�f'"�u
<br /> Y Y:_ ����! As usM Y� thts �naq�ph 20, 'HUardo��s �uh:a�as' ero Ihaso subslonca defned �s to�do or Fata�+evs subsunaes by i� ,:�Ey� c ��� �•
<br /> �; �/7 '•h¢ emr«�menw uw Ma ma IolowN9 substances: gsx�t'nx,kerosene, othe� 7laivnabb a le,dc pNrokum Mod.r.U, ta�d: A�sUddes end - '"�'�F4� 3,'�i'a��+
<br /> � �f.Ci.�.._ her6lcides. vo4tle sokmla. malnWs eontainhp �sbrstas or for�cl�etpda, aod rcdadhe m�IxWS. A5 useci N th`.s p<-sa�nPh 20 � t ._.� ,
<br /> 'EnWOnmenW Ltw• rm�ns ledenf 4ws and lews M iha k�Rsdr.?na xficra tho Properry IS bGted tMl te4to to heeRh, salcry o� � i i� r . '
<br /> �Y ��.r,' '��f�✓ � .:
<br />� af� �� � �.�� envYOnmMW ptM�on. --!FYf nY'+ "it4-
<br />...� �r:-i�}; NON-UNIFdiM COx5VANf8. Oarowx and Leadd fuMx covmu�l and agee u lolows: �%,;�.�i,��_ y t�='-:�.
<br /> � ; y�� "t 21. Acai�ration; AemeU�es. I.end�T sh�il givs notica to 8orrower pria to accd�ntlon Sailowing 'E+." '�i � ���
<br />._����� '�'-� eorrow�r•w 6roach oi ang cownont or sproemant in this Ssaun.�^y inatrumaM (but aot }�dor to �%'`��+�:b�'��va..4:rts,�`-
<br /> ;j rti{ ;' accalaration undar pnragrnF'� 23 untsaa sppllable law provldes otherwl�;. 7M notic� aha11 s�eiry: (a) ;'f�t;�u d��(' .
<br /> � k �' - th� dd�uH; (b) tha actlon rsq.lred to cun th�defau7l; (o) a dats, not Iesa tlun 30 days from the x7ate the �;Sr�yP� �r,�-�f=.�r_;
<br /> r'9:��r nolic� is qivm to E3Drrow�r, by which the de6ult must be curoA;and (d) lh�t lsllun to cun tha def�ult on ..;;'- _ �'{�� ,:
<br /> � %�' or b�fw� tiw de(:n spocHiad In th� notico m�y resuli in accelornilon of th�aums a�curW by thla SneurYly ' - " -;d� :_
<br /> "-' Inatrument and antn of the Property. 7he notke shnll luRher Inio�m Bwrow�r of ths right to rsinstate aHer '., ` �°'.�` ��-
<br /> �,i.; _ .ti; ...:=
<br /> � • �cceluratlon and ths rlght to bring a couR acllon fo asaort the non•�xiatinc� of a dsf�uk or any other _ , ,_ ,
<br /> �.,,.'�--���. defanse af Barower to accal�ntlon and s��s. H the def�uit Is not curod on or beton tM dtl�npw(Iied in t.-r�� :
<br /> � �'��+��r�:�i; th9 OOtICl� Lendor at Hs option may roqutn lmmadiKe paymant in full af ail aums aecurod by thlR S�curity �� '+��' '
<br /> -�:` lnstrumant wfthoul ludher demand and mry Invoke the powar o! sate and any othsr remedlu pumitted - -' > t {'��`.-;
<br /> � �� S �,: by appl7oabi� Inv. Lender shall be antitled ro oo�tact ali expenses Incurred In purauing th� rem�dioe r�{;�fH�,`{1 c�f� �
<br /> t+,�A� ,�;,;^• provl�nca tn thie puagrppa 2a, Including, but not aErr`aed to, reaeonabte aztorneye' feea and costs M Utls �� : � q � :
<br /> . +t.,v,- evidsnca. r,:)s� (; .z , ..
<br /> x.: 41�
<br /> ' -�';;�, !f the powov o't w-nio !s invoked, 7mstea ehall rmcord a notice oF defpult In each county In which any �,s,� ,�.>> r� '. =_
<br /> ' � - ' pnrt of lha Pro�mty 5s located and ehell mo@ caplen ot svch aotice In the mannar prancribed dy epplicable i:'�r ru - ��
<br /> t �.��,; low to aarower and to th� other pusons prencri�od by n�pllcahle law. Aftar 1MO 9me mquired by �-;�Yl����`�v y����
<br /> � '��= appliGnSts law, Tmstae shail give public notice al solo to tho persons and in the mann�r pro�c�!:�*.ed 6y -,��:,r f�s� --_ <
<br /> '-- � Ilcablo lew. Trustee, wilhout demand on Barvoimr, ehn11 eall the Pro e at uWlo auc7inrz So the -°'�� t, � �'
<br /> _: _d•;:�,.; PP P NY p .}.;;.....:•,�;:.r=-�
<br /> y - !_y highest bldder at the time and pi�co end uoder iho torms dosi�•arled In !ho aoUce e5 anlr in one or mora ; F ;, -�:.
<br /> , � c',` ; -::. parceis and In nn� order 7ruciae deloaminea. 7rusteo moy postpone seto of a:t o. any parcai o} 1?� '1;+� - r F;`�„�
<br /> .;y,.-,rn`,{�.�,,�' Proputy by pubtic announ�com�nt at iho fime and place of a:e� provlcas(p achedutocl s�le. Lendor or its ;';.:•� -.�_-_:�_- ��.
<br />;i":• �.ti.i .,. deslgnoe moy pwr.t�nso thn flroperly al any s�ie. .:..,;+�. . : -. .
<br /> �- � ` . ' �` Upon reco3Dt at paymnnS of ih¢ prlce bld. Truet¢e ahall doliv:or 1�o ihe purchase� Trustoe's deed 4 �-�ti ...' .
<br />,!(;',C?";"'; _ - '� convaylnD tho �'ro�arty. 7ho rocttais In Iho Tmstoo's dood ahnll be pr6na facle evidence of the truth ot �
<br />_;,- - -_ '�� the statemeMs mada theroln. 7rustoo shail app�y tl�e procoads ot tho salo in the following ordor. (a)to all �
<br /> �+� ' � •`�� costa flncl expensas of oxerclsing tho powor of salo, end tho sato, Including the paymsnt of lhe Trustoe's `-.
<br /> '.'; ���: . :;� feos .c:unity Mcurrod, not to oxcood throe � ol lho pilncipa4 amount of the nole at lho time of :
<br /> ` tho cloctaratlon of defeulq and reasonabte ettornog's taos as pormittod by law; (b) to all sums securod by
<br /> `�-'�-"• � '-a lhis Socurity Instramonl; and (c) any oxcass lo Ihe yorson or pareonn te(Ja�ly ontltled !o It. .
<br /> .. ..� 22. RflCOnVO�m�CD. Upon paymmt of a1 s�n; aecureu ty tnc:ecw�; ��,nment LmCtt sheA reqwsl Truslee b recorrey Ihe , .:
<br /> �� Pf0{IM�'G9G 6h39 611nEndM 1N5 SELL'tf.J Ip6WTM1 d'O U7�OICS Cn�fOCY19 CEbi SttU1Cd [j Y� $CCUf�:% fpSbL'rt1Cf11 IO TNSICC. TNSiPP
<br /> . �� shai�ecm'iey t.'.e Propelty wi:hcul naTan.y nrtd+.91hm7 eha�qe ic :�.person or pee=ons leat_ ¢eR'�y to il.Such pefson o�persons shaf
<br /> paY acy �acadalion tosle.
<br /> 23. SubstitVto 7NStoo. lmdtt. nt ns optwn, may Irom Gme to t:re .emove 7rvstee nntl eppoNt a successor wstee b a�y
<br /> - � Tmstee eppaY.ed httcuntler by un �sWment rccordc-0 In �he counry in which�r.�s Sewi�ry C�sw:neni is rccorEM.Wnhovt conveya+ce o�
<br /> the Prcyerti.waessor Wslee sha9 succmd lo al Ihe Ltle,power and di�es crnfened upon Truslee herm antl 6y appLwb:e taw.
<br /> 24. RaquBet tOr No4lcos. 6ortmver�equests�hat xp�es c�¢e notices ol detau��a�U sze 6e sml lo Donower s edtlress whkh
<br /> , Is Iho PrcptttJf,"Rress. .
<br /> 26. Riders So Ihis Socudty Instrmoont. n ae « �.�ne na«x ue e.ewtce by Oara.�n a:4 mcordM togeiher x-.h th:: •
<br /> F
<br /> Seturl.y InsWarr.t v�e Corm3nts a'W e3't'�'�s c�eacli s•ttn ri6H sna� ee sunpe:a:ed 'a�b ar4 sraJ nmmtl xntl supp!C+'nml the
<br /> j� '� COVM��IS Ond OyfCA'KntS of Vit SM�'P.J I�SV.'mtnt ei i1 IT!nOCV(f)wE�¢d(Ht e�lM5 5^My NS'.Nmen1.
<br /> >�.l.. �am]e10 S:a
<br /> :� F�WJWaf9.9�1 Y+�)
<br /> , I� 91t3i W
<br /> 1
<br />