t �:'%.,.:, - ` ( „'�'�. ��j f
<br /> r S[t ,{ y� f ,` . , "_
<br /> �f;r�i'`f-�i . � (i� /i r . d r-Y> F�{k.»i/nkN�1�{Y�,� _.�...�,..�aacv.LelGYYi3i�fl 4�y iy D-.:�.
<br /> ... _..:a�'..�Ri..it.�G.x�...sc.�a�.],&v�:..tw:u.c,w:.r.r.a�.�...wa..w�ux�....wF• - �y _
<br /> . ! �-ISJ
<br /> At - !..f;� Q� �� �,� .- "'
<br /> �La�L%^,, 7. prot�otlon of l.ondav'a PfpMs tn th� Prq»Hy. II ObROriEf I�Gf 10 PMI011711h�COY.Xifii a ap��n�m�s conuM.d h ui� ; tnf ��_�� �`
<br /> s - ,� H IneWmMt, or thK+ 1� � I tl roceedN ttul nl nl6unt �tl�d LmdKs 1� h th� ai (suah ��• auadn N n' ' r -
<br /> r „ � N• s0 P 9 mN 0 N �7�' � Y M 9 kkff � �4� --_
<br /> j5r �; � b�nla�ipfcy,proWte,fa tondxmetion or fodeNuro a to�nfuw I�ws ar ropat�Unne),then Lmdn rn�y db r�nd pry 1or whCera Is neuttpy ��'� > ' J; -.
<br /> � %t lo prolocl tho v�e ol Lh� (hape�ry e.�d I.ondefs rlphta h Iho Propr+lY• Lender'a�cUOns mry NduM paylnp a�y eume iecurad by a Nn ��s�y� �.--..-
<br /> ,;��z. . .�- whkh h�e�utafy ovr tMS Sxwiy Insvumm6 eppMMO Lt cour4 WYMY�a�6on�bb Womya f�es nd enlMtp on lhe P�OpHty t0 nWti t) }_ t r _^:'.:.
<br /> • "�, t rryNlri. ANhWph(Andlr tMy tYc��cUDn undx�hl��weprwph 7,Lantlw do�s not h�ve to do so. '��� ��t -
<br /> +�'� a -�yk¢ My amounl�debur�d by Lmda under tliie pnnpnph 7 shal beeome�ddnionJ debl ol Oorcowa aecurM by Ihis SewrNy Insbun�ent F1���, '�r "�f _"�•
<br /> , f �� Unbts OarowN�nd L�ndei aqree lo olher tama ot p�ymml, thaf unounit sh�l bear Inlaesl lrom Ihe d�le ol dsb�nrnenl at lh�NoU � �� � •�
<br /> t �r= �f nle and�hW W pey�bM.wHh Inlerest,upon notica fron Lender to 8arows rcquesiNg p�ymenL � �.: � i "� w .:.
<br /> r r . 8. lAatgOgo fncuPOnco. 11 lnnda mquBad motlgapo hsoranco os a wnC.la� ol r.ald.^.o thn loan securM by this Sewriry := � ,"t-�.
<br /> " „ i':, NsMxnan4 Bortuwer aF,�l p�y the prerNums roqa:4xd to msin4ln the morlg�ge Ncunnce In elfxt II, iw�ny rason,ihe mortg�y�Nturuia >'�� < .;:
<br /> 4. it:: ��.�....St S'!�:: -
<br /> � -�L_rf.; oovernpe requYed by lv.der 4pses n eoas:s tn tn 6i eileci, Oorcaver sheA pey lt�o promlums rcvryYOCi to WYh urmqe au6el�nl4ry . � - r�:�_-_.
<br /> --�-- �'�?: equNtlenl to the m„�Cbjv}a 4�:raxx yrn3aasy ii a6:ct aC a ra.t!s16s1�n14Py tqul�qent lo tht cosa,io N:aauca c�A^re r:u�tpeqe Insur�na ��,• „Y.f -'"` '
<br /> !?r,
<br /> .��:}c prMOUty N atlecC �un xme dtmi`a nra".�jge ns�ar�,^�,xoxa3 b!lendr. fl su6st�nt4y¢s7Jm'imi mcct�v�s twu:k-�n eavm�9e Is nm ��;� r --:'�.:
<br /> r;'� ^# �reA►ble, Borcowa shat psy io la+lxr ench manth a s�,rm.7.t:o ono-tweMh o�Ihe yexlf muY,nrrye ¢+vu�»:ycecNav 6u(nq p�fd by --� � .�i�-�
<br /> � -.�� O�rtowsr wttien lha i-aa-a:.a coi�a�ge lapsed er rr2s�i ta �x h eHOd. Lenda rA9 aa� �ax a^c se�`:h i`•xva �menls es e loss i � ��� `t-, .
<br /> r._�
<br /> � �-�'�r'ly,+}' resarVe In Feu ol morty�ga Sisua�ca. 4oss rasErae yaymzn'.s rm7 no longd 6e requtred xt tAx c,:a�� ot LmAx, 0 mong�pe inaunnce �t `�„ j � i : :�.
<br /> �� � �y�t eoverego(m Ihe unount an�l 1a the p?iad Ih�t Lenda reaufes}D+u�Mod 6y an NsurM np�.ared by tendzT ny3h beeomos eveLbte end Is �� ��r
<br /> Y�'+� �S� obl�Ned. Oortower sMil pay the yr<.:(Jums requied to m�int3� rcArtg�9e Nsuraneo fn elfect or Io pro�9da a loss resane, un�l the �. . �i��t�'jx �t'
<br /> �� ��� rctwtrement for mM9a�e Ineurence rn2s in acardance wilh xny xn?�m aqeemint Cxlween Oorcowa and Lendar�v aRPGablo lew. �jr ,L�'c5��Y ;-
<br /> ,{ >'9 9. 1M(>�CtS@t^.Lmtler or Rs�gmt nvy m:ir reasonable m5k5 upns an4 S�6pecUons ol the Ptepe:�y-tmder sha3 1've Bw�axet �� �,1y.����,Gr�F .,
<br /> ��� �'{'f+' nolk-e at ihe IYm ot wp:�ot to�n hsp[rAion speu�Jirg reasonab!e wuse for the Ir,peclbn. ��,i����<tw.-
<br /> „ ���yn��;:� 70. Cond�mna7iort. The proceeds of any award or c`akr fa tlamages, drea a consequmttv. U cwx.ee:�a� w0h any tyx y, ;
<br /> q y �{r -`� coadomn�lbn a olha WY�g oi e:�r pv1 0l the Propary, or lor vn.tyunu N feu ol condumtlian. ue hetdry�ss�gnM oxa sMt be p�W -.�� �7����':
<br /> +� ��i?r��� Io LMdd. n_. ' �i ,�f+/' ..'.
<br /> ,�t j5g!�{� I�Ihe e�all ol a Io1W tdidn8 01 Ihe Propuiy,the pfOCaeds SINI b9 Pppkd t0 ihe 5um5 5¢wred by this Senuily InsWment,whelher or � �, rr t}}f -
<br /> ,}�Y��s �jre,• nol lhen due,xilh any exces6 peld to Oarowef-In the evenl of e puliel W1�g of Ihe Propdry in whidi the fau nuket vdue oi Ihe fioperry , , f4��i�d`._
<br /> u� rnr c� immedwtey bNae the uMng is equal lo or qeaier�n�n Ihe unanl ol the sums secured by Ihls&ewary Insa.vnmt lmme6aley beforo Iho .•�+� f° If- .'�-
<br /> �i 5� � �� WGnB•UON35 BqfOWlf Ntl LMdH OPcYVlI9!! C{�il M11I{!1 the au.rs aeared b 111I5 SlCU. IOSINIIIFT(6h9C E!f0Al1tM D Ih0 YfiW10i ;��� � �;i5.
<br /> '��"�T�";+�t."���' ol�he roceeds mu ' 6 Ihe toso+rr. kedion: e the t W amanl lhe ol aums aecured Immednt batore the W�h ,dvlded b@)the �`:L"��n�,;i;i:i'€=--
<br /> � � �` P � Y 9 U �' 9 Y .-�ra
<br /> Y����SV�1 lalr mukel value ol iho Properry Im�.utely bNore the W�Mg My Wlenee ah�0 be peld to Oonower.In the evmt ot a puliel IJY�g ot Ihe ; r` � r:,.,:
<br /> {�Fi3 PropeHy N which Iho tet m��ICN nA;e ol lhe Properry NmMLley bNae the lak?ng fs less than the wmount af lFi±sums securM Nme�iate',r -,p �t�,�f_
<br /> 'h..r'- ��1� 6Noro Ihe laldng,uness DnTaxw end lcndtt othpwise aprtt in mding or u:ier appicable law olhemis�e p:a::RS,the proceeds sh�7 6e ;- - -
<br /> '^ ��,�3i,i� �ppiM to the aums ocaFe<f bj lFb SewAfy InsWment whelher c�nM the eur ax then due. ` �1 ' ���,y� ;,
<br /> �iifNLu ut ji 1h�ProoeilY is a6�nHOnn11lv Hortown;o�IL�!e noUtu W Se�c�e!f0�ortMVK UYl lhe cIXldCfmO�o1:H1 IO fi18k0 N BWYA O�6H11! �i,S��to�
<br /> ,�i '-hY}t� o tkir 1.v demeges, Harower fa!s n�rtspond lo lendtt wItCN���s afld the dale Ihe nolice Is pWm.Lendw h�uthoifttd to colecl and -'!1� i �ry„J -_
<br /> +�� �Y�f � upply Iha proatds,al Ts oplion, rintt to restoreqon a rep�M ol Ihe Propay or lo the sums atcvred by Ihis Sewrity InsWmm4 whelher - �i���`���n+ -
<br /> itits}ff„�t//! w not thm dua `� ���
<br /> r.eo�- -,Y�i' Unless Lender and Oonower olhmriso egreo in wriling, eny epy6callon ol proceed5 lo prNcHal slu�z aat=�md or posipone lhe duo �.���5����., -.
<br /> 4P(f- `�C�-' d�le o�the monlhy payrnmts rNmed lo In puagrephs 1 end 2 or ch+nge the amounl of such pr,yrcenw. ;:�//7t";ryt�y�t�,�:
<br /> 5Z dLtt_ {lr. 11.80tfOWS� t�Ot R�ia�9ed: FO�bl��inc� 9y Lltld�f NOt i W8vlG E�k*3'on o!thn ta:e for paymmt or modfiuUon .- i% �i- :_..-
<br /> --tl- ��^ ol emorllialbn ol the w:ns searetl by Ihls Sewriy InsWma:l gruilM by lendtt to ony auue�3±r in hterest ol8orrown shall nol operale 5���-ti5} jk' '-�
<br /> �� 4'.
<br /> � -{� �-�9 lo rNe�se the GbHy ol tho o�IgNd Borcower or Oonower's suceessas In Intxes�. Lmdtt sha7 not be roquYed lo commmee proceedngs y� {t �7� * ;"
<br /> °� - � ��., agaNsl any successnr h interest or reNSe lo extmd Wie tor paymmt or olhmWSe motlAy amo�Grn9on o�the sum�sewred 6y this Beadty ',C����fi�l¢a�'--: �
<br /> j ; �t i� InsWmmt by teeson ol any demand mndo by tho original Oorcowa or portower'S suecessws in In:ttost. t�;y IoNearaace by Lender in �.'�#�',t »Y,i A'�.
<br /> u� ' - �;, eandsMg eny A9M or renedy she7 noi ho e waker ol a predude lhe exerdse ol eny rlghl or remedy. � :�Zf f����,� :5`�
<br /> "� (�4 :�; a2. Suceessors and Aesigns Bound; Joint ond Several Uablliry; Co-etgnere. mo oovmams a��a ,.leemems oi �, ���ti y„�;
<br /> >� ,t��-�-� tKS Sxwriry InsWment shell bind end b¢nefil Iha suuessors end essigns ot Lentltt and Oonaxtt, scbJacl lo�he provlskns ol paregraph ��;41ttn�'r��� � �
<br /> , .
<br /> ,�`�?sj�,� _', 17. UOROwIY'6 COYCII8I::5 and agrecments shaA be jonl and EClMGi. M.'j OORG:i:! 1:F.3 C0�5'%Mlb �his Sear+y Nstrument bul does nol -.�+`�� � {�:' ..:
<br /> < _,��rr:� execute the No:e:(a) Is co-signing this Secur',y lasiremenl ony to mortgage,grant,end eonrey lhat Bortow:er's n:aesl In Ihe Propnty unda ,1��"��J`���r� =
<br /> '�� +� ` the lerms ol th:s 8ecur.:y InsWmenC(b)Is nW pr�sonaP�obfgated lo pay Ihe sums sewred by lhs Sea:IC�h�t:�.mxnl;and(c)egrees ihal ,��% `f LUA[t .
<br /> YS�° : Lmder end eny olher Oortower mv�agreo b cvtend,modiy, forbear or mako eny eccommodaCOns wilh regn�d ta te�ms oi Ihis 3ewriry ;q!1L �;�'���/'`
<br /> 7 - :r� Insllummt or ihe Noto x:,hout lhm flortowNs ccnsml. r..LT�i��f� i,1�1S �
<br /> +r S - L'� 13. LO�tI ChPfgBS. 11he loa+secu:ed by Rls Seanty Ins�vmenl is subJea b a Ww wh!ch sdc macm:n loen charges,end thal � ; � � .^��
<br /> '4� - � law is FnaAy In1eF<u�V so that Iho Nlerest or oinn loan charges wl:eckd o- io bo co:ecled in wn:ac�u� e�th the loan exceM the � �� � .
<br /> t� 1 _ '�� pmNlled f�r71s,Ihen: (a)eny such loan chcrgos shs5 be redueed by the aucunt necessery lo reducn Iho eha:9e lo tho pertnriled Gmii;end � �i���
<br /> ' r��� @ J any su:na aiea c t y eo:ee t M (rom Dortower w h ic h eiwe C..i pam::a c l SR da w:1 be re lun de d m Bortowor. L e n d tt m ey c h o o s o l o m a k e � F - �
<br /> ':'.:�f_.:'., �. � .. .._
<br /> :;�,,;: :; this ies�,d by�etluGng�ha D�dpal owM unAer the Notu ar tp �aLV�g e tl:�ttl paymem to Oortower. II a te,Lnd reCUCes pdiGpal. Ihe
<br /> __ -°-'�`••-!:{ reCUCUCn xi7 be uealM es a paNal pepaymml withwt eny pepaymenl charge untltt iho Nole.
<br /> �.�,y..;:���, ��,i' '!A. NO�IC08. My noiice lo Dorwwer p¢�'.tled lor in Oils Stturiry fnalmm.m!shail be gNm by JNhenng 0 or by mailfng II by firet j
<br /> ;;;;Iy -(;t2 t:qf7 c'ass mxi unless appOwb7a law requ6es usa o1<no�ter mel�od. The nolke shatl bo tlirecled b lho PropeR�.Wdress or eay olher address - .
<br />� ''��'�-'��� Burcv+ei Cesignalc5 6y nutice lo Lender. My noL'cn to Lender sha7 bo ghen by fist Uasa r.al to Lmder's eddress sW!etl terNn or any ' -
<br /> -j,.,'�,,�. .
<br /> ��y other a�C�ess Lmder des!gnmes by nollea Io Bortorrm /L:y no5Ce D�oviQed IC� In IhIS SetLUy In9L^.:meM sha7 be deemed ta hare bem ,
<br />'-'��+.i� -...�i ghen to flortowcr or L(+�der whM yFien os p�ovidM N chis pamgreph. •. , .
<br /> � 1b. Oovornfn��Law; SOV9t�Ulll�y. Tt�s Sewriry Ins'mmmi shad [e ��emnM by iederal 6w ocu r.e kw of�ho jultstlicGon �r -
<br /> - whkh tht Prop[ary u .cwted. 1n Ihe e+ent ihal an7 prmisfw or dause ef irc Sewrrty InsLUmen1 or Ihe Kctr con:.cts w:".h app5cable lav. �
<br /> � -- Such conNCl shsl nol a'AUCI olhe� C�ovislons el It�s See��.^+ 'rstar.eN c� ine Note �•h�ch un be given el:ect wnhout Ihe con3ctinq
<br /> prc.tipa To Ihis entl ISe prorisions o1 Ihis Sttunty Inst:umsr: c':tF.e Nole a�c tletlarM�o tt sevcrabie.
<br /> - „ 76. norrowor's Copy. Oonower shaR te gam one con:om�M eopy ol lhe Note antl c11hi: Sewn.y Ins:nir.ieni.
<br /> .. ' t7. Tnnsfnr of thn PrnoaAv or a $nneticlal Infnmst in Borrovrnr. 11 ae o�anv na et u¢P�oomtv or anv�te.¢si m
<br /> � 0 I5 sold or tm.vslmed(or if x bmxRC;ai infcves� n Darowtt is soid or Uanslerted antl Brnvhc+�s r+,t a r.,yral person)wilhoul lentler's
<br /> pdor wriflm wnSenL Lmdcr may.�f Ss opCa�. rcQuie LromeC�ate Daymenf N h�9 01 a7 su.-is s�ured ty lhis Sea;+ty InsLVmenf. Horr¢rcr.
<br /> ihis option sha7 not be u�rUsed by Lmtltt tl exttdse is prohbi�ed by Ietlerai Ww as of the Oa:e cl this Seeur.ry InsWmenL
<br /> II Lendtt exMdses this opuon, Lmder ahai ghe Dorto�.er no',ice oi eccNttatioa. 17+e nolice sha7 Drovtde a pMOd ol not less than SO
<br /> � day5 frOm Ihe dele the notiC2 Is dKvtted ot m3leU nilhin which Ine Uono�?r musl pay eA sums sewrM by Ihis Sea:ny InsWmmL II
<br /> � OortowM 1a75 to D?Y����so sums ptbr Io Ihe esqratbn ol this pMOtl.Len�r may invukc eny ttvnetlies pem�".IM by ihis SeWnry InsWmenl
<br /> vrilhoul F�ilher n4Ve«Eemantl a1 UMVnH
<br /> (
<br /> r. _ 1: '-
<br /> s�m).+��99(�
<br /> . V�''t� fa003.W0(99V �pe)c�5
<br /> `i
<br /> 911)1W ,
<br /> 1 t
<br /> 9 '
<br /> . _ _ __ _ _ __. _ _ __ -_- ' ____ . __. _ .__ ___ _-_____" . __ _'_ ""_-__._- ___.___. _� ___ '__ ___. _ __.__"__._.__..-
<br />