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201�QQ�90 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />. '�;;' ... .� . _: .i;: .. <br />A tract of land being part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (Sl/2NW1/4) and part of the <br />North Half of the Southwest Quarter (Ni/2SW1/4) of Section Five (�, Township 'I�1ve ° �12j North, <br />�iange Eleven (11) West of the Sixth Pr3nclpal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: Referring to the Northwest coraer of Government Lot 4 of Section 5 and assuming <br />the West lfne of Govemment �Lot 4 aad the West line of South Iialf of We Northwest Sluarter of Sectlon <br />5 as bearing S 00° 01' 25" W and all bearings contaiaed herein are relative thereto; thence S 00° Ol' Z5" <br />W and on the West line of Government Lot 4 and the West line of South Hal[ of the Northwest Quarter <br />of said Section 5, a distance of 1640.74 fcet to the ACTUAL PLACE OF BEGINNING, said place of <br />beginning being on We South line of the Nort6 100 acres of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 5; <br />thence continuing S 00 Ol' 25" W and an the West line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of <br />ssaid S�etian 5 m cli�4ance of 82434 feet t� the Sauthwest �Caraer of the Quartcr of said Section <br />S; thence S 00° 01' 11" W and on the West line of the �Torth Half of the Southwest Quarter of 'safd 5ection <br />5, a distance of 206.0 Ceet; t6enre S 89° 36' S3" E a diytance of 66.0 feet; tlsence N 89° 4T 06° E adistance <br />of 1796.89 feet; thence N 69° 42' 41" E a distance of 95.98 feet; thence N 56 39' 25" E a distance of341.76 <br />feet; thence N 43° 11' 43" E a distance of 324.04 feet; thence N 31° 19' 49" E a distance of 350.65 feet; <br />thence N 8�° 21' OS" E a distance of 30.15 feet to a point on the East line of the South Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter of said Sectioa S; thence N 00° 32' 34" W and on the East line of the South Half of <br />the Northwest Quarter of said Section 5 a distance of 26226 feet to a point oa the South line of theNorth <br />100 acres of We Northwest Quarter of said Section 5; thence S 89 59' 23" W on the South line of the <br />North 100 acres of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 5 and paraIlel wlth the North line of <br />Government Lot 3 and the NorW line of Government Lot 4 of said Section 5 a distance o[ 2669.76 [eet <br />to We ptace of beginning. <br />