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<br /> .. e . i� - -_. 'z _ . . t � � ! 5�..-
<br /> ;_.` . ' . � h �. ,y '- . . , '. d . . ' � � .1' . �� �
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<br /> ------Z-�---„ _...�_ --S—,m_ : __`� . . ."_,�-..-___ ` .
<br /> . � � _. , . . . . � . . - � . . . ti ' f._� ' . ...
<br /> r , F! . " .. , r`, E - ` - `` , ` ; � �. ' ' . , , �` __._y'.�.�.�-._..-- ` r..�-� ` � t s,' -
<br /> . . . ' .. • . . '(. - ......_�-.��._�- [ �c _ � .
<br /> � . � `�•i=--..._...�,..-� ' _ __....,... - "��,�.�_-_s+..v....-N.�_._.-..�.�.�.`.. ��. •. ' �1:.
<br />'_ .'C. '
<br /> �� � 9?-�.��2�� ��-
<br /> �� . ..
<br /> � � ` of the Note and of this Secuaity►Inst�men�. , •" "
<br />_ . �. ;ti . , 16.Boir�wer's Co�. Hoimever sbaII be given one confarmed coPY If aIl or an of tLe P�opercY or any mte�est m it is • - . , ..
<br /> gi
<br /> , . 17.'ilraast�r ot tto°Fru�t�e�t!ss�a BenePedal�at�4 in�orrawer. Y P�
<br /> s� �and Sorrow�is not a nanual pe�san)�
<br /> sald ar uaasfeAed(�if a etraai u�tecest in Bmrmarer is suld ar aansf
<br /> . . . ^. Leade�s wiit�����Y•at tts opric►n,reqnire ir�m��eat in full af all sums secvred bY tius
<br /> -� Insuvm�t Howcv�tla�s o�u•.��nat ttE exe�sed by Le�tder if execcise is prola'bited by fede�al iaur as of the date�f tbis _. _
<br /> = ::� S��� �aptsc�.�Ir�d�sLaD give Bortow�notice of asaoeteration.ltie nouce sbari proviGe a p�iad oi nai less
<br /> �... ff�� which Barrower must all sua�s s�ecured by W1s S�!► - '
<br /> ..,,,� ' t�e�i,3�s fmm the cEate the nc�sce is deFveaed or maTed aritbm PaY '.`,..:
<br /> .�`�.;�:..: � sums m the expi�arion of dds p�i�,Lende��Y a►voke aay remedics Per�iUed -• . .
<br /> .. � Insuam�t�Bomawer f�4 W pay tttess p� _ ,
<br /> -�_ �:. by this Se�ur�Y In�wlthout fiuther notice as demand on Baaower. Banower shall have tL�a dg�t tn have " . � .. '' `
<br /> . . . • : � i���s�i�t to Se�siat� � �� � O°�° ���oL(a)S days tcr such other period as .
<br /> ,i . .� �asccy 1asm�m�t dismntinned ai ffi►q ame pr�r �n thb Secun'ty .
<br /> s. . � �� .;�u e taw may�y far reias�tana►t)befare sale of the Propercy pm'suant m eny power oi sale camtaiaral' ,
<br /> � . ..� i��N)�►ocy of a judgmeat eato�in�this 5ec�uity[as�vrewt itbose canddions ere that�otrower:(a) a���y . . ' .
<br />� . .. . � snms wtucb then wauZd 6e due under ttus Seauil7►��t and�iu e�nfac�ing 1h�� Unsuumenw iacludjng.6ut w.` ...
<br /> u
<br /> - � � default of any other arvc�anls ar agteement�(a)Days all ca�penses uina w asure that Wc Uen of�his • � ,,T "`
<br /> � . . . , aat lim�ed c0.reasoaab'e at�nays'lees;aad(d)lakcs s�8��1��!�7►��yY�rc,�t sums seauod by Ws 5eeurity . f.. :.;
<br /> ` < . S In�umen� 1�der�s righ� in the R�operty B g I�t and the aali s�aued � - �
<br /> t g�an
<br /> "::� �i �utechanged.Upon 'manstat�neAt bS►Ba�mwer.th�s _�' . ,.`�
<br /> e�'e�ive as if no���However.dus�t tn reinstatc shall aot app�d�e case of �•��` `��
<br /> , , . � avice2e�yau'on m�pa��1 oY Laan Seevtaer. 'Ihe Nate or a pa�a1 interest in the Note (oogetha with ttds Secarity �� � `�`:
<br /> 19 Sate ot 1Val�C� e= �'-'r.
<br /> _ . ��� Ins�maent)may be soId�or m�e tiaqes aW�aut priar notice to Bmxower.A s�le may resWt ia a cdange in the eatity(kaown • � :.::
<br /> �; , B due nnd�r the NoLa and tb�s S�ritY�e�t 31tae�maY 6e atte ar -z=
<br /> As the°I.aan Seivices'�4�at au3�ts montttty paymefl ' ��'> _:
<br /> 4 ��,• ,;. mote c6auges of.tbe Iaau s�tvicer�ur�lated to a sale of the N 14 above arid��2e iaw 'Ihe nons'oe anU�smte tbe naane aad . ,� '`
<br /> �� . ";�'� givea aaiue,o anuce of tt,�ds�ge m accardance aub p�aph °�.,�,�-�.� ' ' :�;
<br />��`�`: .. ' ;,:} address of die new I�n Services and the addre,ss tn whu:b payments s�ould be ma+de.'Ihe notice w�l also contain a�►athei .,s�:;..;
<br /> ' inftumatian recluiced bY t�D�2e law. � f`�
<br /> �s�a1, e, �rel�e of aay . `' �``,S
<br /> -, -� .�`:'.� ?A.�a�rd�u�S�.�+oee. Bormwer sbaD not cause or perm� tl���senoe, nse. �T�B
<br /> r ��' �aas Sutssrauces cva ot u�the Ropaty.Baaaotver shaU not do.nor at6�as►Yone else w do,anyt�a�'ec�n�t1re PaQP�Y ��.-'14
<br />_.. . . � �i�i�s violauaa of a�r�nvtm�m�l Law The ps�ceda�g t�ro seut�a�shall not E�pply to the prx�s�ase,ar st.�age on t�se ' t r ,�'
<br /> . :� of asrnaII uan�s of l��dous Sabs�aaces tha2 a�g�....rr�y r�og�i�ed to be appm�riate in uor�al��'a1 ases. ti
<br /> � ,' �.� 9 r o . `�
<br /> t;' ,
<br /> -: a���ainmu�cceof��- lawsuit or at8er���i '�,' �� � ,
<br /> "r �nower sl��gn►e l,.a�der wriueo notice af�.y s���+claun,danand.
<br /> � . �� g c�v.�m e�t a� i nv oWin die R�s�ud aay H�ardoas Sabs�aace or En La:�a" .. ,.,�; e3,.:.
<br /> c�c t a�a�y�a$e u c Y o r P r i'�t e P a rt Y g g u 1 a t u i 7/a u t h a ri t Y�t�a t� :. •`,' � �;
<br /> _ , '� ;.F or is nat� an o canme�n Bormwer atiaall pro�mpol► mke � . `"�� .��.'`:�
<br /> ���cb Boao�Uns aLt�rei imowtedge.If Boimw��ra�rns, � Y�n a � •� •.:
<br /> t �;,.� , :i�,;,� s e��l or o s h�m�e d�a G�u aE an y Hffiar+dons Substance affe�+ng tse�parey ec��arY, { � ��-i=
<br /> 4�Y S', , ��"`
<br /> ;.; LT�i t�lCd�1818CtiC�:i IJt�811C0 wlth FAV$DAJAQ1f81 L39v. � ;' ti,�,,....�;
<br /> ,'. As useA ia t�is paragtz��3,"Hmardons Sa6stances" are those s�bstaace,s defitted as Wxtc or hmardons snbstances by a
<br /> - l Widc ..�,-. . �`��
<br /> � r`;4 Hnvhonmental I� e��the foIIowing sn6stance� g�sotme� ke.r��Wtles f�stt�able or toxic peffolwm P�� � - - ._� �„_
<br /> ..''�V . 'I;i� P�aad hr�ri�cides.volarile solvenLs,�s contaming sshe�.s�,:farmaldehyde.and ia�ioac��rreateriaL�.As�sed .-���_-,d,�M.°
<br /> 3 ZQ'E�vicanmental Law"me�s fedetal Iaws and laas mf r�a jar+sdictiun wheae the P[�aty is locar�d that cei2te '� �-f
<br /> ,; .. '. ;:� �'' e�os�v�sa�enislptotection. . `'�¢`
<br /> ,r � , ��� ;�� � -•
<br /> � `:.L NON-UN�ORM COVENANTS.Bor�cawer and I.ea�des�coveaaut and ag�a aR foltows: '�"
<br /> - ::;:;� Zl.Aooeteratiu�i Aemealles.Lender sbaU give Qotice�ff3�sT prinp to�ece�e=aBon PoIIowmg Boar�'$breach c� _-�.-
<br /> � ..� ..... .lj;i� �•.'� � .�'.`
<br /> j � sny ppve�s o7 e�e0mPA4 [D tLL9 SeCU�tty Iuslr�'am�d Q�rr2 QT& prIOT t0 8cceterBttOm under Qetsg�B�D 19 uIDE� _y�_._..
<br /> �i `1. ' . ;.'`.`;;� s:'�`_;._ --
<br /> c.,:: epptdcs6te i�pauvi�o o4hgfwise).Tl+e nuttce sbaII sgea`�y:Qa)��efaWt;(b)tIIe asttoa reqoued to care e�e�lePad�(c� _
<br /> �`� .. . . ..i�f a dat�ua�tess Wam 3i1 da9a flrom 3he date tne Eatice����orrawer.by sv�icb the detantt mnst be�d:an0(d) f r,..:�,�.�;_ �::�
<br /> -�, • -.:i•.:�
<br /> `�''�.. . �..:,.�:; t6at faIIaae to s�re 4�defani3 oa or before the dete s��im t11e natire may�resWt in�roeieratlon o�th2�ama s$curPd t`, �? ,�:T
<br /> �-a�� �: 'c�e na�e�at!l�uther infoam Borrawes of the rigtit to r�tnsmse ,���„ ;�,._,
<br /> �.,f;;,� �p�s��'�ent a�ad sale oi tDe Fr�e�t9 ` -
<br /> .��� ,.� •, �.,.'--�; a44er accet�rs�'nm.a�fl the rig�t to 6rtng��urt ast�on tu m�¢a¢ct�noa•ea�teuce oY a deTaaIl2 m�aay other defea�at! - -
<br /> r ..,
<br />-:.,:. . ..',` Horr�wer Om�a3tna�d sate.If the deSa�t ia¢9S c�aee]�s¢��efoz�tbs date specificd in�he natt�l.euder,�tt�s ::..,,,�;;4,,.:.
<br /> �' _ ' �:.�;�� �,�y veqnSre ImffieNate payaeent in tnD ot mtD�s s�by this 9ee+aity Ynst�raffient withcr�G�cr demsad . '., .,
<br /> `° ,. . �; t r•.m��g tu�the power ot sais and anq uther rence���ise'x�6y aypHca6le law.Lendcr sI�all t�e '*" ta�c�Jiect .. . .
<br /> 4='., � �. 6 Zl,inctudfn 6at aot liffii��G�,s�D2e .
<br /> �{:,;:: �i]ee��tm��rred in pmsotag the rem�fies provtd�i� +�" �ar,a�raD �+ . _ .
<br /> ...: . . `, a�a*�:.E�'C��cad oa�ts of tI4te evtdeno� -
<br /> •.,� . . ,�.r.,� L�'6�t�o��ale i�invo�eQ.Tzustee shuD reax+r+�a cs�ua�of deTaatt iD cacL wsmty i�w"•��y pa�ot t�e
<br /> `� ,� ,� . :'�4 ��O I�ie�end s�Nl maU coptes of sacb na4fcr i�s a�mamner pr¢ecrib�by appllea�ie Isw to G3carnc�+s.�a�d to tho
<br /> <... .� tica6lP Taw Aftar 4he¢�e reqna+ed DY�PP�ceDte Iaw.'6Yustex��ive pnb�r aiattae ot .
<br /> :.� ot�er p�ts¢��r�arimed Dy tanp `, .. �
<br />��':� '� , hc�Dle taw'i'�¢+�s�fleo�demand aa Bor�v�r,shn�seli tDe ' .
<br /> ��;'. _F��: snle to thQ persnns and in the munner�s�itio�6y eDD� .
<br /> �,. � � � �` propsrty at pu6Hc a�c8mn to the 6i�ties¢Q"vdder at We time aad piasm and undar the terms de�igaoted ta tho no�ica ot sete .
<br /> �'�'� i .
<br /> .�..;
<br /> �-..; . . Form 8020 8180 . °
<br /> r-_ '
<br /> .- ; � ' �-8�(NE)t92t�).ot DaQe0of8 tnm.lr. . : •
<br /> >�;;. . .
<br /> e�.G:�..� : _ . . j ,,�, � .`
<br /> �..:. . .
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