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<br /> ` • . .0 ` `� . . •�` '. - . .' � . . �. . . � ` . c , . ,�` � - .. ,,., f'r K .
<br />- F<. ' `l . .�.. . .. ' . • . ��.- c ,l .... • , . � . - ` � . . . � � ' � . ' -< - t _ � - . ,�. r -
<br /> {{{_........�.�....te..__ .... ..........T— _ ' ....J F . • . ..._s-r _ .._. _ . F.
<br /> �1 . ` � rcl� ����� .�.
<br /> f < - `
<br /> f �s
<br /> � !
<br /> _`4 . ��'; PaY��5►��S�be�I�•at the opIIOn of Lead�,if mflttgage inss�naaoe covaag� in the amount a�td fos the paiad . _
<br /> `' thai Leader�equucs)Fm'rided bY an i�s�e�a�Pmved by Leades again 6ecames ava�7ab2e and is obt�med.Bcumwer shall gay the .
<br /> . . ;� '_ '� p�s mq�ned tn main�ain martg,asge m�aoe ia effeq,ar to�ovide a fa�c�rve.unW d�e�eqmremeat fm�martgage - ,-.
<br /> _ rt • •�... -�:
<br /> .�r'
<br /> -,_' . , :�' �e aads in aocotdaa�aritL a�I wtittea s�tbetaeeai Baaower and Leadea or applicable law. � . , ; • � ';_
<br />- :.�""-,._ 9.Inspe�tion I.eader cr iig aigeaat may make reamnable �tries apon and msspac�ions of the Pmperty.L.e,nder shaD grve � _; .;�..�'.' �
<br /> P , � f � .
<br /> - `- B�wves narice ac the time nf or pswr to an inspeqioa�g�sanable caus�far the inspe�oa � <<°t�.�r;-
<br /> 10.Cond�ns4fon. 'L]f:e grooeeds of any aw�d� clanat far damagcs,�,al�aentidl.m�ard¢h�y 3�. '����`��-'s�f���s�� .
<br /> w d �d , ���
<br />-'` condem�ian or ath���any►part of tbe Pnsarraty.ot fos Wnvey'ance in I5�t�' . natinn;a�e aaa �• �
<br /> h rr �7�� ���, .���'3>�=
<br /> �'�t` ' . . shalt ise�aid ou Icad�' . �+������r,�,{•".,.�,�">.,
<br /> r rhvk.�`e�r7�t, � - � - 4� �� r rry' _
<br /> ij,,rN�.2�i�,5 ° IJl t�E eY�[Of�i�:i �Sif t�ie PtOpCit11.t��S sh2n 6C 8�11Cd OD th6 SII[IIS S�ed by t�.4 SBpIIfIy I�S�[tID�l, � : >'.
<br /> n1;: ' ��`_ arhether ar not th�d�e,��r exce�paid Lo Boaawer.In the evmt of a pactia!taking of the P�opeity in whirh the�mffiSflet ., r
<br /> _ � ��` " value of the Pmpeity i�me�atdy befase the taking is equal tn�gcea�t dmn the amo�mt of the s�as seatted by this Se�cit�r '+°'�Y".,,� -�,
<br />_ �� . �� �; lastrtnneat iau�ediatety befoie the ta�iag,unte.ss Baaower aad LEnder othawise agree in writing,the sums s�d 6y�is � , ..
<br /> 4 Seanriry�eut s6all be redaced by We ammmt of the pmceeds me�Itiplied by the foflowiag frdction(a)the mtal aatatml of •• •
<br /> ,. �'; die sams secnred imme�aDedy befare the mkiag,Qividcd by N}the fair m�ket value of the P�ape�ty m►mediatety 6efarc the . -
<br /> � ' tatcin&Any ba)ance shaU be paid w Bmmwer.In the evcnt ata parbai�tig of tlse Pro�ty in whicl�d�e fair maricet value of tPce . �':��
<br /> , . • �',:,-„-_.
<br /> !. ��`� Property immadiaiciy bcfore the t�Icing is less qhan tlte amuun►af tDe sums sECUred immediateiy before the tafcing. anIess < . . .=r=
<br /> . � ,i Bmmwer aad Iandsr Whawi€e e�ree in writiag or unicss sypl�h2e taw othcc�vLse pmvides.the pruceods sda116e agplIed to Qte , � � '� .°'���
<br /> '. ' . i swAS st�CUC�d by Ihis Seauiry ItisOtuutatt wkCthcr or asst dte sutms ete thea due. `��L .°r`,`•;�
<br /> ��,. ..,..d , . . .
<br /> � . ;.4..�. I t t I t e�t�o g�t y�S abandaned b y Botmvrer.or if.�r nottce by Latder ro Bmmw�that the eondenuiar offeas to a�aYe aW : ..•.��.
<br /> ---. - . . s�v�rd ar setlIs a ct�im f�t da�ges.Banovra fails to rea�ad to l�td�wiW�n 30 Qay$after tba date the notIce is glven.E�der _::" ``-:7.:',y,;,.
<br /> .. .r�t.• Es auQsorhe0 ro aolIeet mid e�ply the pr�ceeds.ei ita opdon.etther w re.�oa ar repair of tha Frop�ty or w 1he sums�e�aueA '` ``. ' : ' s:`�
<br /> r . .
<br /> . , �`�� by this Seruriry taqteume�t.a►aethei a:nai IIIett dae. , , ::'��
<br /> ` Un2ess Lcnder aad Baaawer otheiwLse�gtee ln writfi�g,any applSration of pr�eeds w princigal st�aD noi extend or postpane � � ., . .��._
<br /> the due Qats of th�mont�lypaymems�fared flo fn pa�a�phs i and 2 nr change the aawuntof s¢ab gaymeAts. �'!'
<br /> , ,;:. ,..`..r,3�.:
<br /> ` 11.Borrasver Not ltcle�sed;Fasb�uaoe By I.eztd2r lUos a Wafver. Bxtension of th�dme for payment or modiEcarFon . �. `` �
<br /> . of a�nn of the sffins seciued by ihiq SeaaItjt Ingnu�meat�ant,�hy L�ades w any suocessor in iatarest of Bamuwer shaU :.� �� . � `�.
<br /> n � �.._
<br /> ' aai age�ate to sel�se dte t�b�ity of the original Baaowea or Boaowcs's sa�s in inte�est.Lmder shatl not i�e�eqt�ired m '-��::,:..;.����!`. ..
<br /> . ' cammatee Droceedings a�aa�st any auccessor in Intc�est or=efuse to extatd iime�r�.yment�athc�wLte mod'sfyr amordralton of � �'���r�.`S�'�`'-'_
<br />;E� � � Qte sam�sec�ed by�is�CaaIty�t by reas�n of anyr demaud made by t'�original Borrawer or Baaowda saccessms f��` .,,,,,,,:,;��...._:�;,
<br /> ' t � ��� �i.'1:���_'.
<br /> � � ia inte�st Any farbea�tce by Leada i�exercLsing aay right or remedy s�aII uot 1�a waiv�r of or preclnde the exea�tse of anY ;;�,•,.. . ,. �`.
<br />_ . , . � �t or ce�+edy. .�;,• .: . ,:_-_-
<br /> ; ' lZ.Success�rs auc��s�amad3 doint and�¢veral Uabi9i�y;Co�ig�gaa.'�Tie cavea�nm �d ag�ee�eats of thls "�;� ;�_
<br /> - - - - Secauity lnsor�at stu�.bia�artd beae�it the su�s anot�of I�d�.auct Ba�u�,su�xt ta ttte Psavl�ns of . �`�—
<br /> - . - Da��apb 13 t�r�ts�'s caveaants and agreemeats shall tae�o�a�d sever�l.Any Banower who co-s�gns tdig Secar�y ' - - -_
<br /> ' Insitnmr.nt bE2 ii�.arca eac�the Notc: (a)is co-sIgpia�g tD�ig Sesuary Ins�aent oaly to mfl�ge.Seant aad cum►ey t�ai � . �. �'"`"'
<br /> '.. . Bmraw�'s ime��c��Il�eny under the teams�4�6s Securiry Instru�e��)is not pea�sm�aUy obligated to pay thc s�ns .
<br /> P� ,.�� :,�,'_.
<br /> :�' SCi�C�bY�119$E�RII39'��8Da(C�8$[�CC9 t��QCi 8fld 8II}►O1hPd$��C�tABy S$I�EC[O C�[CAa.lftOdlfY�f0'1�8f Oi �. ,y�.
<br /> . � make any accomn►odatia�sv�.3�ga.�ca the t�s oF Q�is Sec�aity Iavtmment or�tst�te wi�oni tbat Boaowea's conseat r�` �"`�'= _
<br /> � 13.E.aaa Cyarge9. i�`�e la�s�ed by this Sec�ity L�saaucent is suU�a w a 1aw na4�1�sers maf�unum loan c.l�arges. . �� r,��,r�„ ,,--
<br /> ` . � . and tLat law is fias]Iy uitet�'t�d so�at 8te Int�rest o=othe.t loaa clr�$es co1i�as tn be c���u�connection with t�e l�n _ . _
<br /> -- , � . exceed the peatniued li�.u�,�en:(a)say sacb loaa ebarge aball be re�uced by tt�e�oimt aer,essary W reduc��ie charge to the ,;,�;�:�;�-
<br /> • • peamitted limi�and(b3�emns alteady collected fmm Bozmwer Nta�exceeQed pecmiueA limits will be��B�awea. , � , f $_
<br /> ea
<br /> - �..' L,�Qea may c�DOSe�a�zaYe tlds refand lsy mGucing the pdnci�B�asved undea t�e Nots o=tsy maT�g a�eCt yaymeat to -'.� "�'�`�.T.'
<br /> . . Bormwe� b�,a��d!rednces prlucipal,U�e reductinn w�l be��s a pa�tial pr�ayment withoat anq'P�P��t �TS� .-��•;�`�T.
<br /> ': ander We Nx�: '
<br /> � . , 14.No� t�y a��uoe w Boxmwea provided fas in tAis�ecarity L�stru�errn shall be given by delivetmg it or by ata�ing it {
<br /> � � . � by Arst ctass maU�v�pq]icable taw requires ase�i anoQ�ea methad.7t�e notice s6aU be dicocxed to the Aroperiy Address ar • � : .
<br /> . � . aay othed a.��ess Borrawer designa�s hy not�ce w i.ender.Any aotice ro Leader shaU be givea�by fust class ma�to Lea�d�'s � °'�:�'�� . .',:
<br />-- _ ` � ad6r�s��aein os any o�her a��ss I.�ada dc�ig�ates by notice to Bo�rowea.Any no�ce ymvlded for in dila Sec�ity . .
<br /> . ° Instrament�be dee�so davabeen gtvea rn Bazrower or L�dea�vhen glv�es pravided'm this�aiagreph. �.•°�` :, .: ,��' .
<br /> � . ; 1S.Gover,nia�l4�m�;�er�sD�. 11ils Securiry lmsuarnent shall 6e grnr�ned by fi�eral law ur,d the law of tha �,.,���,�.::., ; ....:
<br />-a. � � • j�eticx��.ir►,whinh ttua F�sperty is Iocat�d. In the event that aay proviston ot clause af this Seamriry Im-acuan�,�t or the Note �
<br />::.�: .
<br /> �. . . i coaflicts wttlb a�pli�to�law.sucti cont�ict shall not afiect other Drosis�ons of this Serauity 1n4wmenl�t�t¢No�whictn c�n be ,.
<br />�:���. , � . � givea egect wlthaut th��caafliatiag�pmvL4lon.Ta th6s end t�e provts9�ms of ttris Security l�stnm►ent and the I�Tote are decP�ra�w , . .
<br />_ ., . � �seveaabla. ,` �
<br />'-.;, _ .
<br /> � . � Form 8028 S/8o ' . . ' `
<br />__ .._ . �•(��BR(F1E7{o���)•o� 7�goaot8 �nn�atr. -.--- � � •
<br /> y' �' - i f y '.. • .
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