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� 201200795 <br /> contimie to pay tio L,endsr the aniount of the separate1y dcsignated paymcnts thati were due wl�cn the <br /> instuvice coverage ceased to bc in effcck Levder will accept, use pnd eetain these payments As a <br /> non-refixndaUle lc�se reaerve in lieu oF Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be non-raftimdable, <br /> noLwifhsfand'u�g the faot that the Loan is ultimaCely paid in full, and Lcndcr shall not bc requircd to pny <br /> Borrower any intarest or earnings on stich loss rese�ve. Lender cen no longer require loss reserve payments <br /> if MorCgage Insuraa�ce coverage(in the fm�ount and for the period that Lender reqLUres)provided by aai <br /> insurer selected by Lender 2gain becomes �vailable, is obtained, a�id Lender requices separately designated <br /> paynticnts t�oward ehe prerniums for MorCga�ge Insurance. [f],ender rcquircd MorCgagc Insw�anco as � <br /> condition of malring tlie Loui vid$orrower way reyuired to make sepprately designaCed payments towtu•d tlie <br /> preminms for Mortgage Insurance, Rorrow�+'slaall pay Che premiums reqiiired to meintain Mortgage <br /> Instu'tuice in effect,br to provide �.non-refundable loss reseive, uaitil I.ender's requirement for Mort�nge <br /> lnsutancc cnds in ncoordance with any written agreemei�t betwcen Borrower and Lender providilig for such <br /> tervv�xation or until tarmii�ation is required bq Applicable Law. Nothing in this 5'ectioM 10 affecte <br /> Borrou�er's obligation to pay intcrest at Cha rate provided in the Nota. <br /> Mortgage Inatu aaice reimburscs Lender (or any eiitity thnt purcheses the Note) lor cerCain losses it may ineur <br /> if Borrower does not repny the Lonn 1s agreed. Boirower is not c�party to the Mort�age Insurancc, <br /> Moctgage iiisw'ers evaluaYc>their toCnl risk on all suoh inew•anea in Force from time to tin�e, and may enter <br /> into agreeinenis wiEh othex parties that share or modify their rislc, or reduce losscs. Thasc a�'eeinents nre on <br /> tarms and conditions Yhat axe aatisf'actory to the martgagc ii�surer ar�d Cl�e olher party (or pnrries)�to thesa <br /> agrocmenfs. These agreetnentis inay require flie mortgage insLU�er Po mAke paymeuts using�ny som•ce of fiuids <br /> thlt the mortgage insurer may havc available(wluch m�y include fixnds obtained fi•ona Mortgage Insuravoe <br /> preiniuma), <br /> As a resulti o�F Uiese agrcemenCa, Lender, any purchaser o1'the Note, anothei insurer, any reinsurer, any oCher <br /> enti,ty, or atty afCiliate of any of the Yoregoing, may receivo(dircctly or inciireccly) amouuCa thet derive'Prom <br /> (or nught Ue characterized as) �portior� of Boirower's pa}nnentis for Mortgage Snswance, in exchaa�ge for <br /> ah�ring or inodi'fying thc inortgage insurer'a risk, or x•educiug losses. If suah agreeme�it provides that an <br /> aPFiliste of I,endcr takeR a share of the insurer'e risk in exchange for a sharo of tl�c premitimie�aid to the <br /> insnrer, tho arr2ngement is ofCen terinecl "captive reinsnrance." Futiher: <br /> (a) Auy sueh ngrecmcnCS will not.�f1'ect the amounls tliat I3m�rawer has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> Lisnrnnce, or nny otl�er terms of the Lnfln. Snch agreemeuts will not incrcasc Uic amounf <br /> Borrower will owe Por Mortgage bisnrauce, and tltcy will not entitle Rorrower to any refnncl. <br /> (b} Any anch agreements wlll xiot affect tlte righEa Borrowci•lins -if any-with respeck tu tlie <br /> 1Vlnrtg�ge Insnrnnce ancler tlio Homeowiiers Protectiun Act of 199R or auy oUher law. These riglits <br /> may inclnde tl�c rigl�t to receive certatii di8closurea, to rerynesC and obtai�x cancollntion of tlie <br /> Mortgage L�s�u�ance, Co}�nve CLe Mortgage Insm•ance termiunted eatoruntiosilly, :uicUor to roceive <br /> a refund uf any Mortgnge Hisurancc promimns that were �mearned xt Ehe time of gtich <br /> cancellnCion or termination. <br /> 11, A�si�nment of M iscell�neotis ProCeeds; ForFei4ure. All Misoellai,eouK Procecds�rc hnreby assigned to <br /> and yhnll bo paid fo Lender. <br /> If flie Property ie damnged, such Miscellaneous Prooeeds shall Ue applicd to restoration or repair of the <br /> Property, if lAe restoration or repair is economically feasible azid Lender's seourity is not lessened. Dnring <br /> such repeic and restoration pariod, Lender ahall hnve the right to hold such Miscellaueous Proceed.v m�til <br /> Lender has hacl an opportunity to inapeot such Property to ensure the woilc l�aa becn cotnplctcd to Lender'a <br /> za000iaa <br /> NE6R�SKASingleFemlly-FannleMnalFreddie Maa UNIFORM INSTRUMGNT Form 3020 1(01 <br /> y�p�ry VMPG(NE)(17051 <br /> W ollere Kluw er Flnenolel Servlces Pa9e 8 of 1 Y <br />