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201200795 <br /> sarisfaetion, provided fhat euch inspeolioti shnll be undertaken prompLly. Lei�der may pay firr tho repairs <br /> nud restoration in a single disbursemenE or in a series of progress payments ns the work is completed. <br /> Unless an ag�eement is made iit wrifing or A,pp1icable l,a�v requ$�e�a 1nCeresti to ba paid on such <br /> Misec�llaueous Proceeds, Lender shflll nof Ue required ho pay Borrowor any intemst or earnings oo euch <br /> Miscellaneous Proceecls. IP the reatorntion or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security wou1d <br /> be lesseiied, the Miscellaneous Procceds sha11 be applied to the sums secured hy this 3ecuxi[y Inslrumenf, <br /> whethec or uot then due, wiUi flie excess, if airy, paid to Borxower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be <br /> aj�plied 'rn die order provided for ui SecYian 2. <br /> In the event of a toYal Yaking, destcuction, oc loss in value of the Property, fhe Miseellaneous Proeeeds shall <br /> Ue applied to the smvs secLUed Uy thia Security lnstrument, wheH�cr or not then dne, with the excess, if any, <br /> paid fo Borrower. <br /> H�ihe evenh af a partial taking, de�tr�uction, or loss in value oF the Property in which the faix marlcet value of <br /> the Property itnmadiately Uefore the partial Caking, desUUCtion, ot loss in value is equal to or greater tl��i tlie <br /> amount of the sums secua�ed by this Secw•ity instrn�nent imn�ediatoly bcforc Yl�c partial thlonb, dostr'ucCion, or <br /> loss in valne, auless Borrowor �nd Lender otherwise agree in wriCuig, Che suina aeoured by this Seotuity <br /> T»shuincnt shall 6e rec{uoed by the amrnmt of the Miscellaneoue Prooeeds multiplied by the following <br /> fi�acLion: (a) the total amount of the siuns secwed immediately before the paz•tinl taleing, dest�uction, or loss <br /> in vahie divided by(b)the fair mazket value oP the Property immediately Uefora the partial ta1<ing, <br /> destructiou, or loss in value. Airy Ualance slaall Ue paid to Borrowcr. <br /> In the event of a partial faldng, desh�uckion, or]oss in value of thc Property iu which the fair marlwt value of <br /> the Property immedintely bcfore Ghp parH21 taking, desCruo6ion, or lose 'v�vtilue is lesa than the an�otuit oP Cl�ie <br /> sume sce�ircd invnediately before lhe partial taking, destcuction, or lose in value, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Ptoceeds s6all be applied to�tl�e sim�s secured by tlus <br /> Security Instrtunent whe(her or not thc suntis arc tl�cn due. <br /> Tf the Property ia ebandoned by Borrower, or if, after nofice Uy l.ender to Rorrower tl�at the Opposing Party <br /> (as detiued in tlie next santc;ncc) offcrs to make an award to aetCle a claim for damages, Boiratver fvls to <br /> respond to Lender within 30 days lfter the ci�te [he notioe is given, Lender is authorized to collect encl apply <br /> tl�e Misccllaneons Prooeeds either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums saeured Uy this <br /> Security InsUUment, whetl�cn�ur not tihon duc. "Opposing Party" me�na Che Lhicd parCy L1iaC owes Borrower <br /> Miscel1aneous Yroceeds or Che p�rty againet whom Borrower has a righY of 2ction in reg�u•d Yo Misoellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall be in defatilt if any actiion or proceeding, wl�ether civil or cr'uninal, is Uegun tl�at, in Lendor's <br /> judguient, could result in fiorfeiturc of thc}'ropertiy or oU�er ivalsrial impairn�cnC oP Lender's in[ereet in fhe <br /> Property ox cights under this Seom�ity Instruv7zut. Borrower can cure suoh a dePault and, iP neceleration has <br /> occurred, reulstato as provided in Section 19, by eAUSing the acCiou or proceeding to ba disinisseci wiUi a <br /> riiling tl�at, iu Letider'sjudgmenC, precludes forfaiture of the Property oc other material impainnent:of <br /> Lendex's intexest in the Property or rights uiicler tl�is�Securitq Tnstrume�it. 'I'he proceeds of airy award or <br /> elaim for dzmages that are attY ibutablc to tl�o impairmenC oP Lender's iuteresf in Cha Proper�y nre herel�y <br /> assigned and sl�all be paid to Lender. <br /> All Miscellaneoas Pr�cecds that are not a}>pliecl to reator�tion ar�repair of the Property sh�ll be applied 'ni tlie <br /> order provided Por in Section 2. <br /> 2a000taa <br /> NrBRk9K�h-Singls Famlly-Fannle M ae7Fueddlc M ac UNIPoRM INSTRUM QJT Form 3028 17o1 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NF)(71061 <br /> lNollers Kluwer Financlal Services Peqe 70 of 17 <br />