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201200795 <br /> ruluired by R�SPA, and Borrower shall p�y to Lender tl�e amoLmt necessary to malce up the deficiency in <br /> aecordance�n�itli RLSPA, but in no more th�tn 12 inonthly pnymcnts. <br /> Upon payment in full of all stuns secw�ed by tl�is Security fi�strument, l.ender shaIl promptly refund to <br /> Bocrower any Punds hcld by Lcndcr. <br /> 4. Chargoe; Liens, Ronrower shall pay all taxcs, asseasi�ient.s, ohargc.4, fines, ai�d inipositions attributablc to <br /> the Property wl�ich can attain priori6y over Lhis Secnrity Inatrument, leasehold p�yinents or groimd renfs on <br /> tl�e Property, iP any, and Community Association Dues, Fees, and AssessmanYS, if any. To flie extent that <br /> lhese items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the mumer provided in Section 3. <br /> Bm�mwer eh�ll promplly disckaxge�ny lien wkicli has priority over this Seourity Instrument unlass <br /> Borrower: (a) agrees in wri[ing to the payntcrot of the obligaGon seoured by�the lien in a manner acceptabla <br /> to l,ende��, but only s�]ong as Borrowe�-is perPorming such ngreemenY; (b) oontests the lien ni good faith by, <br /> oe dePe��ds against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedivgs which in Lender's opiniou operate to prevent <br /> the enforcementi of the lien while those proceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings are <br /> coucluded; or(c)secures from the l�oldor of tho lien an agreeinenC aahiefxeCory Co Lendex au6ordinaling the <br /> lien to this SecuriCy Instriunent. If Lender deternvnes thnt any pnrt of the Property is subject to a lien which <br /> can attain prioTity over this Security Instrwnent, L,ender may give Borrower a notice ideuCifyiug tlie lian. <br /> Witliin 10 deys of Ylie dete on whioh tiliat noCice is givetx, Rorrower shall sakisfy the lien or talce onc or inore <br /> o£the actions seC f'or(1i above in fliis Seetion 4. <br /> Lender m�y require Borrower ku pa�y a one-time cha��ge for a real estate tax verificntioi�and/oe rc�ortiing <br /> service used by Lender in conneokion With this Loan. <br /> 5. PYOpet'ty Insul'anCe, Borrower sliall keep the imprc�vcmcnts nnw exisling or heeeafter erecCed on Hie <br /> Property insused against loss Uy fire, ha��rds ineLuded within Ehe term "extended coverage,° and a�ry other <br /> hazarcis including, I�ut not linvtecl to, eflrYhquakes and lloods, £or which Lender reqnires inswonce. This <br /> inst�rauoe shall be maintained iii the �notiuita(including deducfible levcls) and for thcpe��iods that Lender <br /> requires. What Lender requiras pursuant tn thc prepeding sentencea oan change during the term of the Lonn. <br /> Tl�e inswuice carricr providing Che uisuxance shall be clioaen by Borrower subject tio Lender's riglrt tio <br /> disapprovc Borrower's choice, which right shall not be axerctsed unreasonaUly. Lender inay reqnii'e <br /> Borrower to pay, in oonneetiov with this Loan, eithex: (a) a one-time chargo for flood zone deEerminaCion, <br /> cerCifioation and tracl<ing servioes; or(b) a one-time cherge for flood zone determinaCion and certification <br /> servicca and 4ubsequent chnrges each time remappings or similar changes occnr wl�ich rek�sonably might <br /> aPfect such determinatiou or cerCification. I3orrower shall also Uc rc:sponaihle Por flie payment of any fees <br /> irnposed by tha Federal Rmerbency Maitagcnnenl Agenoy in conneotion with the review of any ffood zone <br /> deterininatlon rosulting ftom an objeotion by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower£ails to���aintain zny of fha ooverages deecribed above, Lender may obtain insw�ance cove�•age, <br /> at Londcr's option and Borrower's expense, Lender is under no obligatiou to purchHFC any particnlnr typo or <br /> funount of coverage. Therefore, such cover�ge shall cover I,cndcr, buf n�ighC or mi�tt not protect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's eqwty in the Property, or the oo�itcnCs oP Lhe Property, against Any risk, hazard or liability and <br /> might provide g�eatr:r nr lr,sso��coverage thnn wns ixeviously in effeGt. Rorrower Aala�owledges tliat t11e coet <br /> of the insnrxnca coverlge so obtained might signif cantlp exceed Uie cost of insurauce flwt Borrower coidd <br /> have o6Clined. Atry aznounts disbursed by Lende�-under this Section 5 sliall bccoine 2ddiCional cieb6�of � <br /> T3orxower secured Uy tlus SecLxrity Instrumcnit. '1'hese amounCs shall bear intexest at the Note rate£rom the <br /> date of disbursemrnrt and shall be payal�le, with such interest, upon notica fi•om Lender to Bon ower <br /> rcquestuig pnyment. <br /> 24000133 <br /> NE6RASKA-Single Famlly-Pannle Pd ealFretldie M ec UNIFORA4 INSTRUIdENT Form 3�26 7101 <br /> VM P p � VMPB(NF)Z�706) <br /> Wolte�s Kluwe�Flnanclel Bervices Pege B of 1 <br />