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201200795 <br /> Any applicairi�n oP payments, iusurance proceeds, or Miscella�ieous Proceeds to principai due uuder tha Nota <br /> shall noC ex[ei�id or posYpona the due date, or change the a�notimt, of the Periodio Yayments. <br /> S. l+imds Tor�scrow ICcros. Bor�rower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due Luzder tlie <br /> Note, until the Note is paid ii� full, a sum(thc"H'unds") fo provide for payinent of amounts due Por: (a) laxes <br /> �uid assessments and other ife�ns�vhich can flth�in prioeity over this Security Inshument as n lien or <br /> encumbraa�oc ou tha Property; (b) lensehold paymants or grouud rents on flia ProperCy, iP�ny; (c)premiuma <br /> for any and all insi�rnnce required by Lender under Section 5; and(d) Mortgage Insurancc premiwns, if any, <br /> or�any suins pAyable by Borrower to I.e��de�'in lieu of the payinenC of MorCgnge Inst�rauce ptemiums in <br /> nccord�lnce with Uie provisions of Sec6ion 14 These items are called "Escrow Iteme." At origiuntion or•at <br /> Any time dm�ing the tcrm of Che Loa�i, Lendex mny require fhat Community Associakion Dues, Fees, aud <br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed Uy Rorrower, and euch duea, Peea and nssessmetiCs shall be�n L�sorow <br /> Itein. Borrower shall}�romptly fiu�nish w I,encier z11 uotices of ainounts to be paid timder Ylus Section. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Punde for Eaorow Itelns nnless Lender waives Borrower's oUligakion to pay <br /> flie N'uncie for any ot ttll Escrow Iteins. Lender may waivc Borrower's obliga'Uiov lo pay I;o Lender Funds for <br /> any oT a11 Escrow Items at a�ry titne. Any such ivaiver inay only 6e in writing. In the event of such waiver, <br /> Borrower shall pay direc tly, when and wherz pRy�ble, the amounts dLie for auy Escrow Items for which <br /> payment of Punds has been waived by Lender 2nd, if Lender requires, aliall furniah to Londer rccoipts <br /> evidenoing such payment wiChin such tima period as I,e�ider may requira Borrower's obligAtion to inake <br /> such paymen�s ancl to provide receipT�s s1iall fot all purposes be deemed fo be a oovenant and agre�ment <br /> containeel in tlus Securi'ty Instr��imcnt, as Che phrase"covennnt end agceement" is used in Section 9. If <br /> Borrower is oUligatcd Co pay L�scrow Items directily, puisuaut to a waiver, aud Borrower failn to pay the <br /> vnount duo for un L+scrow Item, Lender inay exercise its rights under Scction 9 and pay such�moiml and <br /> Borrower ahnll then be obligated m�der Section 9 to repay fo Lender any suoh amouut. Lender m[ty r€voke <br /> the waiver as to ury or all �scrow Items nt any time by a notice given in accordanea with Secfion 15 aud, � <br /> tipon such rcvooation, Borrower shall pay fo Lender aIl Ftiuids, and in such au�omits, that are then rcquirul <br /> �mdcr thie Section 3. <br /> Lencicr may, nC any time, collect aaid hold Fnnds in aii amount�(a) s�if6cicizC to permiC Lender to a�ply Hie <br /> Funds at the time specified under RLSPA, and(b) not Co exceed the ineximiim amonnt a lender oa�i require <br /> tuider R�SPA. Lender shall esCimaCe Che nmount of Lunds elue on thob2sis of ourrent daCa aud reasonaUle <br /> ostimates of e�penditures of firiure I;scrow ltems or c�therwiso iu aceordnnce wikh ApplioaUle Law. <br /> 'fhe Ftmtls shall be held in an institution wliose deposits arc insurcd by a federal agency, insfr�imenialiCp, or <br /> entity {including Lender, if Lcndcr ih an in�titution whoae depoaits are so instiired) or in eny Federal liome <br /> Loaai Bank. T.endcr shall apply the Punds to pay the Eecrow Iteins no l�ter 4han the tiine specified tmder <br /> RHSYA. Lendex shall not charge Borrower Por holding and applying th�]�unde, anmtally analyzing tl�o <br /> esarow account, or varifying tlie P,scrow Ttc��is, tm1c,se Lender pnys Bortower interes[on the Punds nucl <br /> ApplicaUle Law permil:s Lendej�Co n�ke such a oh�rge. Uniess an agreement is mada in writing or <br /> Applicable,I„�w rcquires interest to he pEtid on t1�e Funds, Lendar shall not be reqtured to pay 73orrower auy <br /> int��esf pr ean�i�s on tlie Ftuxds. Borcowet uid Lender can ag,n�ee in writing, l�o�vcver, Chal'inCe��eat shall be <br /> plid on the Puuda. Lende��sl�all give to B�rrowcr, wiChairC charge, �n annnal aeooianiing of the I+unda ns <br /> required by 1tESPA. <br /> If there is a stuplLis of Funds hold in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender ehAll account to Borrower for <br /> the excess funcls in accordance with ILESPA. If there is a shortage of Ftuids lield in escrow, as defined under <br /> 12LS1'A, Lei�idet shall notify Bon�owar as reqniied by RF.SVA, and 13orrowcr shall pay to Lencicr thc tunomit <br /> n�ceseuy to meke�up tho short�ge in accordanoc with I2LSPA, buC in no more than 12 moxithly pa}nnents. If <br /> thera is a deficiency of Fmids held in eacrow, ns defined under RESPA, Lendar ehall noiily Borrower as <br /> 24000133 <br /> NEBR4SKA-Single Femlly-Fannle�MaelFmAtllo Mac UNIPORM IN9TRUMENT Form 302B 1107 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(7106) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finflnci�l Sarvines Page 5 6f 1' <br />