:LL;�t���' ' � �.: .>': a � u. . • _ _ :s a �' ���
<br /> -C- '1.v.ic " � � - _�_. fi _ -._ ... _ _ __ _
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<br /> �.a� Aal r�� �__�_ �` -.�
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<br /> ,
<br /> . �� caveran�s jS +';
<br /> ' . .�.; Q.!: '`.
<br /> ; ` 1. Q,pyme�a.BorrowEt►egrooa m mak9 eB P811merna on the eeeured dobt whon du0. tJ�iess Borrawar and londor a�ee otherwl6�, mN �� �, �
<br /> '• payments lenGsr rewEa�as imm Borcot�or or far Banower's Oenatit vuf0 Ae spplied 6rst to any amo�tt+ta Ba►ower owes or tha saturad deht
<br /> euctuaive o!Iniosest ar Drinclpat.seeond to interes4 artd t9sen to prtnctpaR 1!parsiaf praDeSrtnsirtt of�o seeured dobt oeeiaa far any roasa�it�v;tl I, - E �"� '
<br /> - nat tftQuee ar ezq�BD ew1 ssL�dn�O�v�+��ecutad deDt ia pald In tu�. ; ,.. :. '
<br /> , _.. Z� •�iQi�.$oirowar.wlU paV,ei! es.asscssmcnte,end othar eharges amibutabie to tRa D�Y when due and wiH Qefond tiil� i---`__.
<br /> _ -�-=c`=- `..;,'_� t ons s�wlUth6 ov7�r i t f�11 h���0���BUADN�a�r o Q emateri�c i npr�va or m�'��rtain d�sa�proporhr���Y riQhta ct�ne a► -
<br /> , , �R.^.��---
<br /> . � ) 8.6leartneo.Be�rowoa wll!kaap tAa propar{y insured unQer cerms aeeaDtahto to tsnd�et Barrower'a e�anso en0 tor Lendor'e�anafit.Att
<br /> � �" i ins�uenee poiletoa shaU indudo e star►dard enar�qapo eiause In favor ot Londer.LanQor wil!Ee named as tasa paYea ar as the insured an any ssccA ;
<br /> �. . . ' ., ; tnauraneo PoUcy.My insuronce}�tocesds mav bneppitad.�vithin lender's 3iseretian.to e'tther ths reataretlon or reDeU of ttts Qemegtd G►os9rtS► �.
<br /> � ar to ttt�eae�rtad dabt.ft LenQm ropuirea rrartgegD insuranco�Borro�►et a�ees ta malrtein such insuranee for as tong a$tortQot roqu�io7- t: : � �
<br /> � � . ' ..� � q,pragrnty.Bcrrower wiil koap the DroD�Y�flDOa condition and maho eU repaJra reasanaDty necessary. S `
<br /> ...._�_. . ,
<br /> 8.Fspmum�.Borrowmr agroas to pay aii tsr��a �teacaneDte attameys'tees,i!Barrower Erreaks enY wvenanta in th"s deed
<br /> ` -�- .-=F- � of vust or in anY oECagaUOn saeured pV thts dead of��ortow�sr w�U PaY theso amourtts to Lender es providsd in CovenaM 9 ot ihis deEd of ,�
<br /> �.t.`, . Vust. - .
<br /> • 8.P�tor Seetsfity�no�. Untasa Borrovnar firat oDtaSns Lendar's writte�consenL Banowar wiU not ma8e or pemdt anY changas to enY P�� ' ` ,� '- .
<br /> � ` .' seairity irrterests.Burrower will perfarm all ot Boaower's obDgations under any Orinr mortgags.daed ot uust er othet seamtY a�tromsnt. �. „ . c, '
<br /> _ . inchc6mg Bormwefs eovenEnts m me�a OaUmO►rts wAen due. � . ,.:_:_'� �--
<br /> ' � 7.Assigsunem of Ras�aRd?coSta Barrowar ass�gr►s w Le�er tris rerns and D*efits of ths properttl.UNess Borrower aao len4er t�ws al,yeed �. � , �,':�
<br /> oU�erwnse in writing. Borrower maY copeet and reta�r�tt�9 rems as long es Borrawer is not in defautL H Barrower Aetsuits.Lend$r.lanQe�s ,
<br /> _ '_:<<s�.. ` egent,or a eourt appoLrted receiver maY taRe Possession an�mar�age the property and coUect the rents. Any rerrcs Lendor wlteeta shau be
<br /> • � , appGed fitsz to tlm cag�of manEging th3 0-'oD�S►, irec�ding cotut eos�and zttomeYa'tees.commissions to recrta!ageirts,an�enY oth0r � �::{
<br /> ' � oecessar1r�etaDe�1 exAenses.The rema�rsist�emount of re�wiu than sy�hl�DaV+nerte on the se+aired dabt as provided in Cav2nant 1. •
<br /> ,� � .
<br /> 8.��Qarrdnk�r��Uli10oaat�-Borrovu�a�eea to comp�1►with tAe provisions of er►y tease if this deed of uust ts an ,� _ t_
<br /> e tsasehoid.If ttifs deed o4 tn�t is on e imit in a coRdom6�tum m a planned unit davelnpmertL Barmwer vu�U Perform an o!Bo�aw+�6 dutias �°� -
<br /> �;. .: ',. ° �mQer ths eover�te.bWaws.ar regutatian ot the candaminium ar planned unjt Qevetopment
<br /> .:'.rf. ,`'. .
<br /> . . 9.Q��itf►af I.�d�w Pwfam fm Larto�irss H 8armwer fads to uerfartn ar►fl of Harrower's Qudea urt8er this deed of uusL Lend�may �
<br /> ••'s::� perfa�m tAe duties or cause tfism w tte performed.Lond�m�Y sign Qarrowefs nartui or psy enY amourrt if�Y for pxrfnmicnco.If en5► ;: .
<br /> � ":;,���• �ctinn on the roperty is�scominued or not eartied an as s reasunah/e manner,Lender may Qo whatever is rseeessari/m yrotact Rcnd2r's
<br /><.i,:-,�. �:• .
<br /> - .';�.".. : , ;'., sec�aity rs�tesest in�e P�P�R►.7Na may irtcLr�e comQ:etiaB tfia cor�wetion. : . . ..;;•,
<br /> te
<br /> _ . � J ,f,;,.,. ,-
<br /> Z,�r Lende�s fa�T�tn pertarm tv�rtot precNde Lescder fram e�eisir�S enY af ifs ottter n91�u�8r ttta Iaw or this deed of trust. �... , ,..
<br /> ff ��1 4 ' Any amou�us pa1d by Lander m protect LendEr's seauity intarest wiD be s�red by this deed of vust.Sueh amourtts Nnll b0 Qua on demand ,"�
<br /> �u �
<br /> � _ � ' ,:�: s and wAI bear inDerest from the date of the paymgtrt trrnfi Paid in fu0 at the tnterest rete in eHect on tho seaued debf. .;. �
<br /> . '';4t ` �` 70.Oefm�t eitd Aet�S�ro'gan.If Barmwer taiJa to make arty Oaymerrt when dus ar brea[ca any eoven�ts under tdis Qeed of uvat ora� ".•,`�% -' '�
<br /> - • t,4r y, otGgation seared hY lhis deed oi trust or eny prior mortgaga or daed of vust.Lender may aaefetate tl►a maRUrity of tlrd sea�red debt anp
<br /> �,��� demenb lmmediate 9�'Vmer+R and malf hswke ttte power of sata end any ather remedies pertnitted DV eCPOcable law. €'"�9.-;'rt
<br /> ::�;;� 71.Rttauest tas I�taaoe o!QatmdL tt is herebl►reauested thet eopies o!ths notices of dafauh and safe be sertt to eaeA person who ia s pstty ��--�.�'..:�
<br /> ,.'k:, hereto,at the sddress of each su�h Person.as set farih herefi. �`. . :. -
<br /> ,� �: . �:' 12.Power of Sats.if the Lan3ifi irnrotces the powar of saa�el!�Trustee shaD first reoord irr.tl�e otfice of the register of deeds of eai2i cautrtY ��: ,.F•�.*
<br /> � �,�; :�, w h e r e i n t h e tr u s t P ro D e r t V or omne part m patcel ffi2rqot rs��ted a natica of Qefautt ocrt�li�ng the intormatlon reqv(red�y law.Tha Tnistes f�s�.
<br /> � ., sha0 atso mail c�fss of tha l�tra of defa�dt m ths�o�:to eacA peraon w ho i s a�.h e r e t o,a n 0 t a a t h e r P�o n s a sp r o s r�i 6 a d b V
<br /> � ,llr'%::. I8 t10t-in a � .
<br /> , , . ../�,,.�, appifeahie law. Not less th�are�arrth aE�the T�uste.e:�orQs t4�e noUce of defaa'.1G r�two months it tAe uust pmpertY nY
<br /> ,;.�� �' incm0�o►ated d�l or viAage and is used in�atcd fl�erattons eanied on by the trwtor,the T.^as�tee shail�va pub�c notiee of sata to tho pEr&ans ..�--
<br /> :i;` . �' anQ in tns manner presm'bed1�eDPPUet�G�a.7'nastes,without Qemand an Borrower,a h a 1 1 s e n t h e P�riS►�C�sllc aucdon m ttm h�st ;,. .�
<br /> ��;• '�� � 6tdder.B required by the Farm komestead Prs�aion Act,Tnistee shatl otter the prapertV in tuvo separat�ssles as reWired by appSiCaha law. , '`.
<br /> � ��;i,1}�"'L Trusiea may postyone ea20 ot a11 ar arry pareel Of the praPerty bV PubtiC asmo�mcemetrt eZ Lae time end place ot arry prevtuuslY seh0dulsd 8ais. ..
<br /> lsnder or its designee maV P�8�DroP2�4 at a^y sate. "``. �=-�
<br /> ..<-.
<br /> . ,;, .' :. .-.. ��'�
<br /> � ,� �.' Upon racetut ot p�aYm em ot the�u'�e bid.Trustee shaii detiver to the purchaser Trw�"'.ruc�'s�:o3 Wrrvallin ffia ptapatty.Tha mdtials canteirt9d in --...- •
<br /> i :t t . Trustee'a dea0 snall6a prfima f�eie svi�eneo af the trudf oT dre statemerts conteir���'.7rustee s�iail apDry tt�praoeeds o!ttw�saa in tt� ,�- �.
<br /> toUowing order. (a) �o atl o�e�es of ti�g sale, i�ciud'mg, but no: Gmited t�.r-�c.-+abis T�a s fees, ressonsD2a 8ttotr131rs fea3 and RN r�)
<br /> <,',�_ o
<br /> ,...s ,.- refnstatemeirt tees:(b)to a0 sams secured by tlfis deed of trust,and(e1 tha F,a�Lsr.ce.?f a:Y,to ttvd pe�so�(egaCy entitted to�eeetve it. ��: er�re-,
<br /> `'i,.. ,
<br /> !•��� J` 19.Farseioaiao.At Lender's c�.�on,this deed of trust may ba fareclosed��'a�maf+ner pravlQe by applieabie law tor faradoswo of mortgaga9 ' ��;
<br /> �'�; on real propefil• � .. ;�''�;
<br /> �!'` � ` � t4.�ecttan.lanQer may eazer the property to Inspeei��fi I.rander givas Bunower ma3ac tr�r.rehand.7Ra noNee must citata ther reaaan8bb ��� -
<br /> `'` eaus�fnr Lender's inspeetlon. `"' �:."
<br /> , , �,,ts � �
<br /> �s;;�;��'' ..
<br /> �•� � �
<br /> f�c. 16,.C�ttruiatbmi,Bortorver assfgnS to Lend�r tt�apreceeds oi sny aw�d ar c'aim tor Qa r.ecp„s eom�a�at rsr.iCh a condemrzUon or oth.ar mfctng i
<br /> � �.• F o!afl 0�anY Dart ot the Y�oDeRy.Such procerd4►will be eAAUed es pravi3�ir�GOvenert 1.'Zlits ass'�ttnutc vs subject to th�a tenns ot enY prto►
<br /> .�th.�`� �.'. ',=nnrr-
<br /> .r: � � !' 89GU��/8�88:7R�Ilt. � . --.
<br /> . ' _�' .�.� ?�-
<br /> w �. � .,4,`...:;� 18.6yetvm.By exerdsing Psrir�me avaiiabte to Lender.Lertder does rrot 9�e��1F�9 to Iater use a�t�emsdy.BY nat ea�sct3lag � �,{ :`
<br /> nny remedy upon Borrowee'e�uiauR.�n4er Qoes not waive any dght 40 later eons tl:a¢�eent a Qefautt if it ns agaln.
<br /> � 1?.d�rt en0 Smv�red LEa�C-.y.� Co-ai�e: Sueeessors eb AsslBns BauM. Ail duties under t�ts deed of trust�e joisu and w+r�l. Arry ,��"-
<br /> .�. :• `�.,� Bottower v+fio casign��his dned of uust but doss not casign tha�¢�ng Cebt instrumerrt(s) Qoes so oNy w grart and�.rr�eY that �. 1 _
<br /> f � Borrower's§�terest in thg properN to tt�e Truatee unQer the torms of this d�Q oi trust.In addition,sueh a Bonower agress thet the t�s►M
<br /> ;__1� . ., .. ..�' arm otAer Baaowet undor this Eeed of vust may extend,modHv o�make a�y other chas�ges in the terms o!thia deed o!trutt or�foarod ,
<br /> �' debt whhout that Bonawer's a�sertt and without reiatising tt�s Bor►ower irom tha tertrs as'Wa Qeed ot tru3t. I,`.
<br /> sn
<br />"'�Jr'.h',:. ..d._„1 , _�t;,.
<br />::�;,�r'�;;:�, ... �, Th e d u t fas a n 0 ben e f i t e o f t h�e�d o f w a t s h a U b i n a a r��I t t h e s u e e e s s o r e a n d e s e i�i-c�o f L e n d e r a n d B o r r o w a r.
<br />-+.�r,z;:; _.. �: • _
<br /> r?�;<'�J,.�,�' :;;��r �� '' 18.tdo9es.Untoss ott�ervvlse .m�.,r"ied by[e�,a�ry rt��o4lce to Bortowet sha0 ba givan by del:r�ng it or by mai8rtg it Ey c�raSsed�0 aQdresued to , . .
<br />=_,��cr,;, , ��.�,,,�.;;:: - : •
<br /> .,`,,�,,.,. ,'.:M1�(t.,,,y• ; B a rt o w e r a t t h n P r oper�y a d d r e s s a rsrry�a d d r e i s o t h e t B o rt o w e r h a s�n t o L e r�d e r.8 o n o v r ar vm'U g i vu a r ry natfeo i»Lar.Qer b Y sert3fled ; :,t .:
<br /> -�S�i�i':•;'-� - •,:„y:�'�`)>� .;� ma31 to IBnder's addtess on p�1 af L'YA deed ot ttusb ot to a�ty�lher a dress whtch lenaqr has designatod.Arry ather rtcdce to LarnSer ehall ;: , -'?,�';t;.:
<br /> . ; . ,.•�:�„r :'�' be sem to Len4eYa edQress es st�:ad on pago 1 ot th3n deed af Vust. �: ..
<br /> s����};,;: . •' �� ,.
<br /> :�°;.:. • , Arty noUee aheU ba deemed�o tt�ve been ghre�to Borrowar or Lettder wh3n given(n tho as�,�c stntad above.
<br /> -,�r� .� 18.T�ta ai t�i�toyetttt ar e Ef�lat�fn 8�o Eaeroms.if afl or nny part aE tivs pro�erty or atry interest b it la so1Q Ot Vimstenod ; .
<br /> �vittwe�t LeMar's priar writtw�canam�4.•Lert6ar may Qemand Immediato psymoni ot tha seeurod de�t.Len4er may atso Can►anQ L�rnadiaco
<br /> "?' pdymerrt if tR0 Borrawo► is not a rtaturaf psraon end a Aoneficial itrterest in the Bortowur is sofd at Uanafened. Howevar, Lender may not
<br /> .� demand paymertt in itle abovo siaaUOrm i1 it�prohi�ited by fede►al law as af the Aato of thia deed of t►ust. �
<br /> m
<br />:�'�`y : i
<br />__` � � ; �p,q�,1NAen th9 obligadon wCUred by tAis daed of trust has been paid end LenQer has no lurther ontigatton tv mat<e aCvanCes �
<br /> -�.- �. , ': unEer ifie instrumerRS oi agreements cac�nad bv thia Qeed of uust,tho Trussee ahatl upon v�rtitten reQuest bY the LenQer,rocornaY th0 trust '
<br /> _'n�1 ! , property.Tho Lender shall detiver to tho Bonawor,or to Borrowar's sueeessor in iMerest,ths trust daed and tho note or oth3r ovidertee o/tt� •
<br /> - ' o0llgetton so satlaflad.Borrowar shal)pay any recorQetian coste. I �
<br /> fl � . • . � 21,Suaeesaos Tnis2oo. LenQer, at LonQaPa opUon, mav removo Trustea andaypoim a sueeessa►trus[ee by fUst, maillnQ o capy of tha � , � �.
<br /> subsUtudon o�vustoe e9 requUed by apptleeEto law,end then,by fiitng tfi0 substiurtion of trustoe for raeord in the ofQee ot th3 refliat¢r of QeeQs ,
<br /> � � . of eaeh county 1p wiUeh the trust proporty.or 6ame Dart thoreof,is attuatad.Tho successm uustea,withaut oonveyenee of tt�.1 property,shafl �
<br /> _ � . � succoed to all tha powor,QWos,authorfty and UUe oi Ms Trustoo namod in tho daed of truat and ot arry suecessor trusteo. �•
<br /> ��. ' I. . . �'�..'
<br /> ,� •
<br /> - . . , ., , l� �
<br /> --- � � .
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