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<br /> ' , l'Herrower9f . .
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<br /> . wRosoresideneQ adGress is =�+��?oo.--.• �p7n„a_ nst� CountV.K�4sesk9l'T�ustea'1,and ths BenefrBury. \Q
<br /> .- � �� : ��. .��i,m� oenonf�T �+n�frs+nn � �nicw? rqennTnTTAN — - . _ .0 COr0018tLOfl OfgB(1�2@d ... ,
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<br /> � ' . . . •�;w�nw w�onna�etrn f..ila07! 70�9 (�lEAdBJ'). .� ,
<br /> , COTAIEYAriCE Far vads@ recehred.Barrow�s Grevaec6ty gtenm and eomreys to Tnistee,in trus4 w3tfi Cower of sate.tt�reat PraOarty,of whteA , �
<br /> . . Bnrrowet is tawts+N seko0,desen'bed betow and aD buBdings,fixnues,and a�dsUn9 end firture imprwemesrts thereon end a11 rights�o4-way.
<br /> � �• essemeMe.rerKS. issuea. ProfRt, income, tenemente. h9teditemer[ts. RrtvdeSes and ar�y appiumnana�s thereurtm tie(onging[ap eaitsd the �
<br /> :` � •DmD�fI'1 `�� `
<br /> - = PROPSiT1f Anns�sce. �o�c r.i nivrmn� � .�nrn,n TM.7lldll ,PlekrESha 6990i
<br /> .. � ' ' �.,'�m �Df.cmel eF��,.:•
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<br /> ' �.r,,;�,��,� � soo�A�'sza�r � (341 PBBT OH° IA� PIPT88N (15) � sLact� aoIIS ia� :-•
<br /> . Y J • - ffi v,vivs�srrY rs.aca. Ax r�nrrsoaa � �s crrsc o� c�� ssr.nrm. �. -
<br /> :,,::�<<;•, cau�r�r. �stt�. r,�
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<br /> •.,�{�.}Jf (OCLY78S�1 iinT�'p � C.OU77tYr HBtrlBS�Lii. . . . . ��_�
<br /> ;<h' TiTIF:Bcr-tiwer covenams and wartart�v�k�tha tno0'?�1+.except fcc �-_.r�_
<br /> . . '`: ` . SECUit�OFB'f:Thte deed of trust secur+�s a�tent�r�sYmem of the secured debt and the p2Aosmanoa oi tha ccvertairis and agreemertis �:�•�
<br /> �.���•�_�� ��- � eornainad in thia deed ot uu9t and in amY=�ver daaur�t iw^corporated herefrt.Sedued QeDL as used:?+.afis Eeed oitrust indudes arry amouttte =
<br /> _ .��,��;,.____ -,r�_.
<br /> �, Baaovrer avroa to lender under thls de�ii.af Tust at unQsr any insarument seeured by this dead of avnR:and ali rnod'rFications,axtcnaions asxi
<br /> ��a'�i:; _ t8tt9w8fa HRtT¢4!. . . `'�+•
<br /> • r
<br /> �;f�a��'.��`, The se�Qebe is evi0encaA Ay(!(st�u�ma�na srld a�eemerKO sec�ed by tTis daea of mjst ss�f�a dates�.ereof.): , ..
<br /> ,t _ . . .
<br /> F
<br /> �•��; ' � �Rumro A6�miaau TAa abave amouirt t�se�oed evan tluugh atl or v���•�Y rtet yet be eQva;ra�d.Futiue advances ere � •",.� ,.
<br /> ::I�;`�``%� ' conLpmpTeted and wi(16e s�.aed to f8a eemo exterR as itru�tQ9 on ltte date this d�ed a6 Lvst ia executeA.
<br /> . i�k t � . � • t .
<br /> :.: f�v4`��.. � � � � . � '
<br /> , �}.'�'£� ,/. '. �Rewfvinp llne o!cradit agrc�mmre�dFrtad ' .with ittnkL mrts,uel interest rate of:. �6.
<br /> %' AR 8moun�owea undar this a�eamnnt are,sewred even tAaugh ati amounta may naZ�t be aQvan�O.Future ad5.�.;ces under �
<br /> ....'�. ';;_�';;''::;; tAe egreamam ere cant�mptated ertd w���a securad to the same e:tertt as B mads on tha dato thia deed of trust is executad. �-_ "
<br /> ,+1 � ��� Tha o6ove obllgation ta dua anB payabie on �um►R�r �,-19Q8 if not paid eaNier. �
<br /> . �7�,�,,
<br /> :,1,�i`,�'� Thg tata1 unpnid batanca seaned Ey�s Qe�d ot trust at a�ry ae�cme eha0 not exeeed a ms�vucr�Gdncipal emowrt ot
<br /> �,��t.��U. _._..,.......,..,.. ....................�.. ,,.,�.�,.,nn Oo(Iars 18�.�ea r��a r.�lta trrterest, -
<br /> ' �' ; �� Ptus arry emounto disburoed ander the tem�.s ot risis�ea4 ct u�st to Droteet tts�seauity af tt�+deQO of uust or to Per.`v�ac afir of tho �
<br /> ::i covanamn carrtetnod in th(a Eeed of�rec�t,with i�r�rr�t an eueh dishurasme�.
<br /> i �'
<br /> 1 �t ❑VariaLto RtM:Tha intoroat rata oee tho ohfiQa�an sewred by B9siss deed of trw^-e cray wrV s�arding to the rs�re af that cBG�tion.
<br /> ..ii�� ,� : ,.•
<br /> _� . �,.�1,,:,�,. ' ❑A wpV ot the toen a�emerex wmairi�the torma urrSc7 whicfi the iraerest rato rrt�y�cary is attachod to this 6eo4 vdt trus4 and
<br /> _ �'??;Jr;:�'. • �' made a part�oreof. .
<br />-- . �;r';.�,,, ;
<br />-- � RI��RS: ❑Commoretaf � AQ9IGlQA7@iT AF_ RENTS_ ❑ '
<br />__ . ',s
<br /> Pquauam to tho 6arm Momeatend Protectlan AcL aesignation o!homestead � is amdnad io Ytia daad ot vust�rtQ maQe e pan ho�eof
<br /> ❑haa 6aen dICS.itoht�od:tho Ciscinimer is etNChad to this deed of Vust and made a part Aereat. �,f?;".•`
<br /> • �i 6[3PIATURCii:8y ApNnD boiow.ttorrowor e�oo to ths temro and eovaner�earrtsinsd In thb Qsoa�f�usL Uetudtng thoae an pege 2.m�tn
<br /> -- . . � »deeaibn0 Qarrawer.
<br /> ., ' �..� �Q�M,,,Q' � 1 e �..ril1� /a `" =�D�n� .
<br />,°`•,. ' ' DA1V2ffi. 8 ELLI� DOPII�IA W SLL23
<br />-- - • ACKNOWLEOOOUQl1s BTATE Oi NEBRASKA, �nt*. County aa: °
<br /> Tha faragning insVUmom waa acknovdodged bofaro mo on thla 16'ra day of npnit•F +oa�
<br />_--.-.-.-.� `—.•. •—_ � � � ♦ M M��n f�tTA Af.fl1 LRfOD -
<br /> -. . R��� . ..
<br /> ' . �• ��P O �� RttmsafCaDdntanarVattnmWDf
<br /> ' , aeww+e�menr a �n, on behaff of the corporation or paRrtorshlp. •
<br /> � fQY coromissian oxpires: E�f9�Y ] /-���
<br />-- - - -- � .. (ScaO iw�ere •_ trrea*Q ���I✓11P'�. ' Gh�'�+► (NOtmYRL4t1 �.r1��.
<br /> � - ---- — � - -- - L
<br /> • . This insttumorn was propared by �^-^ • °��uta • .:
<br /> . � . m19E4�IKEFSSVSTEM9.wc..sT.cwun.tiv,saso�n�soas�-r.�.nwareoe�.nr�aNeens�� � .�¢fu^3�►,0�� (t��C18�ASEtA '��,�'`,
<br /> APPL# 000313 ` ��
<br /> � � � CCD# 0100465307
<br /> . �
<br />