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� ,/� ( �- E <br /> . <br /> .. ��- . . .-. .' _ <br /> i�� •. ;. � '•• ':�� " . 'Cfm ��. J--1 _. � _ :. I C�. 1 '�1 1 L� 't <br /> - ' � i . _ . t _ _ � ._ � . rr �..�_ ._. _4 c �r. -. _ d :.c _ „I `. �- -r <br /> - s k< S a' � �`': <br /> .{:_C .� . c-� . C - s � . �� . Y kl <br /> 4 -�- �� - ,c •-� . . _ -f�. - '� i ; -�,r �_� .r` K fi -i t� .• u . <br />_i, t .� � � �- .<, e�..t . .� . . - ' ti1' c , �� .r., . 5... - �z�� ..� ..�� -� <br /> ` G S�<< � � _.�..�......�....c- 'L"' =�+' 9 ,�_ <br /> c��'-. �'-•E, .1,� d..',� <br /> t,ti, ^�, . ' E.—=,�-___.-_� -_ - <br /> `- - �.' ���� � . � - c- 1 - <br /> `�;��.. � `ProceeQg7 in ows�ne�Rlon with o0ndemnaUon or othar tatc(ng of the Property or paR thereof,or tor canvSyance in eu o con emnadon. T � <br /> ow <br /> Le�der st�all Cs entl4ed al tts optton to oommesw.epgaar in end proseoute tn Ita oum nafie any actfon or pracee�iings.and shatl ef� � ���''� <br /> . ba entitFad to ma�cs brty oomproMsa ar setttsmen!ir►aonnecUon vrith suct�taking or tha event ae�y portlon of the PrapeRy is .E:.,:.`,�:�.: ,_ <br />'..•..;-�"•%':_ .. �"� sp takea ar dem�R�. Lender Bhetl�avo the optlan In Ib soie end aLsahRa appty a0 suoh pr�ds. after deductl�g . <br /> �horct,nm au maiss ane axa9nses incutred by tt in aonne�ion wlth au�Prot�eds,upon arry tndabtednese secured hereby an0[n sw� , _ <br /> �• �•`•' �• � a�Q9r as Londor may dete�mlrte,ar to a�pt}I all suoh Praceeds,etGer eucA deductlons,ro U!e�estoraticn ot the PropaRy upan sucn�.- . •• <br /> : . <• <br />. • �� .. _.��s drtlons ae Londst mpy detertntne.My a�DticaUcn o!Pra�eeds to inQetitednass shaU nat extend w pos�ona tha Que d�te ai snY paY- <br /> ` �1�� mants undsr the cure any datault theretmder or hereunQar.My unappiied funds s4►all ba patd to TnisLor. ' <br /> :• �� 8.Pa�tomt�ttaa by Lendsr.Upon tAe occurtenae of an Event of Oetault hereunder.or if any act is h�tcen or tegal Dmceed'�n8 , <br /> � • commenced rfiich matedaBy a�fects lenders tnterest in the Proparty.Lender may in its own disaeUon,but without obitga8on ta do so. _ <br /> ::`•.� a�vrith�ut naUoe to or demand upon Trustor and withau!reteasEng TrusOot trom any obligaUon,do ar►y►act uMich Tn�stor has agreed <br /> - - ___,,. but iaites to dn snd may atso do any ather act It de�ams neoessary to pmtect the securiry hereof. Trustor shatl.Immed'eatety upon - <br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender eit eosts aM exp�nses incurred and sums expended by lender in oonnedion with tl►e exer- - �',; <br /> . dss by Lender at ihe foregoing dghts.tagether wUh interest thsrean at the default rate provtded in the Note.vfiieh shall be aJded to _� <br /> ' the indebiedness seaired hereby.Lendar shaD not incur any liab�ityr 6es:ause ot anythtng it may do or omit to do Rereunder. ' . <br /> 9.Harardaus lYiatertats.T�r shait keep the Paoperty In oomplianoe with aD appficabie laws.ord'mances and RegutaBons -. `. <br /> ; reisBng to€rtdu�triei hyg€ene or s�P�tsc4ton(�fteCtively retem80 to heretrt as'Environmer�i Laws°�.Trt�stor shatt keeP ° -_ _ <br /> ` ' the Ptosserty frea fram ol!asDs�ssss�s Qeemed to be ha�ac�tous or tmdc undsr any refsrted tu hereln <br /> . - a8 Ha'�ardous Malerfais�.Tnutrrr AeceDy wartants end repteserds t�Lender that tttete are rro Hazardous Mata�iaf�an ot urtde;tha ,- . , - .`'-;r:: <br /> Pro�►eriy.Truslor fiere8y agrees to indemnif�►and hotd harmtess Lender,its diredors,off�cers.empioyees and agenfs.and a�syr succc� � :. . <br /> :,>'� . sors to Ler�ers inte�est,from and against arty and al!ciaims.damages.losses and IiabiGties aAsing in connedian witP�the presenoe. . � : . • <br /> . - use,disposa!or transport of any Hardntous Nbteriats on,urtQer,from or about the Prapeity.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND ?r: <br /> � ra �. . <br /> . ��,•r, ' itEPitESENTATIONS,AldD T08lDSTOR S OBUCATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY.S6fiALL SURVNE ---- .. :_:,:,�__ <br /> '' RECONVEY/WCEOFTHISD�EDOFTRtIST. :Y , . <br /> t,: : f . �'� ��� <br /> ;,; � 10.Asulgmnont o!��.Tnistnr hec�,hy assi�s to Lender,and grants Lender a security interest in.a11 pre.sant,fuhua sr� ;, , ���re'� <br /> - ' . - aRer arising rentg.Issuss artdt:r.a§is of the PraPeRyr,Provtded tAat Tnjstor sAa9.unh7 the ecamienoa of an Everd of Qe�•.ur�rer .�.,.,,,���rr;; <br /> ,•�. ' h3ve the dght to�I(ect and�1��such rents.issues and pra�ts as they!hecume dae and payabte.Upon the aoaur�c�F an Ev��tc� � s s ; ` � <br /> ' .,���4 ; p".fassli.Lender may.eNi�er�{�sqn or by agent,�vith or ett�itout bringing any ac�n aP proceeding,or by a rec�.�sar j�Peh�ted by a r f� <,�e.-� ` <br />-�•,-�- • �r.,_° oocnt and vritlwut regard to the�equacy ai its securiry.ent�W^�on artd ta[a;possesssan�f tAe RraDenll.or ar►y part tt�eof�in its twv�s f v.-��;r, :_- <br /> r . r <br /> ,; f ' name or in the name af the Trustee.and do any acts whlcb it deerrss c��ry or desirabte to prasenre the vaiue,anar4ceta�l'�'jg�cr Y ' • ,� '� <br /> .: �t�^�'4 - rentability of the t�opeRy.or any►paR thereof or tnterest therei�,or to inae�e tha Income therefrom or ptatect the seairiry herr�¢t'�., .,. .�;�), <br /> „�.�? - � with or vrlthnut t�icfig possession of the PropeRy,sue for or aineruvise ooflect the rents.issees artd profits ihereof.�c�:Ctng tlta.s�t�s �,:,,''-.:,',.r' t�;:• <br /> r .� '. ..: <br />_--,.;_;_:..�.;. . due an d un p a i d.b y na t i f y i n g t�.r a n t s t a m a k e p a y m e n t s t a L e n d e r.L e n d e r m a Y a P P�l/�.'��an d p�t e s s�a rt d�- �'€��;:f;i;;_'_'.t. � <br /> ;��` es o}operatlnn and cottediost rcrduding atf�msys fees,to any indebtedness secur�:II�y,2i11 in sucb ocider as�er maY� '� ':"��'''""""� <br /> r � r f �`: mMe.The e�3 upon aad taking possassion ot the Pmpedy,the oollecGon of su�i cz^.ts,issues and�the appl'�ian f�+�r�f� "� � <br />''"`f�;,;`'',f�::;•��'�:�; theteof a9 afa�s#tall rtat cure or wahle any delault ar notice of Qefault hereunder ar irnaliQate a�r�,a ad done in cesponse to sut� +. �::.:-`.__. ,b, �' <br /> - �Jr'a•�.�•�r.,>,., <br /> ;!�:::,�,����'.''''.:'��.; defautt or purs��r�to sud�c�ot defauft and,notuuithstandin8 ths aartinuanee in�Session�ff th9 propeRy or the�liectJon: ��k `�"• <br /> dt <br /> � %�`' �t and appGaation of re�is,.�.suss or profifs,Trustee and lender shalt Oe entitie�d t��xarcfse every right provided for tn any ot the ;_ 7 <br />_,;>:?J;i%;;:.. . ':; ,Y <br />;;:��: ...� ...� Lo�n Instruments or by taw upon occuRence of any Event of(�efau�,including w(Utout lir,,t�iUon t4�e rfght to exerdse tlts power ot sate. _ <br /> , Further,LenQers dghts and temetltes under this paragraph shaA be cumulative wffh.and in no way a Iimitatlon on.Lenders dghts and ; :.���`° <br /> .'"< remedies under any assignynant o9 teases and rents recorded against the Property. Lender,Trustee and the reoefirer sfiali be liabte to • <br /> ��,.�?:. �,��;� atxauM onty for those rents acOua(!y rec�ived. _.`. �., <br /> ' ' 11.Ever�4s ot Oe4autt.The following shali consUtute an Event oi Oefa�tt under this Deed of Trus� r � . _„��;;; <br /> .. '�� �� (a)FaiNre Lo Prry arry�msnt aT prindpal ar inferest or any other sum�ecured hereby when due: ��;�^ ,�.�_ <br /> � " � -` (b)A breacfi ot or defauit under arry provtsion contalnea in tNe Note,thls Oeed ai Tnist,any oi the Loan Instrumanb.or arry + .:'';:; .� <br />,'• � . ',.::".: + �: :. . .'m,.'s'- <br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the PropeRy: �; <br /> � �{�-� (c)A wr(t of execut:_.^�or attachment or any sim(tar prooess stiall be entered against Trustar vfiich stfall beoorne a Uen an ' ��. . <br /> t he Pro pe r ry or an y poRfon thereo!or inierast theretn; � • ::�"" - <br />,;,,,�,„--: . � (d)There shail be filed b y ar a g a inst Ttustorot BOrrower an actton unQer any present or fu�re tedetal.state or other stahrte. � `i"=�_ <br /> ' �''r fav�or IatIon relati W banksuptey.tnsoNen or othar�eRef br debtors;orthgre ahall4e eppointed any Wstee.raoe t var or "'` " •-=� <br /> ;.?'..:;r ;. .; regu n9 cY ,.�,;,,: --,�-.�_ <br /> � ' Iiquidator ot Trustor a�L'ortawer or ot afl or erry part of tha Property,or the rer�ts,issuas or proftfs thereaf,or Tnistor or Bomower - ___ <br /> . �-, <br /> �,:• shatl mahe any gener�9 assignment tor the benefit a!crediGcr�s: <br /> �r'j� , ,3�j,�;: (e y T h e s a t e,tr a R s i e r.l e e s e,e s s i g n m e n�a o m r e y a n c e o r t u r f h a r e n c u m 6 r a n c e o f a0 or an y part o!or an y interest in the •` <br /> ' '�?;<, ,1 I r•, p��ariy,e�r wtun�bly or Invotun�rity,without tfie express written wnsent ot Lender,pravided that Tnistor sha11 be partnit- <br /> •�:.��ry�<�.� ` ;-,= <br /> t e 0 t o e x�a r.e a t e�a 1 t A e P r o p e R y t h a t Q e�s rt o t c a n t a i n a n o p U o n W p u r�a s e an d the tsrtn of whkh dees not exoeed one <br /> F`. �, ,� _ <br /> r : '. • : <br /> ,�. (fl�Qaitmens.c�.'�e Property;or <br /> .''.��;t-•�.�'�E (g)�'�custar is ara an indivtdual.the com►eyanoe or enaimbranoe oi more than Ct a ��a <br /> ' ° '� oospor�)a total ai peroent o!tb lssued an0 outstanding stock,or(H a partr�ership)a totel oi Fer- � '�' � <br /> . ` ...,,.'�S cent ai y�merohip ics�gsb.or(N a limtted Ilabiliry aumpany�a total of peraent oi the limited Ilabiliry campa- �.�. . :;� <br />- _ . '' . .,�';, �.`�� rry interesb ar votfi�.r,r,�i�dudng the padod this Deed ot Tn�st remalns a Uen am.�e propeRy. �,�.;� <br /> -_y. 12.RemeQles;Qcee�s!lr�fion Upon CefautL la ttn��nt ot any Event oi De�wG�nder may.without notics eYr.ept as required t �,,: <br /> " , �: by taav.dectare aU indebtedr.�secured hereby�!ae Q►.u�r:�d payabte arui the sarrn��i�0 thereupon beoome duo�d payabte vritt� . <br /> ..;;:,;�• <br /> � :�y; out any pre�s�n�deman d,protest cr na�p o!arry f�r,�t.7 t�erea ft er�r may: `��"� <br /> ;�,�:, <br /> . . . • (a}�a-sand that Tastee exerci�1ltm RO1N'�•,R CF SALE gr�^�+�d hereln.and Trustee sh�F IltereatGer c2use Tntstar'�.tN�t- . yc�:�r:: , <br /> '�'�" est ln�"�Propertyr ta tse setd and the�sr,ceeas t�I:��sWDuted.alf in the manner provtde�in 4�e NebrasEc2+Yn:st QeeQs As� �:� ��'ti��""''. <br /> s (b)Exerr�se any�rd all dghts pmviQed iet irt.rt��oi the Loan Instrument��r by law upon aa,urrortc�of any Event ot '` � <br /> ; rt <br /> _ Oefaul�and �r:, :•. <br /> �;�}; (c)Commen�an acUon to to�ectose thls Oeed oi Tnist as a moRgage,aDAa�n�a receiver,or specNlcafty enforae arry ot th� #k�''. <br /> �. oavenanb hereot �; <br />- . . ��.'•.,, No aemedy heceln oor�temed upon or reserved to Trustee ar Lsnder is intenQed to be exclushre of artyF a�P�sr remedy fhe Loan ; . . <br /> . °.�,; Instruments or by law provided or pertnitfed.6ut eacJ�shall be cumufaBve,shall be in addiUon to eva�y ather remedy given hereunder, <br />-� In the Loan Instrumer�ts or naw or hereafter exsUng a!faw ar in equiry or by steUrte,and rr.ay be exer�sed ooncurrentty,MCepertdentty , <br /> , .t;," ' Ot SUeoeSlVely. . <br />- • " 13.Trusteo.The Tnistee may reslgn at any Ume u�K'hout cause,and Lender m�y4t any tlme and without cause appolnt a suo- � '� '�' <br /> oessor or subsH�T�ustee.Trustee ahafl not be lia6ta to any party,tn�:dtt�g vAthauttSr:cifation l.en�t�r.Bormv�er.Tnistor or a�ry pur� �• �t,tv,...' <br /> _ :�•ti,f� <br />- . chaser at the Property.tor any toss ar damage untess due to recEdess ar w;(,Yu1 misconduct,and dSall cs�ct be roquired ta tahe any acdon , .;,t,,i;T�,; :.. <br />- . .;���� in oann¢ctton with the enfaroement ot this Qeed of Tnist untass indemni8� writtng,tor a0�a5ts,�mpensaUon or expenses whtch �..,y' � <br /> ° �;�;�.;. may bs associated ttrereirdth•U aQdidon,Ttustee may becoma a purchaser at eny ssie oi the Properry(JuQidal or under the pov�er o1 �. . <br /> - ' - sate grarne0 hereinr,postpone the sala o}a8 or arry poNon af the ptovM2d by lavr.or seU the Property as a whote,or in � _ ;.„. �.'� . <br />_ � ._ .. � separate parcets or icfs at Trustee's QistxeUon. �.�,_��,:��� -.. <br /> � � ��"'� t4.Fe�end E� th0 evern Tnistee sells the Property by exerdse oi power oi sate..T�ustee shall be en6Ued to appty <br /> . any safo proceeEs first to payment ot afl costs and enses of exercisin g all Tnisteas fees,and LenQePs and -�'1���'�' . <br /> exp g power�f sate.indudln '••��,;,;! <br /> � � Tnistee's attortteys teas, actuatty tnatrred to extent partnitted by eppticabte the evant Bnrrawer or Tnutor exerdses arry tight � � <br /> � �• prnvided by tavi to cure an Event o!00faulf,Lender sha116e entitted to recover irom Tnistor ail oosts and expenses acbualty inwrted as • <br /> � a res�dl of Trustors defaulL insluQing vrithout limite8on all Trustee's and attomeys feea,to the extent pertnitted by applieabie faw. � <br /> `-'� �' • ��' 15. Fut�ro AdvArtsaa l�nn request at Barro�csr.Lender iffi optien,make addiUonal and fudice advanoes and read- � <br /> __ . ___ . . <br /> vartees to Bortovrer.Sud�advance�and readvanoes,with Interest thereon,shatl ba secured Dy this Oaed ot Trust At no time sha0 the - . - <br />_ , � � . � � <br /> - '.—.-..�..^'.^""^:...0.... . . .. . . . . . . . ..'. . ,.__ . , ... _. . .. . � . .. .u. • . � �.., . .:'a'.'ui� .. .....t'�-'..... . .. . .. .._._1:.� . � . , s'. .. .s� �Y.,Y�.�.-ti• !..1.�..(�i <br />