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<br /> :. � . ' 1" D�OF'TtBI��T @llfiTH�d6Tt8��VI4I�CE: `_�,•��-.��
<br /> �- � F-v THtS OEED OF TRUST,is made as ot the 23rd day M Apsi 1 .18 97 .by and among�.� �S�- ��-�:
<br /> .- '.F;=:;�{`: a ';°`
<br /> �r' c����„r �� meTtustor, Cnrp�l 1��d 'n and Heathar R 1 ndveia„ h�isbanEL ert�t+��f __ , \� ff °
<br /> �� i
<br />_ �';'`'F���?�.`°.�. 88 3 (herein'fn�stor.whether one or mor�. '�
<br /> `� hF'�•�, '`` 'r VSIh05@(i1H�U1�SQAfBSS{a
<br />_ .� .ef��'�j;�`,,.?a 5•r� '• -
<br /> ��lSi����< <� theTrustee Fiu P ints RatRPta �N��$IS��i.QC[��r3 ion — `
<br /> r =
<br /> � r`� ,
<br /> �ry�' r�:,,.��•.
<br /> - .. ���;.,r; . whose�r�add�6: � U Box 1507 Grand I sl and, NE 68802-1507 t�e�em"tn��.and
<br />_ ._,.� theBenefit�ary. I�'wr� Dnint A�n� �_Nab k� COp..pOY`gtinn — . .. .
<br /> .:�:
<br />- ,, . '.=;", .
<br /> ---.�,�,�'�"�.� ereln'Lende . .
<br />: � ' whosem�ngaddressts a n a�,r ��n� Pran r taaa^9,�lE �gRn�-��m _m r? .
<br /> .. . �• �.
<br /> • ., ' FOR VA�UASLE CONSIDERAl10N,induding Lenders extershr�mfcredit ida�if7eQ herein'� �09"Cy !. Ludrri g a�a�1�.
<br /> �. Heather R Lud�,a husbartd and c+�ife ��- �
<br /> � - ..T�.;•�: (herefn`Bortor��:whefher one or more)end the trus�k►�create��i� r-:;:-
<br /> �' . �: ` of which is here6y acknawtedge�.Tnrstor hereby hrevocabty�n�. transfers,oorneys and asstgns tc��a5�. IN 1'�ti��'�"T�Ff ,. � ' .:.
<br /> ��ir�zc',- POWER OF SALE,for the banafit and security o!Lender,undar a�f•subject to the terma and��ons he:sL�after set ta�o.llf+n reai •, ` �-
<br />_ . . _�,e,,_,
<br /> =�:�fr;t��?"���.. �'::. DroPertf►desaiDe� a . '.,,:;.-`:'=�
<br /> �%�r;, LUT��10), IN CAPITAL HEIGtISS F��T"�1 SUBD I V I S I O N, I N �isi� CITY .�� .•°�
<br />.:.4 .�` .. �,:� ' s:,Z.,�i,?;
<br /> �'f �� � OF�GRANd ISLAND, HRLL COUNTY, I���14SttA. ' `�-��
<br /> ^-V�:.
<br /> } .'��7,
<br />.. ,. . '"��. Tagetherwith all buit�tttgs.improvaments.fixtures.straets,aIIeys.passa9�waYs.easeme�rts,dghts.Pdvflages and appurtenanoes :.�'_'_y�.:
<br /> � �,`�� tocated thereon or in anywtse peRainirtg Uiereto,end the renb,issues and profita.reversions sr+�remainders ihereoi.anA sud�psr- u���
<br /> ; '.,�:
<br /> �,:r-��"�' �� sonal property that!s�ed to the improvements so as ta canstitute a fucNre,lectuding.but aot Iim6ted to,heaUng and 000ting equip- ___
<br /> ��� � ���� menk ana together with the homestead or madtal interesta,if amr,vfiich intere.sts are hereby reteased and watved;all af whicA,indud- �
<br /> • � . � ing reptacements and adCitlons thereta.is hereby dectared W be a paR of t�e�ea1 estate secured 6y the lien of fhi�Oeed of Tnrsi and
<br /> �,:�°,:��__
<br /> � a0 af the foregoing be►ng roferred to herein as ihe'Property'.
<br /> � ` This Deed ai Trust shali secure(a)the payment of the principal sum end interest evIdenc80 by a promissory note or aedit agree- ��`=•
<br /> '.� ment dawo,_-A...•+� �� �aA7 .having a maturfty date at q�3 ���,..?000 ��.�___
<br /> � ..;' tn tJ�a odglnal prtnclpaf amount oi S 6,000.00 .and arry and all modificaUons,e�:rtistans and r�nswafs � _--
<br /> `°''' thereot or tl�ereto and and ap tuture advanoaa and readvances ta Barrower(or aml oi them ii mote ttr�!�a)hereuadet pursuant
<br /> �..� ; ' - ���.;'� to one or more pcomiss�ory noies or credit agreements(hereln calted'Note7;@)the payment ot other s�s advanoed by Lender ta .
<br /> �,�:,,.• � ' protect fhe security at the Naie;(c)the perfoimanw o1 atl covenants and agreements af Ynistor�flstS�t:�trti:and(�ali preserri and =:.
<br /> 4 � , '� future(ndebtedness and obltgattoris ol8orrawer(or eny af them ii more than one)to Lender wt�,c�!.�.�r��rect:�r6irred.absotute or conUn� ��
<br /> .•.;�, gent and wfietAer adsing by note.guaranty.overdraft or otherwise.The Note,t4�is Deed o1 Trusi ar:d ar.y a�aii other dacuments that '
<br /> �' � s e c u re t h e N o t e o r o t h e r w l s e exe c uted in oonnecUon therewith,inctudin g without tlmitatlon guaran�r�.�aidty agreements and r'"'
<br /> �•��.•,,•;,,;�.'" •.;..:'•, ` asst�unenb ot leases and renta.shail be referred tu hereln as the'Loan tnsbuments'. .,`..;z�,'
<br /> s'� .;,•r�,.::': �. ' . t'nu�ar cavenants and agrees atit�LenQer as fottows: ?x,:
<br /> �:>.• ;�t+��}�" ��'�s�:',
<br /> �, : ., ;� t;:.i�yment ai tndobtndnaso.Ap InQebiedness secured hereby shatl be pald vfien due.
<br /> i;`.:' •ti - �. 1�Ltte.Trustnr is the awner oi the Property,has the right and euthority to aomrey th9 ProD9Ry and wanan�that the 11an croat-
<br /> - • � • ed herr�y ts a flrst and pAor Uen an the ProAerty,exaeDt ior Nens and encumbrances set fortb by Tn�s�or in tivrittng and detiverea to . , '
<br />;.£� �. • Lender Letare executlon oi this Deed of Tnut,and the execuUon and Qelivery ai thts Deed of Tnist does rt�k violate any contrad ar .� •.
<br /> �i,•`�;s:,r:r � ''� o14�erdifgaUontotiNVchTnistorisaubj�Ct. .
<br /> ��:.:,,����, '• � �,.Yaxo9„Asaossmer�4s.To pay 6efote detinquancy all tanes.spectal assessmenb anA a0 other charges against the Pro�arry � _
<br /> '�' �•`f��F',�i' '• �" now or iteteafter levled. . -
<br /> �. �,.,�,�, .;
<br /> '� '�� 4.fnsuraaee.To keep tP�e Propetty insured aga3nst�►mage by 4ire,hazards induded within the term'extended coverage•,and
<br /> �!'' � • suCh othor ha�rds a�t�.nder may require,in art�cur.it9 and wiUf oompanles accoptabte ta Lender.naming Lender as an addidonai
<br /> ���,`.`i.' '� ' named insured,vritD f�payabio to tha Lender.tn case a!loss under such poiicies,the Lender is authorized to adjust ooQect and . .
<br /> •,,�,�c,�{., • ' .
<br /> z.:,��,R�y`�,; compmmise,all ctaims thereunder and sh�il have the opUon of apptying all or part of the Insurartoe proaeeQs(�to anY inQeDtedness .
<br /> ;;� ,;.,,�,,. . secured hereby and in sucF�otdar as l.ender may detertnine.(fi)W the Trustor to ba used for the repair or restnratton oi ffie Property or
<br /> (iti)for any ott�er purpose or objeq satistactory to Lender without aNecting the 118n o1 this Deed ot Trust for the fuil amount seaued .
<br /> '=� ' � hereby bsfore such payment ever took ptace.My apAficaUoas o!praoeeds to in44btodnass sha1t not extend or posqsonethe Que date .
<br />.i��'..� . ,
<br /> oi any payments under the Note.or are arry detauft thareuntfer or hereunder.
<br /> . 5.Escrow.Upon written damand by Lender,Tnistnr shall pay to Lender,tn such manner as Lender may destgnate.sufficient
<br /> !:+,€' � � . � • sums to enable LenQer to pay as they 6er.ome due one or moce ot the foltoWm�(i)aU taxes,assessmenb and other charges agalnst �
<br /> �, � , . the Property.pi)the premlums on Uee property insuranCa requlred hereunder,and(iil)the premiums on any�nor�qage insurance
<br /> • � requlred by LenQer.
<br /> � ' '� � 8.6�almm�aneo.Ro�aite aad Compltanc�wttA Lawa.Trustor shati keep the Property In good oanditton and repair.shall �
<br /> '"� • r`'`�'-� prompt(y repaU.ar reDlaoe arry Improvement whid►may be damaged or dosVayred:shaU not oommii or parmit ar►y wasta ar datedars�
<br /> £��� . Uon of the Property,shaU not remove,demotish or subsfanWalry aiter any ehthe improvements on the Property;sAaO no!commi�suffer �
<br /> • or pemtit any act to he Qone in ot upan the Property in vioiatlon oi arry tav�.ordinanoa.or regulaUnn;artd shall pay and promptty dis•
<br /> ° � � � charge at Trustols oost anA expe�s all ttens,encumtiran�s and cdtarges tevled,impased or aocessed agalnst the Proparty or any
<br /> . . PaR thereot .
<br /> " 7.Emin�nt Domain. Lender is hereby assigr!ed ali oompensation,awarQs.damages and other paymen[s or retief(herelnafier �
<br /> _ _ .. ..------
<br /> �;� � �mcsu�t�m.sn..ma.yve • • �,;t �} .
<br />.. . ... ". .. - � , a,aaewacnsm�.mcc.m�o�Tm�aas.v,�p�soc�x�.+cA.►menu, •. • ��.. 1 . -- -
<br />- ,t��. .. • .
<br />.. �. .�.. . . � . ... i.. ....._ � .. .... . ..�r . .. ..,:i:..i:.......'��.•:... ..... ....,,...'S. . ......:.R:.•ti.'.. . ..::C�:.. •,i-.i.+.:�.,..°.t�..i:_f.Ln:�i.'..:.:...:..'�Su a.!'d:.:a[t::i.t:a��s.u�$�1i'k�.
<br />