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<br /> ��ltit'h N, i�°�5��. Q `�-'�:-f.'{� �� .>' , s� . �5J _$�r...'.
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<br /> �z-- xose7�
<br /> � ptrlods that Lcndcr rcqulres. 7Lc Insumnco carcicr provlAing thc insarance shall h cM1oscn hy 6orcowcr su6j:ct to I.cnder4
<br /> - approvnl�rh(ch shall nol fn�nnrc�sonrbly wflhhald. If Oorrox�cr fnlls�o mainmin covcn¢c dcscd6cd abovc,l.e+�der mny,at
<br /> l.cnduS optinn,abtzin wreny�toproroct l.enderh rigL�s in�ho 1'ro�cny in ncco�dance mih paragraph 7. -
<br /> � Ail insmm�ca pollcies and renewals shall be empnble to IxnAer nnd slwll includt o stnndard mongngc clausa Lender
<br /> shnll hnvc q�o dgln io hold�hc polides and roncwats. If Lcndcr ru�niros,llortowcr shall prompdy give io 4endcr iill reccip�s
<br /> ot paid prcmiums nnd nntwal no�ices. In tho m�em of foss,Dorzower shnll give pmmpt nutice�o�he tnsumnce carrier nnd _
<br /> I.cndcr. Lendcr mny m3ko pra�f of Iosx if nm mndc prompity hy Rottowcr. —
<br /> Onlcu Lcndcrand IIortowcr mhcnviso ngrw in�rriiing,Insur�ncc�rocceds shnll lw npplied m rcsiormion or mpair of _
<br /> �ho ('ro xny dnmagal, It Ihe rcs�omllon a� repair is economicnlly fea+�Lle nnd Lender+ sccuri�y is nnt Iexu:ncA. If�he ,—
<br /> n;stoml�on or rcpair is no�economicnlly fensiblo or Lender\saud�y would be Iessened, the insur,vice practtls shall bs �
<br /> applled to�iw sums secured by this Saudty Instmment, whe�her or nm �hen dne, wiih any excoss paiA in Oono�eer. If --�
<br /> Rorrowcr a6andons ihc 1'roperty,or docs no�nnswer wiA�tn 30 days a nmicc from Lcndcr�hat ih�insunncc cnrricr has ��'s
<br /> offertd w sGlle n claim,ihen Lcndcr may collcc�qu tnsmm�cc procecds. Lender may usc�ho pracccds to repair or rcsmro jin`'>
<br /> the Pro�eny or ro pay xums ecenrcd by thts Security InslNment,whether or no�then dae. '(7�e 3D�day perial wtll lwgin when �:;;_
<br /> thenaicsfs givcn. I�r-;.
<br /> Untess ler.der and 6ortowtt atE.eewise agree in writing,:my applicmion o[pmceedy ro prfncipal shall nol extaid o[ ,��,..
<br /> postponc�hc Aue da:e of�he monUily payments refemd to in par.�grapRs 1 and 2 or change tFie:maum of�he paymen[s. lf •--.
<br /> under paragreph 21-t�+.ftopr.ny is acquirtd by Lender, 6orro���crE noht ro any en.tien:.se yia`."xies and praeeds cesulting r.;,;•..
<br /> imrp damage�o ihe Pi,z�ny prior to�he aequisition shall�vcs to Ler.dtr to c`-r rrzeac oF�tee sums securcd 6y ihis Security �y?;�
<br /> lnrm;m.ce¢immcdia!tiy pdorto�he:xr,alsi�ion. _
<br />. .. C� Occupency, PresermtleA, 11?(ntenancc nnd �'rateceion o4 the Properl��: Cinrrotser's t.oan Ag�FE?r.eoima; �4'._
<br /> 1.enstLolds. Oortower shall ocenpy�.rzrablish,nnd w:e Itee Payrrty ac Dorroxrr.pmxiy;d rrsiienee within six�y days after �-�
<br /> Ih:execmion of this Securi�y Insuumrm nnd sha:l cominir.m o.nipy ihe Pro7en�us dononcrt princtpal h.IQenct Y':e a� ss':-
<br />- least one year a�cr ihc date of ceeupancy, uni:sc Len:kr mhenciu agrer•.< m wri�ing, which mnscro sfiall rtm tK �:..
<br />� unreaconxbly wfihheld,or unless exlenuating eircum,mr.c�s ecisi w-hich arc bepmJ Dorcower�coNrot. �wr.•x•rr sha!l r.ot Yr.:-_
<br /> de.arm,damsgc or(mpair the Proprny.allow�he Propetly tn.'.ecrior.ne,nr commit was�c on�he Propcny. Borrawer shail 7�;��:.
<br /> be in d<laal�if nny forfehurc actiai ur procecding,whe�6er ci�i:n:crimin3l,is begun�hal in LenderY gooJ(ailh judgmeni �.;t;r.
<br />- cauld result in for&iture of ihe Rot�any or o�henvisc mmcri:dlp imp�ir �he lien crca�ed by ihis Secarily Insuumem m �;:,
<br /> Lendzr�secutity in:emst. Oorto�+ror miy cure such a defaul�anA rriatcue,uc provided in pangraph I8,by causing the aclion �L'-
<br /> or pracceding�o be dismissed wi�h a tuling�hat,in Lendcrk gaa!fxi�h dciem�ina�ion,predudes fodeimre of�he Oorrower's ��.:
<br /> tnterezl In�he Propeny or other mo�erial impaimiem of thc lien .rented by ihis Securi�y Ins�mmem or Isnder� security �5...�,
<br /> Inicrcs�. Dovower shall also Ix in defnult if 13o�rower, Jurine ihe loan npplirn�ion pracss, garc materia�ty false or r
<br /> - inaccurme Infomia�lon or s�a�ementc to Lender(or failed�o proade Lender with any ma�erial infonna�ioN in cannectioa�eiih "�"
<br /> 2„ .
<br /> �he loan evidenced by �he Nole, Inch�ding, bul no� limited �n. raprcsemations conceming 6orrou•ert occupancy nf �he ;�;:-.�_
<br /> Hnpeny as n principal residence. If this Securny lnsuumeN is on a IeaseholA,Oortower xhall compiy���iih all�he provistuns _ _
<br /> oi tfic icasc. if 6onuwcr acqui�ca ka tiik iv iLe..aFa��p.the h,ul�a;d a::d iL•::::i�l:s!e^II noi r.:^•g^_•:_c_-:��Pn�r�o•�« ":%`..
<br /> Io�h.mc�ger in wri�ing. r�:-.
<br /> i•_.:
<br /> 7. Protectlon of I.ender's Righls In Ihe Properlr. It Borro�ver fails io perfortn �hc coven:+ms and agrcemems :%�<`
<br /> cmmm�ed in �his Securily Ins�mnr.m. ur therc is a legnl p:oreeding Iha� may significanely aftec� Lrnderk righis i¢ �he ". -
<br /> 1'ropzrry�such ns n p:aceeding in Mmk�uptcy,proba�e,fnr condemn:nian or for(eiwre or to enYnrce I���s or reg�lmions),t[xa ..-:
<br /> Lender mry do mid pny tor whnleva fs necec�ar��to pmicc�ihe vaiue af�he Propeny nnJ Ler.der's righ�t in�he Pm�rty. -?.-
<br /> Lender`s aafons m���include paying any sums securcd hy n lien which hu priority over�hi.Sen�rin•Insemmem,appenring `^%"
<br /> in conn,paying rcamnablc miomcys'fees nnA cntering on�hc Propeny�a m�ke rcpairs.AOhrn�gh Ln;dcr may �akc aedan fr�;-=
<br /> under ih[c pa�agrnph 7,Lcnder docs not havc to da>o. �',��
<br /> Any nmouNS disbursed by LenJer under�hf.pamgnph 7 .hall lxcome aCJtlion:il Jr6i of Aom�wer ucurcd 6y �hi� �?_'---�
<br /> Security Insuumenl. Unlcss Uorroscr anJ I.endcr agrec lu oiher�enns of paymen4�hcse an:oam:,.hall lkar intercst from it�c �t �
<br /> Aatc of disbnrscment ni�he Nmc race;mJ xhall l+c payaM1lc,���i�h intcrc.4 upun wtice fmm i_rncicr l0 73o:ro�cer rcquc+tin� �'1=`
<br /> paymen�. %ii�%�
<br /> 8. htortgage Insurance. If Lender rcynirtd mortiay�e insurance a.:�mnJi�im�uf m:�king Ihe laan securcd by�hia :�,"'.
<br /> Sccn:itp InsUUmcnL Uortow�cr ,hall pay�hc prcmiwns rcyc�red in m:�imain �hr mm�gngr in<umncr in cllen. (L fix;mc ?."•=_--
<br /> reasni. �he mongage insunnce cuver�ge rcyuircd by LenJrr I.�p�c. ur rca.c. In Ix in rffrn. 6orro«er sh;dl pa. the �.
<br /> premiume rcquircd�o obiain covenge .ub.�amially aµiiealem to ihe mong:�ge in+nr,mce �sr�ioadc in effML al a m�� t;_�.
<br /> subsmntially equivalrn�to ihc ros�w Rorrmv¢r of iha mungagc in.urancc prc�wu+ly in effca i.limm�a xUama�c mongage �"'
<br /> insurer approved by LenJee If wbunntially eyniv:dent mo�tg:�ge inwrance cmr��ge i.nn�availahle.Rnnow�er shall pay�o i�';.'
<br /> Lender each momh a xum equsl m one-n��eltih af�h.pr,�dy mnhgage in+nr:m.t preminm tninp piiJ hc Ra:�o�cer when the �:`_�
<br /> insurnnce coremge lapccd oreea,e<!u,l+c in effcc�. Lendrr.�ill a..rpt.u..:md rru+in ihe.r p.i.:mcun a.a loss m.enr in licu %:_
<br /> ot mortgage insumnre. Loc}rcxnr payment.ma��no longer h�rcynireJ.a��ht opiion oi_endcr.if mongsge imuranctt j�_P�-�
<br /> covengc lin�he amoum and for�he periud ih�t L.ndrr rryutre,�prnriJed by an in.ur.r ap�rarcJ b��Lender again txcome. F';'�:
<br />' nvailable and is obt�ineJ.Rorro��cohall p�y�h¢pnininm.myaired lo m:iimain mongage in.ur.mce in cffecL ar Io pmeide a t':�`-.�
<br />_ lac.msen�e,umil�he requiremenl fnr mongage inwr.nue end.in accurdanm wiih:my x rilicn agrtemn::Aenrecn 13urrmcer �;::
<br /> �:xt Len!tr nf npphrabic laa. -
<br /> C. Inspectlan. LcnJcr or i�.agcN mar m:dr n:o.cif'r:r.vic.u�x+n anJ iny+ra�ion.n(ih.I'n+�knr. Lcndrr.h:dl �- -
<br />- giri Rortowcr nntim:n Ihc timc o(ur prior lu an in,pti�bon<.:.:�mg rt:nnn:d.lt r:ni.t Ibr�l:r in.ptriiun. ��°�.
<br />� Iil. ConAcmnallnn. llic pnw'ccd�ni:im :�:�.mi nr rlam: ':t damagr..dirtcl or.on.a qu:nli:J.in aoiincAiun��ilh any �F.�j.
<br />_ Smptel-..md.-MSnNe�lar}rniLirVaelVk'OII\II\Sl'NIW\'f lnn..nntwnmu. •�9n ; e.'?.3•.n.c... r�'-.
<br />_ r.nLUnw.in..,6mnJa ■ -
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