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- . ' . ���k i r1 '.- rr i � -. . " i-- f - - <br /> - l���'a.:���ii 3 �t5� y1s�J i� r__ � _ _ -1.2: rn.:._,1:.- -:-:-'. <br />.:-,--.__""! _"_-' "s!'" `•� 3tia1:r:C«��i».ru.raa:�:iWN17�YY�iYJlwk'ulI/i(ifiilNtic6_.. ___..�.........,..._._.:'.:....' -_ ._. <br /> ��'"" '�i/�(t7 <br /> TfXILiTI1k{R WITN all tlu Improrrmcros now or hercaftcr enrtcd on�ha prnpcny.wA aIi eucmcros,nppuncnancts, <br /> and tlxlures now or i�errafler n px�e of the propeny. MI rcP�ae.memx and mlditions shall nlso he covercA by �hit Secarity __ . <br /> inslNmcN. Ailohheforcgoinglsrcfcmdtolnlhis3ccuritylnswmtmmdw"14opcny." <br /> BORR�WfN OOV[iNAN7:S tha�Ifottowcr Is Iawfolly ulxd ot tho cs�atc hcrcby com•a�ed and has�6o dgl:t to grant <br /> and wnvey�ha liopeey and thm tho!'ropeny i+unencumbend,excepl fnr encnmbrnnces ot rcmnl. R�rtower warrraus nnd <br /> wlll dcknd gp�crnlly tho Uilc to tho Property,gain3t alI ctahns and dnnands,su6Jcc��o nny encnmL:+nccs of ntiorJ. <br /> ��{�g Sf?CURITY INSTRUMGKf wmbincu unlfomi covannn�s for nniinnal asc and nnn•unifmm covcnama wl�h <br /> Ilmitcd va8atlons 6y Judsdictim to cnnsli�me n nnifonn xttori�y Insmm�em cm•edng rcal propcny. _ . <br /> UNII'ORMCOVIiNANTS. Rono�vcrand4cnJcrcovenanl,ndngrconsfollows: <br /> 1, f'�yment otPttnctpxl and inlerali Prcpayment nnd I.nto Cherges. Ilonowcr siiall promp�ly pay�vhen Aue�he <br /> pdnciPal of nnd INCrcsi on qio debt evldenecA by�he Noto nnd nny prepayment nnd law charges daounder�he No�e. <br /> 2. Almdstor7qxesandinsuranre� SnbJecitonppIIca6lolaworwnwducnwniverl�ylan&r,Uottowershallpayto <br /> 4endcr on tho day monthly paymcros,rc dnc undcr�ho Notc,umil tho Notc is paid in tull,a snm("Funds")for.(a)ycedy <br /> taxes and assessmeuu vrb!ch may nnain pdomy over this Securi�y insuument as a Ikn on�ho Propeny;(b)yendy Ieaseho!d <br />- payny;na cr ground rcncs an iCc Propeny, ff:my;(c) ycady tiazord or propc�ty insuruicc prcmiums; (d) ycxdy Ilood .. - � <br /> insuranse prem[ums,if any:(e)yeazty nxn3ago insumnco premiums.If any:and(q 2ny mrzLS paynb�e 6y Oorcower a <br />�r,in teemdar.cti with tta provisions oF par�raple 8,in Iteu of u1e paymem of mottgaga inscr�nee prcmlur..s T[xu <br /> items aze called'Escmw lrenul Lendzr any[im�e,col:ect and liold Ihmds in an amount no�to exn�ed e`�ue rmuimum <br /> an:ount a te+�d:r tor a fn.@rally related moc[gage loue maY rcquire Eor£rortowerr exrow acccurs ur..der ihe fetzrai Real �._._ <br />- Fstate Settlemen�Pracednres Act of I974 as ameneted from tirt:e ro tinx•.1?U.S.C.§26(1l et seq.CRESPA'),unteu anotAer �-__� <br /> law that applies m tT.e Rmds seu a Iesser amoua�. If so, may.a[aoy time,collect and Cold Ponds in an am.�v:nt nol lo --�-� <br /> cxeecd Ihe Icner am�unt. Lender may estimate ihe amoum of Fuad:duc on �he basis of currrn2 da�a nnd rcasonabit �#`.:1'_ <br /> es�lmates of expenAiwnn of fuwrc Cscron Items or othenvise in actorA+o.e wi�h appltcabie�aw. c�=��M1_r. <br /> 71�e Mnds shnll tt held in en InstitWion whose d:posi�s rn iaYUmci t�y n feCeral agency,iastrumemafln',nr entiry y�___,_, <br /> (irnluding Lender,if lenArr i>such an Ins�f�mloN or in any federal Hume t.+ran 6ank. Lender shall�pply tho Tr.n3c�o pay �;_�-: <br /> ttn Fscrow f�ems. Lender may not charge 13ovmver (or holding and xpplying Qir Fmlds, annually analyzin�[he esctow �'�T+�'����`4 <br /> accouN, or vedtying �he Pscrow Items, uNess Lender pays IIovmver inrercsi on �he ILnds ,nd applicable Iau� prmiiis .'-""'��_ <br /> Lender to make such a eharge. However,Lender may requirc Borro��•.r�o paY a one-time chuge(or an inde}redrm real -F v��� <br /> estato tax rcponing service used by Lender in connec�lon wilh�h1s loan,unless appltcnble law proviAes o�henvise. ltnlrss an �;��>��_�. <br /> agrcement Is mnd.or applicable law rcquircs intercs�io be paid 4ender shall na be rc uircd lo � 6ortotiver un•Inttrest ar �?^--•--- <br /> 9 P�Y ) �. <br /> etitnings on the Funds. 6orcower nnd Lender may ng�ce in.ri�ing,f�owever,that in�erts�shall be paid on�he hlmatc LenAer �t�ir_. ". <br /> shall give to Donower,withoui charge,an annual naoainug of Iht Funds,showing crcdi�s end debits lo Ihe Ftm.dc and ihe � . , --, <br />. pu7pose Por u�hich exch debit lo�ho Ilmds was made. Th.IlinAs nre pledged as uddiilonal securi�y for all sumF se.ared Dy y st�,� Y � <br />�� �hisSccurip•7ns.Nnent. �Silr�,;:- <br />� If tizc St:x!s M:d by Lcr.der enceeA*.^^_ 9nt^!n!s p!'mil!!� �� hr heid hy spplfcable lav:,Luider shall account in � -�. -• <br /> �orco�ver fm 9�e excess fimAs in ncwrdance wi�h ihe rcqnfrcmems ol applfcable law. I(�he am�asiz o1 the Funds held by t�k;�.;:r <br />' Ler�!er ut v�y�ima is na�vxYficiem �o pay�he Cscrow I�ems when due,Lender may so notify Dono��rr in wriiing,and,In .��j,y<i;:':: <br /> scnc �ase Donnwcr shall pa�� �o Lender�he amount necessary to make up Ihe deficiency. Oortowcr shall makc up iho c,;�;t:s-�- <br /> � deficiene in no morc than twelve monthl � meNS,n�Ler.i:rY sole discrctfon. �"f�t''�- <br /> y Y P•Y �.+e:- <br /> ' Upon paymrm in full of all sums securcd by�his Security Ins�nnmrn4 Lender shall promp�ly rcNnd lo Bortower nny �qr+ic:. <br /> - Mnds held by Lertder. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquirr or vll�he Ropeny,Lender,prim�o ihe acquisi�ion or yl�;�,..- <br /> � sale of�he Propeny,shall apply any Ponds hcid by Lendcr a� �hr timc of ncqufsi�ion or sNe as a credit against�he sums �,'(�.• <br /> � secnrcdb thlsSaunt Insuumcm. +�"Yr:-: <br /> Y Y ;:�.{• <br /> 3. Appll¢alion of Peymenla. Unless applicable I;nc pmvidae o�henvise, all paymems rcceived by Lend:r under ..,,.,- <br /> pamgmphs I and 2 shall be npplfed:firs�,to nny prcpaymrm charFea d::e under�he No�e:second,ro amoums p�yab!e under �-+- -.�-�� <br />� paragiaph 2:thir.t,to Interest due:founh,to pincipal due;and lac�,tn anr late charges due under the No�e. -�'"'� <br />- 4, Chasges; l,ienx 8ortmver xl�.+ll P�Y flll taxcs, usessmmt..rharges, fincs and iinpai[ions auributabie to thc �;�.'��:4'��� <br />� Pmptny�vhich may nnaia prinriq•over ihi.,S��nmy Inxtmmem,xnd Icasehold payments or ground,if nny. 6ortm�•er �;._{�<'i-�;:. <br /> - sF.all�y ilxse obligalinns in�a mnn�r provided In p�ragmph 2.or it not p�id in tbat manner.6arower shal l pay�hem an v�t�:�;';-� <br /> ' w�w dimctly to the�xrson unc-.l payment. 6ortorver shxil p�mnptly Nmish�o Lender all notices of amoums to be paid under �3�;,�:•;•� <br /> - :his parAgrz;h. 1(Qorcower maka these payments direttt�.Oonower shall promp�ly iumish�o Lender reeeipts evidenclnF ff�'k:�,z--_-. <br /> �F.e paymencs. ��y��- <br /> ' �ygf-, <br /> 6ovm�er shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over�his Saurity Instrumem un'ess 6ortower.(a)agrces �=;�y�t,4F:.: <br /> � In wri�ing tu the payment of ihe obliga�ion sccurcd by Rre lien in a manner aceep�able�o Lrnder,(b)coNes�s in good faith the �i�;h�,__. <br /> lirn 6y,or defends agains�enforcemem o(�hc lien in.t�e�.:l p:ocecdings which in ihe I.enderY opinion operate tu prx�•ent�he �t, ��. <br /> . .n(ottemem ot lhe lien;ar(c)securcs(rom�he holAer of ihe lien an agreemenl sa�isfactury m Lender subordirta�ing the licn i J,#J;�; „-': <br /> �o t6fs Securite Irtstrument. If Lender Aecemiines ih.n an�patt of�he ikoperty is subjce��o a licn which may mixin prioriry ��)p;:;�_;.:�. <br />� over this Sccuri:y lmuumcm.Lender ma�-gi.r Itonua•er a no�icc idemifying tlre lirn. 6orroxrr.hxll sntisfy thc lien or mkc '�"''`��:;_ <br /> one or more oi eSe xtions se�(onh n6o��.�vithin 10 days of�he giving o(no�ice. �'��«�°- <br />�- S. ilnzns�or Pcoperly Insurance. 6wmncr shall kecp�he improven:cnts nun�exisung r.hercafter enYled on�he � --�" � <br /> Propehy insured against Imo-hr fire,La:ards induded�ci�hin�he�emi"extendcd co�rr.�2c"nnd any mher hamrds,including � -�� •= <br /> Ooods or Ooaling.for ahich�L.nder rcquires mw�an.r. "Ihis insurarn shall hr maint:�ined in ihc amounls and for�hc �F4.;:;;�_; <br /> er.,. <br /> . kurm}O7Ai 9.90 qucr:,JnNFnI ; ��+;�'��. <br />. ,:--,.--. <br /> i � . <br /> � `��.�:,:'�. <br /> z-- ' . �.1- rr.�],-f�.. '^. •:...,,.—.. .�in.. .... . _ . �. .: -..a,_ n—Ti°T :-lir):;.,�-sn.,. ..r.gyA•-lt r-.-- . <br /> - > ., . _ _ _ . . . . <br /> ':i. '.�:�' .. ' - ' <br /> 1 <br /> r <br /> i r{�r�` -.: . � <br /> �t(4, . <br /> n�i S` . ':i, � �� . <br /> A ; , <br /> i �� if -i -�,rr� ' �. .r : .... . . <br /> � '(tl+`!s. 1 ��.�� NL� . - - -� , . ,_ � <br /> V� �� : T 1���1}� . F� r .{ �,�� . . - _ <br /> ' tt��Sst��iS��R 1nFi� •_ _. �. . . _ . . . . _. _ _ __.... . ...__.. . .'.�_'. <br />