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20120074� <br />(e) Borrower agrees to make and execute such other documents or papers �.y may be necessary or required to <br />effectuate the terms and conditions of this Agrecment which, it� approved and accepted by Lender, shall <br />bind and inure to the heirs, executors, administrators, and a.�signs of the Borro��cr. <br />(t) "MERS" is Mortgage El�ctronic Registration Systems, Inc. ML'.RS is a separate corporation that is acting <br />solely as nominee for Lender and Lendcr's successors and assigns. 11IERS is the Beneficiary of record <br />under the Security Inst�vment and this Agreement. MERS is organized und cxisting under thc laws of' <br />Delaware, and has an address and telephone number ot� P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48�01-2026, teL (888) 679- <br />MERS. <br />6. FUNDS FOR F,SCROW ITEMS. The original Note and Secw•ity Inst�vment do not include the standard Fannie <br />Mae and Freddie Mac escrow account provisions and must be moditied to incorporate lhese escrow account <br />provisions. The required escrow account provisions are contained in the attached Funds 1'or Escrow� Items <br />Provisions E�hibit and are exp��essly incorprn•ated by reference into this Agreement. <br />RE�1.41NDER OF PACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANh. <br />S[CNATURE P.4GES FOLLOW. <br />NATIONWIDE ADVANTAGE MORTGAGE COMPANY MODIFIED <br />LOAN MODIFICATION AGREEMEM WITH MERS - Single-Family - Fannie Mae Undorm Instrumant • Fortn 3179 1/U1 (rev. 01/09) <br />Prwiding For Fixed Intereat Rate <br />Amended to inGude Notary AcknowledgmeMa antl other mformation <br />VMP � D14578 (1110) <br />WoRers Kiuwer Finanaal Servicea 02011, 2009, 2008 Page 4 ot 8 <br />