<br /> saiil renis,issues and proPits have not heen sold,assigned,transferred or set uver by any instrument no«�in force
<br /> an�shal]na[uc.iny tiine during the lit�e of this Assignment he snld,ascigned,transferred or set over hy Assignor,
<br /> ��r any other person tal:ing under or through Assi�nor except as pursuant to this AssigmnenL;an�(e)n5�ignnr h,is
<br /> Ehe sule righl lo scll, assign, transFcr, and set o�er the same and lo grant and conYer uPo� �ssignce lhe righ�s,
<br /> inleresls,puwcrs,and xuthorities herein granied and confcrred.
<br /> CQLLECTION OF RENTS.Provided no Even1 oP Dclault cxists under the Ind�btedness or a�y of the Rclated
<br /> Documents,.4ssi�;�ee agrees not to demand frum xny lessur ur lessee under the Exisling Lexscs or From any other
<br /> persoizs liable therefor;any of thc rents,essues or profits hereby assigncd,but shxll permit Assignor tu collec�all
<br /> such rents,issues and profits frnm the FroQerty and the Bxisting L.eases,sn]nng as nnt collected morc than one(1)
<br /> munlh in advance oFtheir du�date.
<br /> GVENTS pF DEFA[JLT.The following evenls shxll constitute default under this Assignment(each an"Event nP
<br /> Dcf,iuli"),
<br /> (ti) Failure to make required paymcnls when due under Indebtediiess;
<br /> {b} Pailure to perPorm or keep any of the covenants nf this Assignment or a default under any of thc
<br /> Related Documents;
<br /> (c) The making uf any ora!or written statement or assertian to Assig3iee that is Palse ur misleading in.iny
<br /> muLerial respect by Assignor or any person obligated on the Indebtcdness;
<br /> (d) The death,diSSDLut10R,insolvency,bankruptcy or receivership procccding of Assignor or nf any person
<br /> or entity obligated o�the Indebtedness;
<br /> (e) Any assignmenL by Assignor for the benefi[of ASSignnr.'^,creditors;
<br /> (1'1 A ma[erisl•adverse change occurs in lhe financial condition,owaership nr management of l3orrowcr nr
<br /> r�ny person obligated un tho Indcbtcdness;or
<br /> (�) Assignee deemy ilseli'insecure for any rcason whatsoever.
<br /> R�MEDIES.i)pnn the occurrence of:tn Event of Dcfault under this Assignment,the Indebtedness i�r the R�I,iled
<br /> Ducuments,r�ssignee may declare all sumy secured herehy immedia[cly due and payable and ma}�,at Assignce's
<br /> op[ion, w•ithuu[ noticc, cither in Assigoee's person nr by agenf and with or without bringing any actinn or
<br /> procccding,or by any receicer appointed hy the court,enter u}wn,lake poasessio�of,and manuge and operatc thc
<br /> Property,and each and every part thereof,and in cnnnectinn there�vith,Assignee may make,enforce,and modiFy
<br /> any o[ lhe L.r�tses, f€x or modify reots; repait, maintain and im�rove Ehe Property; employ cuntractors,
<br /> suhcnnirnctors,and workmcn in and about the Praperty; obtain and evict tenanly; in its nwn name, suc for and
<br /> o[herwise �ollccl ur rexerve any and all ren[s, issucs and profits, including those past due and unpaid; cmploy
<br /> leasii��a�ents,m�naging agents,1[torneys and accuuntants in conneclion wifh the enforcement oi'Assi�;nee's ri�l�ls
<br /> hcrcunder and pay�the reasonabla Fecs and expenses thereuf;and olherwise do and perform any and all acts which
<br /> Assignue may deem necessary and appropriate in and ahaut the Propert�� 1'or the protection �hereof an� ol
<br /> .assign�e's rights hcreunder and u�der the Relatcd Docmnents,�nd any and all ainnunts expendcd�y Assignec in
<br /> cnmicction w�iLh lhe fnre<aning shall constitutc additional Indebtedncss secured hereUy lo lhe cxient permiltcd hy
<br /> lu��. Assignee st�all lpply any mnney� co�lected, as aforesaid, less costs and expenses incurred, upon any
<br /> Indch[cdncss sccured hereby in such order xnd m�nner as Assigncc may delermine and lo the ex[cnt poriniticd by
<br /> I aw.
<br /> NQTICES AND WAIVER OF NOTICE.Unless otherwise reyuired by applicablc]aw,any notice or dem;in�l
<br /> givcn by !�ssignee to any p�rty is considered effective when it is deposited in ihe Uniled Statcs Mal with the
<br /> .ipPrnpriate postage, mailed to che address oF the pxrty given al the beginning of this Assignment unless an
<br /> allemalive .iddress has been provided to Assignee in writing. To the extent permitted by law,ASSignnr w,iivcs
<br /> nntice nF r�ssignee's acceptance of this Assignment,defenses hased on suretysE�ip, any defense arisiit�i'rnm ,�ny
<br /> cicction by lssignee under the United States Bankruptcy Cnde,Unifurm C�mmercial Code,as enacfed in lhc state
<br /> �vhere Assignce is lout�ed nr other applicable law or in eGuity, demand, notice of accelera[ion, nntice oC
<br /> nonp��yment,��resenhnent,protesy notice of disho�or and any other nolice.
<br /> PAYM�N'C OF I2ENTS TO.45SIGNEE.All tenants or occupan[s uf any parc of the ProperLJ�(induding withoul
<br /> limittition, a][ persons claiming �ny interes� xs lessor or lessee under any Leases} are herehy authorizcd in
<br /> recognize lhe claims and demands of Assignee without investigatio� as to the reasnn fnr �ny actinn taken Uy
<br /> r155ignce or the validihy of Ihe amount of indebtedness owing tn pr the existcnc.e of any default Uercundcr nr undc.r
<br /> the Reluled Documents,nr Ehe application of payments made by Assignee,nf any amoun[s to be paid co Assignce.
<br /> Assioncc's sole signature shal]bz suFficienl for the exercisc of any righ[under this Assignmenl and Assignce's sole
<br /> rcceipt given tiSr any sums rzceived shall be a full dischsrge aod releasc therefor to any such tenanE ur occupant uf
<br /> the Property.Checks lor all or any�art of the rental collected u3tder this Assignment shall be made ta the exdusive:
<br /> ordcr of A.rignee.
<br /> ASSIGNAS[LITY.Ass�inee ma��assign or otherwise transfer this Assignme�l or any af Assignee's righis under
<br /> Ihiti Assi�nmc�t without notice to Assignor. Assignor may not assign this Assignmen[ ur any p�rl oI thc.
<br /> Assi�cuncnl wilhuu[the express writteo consent of Asugnee.
<br /> ���ina-��or:i r,.�„pr.��.,sy�����s,m�.osr�i:nrns.zo�a.iusaz
<br /> ,�}w�b��,�n��.r i�,,,_w.,�u u�m�-ni.ann i e�u z or; N,�w..�,�ny�:���,n..,i.����.�,���
<br />