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� \ ' <br /> � �.�.�.,1 . - / . . . <br /> ' _ ._�. .. .. <br /> '��'. . . � ��. <br /> �'yv1M.'.n�. . . !t _ <br /> Y tiM ' ' - n � '•,• . . <br /> .r..,�r�ab1''axu... �' f�.«. . _. <br /> . ,. _� .. .. . , ,. , _.. ..3�,•�'�3v_r. <br /> ,i .� . . . . . i�:.- <br /> . <br /> , <br /> . .. ,. , . . . _ _ �` _ <br /> . . t? � .,., ... . � .. - . � <br /> , . _—fl-.__-,_--.�._ ' ' " _ __ ' . . . . �y �1 <br /> , , y <br /> ..�._-. _._.—'_ '-_-_._ . ^. .__ . .. _ —...... - . . ....... . � - .. . . <br /> __. . ... . . .__ .. . -.. .. . ,. _ " _" �'_ <br /> t7'a,%'yn�v �. <br /> . � �� _ <br /> _... ^--- <br /> _ ..- ,- ., . ' ' -�' <br /> , . _ .. . -� �... <br /> . . .... . . . � ' � <br /> �t� <br /> ... .,.. '; � . . • � ��V��1'rI � � ..�.„ <br /> wn c�roG vea t.�nnd confoze upon Bonoficlary tho rlght,powar und n��ty,during tho continusnce of <br /> 9. Ae nddltianal acci�rity,True Y C► rlor W any defnult by'l�ucW:fst pp5^++Ant _ <br /> ' � thxee'huete W collc�t tho ranto,lasucs and pmfita of eaid property,resorving unto'11veGar tha rlght,p �' ,l <br /> of any in�lehtedneeR secur U hn�nY euch defsult,Banef cia y a�iaya ceunY lime withoi t noUce elthertln pera n by agent or by CCCBIVET W� <br /> '^i becomo due end p0.Ye61o. !w Y ' ; <br /> nppointed by a court,end wlthout raeard w the adequacy of eny eecurity for tha indebtedneas hereby recured,enter upon snd take po�waso on , <br /> �,,,,,,::� •" otsatd property or uny pc+rt thereof,in hie orvu nnme euo for or otherwlse collect euch rants,ieaues and proflU,includiag tho�e pRSt due�nd <br /> ,;qy,,, u�p d,�eeasimy of seid property,the col e t on of euch rente lsaues nnd profitt�and thB ePP��ry�i�ereof eaiaforeaxld,ehall not eum ur �._ <br /> B Po `";: <br /> .,: waivo any default or natice o f de fu u l t he r e u n d e r o r i n v a l i d a W s n y s e t d o n e purauant to euch noNco. .;;t <br /> 6. Upon defeult by'i�uetar in the paym�ent of any indebtodneso eecured heroby or in the performsnce of any agreemont contnine d here tn, . <br /> . of'Ben ficiary,'Arustee ehnll ell the tirust prope�rty,in aceord��yao�vith the Plebrpeks'i�ust Dcede Actlat p bUc auction w t d QUeat b ddor. . ..�,,;_V- <br /> � I tho praeede of the ealo se follows: (1)W the e�cpenae of the enlo, .;��L_T <br /> i �ny person except 74uetoe may bid at Rrustee'e salo. ZYustee shail app Y <br /> y.. including e reusonablo'i7ruetee'e tee;(2)to the obligatioa secured by thie D�ed oPln'ust;(91 the eurplue,if'aay,�hull be distributed to the pereone <br /> ` entitled theroto. '=` <br /> 6, Truatee ahall doliver to the purchaser at the enle ite deed,wAthout werrontY��a'hicb ehaU couvey to tho purchcteer the inWroat in the A:.,.,_� <br /> �,�` property which'IYuaWr had or had the power w convey et the time of hie executioa o1'thie Deed of'lYuet,and such aa he mtry he►ve scquimd �:� <br /> i theroutter. 'Ilruetee'e dnad ehall recite the facte ehowing that the sale wae conducted ia eompliance wIth ull the requirementa otlaw end of thia — <br /> Deed of'IYuat,wlsich recital shell ba prima Cncie evidenca of auch camplfnnce nnd conclneive evidence thereaf ia fuvor of lwna Eide ptuchaeere �:-= <br /> � end encurabrancea for voluo. __ <br /> 7. The powor c f eale confesrecl by thia IIeed oP'1lruat ia not en exclueive romedY Benef ciary mey couee thie Deed of Zlruet w be fott�cloeed ��"-- <br /> � as a mort{5+30• int in writine n eucceseor truatee�and �i�_}� <br /> ,� 8. Ia the eveat otthe death,incepaclty,dieability or rem8nntioa of 75nuteo.BeaaBdary may eppo R`�' <br /> upon!he recordia8 ot such appotntment in the mortgage mcorde oF the covnW in which�hi°�of he��nf�eA�liag enle under�any o�ther �,��-�- <br /> ehall be veatad w'sLtr aU iwweTe of the original trustee• The truatee ie not obliged W notii�r snY P�lees euch action or proceedii►8 ie brought �s_=__ <br /> Deed of'llvat or of any action or pmceedin8 iu which 75ru°�°r���or Beneflciary shall be a Pai'�Y �;;�,__ <br /> �, by the Truatee. �—=��:;:,.._ <br /> f g, Thie Deed of 74uat appliea to,inures to the benefit of,and te binding not only oa Lhe pt�rdea dereto,but on their heire,devLsees,legataes. �-S,i..--_ <br /> �'1._i:. <br /> adsniniatratore,exerowre,eucceasore snd aoslgna. The term Beneficiary shell meann the holder end owner af the note eecured horeby,whather �'-�° <br /> � or aot nemed ae Beueficiary berei�►• <br /> <<- Z�, g.�;��nat fa.r Notico of Default or Notice of 5ale. It is requeatcd thst e copy of eny Notice otDefault or Notioe of dalo bo mnilod to each <br /> .. � �' pereon who lx nn�ned in this'IYust Deed st tbe malliae addreee oC euu���wz v=�L as!s�^ve: <br /> � ; NOTICE TO CON6UME�i��the unpa�id balapnce at eay time witho t penelty and may be enHtledy to <br /> this paper. s.You may p p Y <br /> , recefve a re�uad oi unearned chargee in acaordanca w1tL la . � <br /> �i,� si8neacm8 27 s��yaf April _ ,�, g� . <br /> ����� � 6TATE OF NEBRABKA > <br /> 1 ''�� ' )ee. <br /> `'` � Ha 11 coutv�rY � <br />- ,A.D.19�Z,b�ore me,the underetgaed.a Notary Publio,duly cromminsfoaod and <br /> pi,u,t�_acyot�nr�� �1 Nescack fh�Sba d and wife) <br />�" `;-~�"-t'" ,, . ualiRed for and ttdding in eaid county,pereoiwlly came,DS7�'1 a A and JudyJ� <br /> �..,.r Q w me known W he the identical pereo�Whoae nnme S elCi�ed to the fongoing instrument <br />~�- .," — - "—'� ___and ackaowledaed the same to be <br />-'�?•-.�•., ae'&usWr: <br />`�'Y:"�� r voluntary ect and deed. <br /> —y '� ' WiMe�e my hand ead Notarin13ea1 the day and <br /> ` `-_--=- My Commisaion axpiree the.�' —dH3' GENfRAINOTM4S�1111 M�n1v � -- <br /> /� FF�a� —,19�9 � 8HERilI Y WAiSOM <br />-.�;es;��.?��; of ylpllw, No Public <br />_ --_�:� � - <br /> . =°.°�..-�=is��t <br /> .zil.s..�r��,a _ ) <br /> � , sT��rE o� <br /> �.��t�y' � �ea. <br />:�� a,,�:.:� cout�rt�t� :� <br /> j5 ... �i'�-'Y-�. <br />'�-;� Entsred tn Numerical Index and Rled for recurd in tho ofiice of the Regietar of l�eede of saicl county,tho u.,,_ <br /> - .19 .at_.�--o'clock and m{nuWa M.� _— <br />- day of � <br />�:��. � end duly recozdod tn Hook of Mortgegce pago __. <br /> . � � �, <br /> ,'�.:, � <br /> : '..�., , � — Regietar of Doada <br /> , . .�0,,,� _ <br /> ���;:!! - <br />_ � ;��7.`��� Dppnty -. <br /> a9� t . ' <br /> SY''� � QQ��0184(N�) <br /> , . <br />�'_ -� �-- -- - . . <br /> ----_ - - <br /> ---- - -------_--� r.-r.�_. - .-,- - -- _ <br />_ . <br /> . _ , <br /> � '7 . .-•-._.c---.—'."S='�Ga'Fa�f.�4::'�:-'���...�--.��^t-� n., .wxt. . . <br /> __..... � --r.� .-....:.: ��.�-�4...�_�, <br /> �... i�.�w�.i_.... . . .. �� ` �� . <br /> �� .� .. .. . . .. <br /> 1' � <br /> , ., ' f <br /> � --" -- <br />