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Ppynent msy 6e aade ia •`- <br /> ndvanoe in uny�mount at auy timo. IkfaulE in mekiag any�ayment ehall,at ttne Benefidar,y�e opdon�ad wlthout aotice or demtad.nnder f;�' <br /> . the eatire unpnld bnlence of said lonn ut oace due snd pnyuble,teae any required nbate of churgee. • <br /> . . 4b protect the eecadty of thie Deod of'hvst,'14uator coveneints and ngreee: <br /> 1.1b keop the property in good condition und repair;to permic no waete thenro$W complete any building,etruccure or impruvement boing ��-- <br /> - built or t�baut to bo built thereon;to ceetore promptly any 6uildiag,stncfure or impmvemeat tbettoa which�ey be dam�ed or desuoyed; ��.:g" <br />_- „ _ � aad w oomyly with nll Inwi,ordianncea,regulations.covenanta,conditiona aad reeMctieae atYecting the pzuperty. <br />-.. 2 7b pay before dellnqwont all lowful txzae ond a�aesamoate upon tho prnperty;to kaop Etio pmperty i}+ee and clou of all other cbergea, ;'`- <br /> . «� ., .�. ::, lieae or eaoumbrancts impniring the eeeurity of this Deed of�YueS. �'�� <br /> "� 9. Rb keep all buildinge now or hernafier erected on the proporty deacrihed horoin conttnuouely inaured ag�inst laa by fire or other heznrde —____. <br /> ;;:,,�z;, _- <br /> . ,i.:;�1; in pu amount aoi tera thvn the totnl dobt eeetued by thle 9eed of'ltuet A1�wliciea�hall be held by the BeneSaery;and be tu euch compania •"' <br /> a�the Beaofiointy may npprove and have loes payable firat W the Beneficiary�e ita Intereet may sppear and thon to the RtiusWr. '!be amount • <br /> � �, _ <br /> _ collettod undor any ineurance poliay may be applied upou.any intle4tedneee hereby�ecured ia iuch ordor u tho Beaeficlesy�hall detertnine. <br /> �- Sucs sppflcation by the Benoficlary ohall not cnuse dlt►enmtlutsante of any proceedia�e to foroclae thi�IDeed o4'1lruat or cure or waire aqy �.'•T _�_ __ <br />-- defaulE or notIce of defavlt or iavnlfdate any act done purBUMt W euch noNce:In the event of fomclauro,ell rlgbte of the 4lrvttor in[niuranoe --_ <br /> - ,,.,,. polides then in Corce ehall ps�a W the purcbaeer at the furec[oeure sale. �-. <br />�' ' ...._ 4.4b o6tain t3in written conatnt of Beneficlary befom selUng,coaveying or othenviee traneferrfsig the property or nay part thenof and aqy „ <br /> .�.• Y^ eucl�oale,coavoyanoe or trarmfor without xhe Benefiaary�a wrltten coneent ehnll conttituW a defsult uuder the Wrms 6ereof. ��' ----- <br /> �.'` <br /> � � '� 6.'ib defend any action or pmcoeding purporting m affect the eecurity hemof or tha righee or powera of BenoBciary or 7twteo. -_---__ <br /> � , � � 8.8hould 4Yustor fail W pay whon due any taxes,nsxsemeata,insuranco premiwnu,&wu,encumbrnacea or other chargee tgainet tho �..�5d6ii�:en+!��- <br /> � pmperty heretnnbove deacrlMd,Bonoficlary may pay the eame,and tho amount eo paid,wi:h�ntamst st tUo rnto�et forth in the note�ecuml _ -�-----� <br /> .. • het+eby,ehull Ue nddad W nnd becwmo a part of tho debt secumd in thie Deed of 7Yuet ae permitwd by law. ��.`3`�.- <br /> . IT 18 MUTUALLY ACiREED THAT. �7 "--- <br /> S``'<_ �::.�,..: <br />- 1, ia tho eveat nny portion of the proporty ia talcen or damaged in an eminent dowain proceeding.We entire amount af the award ot such :�''1'`���;�'}:'�»�";�' <br /> portton thoreof es mny ho neceseary W fully eatiefy Che obllgntion secumd liereby.ehall be pald W Bene�c[nry w he apylied to said obligatfoa. '•,"�•-;""�';�:'��- <br /> .. .�.r : n...=_m�r�'.� <br /> 2. By accopNna pnymoat aF any aum eecured hereby elter 3te due datc,Beneftcfary dour not waive it�daht W nequiro prompt payment Mhen '" �. - .._cs;`1':v.ju�;_ <br /> „ � duo of nil uthor auma eo 6ecumf or to declare default for failure to eo pay. 9•� <br /> . ef thu'I�usto�d thn Be on 6ctnry or upon eatiafaction o the obligation oocurod and viritt�oa requee'�oC r�ruconvoyaa e made by thett&aofin'c�y �; ;�r�!`f?,; <br /> " or tho pereon ontitled tkuarnto. ' ' ' � • <br /> .. ''� <br /> ., <br /> ,: <br /> ' p91 10VC4(NE7 -'- -- -°°--_ °--- _ <br /> �__.--- -_. __ .__- ----.__... ---...- -•--- -...,�--- ------• °-----.�_-.--.--._� ..,_-..._�..�,_,_ ----°-•-._ � <br /> r <br /> <i' . <br /> _._---__ . ... <br /> --��. . ... --- � . <br />