. —'1 7
<br /> �� Ti r
<br /> i
<br /> - . . -� . .. .,rt._ . � ' �. ---
<br /> n .
<br /> . •r�11FVlYIer.. , 11 .. i . . ' . - .�.
<br /> 1 .
<br /> 1 «, o�.�i;��q��rg7G���T�;;p;;;;tN�!!l:4F�R!A�f'.'-!�!E�!r�e� COaE. This�ond ol Tn,a eheli be conild�red er�d be eftactive aa a Ilnnncln . ��
<br /> � � .�n+omum and n Il�nure fllln�{�urcunnt io tiro �xavlolnne o1 iho Unllortn Corrmft�n����,�to or�t�a be ueadhn cnnnect on with�he Property to8ather wl� -
<br /> � •��---�....�.,...ni n�onenv now ownnd or h_ . ; _ _
<br /> C4VO��tl0��IllUffJ.b,CIl00QiG,vu�±ai�ri�...�•r•- . . --+����.�.4 GQr��ity Intoroat In such Chatlole. Tho debtor Is
<br /> qnp end r.11 ro�lncomontu tharo�t nn:f nddrllmie ihomt�(Iho"Chnitolo'�,anau�arn�� �ti,�•�•� -- pn �_
<br /> a daF�r nmtna�n enda o lsc3 Illod f'o rmcord n�hv�rnalinr�tum'rosords ol ond�caunly�I o�rc��anyl�pnrt of sald promisoa(Includlnfl cald iixt�uronl la cituntod WThlo � - ,'
<br /> Dand of Trunt chail olno bo offoctiva a�a OnnnGnfl r�tatom9nl cov�rin�nny olhor��rmsoa end rnay ba���od In nny o;hornpproprlato Iiliny or rocor�ing . �. ,
<br /> offlca. a cm"on.Fho�ograAhla or othnr tefxndudlan al ihlc Dood of Trunl or o1 nny 1lnnnr.ing sintement roleting to thla Doed ol Trust chEill bo cuf(IGom na a ��
<br /> � (mul o Inoxocutlo ennd'dolhrcr af ulch��Y epr�ortt�ma'(na�a�rtArm�ln do(inad inrnni f Un ImTi'i Commor�IrCodo)nsvLo dor at�nny tlrra moY daom� ,
<br /> nacossnry or proper or roqulrad to�}rnnt 1�l.ondar a p9rfeatou�uW��7'Intcro�:In tho Qltancla,nnd upon arantor's lalluro to do Eo,Landur Is authorizod to I
<br /> Islgn ang suc,h e�reamont ea tho a�}�m o1�rnntor. drnntor haroby authodzoo Londor tn tlle flnancing steterrx�nts(ns such term le deflned In sald Unllorm
<br /> C��a��8nnndn)Ietvment�s.1 arl�nta�v�psY all fllln�l oos lor the fillnpslot auGi fin au-ning sta�ameme and(owhn o(iilr g tho�roof nP 1hneQrtr3s�reaul�ied,Ir�
<br /> In�il o�ovom o anyedij nu�undsr�thlo D�o Truo��othe�r�ht B111io and I�ntcrontf olnGrentor In�and to eny�nd all o}rteh�e Ohaflels is herehy asslgried t� , _
<br /> Lunder,togother wilh thfl bonafi1 of eny dspaEila or p9ymanla now or horoaltor rrradu thervof by(irenlor or tho predecessora or succossors in title o
<br /> Q�nntar In tho Properry. ga�
<br /> OF AMOUNT:� ff3SPfzNDED DY LCNDFR. Londvr,et I.ander's optlon,tre �n�nd�f,�s p�of Trust Upon deroand,Cir�iurtor �
<br /> oic�aneos)to portarm eny oct requlrod to k>�tekan by(3rentar or ta oxordse eny rlpht or ramedy of Len r _
<br /> OCil�aq�n o rtha hlghnsir ete all wrcxlrby'law ttom the dat Pol payment�unplPti o datoruf rAI nr►ioursemarrt.1'heae sums shall be�indeuded in�the debflnhlo of „ :,
<br /> Obllgntlone horeln and shell be socurnd by the b9nefldal It�tmost grantod horoln. If iite Obligatlona of��►�g�atlonsat9ler the begin nng of publicatio of � ,.+,; ;.
<br /> � salo,as heroln provided�or In lho 6voN l.andar shell at Ba sole optlon,permit�re�it�r to pay eny part _
<br /> � natir.o of sale,as harein pro�ided,then,Grnntor sha�l pay on demand ell ox{�ensoo Inrxirted by fhe Trustee and Lender In connoctlon with said puhlfeation, yy�,,�r•-�.QZ-
<br /> Inclu�ing ressonable attomeys'loea to iha ariameys For iho Tmsloe end(or iho I.ond�r,and n roasoneblo Ino to iho Trusteo,end lhls Dned o}Ttust shull bo a
<br /> sacudry for all such expenses and taen. g --
<br /> • �A. APa o�h��indudn gN�iCe+�pym�rit of�tha Trustee�spteenhecivall�ylncurtod nu�to ex�ihe�etriwunt hch�rey��o��f t r in�the Dead of Trustf •��^
<br /> " � sale an � or other Ilenholdere,end the n '______
<br /> { sacond,to paymeN of tho obligatlon roourad by the Deed ol Tnist,thlyd,to iho sa1mtiem of juntor deeds af trust,monBaS�s L�.��.
<br /> •`•I balnnce,If eny,to the person or porsonu IapallY eniftled iherato. „ .�-
<br /> ?R. FOWEA OF ATTORNEV. Grentat hereby�polnta Lander as Ita altomayi�r-fecl to endorse Qrantor's neme on all Instrumorrts and other documenis n,_
<br /> , ,:!..�•`,•" ` ' parteining to the Obllgatbns or Deed o!Tiuot. n additian,Lc+nder shall loe 6rcYitled. lwt not r�►uirad,to�ortorm enY action or execute any doaiment =�--�—
<br /> ''':•.:;r a�� ,'.:�. �� �.-----
<br /> ,.�,:,.,,,, ro�u Ired to ba takan ar oxc�cuted by C��mor under thls Ooed of Tntsi. Lon�sr's rfommnce ot such act on or executlon of such documonts shall not ; a��' °
<br /> .., i�•,...
<br /> ou -
<br /> :,,��.;�:.�:.r,i•.. rolfevo Qrantor fram any Ob�ipatlon ot curo any defauli undorthl�Oeod of Trus:. N�awers of attamoy doscdbod In this Deod ot Trust aro coupled wflh an ; ,1..':t_� _
<br /> �•� Irrterest and are IrrovocaNe. �
<br /> �� s��� ; �
<br /> �, ,,f,�'�„��, 28. SUBRO(iA710N OF LGNDER. Lender shall be suhroc�ated to tho tluhtc ot tho holder ot any prevlous Ilen, securiry Interest or encumbrance � ',,r',_ __ „y
<br /> '�, +�,,;• � dischar{;ed wHh tunds advnnct+d by I.on�iar rogardless of whethar theso Ilono,aucudiy Interests�r other encumbrances have been reteased of record. �� c —
<br /> ,1," ,:y;:yl t 1� c
<br /> ,'.'�'� ?��� 27. COLLECTION COS7S. To the oxtem�anntted 9 law.(iraMor egrc+�s ro PaY LendAr'6 reasonable feos and oosis,Indudng,lwt not Ilmtted to,fees �ft.,,;,<. �,ti.t;�
<br /> , '�,�r S`•.:�r. � f�sil • 'r%
<br /> f�•'�' ,��;•,. and costs of attameys and olher a�arda(induding w hom I�m9eyon�ara�E s derks and consultanis).whether or not such attomey or agent Is an ,
<br /> `�!'J;�'`�:.�•;;(: em�Ia eo ot Lender,whlch are Incurmd by Londer in wileclin an amaunt dua ar en4orcing t�ny�1�remedy nt�lectlon a�ctions.N��Whether or not
<br /> :`;7:''"._"_4 s����s�.���,���u���u.,n.w a not Iimlled io.al!foes and coste Incumid on e(�pQ�l.iri dantuu�tcy,nand or st-judBR►a .;,��'
<br /> 1 • ''`.���- 20. PARTIAL AEI.EASE Lon�r rrriy reloeso Itn Irrtorost In a pni9lon cP tho Notliin�he eln sh�lal�be deemredto ant�l g�ate Lend�ot rele�ace aneyof tic �;f_
<br /> ,s. � ' Raconveyance wflhout aBocting He Inlorost In the romai�ning portlon of tho f��rpercy. 9 y � .•�
<br /> ,. , ' IMo►sct�the Plf�ra�rrtae le In detnull�t�indsr thlo Doed a�f 7mat8 Tlte Ilon�Yr.t d�secu �imerestl a stad b'i�the�De dl of Tn�iste m�aln In eftect with re�speat fo • i t .
<br /> nf thA P �t1p �
<br /> ; that pwticsn of the properry,ne dsMed In Ihe Oead of Tnist,�hat is not tha nub�ecl of t Is or eny Panlal Deed of Reconveyanoe ,�
<br /> � ,,,;,.
<br /> Z9. MOdFICA?10N AND WAIL nd r.7 Lon��irxy Iperform enY of F3oRn�v�s a Oront�i�Obiipntioni ede�leary a fell to axardl e��yeofHsf►ighta w 8�st bet
<br /> �� � contdned In a wdUny slyned /
<br /> . paymente trom Cirente►a anyon�olhsr then Cirantor wRhan caueln8 u wniuor ot thow Obllpatione or rlahts. A weiver on one oocaslon shal�nc1 co f��su�o +,'
<br /> � � a wnlver on any other occnslon• Grmrtor'a Obll�lione under thlo Deed of'P�ust shell not be attecled ill.endor emenpd�a�,co osi.exch�,
<br /> . + exarclaa,Impalrs a releases eny ollhe�f�luro to i�ns 8�on etriet pertn���mence oi enY o11he Qdlgatlons ythail�n tbe desmed fl wyelver end Lende�r s�he�ll
<br /> t� thkd perty or any ol the Proporry. l.ond�'e W�
<br /> hnue the rlght at any tims thflroaitar lo Inalst upon strict�tormanos.
<br /> 3�. SUQSTITi1TE TRII9TGGt TflUSTf:C UAOIUTY;COIAPrN3A'�OA. In cass of the death,Inabillty,rofusal to act a ebsence c11►�e Truatee from the �_.�
<br /> stmo where tho roal prc�aorty Is lo�.x�lnpwrtrniiatoe In hia M�and s�ad,tite hdder of�ths Obii�tiona sl ther by�prented h�il powo�r to6eppoim In w�t�n gga — rJ—
<br /> trumne hoteunder end fo appo'
<br /> 6UI1L1IILL101R1S1Q9 I0�68ItI T1U5100�O11fI 1hB 8Ub31I1UIB iN510B BllBll,�vhon a�iwintad,becortx sueceasor to dl dghta ot Trustee hereunder and the aartie ahell �
<br /> ahN�A not be Ila61e for any oROf lo����i►9M o�act dono by Ttuetao�u or Ir�e nthetw�ea'p�on��b��a�niebi�`unde�a Y��rw��tOBS wnaiso xe�r.
<br /> Tmotoe ahall not be personaUy II e n case of ottlry by li or enyone acting by virtue of ihe powTne��el�grangveed;�?on t to De�y onf aTny Inat«rum�ont, Y�
<br /> s In�urtod In Ihe managamam or op��ntlon of sald preM ell h I�M
<br /> �mrr�ctad a Iladlgy or dart�apo t In aood tatth to begenulne. ----�—
<br /> dacument or signaturo authoriling or eup�oning any ac71on taleon or m�ased to ba teken by ft he�eunde►u bel�eved bYl
<br /> Tntstee 6hall be ontklod to rdmburcsmmt for expenses incurrad by it�n shn Per(orrnen�e of fts�t�l�h T°ste�erhe�er undeeand r�eirr bur�Tn�i�stee for end = -- -
<br /> of fta cervices hereunder as sh�ti b3 rondarod. Grantor wN,from tima co tlmo,pay coml�en i,,,� �_
<br /> ,� save end haid it hormless from en�aEt�lnst anY ond all lose,oost.Ilab:lify.dernage and expense what600ver Incurted 4y ft In the pertom�ance of Rs duUes. �w.:��
<br />- � �'. All monoys racoNed by Trustee shJl,umil used or apAllad as hi%iho���i r�equired by I�aw)�end rusteosshail be��ndeyr no Ilabi�f a�lrn�erest�on�any -
<br /> " �� � bo segrogated In eny manner(rotn emy other rmneys (o cop _ __
<br /> ; �'� moneys roceivadby f7 h9roundsr. "i;.•��.�n�-
<br /> ~ '� gt. BUCCES30RS AND A4i3lU116. Thia Deed ot Tmot shNl ba Wnding upon end inure to the benefd of(3rantor und Londer e�d their respactive �sr;�-,'_—`° ;
<br /> ' •: '' successoro,asrJgns.trustees,reooNers,admtnlstretors.qerconN rnp�»senta►Nes.legatoes end devisees. _.
<br /> . � !�+'�tr M�r:':,' ��:
<br /> � �5; �y ^pp�Eg,F�CCept as oihenvita roqulrod by la�v,anY nottoo or othot communication to bo provided under this Deed of Trust shall ba In w�ting and seM . ,��:,:K_•,�,"
<br /> ta the pa►tles at 1he addrosses dssaibc+d in thla Deed ai Trus!or such other address as the partlos may dosig�ate In wr8ing from timo to time. My such . :_.,_,�::�,•,: .,,.
<br /> �,.�r`. notice so gfuon end 6amby flrct dass m+ll,postags�xopald,shNl ba doemed gNon tho earller of three(3)days after cuch noUce is sent or when reoelved ;_--:.�� ,.,,
<br /> � •; i hy the percan to whom such notico Is b31ng�ven.
<br /> 3S. S�VERA91U1'Y. Whunevor(wsslWe,oach provfslon oi tlils Doed of Trust shall bo Intorprated 5o as to be oftective and velid under epplicable etate
<br /> luw. If eny provi�lon of ihfs Deed of Trust vlo:atos tho Itt�v or ia unenlaooaWe,the rest of tho Dood of Trust shali cominue to be valld end ontorceable.
<br /> , o hBnAiv�isPeuOrAarBitoEc�ais�ants to8t��sd ctlon end vo a�oi�y�uA�'leWCtedf by Lender,In Its��scr�otloPn nyocatc�In that stae S�Icat�le law provides ' .. :
<br /> 3y. AMSiCHLI.ANE0U8. Grantor and Lnndor agrcae that time Is of the esssnco.OraMor waivoa presentmont,dernand for payment,notloe of dishonor and ••
<br /> __� �rntest ex�t as r�ac�ul�ro wbY ea.Wvi�v�a�iile Thts Oa�oGd o�i�7rust re�Mes�ents tha�oompleto in ogra�ad un�derstan�ng b�etweon Ghreitor5er�dL nd�er pertainreng to
<br /> :_----�_ �.---- :; aunr.:vi�ynu...�o..«....:: .._.--- . .
<br /> . ------�---_._- -'
<br /> �y � tho tertns and conditions�ruo4.
<br /> 38, Id0 TWIRD PARTY RIGHTB. ho pereon is ot shall be a third party boneticlary of enyprovislon of thls Deed of Trust. All ptovislons of thls Deed of �
<br /> ' . '' � co°o�nt to tho rradifl ti n of enY provis�on of thls Rbt�ad ot T uLs InQlondor's olo dls�croifon�r�entitled to assume or oxpect that Lender will not waive or
<br />_ . l a7. p�l�9L�RVATiON OF LIABlUTY ANO P�IwminTM�lor tho�afloct�n�ae Iia�bili�ca�of tho�611g�alions�er�id wfthou�l aflectin8 t�e�ri�rtc of Lende rwiih t� � �
<br /> , ' ,;.� paiBOn(axcept e rsoraon oxprassty roioased 8) Peyrne po I
<br /> rospect to enY Pro�aam,r not exprossly roteased in writing,end wNhoul tmpelrit�g In an riay tho prlodty of thls Deeci of Trust over the Interest of any��ons
<br /> ac�uIrnd or(iret ov ctoncod by rocord�ng subseq�snlleble for�p�arding�oothls�om�an�of�II or a�ny pa t�f ther bligatlonsnemeke e�nytagroerrletri al�tlertn tho I
<br /> and wilhaut notico or cansent:releaso eny po Y� � P°
<br /> � terms of paymam orporfom�nca of all or any part of the OWfgatlons;oxerdss or rofraln hom oxordelnp or walvo any daht or rerredy th�t lencbr may ave
<br /> undar the Doed of Trust;eaopt additlonal secu�iry oi any kind for any nf ihe Obilgations:or roloase or othonvise deal wNh am/roal or uersonal property
<br /> Imccirost orhoe�i n���eny ovidon�horeof io h vn con�sen�ted ioVeldi�or enY su�ct�i ectionstby L�ii y�,ature In tho Property shall ho tloorr�d,3�y ecqulrtng sucfi
<br /> y a�e4ae ' �
<br /> - NEDOTD Hev.119�
<br /> �
<br /> ., .. . .. . '.
<br /> _ � .. '.'r . ..' .. . ...-�..
<br />