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—, . <br /> ' � „ '� <br /> . . . ,T <br /> .�',C.\MI . '. . ' • ' '_ <br /> • n ., <br /> .� , . �o - U " . .. - . .. . - : ' ,...-i�M� <br /> ,t'��t. ... - ., _. ..ti . <br /> ., � .. '. . . _..nta::-v <br /> � � � �'°— <br /> :.-,. <br /> . i3, I,i1�YV�1'.:e�u�r tn r.M�uctrcF aA aiFEND LEOAI ACTIQN��Q►�IOt�hsl,lrr��eb�pnllo•fli�In�lecl�lo eot�mrrna,��t�rv�»nu ru�d ' ^ pK.-� <br /> � Ihro�ten�d nr,nan,�ull,or othK pro�iacV�9 nil�cilnp tti�Prop�ny. Oru�tar MrQby e�,oi':" _ <br /> n �ond to cornxonito ar Nttl�nny delm or caNrowrey nalNnp lhoroto LesOa ahnti not w f�:�i�Sa <br /> ;,�.�.�.�Rr;�.eultr.a olif�r lo(�el proeNdi� ,,,nn��.inn rn�hA nrMne i1oN'�h�s1 In lhlf untARr�o�c�rv c4+irees�r rawltlna iho►olrom Natldnq � -- <br /> tv � . <br /> Qrnntai for nny acilon,orror,ma�uRa,��.00��;.� '^»��r-' -' Ifl(I!0'111t1 RQIT10� � <br /> contalned hePOln wlll provcnl Lonrler Irorn taklnn Iho r.ct�onn doecr{hed In Ihle pnrnprdph ' _ <br /> surne or be ra�pomlblo lor Ihepo►lormnnw of nn ol arnNa�a oWlgntlan�with raspocl to Iho Propany unJ;:r �, <br /> 11, INDEMNIFICATION. Lander eha�l not ne , , <br /> , c�ny drtumstnncoa. Qrantor chell Inm9dlnlely provtdo Lender wllh wrlllnn nmice ol nnd Incform ty and hold L¢ndor and Ite eh�roholdore,d!mcloro,oilicore, <br /> ortplayoea ond n{�snls hu��lativety Clalmel�nnii��to iho Prae�.rlly(k uc�!"a l�i�"��'llmirod to!thobo I�olving Hr�uerdoua Matarinlsjtl a nntor�upo� . - <br /> othxr isyal procead� G"( p° <br /> tho reque�t at Lender,ehnll lilre legal counsal ta defend�ender from cuch Galm�,and PaY�i�uflsel�t yd�l nd tauch Clelms at OrnnlaosccoeLl Qrunto.�4., t ' � <br /> connoctlon ti�orewlth. Irt thr�altornativa, Londar ehali be entitled to employ Its own leAul � . <br /> obilgallon to Inc!�mnity L�nd�r un�r this paragroph sholl survlva tho tarrrineibn,roloaso or lorodosuro ol thls Deed of Truat. <br /> 1�, TAXES ANQ ASSESSMh�N��uect of Lond�orp,Cirent�shall depooU w�nt�n�r eachPrronthtone Niolhh(1/�121�hete�st:mnte�annual�lisurana�. ' <br /> of payment of sama. UPon e4 g So long as thora Is no d3fault,thaso emounts shal 6e eppllod to the paYrrwnt ollaxes, <br /> asseartienas end nsurinco ae rtecNl�red lon the PrApeftY Pln t e event of delault,Lunder sh�ll havo the rlgfiL at its so!e optlon,to apply iha tunds so heid to <br /> pay eny taxea or epvinst iho Obligatlons. My funds appliosi maY�ei L.end�rs op',lon,I»�ppfied In ravarso order oi tho dus date tharooi. <br /> �,. ,. <br /> 16. INSPfiCTii1N OF PROPERTY,BOOKS,RCC�i�3 ANO 6iEPORTB, C�rnntor shall allow Lendar or 0s agems to exeur4ns and Inspect tl�e Properry . _w.;, <br /> and exernlno,Inspect end rneke coWes of Oramat'e books end rocords penalning to tho Pro�xtY hom tirtr3 to tirrp. 4�rtintet sheJl provlde eny assistance J r M <br /> Addtionall ' ;:���: <br /> � , r��e�in a�ll e pectshQQ►a uto sh il oto the e�once of L�ortlde�'s�bet�nafl�tlMerest i�n Irts boolc��d rocordsDrpertaln nflb oe fluPr�perty aaumte a�y --- _ <br /> Orantor shell repon,in a form catistaatory to Lendor,auoh Intormation as lenc3er rra9 request regsrding C3rentor's flnandal condilton or the Proporry. Tho ;�__ <br /> infortmtlon fumish�edt b Qr2rno►todLondor sha/Cbo t�t aa.ur�ate and cartple�n all�r spelct�s,n d signediby G nt eQf Londor roquvism3y doslgnato All ,_:ti._ <br /> Infortna Y �.:�--- <br /> 17. ESTOPPEL CERTIFiCATEB. Within ten(10)days atter enY rey�'Qte�nt�speclMnB(a)the�outstendi 0 bt+�a��e onnth�etObllgaUo�ssrand(b)Lvhathor � ��' _� <br /> e �, <br /> . dghts with rsspect to tho Ohllgations.e signnd enci actmowlodgod . - - _ <br /> Qrantar possesseo any daims,dofensea.sot�oHo or counterdel e�a1 n on ih�Lendoemay�rr�ake roe th iln entded Van teree w th r spect toe hese mattere In •. ;_�.___ <br /> caumerdaims. Grantor wlll be condusivoly bound�y any repre ��_ , � <br /> tho pvant that�rantor felis to provida iho requastad st�tement In a tlmely rronner. f,: ;.'.; <br /> �;',;.,, 1e. pEFAULL c3rarttor sh�ll ba In dofouit undor�his Deed ot Trust and fne Trustee s�wwer shali bacome oporative in tha evem that Cinntor,Borrowar or .' ;:,..^i��,� <br /> ;�� �. ' any guarantor of thu Obllgatlons: `� ;R.� � , <br /> , �...,��.� <br /> f (a) (efls to pay enY Ob1�9ation to Londer whon dua: <br /> ,,+��t��c:lBf�i <br /> . (b� fefls 10 podorm any Obli9a��on or breochna any wartentY or covenam to Lender contafned in thls Deed of Trust or any other prosent or(mure <..! <br /> agre�mem; to seizure,conflscatlon,or condermation; : ����' <br /> (c) dnstroys,loses or dam�gos lho Proporly(n any matsdal respect otsubjects ihe ProPe►►Y �!q;,,. .,. <br /> � (d� seeks to rowke,teminate or otharwise Ilerrii its I�ab�llry under any gua►entY to Lender; ��i <br /> ' Iaws,has an Involuntary pelfllon In banVwplcy filed In whlch Grantor,Borrower �� "�• <br /> (e) dies,becomes IeBal�9�ncomFc�tunt.Is dssahied or terminated.becomes�naoNerrt,rn�keg 8�H8��8��M for the benefit of cred'aore, alls to pav <br /> � • . �, debts as thoy bocorre due.filos a potitbn undor the tederel banlwP�cy �,. <br /> or eny wrnranSOr le narrod.or has ProPeny inksn ansder any writ a pracess of couA; <br /> . - -__--_--- (q ellowa good3 to be used.trensporiod ar niu��ar�;t;�S'sa�l;.L�'•"'r"'ts�ulon.transportatlon,or use of whlch.Is illegal; — �,_-- �.,v <br /> . (g) allowe any por1Y Obil tion wflhaul the wrinen conseni oi urrw'ai:N r.��•• - <br /> other then Oranior or Bartmvor'!o assurrse cr undartako anY 9a nr n�nder,in good falth,for eny reason,ba!levos y.� � �, a <br /> ' (h) ct�uses Lendor to deem�celf�secur�o�ia�f���n�t�ine In the value of tho PropnrtY� <br /> that ttiw prospoat of�yyrtx►rdt Po _=, <br /> 1 a R i C i H T'F i O F L�NDER ON OEFAULT. It ihflm lo a default under this Deed of Trust,Lender shall be errtitlod to exerclse one or rmra of the fofirmin8 , '` <br /> � renmdles whh�wt rwtico or demend(oxoept as roqulend by law): � <br /> � (a)to daciare tho Obligelions Irtrnedatoly duo and payr�bla In tufl; . -� <br /> • (b)to collect thn outotandlnp Obligetlon�wNh ar w�lhoul rasortinp to pdcisl n��� �Chattela constitulinp ths PropMy et e plece reasonabiy , •. <br /> (c) to requlro arvitar to daliver end make evnilabEs to Lender any p�rse p�oPe�Y <br /> convoni�nt to Qrantcx snd Lendw: mant ot a noolvvr wid,at Landrr'o <br /> (d) to asu!r upon ar►d take postetslon o1 tho Properly wlthoul epplyinp(a a obteJninp ihe appolnl — <br />- epyoint a reco:vor without bond,withoul tirot trrlr�ginp ouit on tFw Obi�patlom er�d without oth�rwia mseUnp�ny atetmory co�itbns rsperdinp <br /> �, repehrKe.ft bolnp Intond�d that Lender shnll hnv.v���������i»'��,In th�namo o}L�nder or In th�nartb ol Cirantor,ar►d �.� <br /> � (�) ro omploy u rrmagin9 ego►►101 tho Fropertp the sam�.afte paYn»r►t of ell n�oessery cherpe�and oxp�nsa.on acooum ot <br />-, nooiw tho nnts,Incomo4.�sauos and profito at the Proprrty end aP!�Y <br />'_• '• ' ntio OEllgc�tions' �er to proteat the oew�tY of thls Daed of Truat a to aue any defau8 otl�er than <br />- (�to P�Y�Y sunn In eny form or mannor doemed expediem bY -- -- - <br />_ . puyrrmit of Inmrmst uv prMuipel on ttx+Obunettann; I �to cirect tM sale of the propertY throu��exerdse of ihe pow�r of sa�e es roferenad fn <br /> (41 to facdoss thio Dwd of Truct JudldeiM or nanju�9ctal Y _ <br />- pereprepry QO hcireot ln acccordanoe wfth eppltoehle I+�w: I�wy�,ari not Iimited to,montes,(nsirumenis, and depoaft <br /> ` (h)to set�otf f3rantor's Obligations ngainct anl�erraums owed C3rantor by Lend�r �----� <br /> a000umn mdntsinod with Londet a e�y curmntly sxisting or tuture effiliate of Lender;end �e la�v. �� <br /> (q to oxerciae dl ulhw rlghts avallsiblo ta Lendor undor eny other w�inen eAraement or aPP� �,_ <br /> sb <br /> " ' Londor's riahts aro amitallve and mey be exorcf�.ed together�sepera�ell.end In arry order. In the event ihat Lendar InstNutes an actlon seaWng tho - —_- - <br />- recovory o�any of tho Prupc►rty wey of a propuigrnerd ren�ecN In an ect�°^�n�d�0r•d�tor wah+es iho Poatlnp of eny bmd whkh�M ----___ <br /> � otlwrvrt,e bo rcquired. Wnder o► s dcs�gn�e i�ypurchase the Property at any saie. ProceedsoittheyTNStee'e t as t�h ualty naiRe�d and��t tO =- <br /> -• . r Hnt,to tho oosts and oxFwnses ot exerdsing tho po+ner ot cale end of tfia sale.Indu�lnpf�pB_y!►a►n�a��hereby,third,to tha payment of funior = _ _ _ <br /> axcoed tha an9ount which rtny ba provlded tor In this Deed ot Trust,second,to paymen o��Adz t��� � - ---—== <br /> ��� a.or other Iionholdere,end tho botence,it tfa person or�raons�e9��Y��ttiereto. Theproperty a anY P� Y <br /> _ tru�t da�ds,mo►t8a�o ����` <br /> ' be soW{n ono(�orrw�or tn euch paroe�s,ma�nner or order ae Lender In Bs cofe dlsaetT�s �'and�u mere exxdses ot the power herein gremed �:��.,.� �-- <br />— �� ahall not oxNnguiah a exhaust the power unlos�s thn entire property Is sotd or the obliga ,�ti » ' •:;y�; <br /> � . exerdse af tha power of .,,,, '` <br /> 20. 7RUS7EEY3 EXERCISE OF PdWER Of�5dLE ON DEFAULT: U Lender elacts to cell Ciranto�c Imotost tn tho Property by �'�f ,:., ,.^ ; - <br /> cele horean conininod,Londor shall noUty Tru�too in tho mennor then naQ�red bY�aw• ��yhed and delivered such ncrt?�s ot def�ult .'_+` <br />� UFon rceolpt ot such noUca of Lendor ar.d at tho dreclion of Lendor,Tmstcre shall causo to bo recordsd,pci •,,;;,; <br /> nnd rbtkwa of aelo as maY�hon bo roquired by I�w and by thls Doc;d of Trust.Tn�s�oe ch�fl,onty at tho dlrection ot Londer end without dortrind on Crnntor, .v <br /> > after auch tln rta��o Umo end�piacoo fsala fl od by ft Inc�ueh n�otice ot safe�eli�her as�hole o�r jn se pnoti e lois orparoels o�r iter�Y as Lender shalbydaem . . <br /> aell the Propo pay <br /> . ��aIe, as o�tharwlce ma�y�thon be reyqulrod by te v.PTm�ste�e shNl�deliver�to�cu�rchasbr orlpurch�asers�thereof itougood aidtsulflNe�edeod orlldeeds ' ... , <br /> a e e,.s or ir�plied. Tho redtels in such doed ot any mattero or fads shaJl bo <br /> cor►yeyinp�he proporry so sdd,but without eny covenant or wartarrtY, xpr^ . <br /> OD�r.�duS1Ye pTOnf ot�theo��t`M eW�r�ioueono�alo o Yall or eny�poAlon of ho prope ry�tion,C�irenta.Trusteo or Lender.maY purdiase at such sele. Trustee rnay " ` <br /> . :'_- --_::-_-.--- mmemm��..p.......�_=.—•- �- • ....--: __-._:- -- . <br /> 21. RECUFa:iT HAfl NOTlCES: C3rcintor re osta ihat a copy uf any notice ot dofautt end a oopy of a�Y nutioo ot salo harounder be malled to each por�.an ,. <br /> he of h�boen Oled by each c�gporson�p�rson sut torth hereln at the same 41me and tn tho ssuno manner�equlrod ea though e separate req��est <br /> — , [ <br />_ I <br /> � PaQ.sae��'� . <br /> NEDOTC R�v.3190 <br /> ___— . _.._ __.. <br /> _. . , , ;. <br /> ,. , � <br /> .. -- <br />'� , <br />