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: �Sl\ •�5 { /e"-"}�'�j/ �/�."�}- r �. -:.�5�7��"1Y i {_> _�.._:._. <br /> � � •� �.t�l��� G 51�i}��r.�ll�ewioJ.a4vL:.=.:111Sd]'..JG�1.GS1'L'iL'11L'dlLaF{4{Grt1.. .� . . <br /> • �` ,�n. ...... ..aY. \.H _"�._--_ . �t` . "_ — <br />- .;�,;_:� 92-�� �.n�f�� <br /> . S, 1fw�d or Proper6Y intarana, iMrrower shait kap the lmprovcnxms now existing on c�ruRcr crated on tlw <br /> - P�opthy Insurud ag�lnst Ipss by iiro,I�auMs ln:luAod within thc umi'cxlended covcragc' and uoy othcr ha�.ards, Including <br /> _—_____� tloods or 11oa11ng,tor which Isnder raquiros Insumnct.This insunnce shali be mointolncd in ihe amoums and for the pcdnds <br /> thM I.endtt ttqulrcs.7ha insutenco uvdu pmriding�he inwrance shatl Gc choxn 6y f3orroticr s:".ject io Lertdels epproval ______ <br /> whleh shn11 9a bo unrcason�bly w(thheid. If IIarroxer fxils ro maintafn coverage dacdbcd atwve,Lcnder may, at I.cnder's <br /> oplion,oblaln wverago m protwt I.enAer's dghis In tM1e Proany In r�omidance wi�M1 pangraph 7. <br /> �---- All fnsur�nce poilcles and rcne�vols s4alt tt nmeplable to Lender and shnll IncluAe n stnnJz�d mongag�ctause. Lender -- <br /> ah�ll havo tha right�a holA tho�w�icics nrd rcnewals.If l.cndcr requircs,Aorrowcr shall promptly girc to I.endcr all rcaipls nf <br /> — p�id prcmiunu and renewni nalccs.In the ovent of Ios:.IIorrower shall givo prompi notice�o ihe insurana cnrricr and Lcndcr. ,� --- - _ <br /> ° I.cnder m�y nuko proof of loss if nol mado pronptly by I3orruwcr. � <br /> '" ,�� Unless l.ender and Rorrower othmwim nqrro in writing,insurenee procecds shall be applial to restoraiion or repalr of d�o �t� ;. <br /> ��r��� proptny damaged,If�ho restoration or tepair Is aonomicnlly feasi6le and t.ender's secarity is not lesuned.lf Uie ces�matlon or �e.f , " <br /> f�,� rcpalr Is nm aonomtnlly fa�siblo or I_cndcPs saurliy would bo Iesscncd,�ho insuranco procc«ls sEal[ bc applicd�o�6c snms r<aii";� ��� <br /> sccurcd by t61s Sccuriry Instmmcni,wliGhcr or no�thcn duo, �vl�h nny cxccss paid to Rorro�vcr.If t3orrowcr abandons ihc �r�27� �- <br /> +-;`?�� Property,or does not nnswer K�ithin 30 diys a r.oiice from Isnder thnt�he insurance cnrrter has otte+er.E to settte a ctaim,rhen ' -:� - <br /> ��ti E�eev'er may rnllect iha Imumncc procads. I.eeder may use�ho procmds �o repalr or rcseore �te Pcropcny or to pay sums fi;;� -- ' <br /> `4 m� sxund by thls Sccudty ins�rument,wHe�her or cot�hen due.The 30�day pedud�vill begin when�".e o:cttce is given. ¢i-���s ,. <br /> �. �.� U N e s s L e a d r.r a r✓!Ao r rower otiierwiv: a gree in wriiir.g, an y a p pliatti�of pnurcds to pn.�ceW:0.shall not extend or 5���+''-:- <br /> ° �- ?� pos�pone�he due dzte of che momtily payrccnn referrcd to in paragraphs 1 .nd 1 or du�ge the asiotem M thc paymrn�s. If �4 ;� �. <br /> andet paregrapL 2t the�`mperty fs xo,uired by Lendcr.IIottower's dght to aN�inwrance policics t� prnticJs resul�ing from �FF Cf`i _, <br /> ,�-i'�f?i��� dam�ge to the Propcny prior�a fhc a:quisitlon sMll pass to Lender to the ex�ent of tAe sttvr.s r::urcd by th(s Sccuriry Insuumem p r G� .: <br /> ��`�.��p;� �mnudi�toly pdoc tc G':c acquisfUon. � ��,=° ' <br /> �1 iL�+;y�; 6.Occup+ncy.�lreservatlon,bfatNenanceand Protedion ot the Pro,�.n};lionox��'a l.oan A7r��1w-ation;Lenseholds. �hy t <br /> N S my.: <br /> �t� ��'�Sy, Borcox�er shall ott��py,es�ablish,and usetl�e 8copaay as Ihrruwer's principal rssidence wi�hin six�y d:et.s,t�u�he exumion of ��{} <br /> Ihls Socuri�y Instnunene and shsll mntinue to a<+m tht Property as Qorrower'<principal residcncc 1'a^e a:icact o�year a0cr f- -. <br /> n1'� the date of occupancy,unless Lender olherwise egreu in writing,which consent shall nm be unreuon:�ri}•withheld, or untess ��. �� <br /> +yr g _, � <br /> ,.. -- ,+ extcnua�ing ciramst3nces exist wh!ch aro bey�ond Ibrrox•er's mNrol. iSOwo�ver shall � des�roy. Axnage or impaif �he `5`_t - <br /> t c _�r�� P[opctly. allow Ihe MopeNy ro de�edom�e, or c�nnil westt on �hc Propxn}.Sorrowcr shall be in e!tfault if any forfcilure �jt,,3e`�: <br /> acUon or proceedinF.whelher civil or criminal,IF begun that in Lender's go,x fil�h Judgment ca!d resun in torteiwre ot�he ,.,j�, . <br /> ��i< <��' Prope�ty or olhenvis�matedally impair the Iien crea�ed by this Secumy Ins:a�akr.�or Lender's savrity imerest.6orrower may �-;� '�� <br /> , hrr�`�� cure such a defauit and rcinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing�he zciion or prooeedfng to be dismfssed with a mling k ?7`-'-=- <br /> vl.,:: <br /> Y:.'sFSl,;�� thut, in Lender's good taith detcmilnaiion, prtcludu forkiturc of Ihe Uorrower's interrsl In ihe Propcny or oiher matcrial � 2±;t+�,;; <br /> ' «�?°" intp�mxnt of th? lisn crraial 6y this Security]mwment or Lcrder's secnriry Imeresl. 6orroxxr shall also be in dcfault if ^� " <br /> -;���i 1(. IIorrowcr,during thc laan applka�ion process,Fav.r.utedally false or Inace¢rate infomiatlon or slatemum�o Lender(or(alled � �` <br /> �s � to provide Lender with any matedal Informa�ion)in ronna�lon wiih the lain ovidenccd 6y�he Noie,in.hding,bm not limitcd fs . <br /> ��F��L�t to,m��:�mations mnmming Oorrower's occupancy of the Pm�eny as a pr6xipa1 resfdence.If�h(s Security Instmment is on a L-- ; <br /> � t� leauh.'d. Ik��rowtr shall comply with all the prorislons af the Iease. !f[iorto�ver acquires fa�S41e io the P�cpaRy, the t�i <br /> J x 1���f�. Ieasti:old and�he fec�itic shall nul mcigt�ultat[.euicr agri¢s ro the nhrger tn writins. ,t r�u-._` <br /> �s{`a�!'� 7,p�otedion ot Lender's Rlglds In lhe PropeHy. If Dorrox�er fnils to p=rfonn the corenants xaS nFcccrcxn�s in ��p`t'••_. <br /> .f.;'�-��iF'. !t+'%i. �- <br /> . ,{,_,�tG,� �his Security Instrument,or picre Is a tegal procccding that may Rignl(aen�ly a5fetl I.�:nder's righ�s in ah_Prppeny (sucL es a . <br /> s�F1�,�Y� proceedfng In bankmptcy, probate,for mndem�alioe or for&iJice nr m enfnrcz laws oi cegulaliou), 8xn l.ender may do end . `�}�`,_.._ <br /> . �4i���} pay for whatever is necessary ro�:mea the va'ue of�he Pmpcag ar.A LenAer's dghts in the Pro�Cny. 4nder's a:�ians may -_; -' <br /> . ,�'!;e f;i; Include paying any sums sccurcd Py a licn whfch has priorir,y over �his Stcurily (nstnmxn�,app¢efing in coun, paying _„�z '- <br /> >�; � <br /> �� rr}y� tcatonable allomeys'fccs and entcring oa thc Propcny to make tcpairs.Al�Frough I.cnder may�ake acx'r.on ander this paragraph �..; .` <br /> � .• 7, Lendcr das not havc to do so. Y iW r <br /> tttl ti1T'y Any amounts disbursed by Icnder under �h(s paregrapk 7 shall h.come addltional de6�of Aosroxcr secured by �M1is t, -� , <br /> - � F�=' Sccaiay 1nsWmcm.Unicss Dorroxrr aad Lcrdcr agrcc to othec trrms of paymem,thesc amamu shall bear intcres� from the ��:� �- <br /> Til?�u��� "A'}.. <br /> 6���,��}�� datc of disbursemcnt et�hc Nou race and shtll bc payablc, x�ich Imercs4 upon notice from Lc.^.Ccr to Dortowcr requcs�ing � -. : <br /> � � <br /> ��f{.:f_'w'� PaY,�8n'Morlgage Iruuranee.If Lender rcquircd mongnge insurante as a rnndi�ion of making thelnam sxmal by this Securi�y a{��% - <br /> ,�„ y�� Insuument, Oorrower shall pay ihe prcmiums requind to maintain the mong�ge insurarce in ef&ct. If,for any reason, �he `{�� '_ � <br /> c�s�w �;�� mongagc insurencc mvcmgc rcr,ai«d by Lcnder lapus or ceascs to be in cf(ct4[Sur�uv..c chall p��•thc prcmiums rtqnircd to {'.� '�J:�_ <br /> '�3�t1���'_t� obtein mvcrege substamially cqnivalem�o thc nongagc inwrance previously in effca,xt n cost scbstnmially cquivalmt to�he 4�, i°�- <br /> � '�3 mst m Oormwer ot�he mongagc insurance pieviousty in etfect, from an al�erna�c mongage insurer app:oved by Lender. If �_ <_�;•_- <br />^-�-yE'".;°''.i�. substamielly cquivalent mongage insur�ce cor.rage is not availabie.O��rro�.r�shall pay to Lcndar each mon�h a sum equal to -- - <br /> ' - one•�weltth o(�he �d mon a e insurznce �mium bein aid b Ikvm� u�hen the insurenncovera e la seJ or ceased to " � <br /> i�'� S�' Y 68 P� RP � Y F P - ; <br /> i `'��;�' be ineffacl.Lender u�ll accep6 nse xnd rc�uin�`esepaymeru as a locc reurve in lieu of mongage insmance. Loss rcsene -:-�:.'�� <br /> ,�f ✓ �„ va�,*�ozt s�la � <br /> [ � <br /> L'�'; .�.{ c�G 3��6 ��i� � <br /> 'J " �� i.IC3019•NE13 - - <br /> K�€{'Y� 4_ _ . <br />.,:.:-.:�+C�� ��. . <br /> •. <br /> . _ <br />::>.�:v;r.�:�kt . _. . . . ...- -- .. . . ... . ......_.---"_ - - -..-......_ r� l <br />.>u�vr.�.�rv- n. +�� . .....,-..�—r.... . . <br />..,... .-. ,s��('. L ,T-.. _._.._._.._"' . . . � . •. ;7�i]i�.j.'.' <br /> ..� � - .... <br /> _�'�ii'`ily�f:_ , ' 'r _ . _ <br /> - 1.�i. .-r��•_ . <br /> .1 J.�Z-_"_ "t.:_�•: - . <br /> _ >1'Y�P_. : . . . . _ <br /> '�_:"r,��'� �_ � � - . <br /> �':c::,F::�.;w... <br /> _. li' �;.;,_.. • <br />''V"'^`•j:6:..�+',- <br /> r.`n-�-r.i..:�,;-: <br /> =�_1,..-i.t - - - <br /> �` � � 'r . <br /> -. _,�F�' � <br /> ,r�,:F� l �: - . <br /> ..."�_'�'v`��..�:r' . . . . <br /> �r,�lc:�.y{ i, <br /> �5;�'A�t". -s,�� - . . . . . . . . _ ..... . - . . . .. <br /> s .- ,- � ' � ._ . , <br /> _� � �' - : � . ` i�, - �� � � . - - <br /> . <br /> -. . .. . �. . �. <br /> - . � <br /> + . .. :,., . . . : -. . , ti ' :- .- :a. <br /> ._�.� . . . ..,.._�. ..�. - .- . , . _ . . . . . . . .. . . . - ._. .....- _ <br />