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...-. . �_'. [ F� ��'.It "tif�.tt�J t y ' t' _ " ". .. . ._ <br /> > Sl' Y F ..rf _ � ' i � �a7ro i:-*I'.:a,�..a�'! � • ``" <br /> � /t t%.{Tit J'r �,r �� ! r5 "!ti - i. . ) .. � _ . .• ' . " <br /> ...;.o4.u�x.�.v-*.�.��'��rs�D4�.:.Ia.zG...i.a�i._nl.ait.0 7av�1- w'+?tl,'A�'f:�l.Ht. _ ... .._...._.....r..u.::-�-.—.-_ <br />. ��r� ��uJ <br /> 7�OOR7'1113R W1T11�11 tta improvomenu now or hercafter ercani on the pm�xrty,nnd all easraiunla,appurtenuias,uM <br /> lixtores now nr iwrufter a pin of the pro�rty. Aii repl�ccmoms and addl�lans ah�ll alm Iw wv�red by this Sccudty <br /> Inslnimenl. All of ti�o forosofng is rcfernxl�o in Uiis.Saudty Instmnuoi as Um •Propeny.' <br /> AORRONRR COVRtdANTS th�t Aorm�ver is lawfully sciscd of qw cslnto hcrct�y msvcycd and hu tho dght lo gram�nd ==--_----�--�--- <br /> amecy Uio Property and�hnt the !'roperty R unencnmtwn�d,cxcept Por cncumbrnnccs nf rxord. Rortoxcr warraNS a��d will <br />. Aefand genemliy tho tiAo to the Pmpeny against ull clalnn and Acm*nds,sa6Ja�to any encumbnncu ot record. _. <br />- TII15 SisCURITY INSTRUMI3NT mmbincs unifnrm mvcnnnts tnr nntionnl usc and non•unifom�covcnams�viih Ilmited �r.�;i�;;,,._,: <br /> varia�ions Uy JndsAicBon�o eons�i�ute a unlfomi sccudty losimmom covedng rcat propeny. — <br /> UNIPORM COVfiNANTS.[iorcowcr and Lcndcr coeenam and:+gree as follows: s==---- - <br /> 1. I'q�mtnt of IMnct�l xnd inleresl� Prc�ymutt mid I.rte Ci�prg�s. Rortower sball promptly pay when duo tho ,. �� <br /> pdndpal of and lnten:s�on thc dcbt evidcnad hy tho NMO nnd eny prcpaym:m and law charges duc undcr Iho Nmo. �--:,.,_._.. <br /> 2. Fmxis for Tazrs and Insurance. Sul�Ja�to npplicablo Inw m ro n wdttcn watver by I.cndcr, Oormwcr shnll pny to F���;°�i_—__. <br /> Lc�xler on thc day nwsihly paymcnu aro due under�ho Nota imtil tho Noro is pald in PoII,a sum('Funds')for.(n)ycarly tasu Y�oa,�.,'-;=� <br /> and nuessmems which may sitain pdnri�y ovm ihls Secnrfiy Instmmem as n Iien on�ho Property;(b)yavly Icasehold payments ���d�� j.-s;.,=- <br /> or Sronnd rcnts on thc Pro n ,if an ;(c)ycarl hnrnM or m u insumnce rcmtnms;(d) carl (lood insuronce rcndums, %L'+.%�t�{'-Y�.'1:*�i <br /> i+� Y Y Y P Ik Y P Y Y p ' Gre'l,l�dtR��[^s_:-. <br /> (f nny; (o)ycady mongago Insuranco prcmiums, If nny; end(q any sums pnynbla 6y Donowcr to Lcndcr, in accordance with �;����i+���=-=- <br /> �ho provlsions of pnmgruph Ilcu of�ho paymcn�of moitgngo insnranco prcmiums.'Ihesc itcnu arc eallcd'Escrow[tcros.' � :,r_:r:E�,.�t�`•;':-; <br /> 4.cnder may, at any tlmc, rnllat and hotd Punds in nn nmouN no�to cxcad thc mazimwn amount a Icndcr for a fa�tral[y '�'`"�'%'��` � -•-.- <br /> ��"2 S r`Y <br /> roln�ed mortgago loan may rcquiru Por porrower's cscrow aaouN undcr tfio federal Rwl Cstato Sctttcmcnt Procedures Aa of p;.k j �. ?,':- <br /> 1974 as nmcndcd from�imc to�imo, 12 U.S.C. Scalnn 2G0! ei seq. ('RL•SPA'),unle.�s another Iaw that applics a tF.e FuaAs � j!��� ■a <br /> scis a Icsur anwum. If so, I.crdcr may. at any timc, mlicc�and hold �unds in an amoum not to exccod thc tesscr anmunt. -s:� � �`i 4 �_- <br />- I.cndcr may udmate thc arnoum of Funds due on the 6acts of currcnt data and masm�ab:c csdmatcs of expcnditurcs ot Poa�ro I�„�t`k�Z¢� 7 <br />- G'scrow I�ems or otherwiso in attnrdance with applicable law. �,�y'%'�r���fi��r <br />�- The funds shall bo hcld in an insti�utlon whow deposits are insured by u federel agenc�, imuumentaliry, or rntS:y �`ti5�t��(r�'Fee�� �" <br />' (inctuding Lender,ii Lender is such en ins�iwtion)or in any�cderel Home Loan 13nnk.Lender shaU apply the ruMs to pay the ��t'�r � ��, � <br /> Fscrow Irems.L.ender may no�aharge 6ortower Por holding nnd apply6ig�he Funds,nnnu�liy a�ialyzing the escrow aocamt,or ��'��s����` <br /> rcrifiing tlie Cscrow f�enu, uni;o I.ender pays Dorrower interest on�he f'unds and npplitable law pemiils 4ender to make wch `t:"=�{��:ti.�'�:�-� <br /> a ehxrge.Sioa•ever, Lender may rcquire Iiorrowor lo pay n onc•time charge for an independent real estate tax rtponing urvka ���✓'�,.'`�r�"�'.__- <br /> �G�{�nl:{�S:?:_.� <br /> estd by ].ertPi:r ia m�necilon wilh �his loan, unlcss appticnbie lew provida othenvix. Unicss en egrccnxnt is made or ,.:�::,r,^--,«"t-�° <br /> »pulkpble la�r Qagnirr>imzrest to be pald,I.cnder shall not be raryia�d to pay ISortower any intercst or camings on�ho Punds. t+='-;��y'�;iuRA,_-, <br /> '��tFr,. <br /> L'anvwzr and Lender r..p�st5rec in wri�ing, however, tha�imenxl shati be paid�a t9a funds. Lender shall give�cs Lbrcower, �,I.;.:.,e,�j,�.,,,._�'�-� <br /> YiVµ�{.ut chatgt, an nnny,+.�a,counling of ihe�unds, showing crcdi�s nn�d16hs ro t2:c Punds and thc purpos:far wldch cach �Sp,i:�3�-'3,��,u,- <br /> �Cr�i�n�hc P��n3:R35IIL'1[�2.�I�1C F�II(IS 8IC PICACCd 95�dd1110I13I SCCI:(4:4"�Of AII SlIfI1S SMUft,�L}+}'4��LY Sl'CUl1I)'I1ISINII7C(II. �A+`�,_��f{3�"},��- <br /> If the RunUs held 6y i.ender excad the amounts pemiitted�o be he7i by applicable law,Ler.der sL.ill accouN to Oorcower -�:tj rf K ". <br /> foT lM1c excess funds In acco:daxe with thc requircnxnts ot nppllcable Iaw. If Uie amnunt of�he TurAs held by Lender at any �F�'R�" s p •� <br /> l-a . �„ <br /> not sufficicnt lo piy th:Escrow Itenu when dae.Lcndtr nwy so mtlfy UorrouYr in wrf�ing,and,in sach case Qorcower �h�}.�v�;};:;';"`. <br /> P Y �Y P Y P Y� �:- " �"";. <br /> s!�aU a lo Lender�he amaint nceusa ro make u the deficienc . llorrower sh.:tl n+ake u �he delicieoc m no more than ;.��;��.,�,_f rs_,. <br />- , twelve monthly paynxnts, at Lcnder's sole diurc�ion. ••�(`�s un _ <br />�- Upon pa;nnent In(ull o(all sums sccured by �his Securfty ln,n�men6 Lender shall promp�ly reGmd to (iortower any `vj�� �f„ i_�;,_ <br /> Runds held Liy i.tnderJf,undcr paragraph 21.Lcnder shall ecqutre or uil the Propeny,Lendcr,pdor to�he aryulshlon or salo '�r���y.+y.,� ,�,_._ <br /> �rt',t. _>�';�,_. <br /> of sAe Propeny, shall appty any�unds held by Lender at iM�ime of ecquisitfon or sele as a crcdi�against the sums securcd by (yJ�af.?C�,.-,p.:_�_. <br /> l"IiS�CCUfIIY�tI51N111CM. 'ii`` ��� '>y r <br /> 3.Appllcnllon ot Paymcnts. Unlcss appllcablc Inw provida othetwis0.all paymcnls reccivcd by Lender under paragraphs �'��� f' ,. � + _;-. <br />� 1 a�2 shnll be a liod: firs6�o an rc a mcni char es due under�he Note; second,to amoums a abic under are ra h 2; "+�°�:`°��'*"�O <br />. FP Y P P Y 8 P Y P S P r,'_�.�i-':,j'i;y-._. <br /> �hhd,to Imeresx dcc;founh,to principal Acc;and last,to any late charg.s due undcr thc Note. - .. h <br /> 4.Charges;Liens. Dorrowcr shall pry atl taxea,an;ssmems,charges, Ones and tmposiilons auributable w the Propeny Si�'� s�k <br />. a7xi;h may auain pdori�y oxer lhis Seturity lnsuure.enL and Ieasd�old paymcros or eround rcnis, tf any. Dorrowcr shall pay +3 4l � �. <br /> tbeu obiigadon3 in�he manncr providcd in para6�Ph 2,ar if nm paid in U�at numn�,ilortower shall pay them on Unxi direcUy �����j� Y ' <br />- to tLe person owcd paynxnt. fiorrower shuSl promptly Pomish m Lendcr all r.o�ices of amoums to be paid under Uiis paragraph. R,s',•"'.f'�"��-. <br />_ If Dortower ma7cu�hese paymenis directly, 6orrower shall promptly furnish to Lender rtt+eipts evidencing ihe paynxnts. 1'.. �A! r : '_ <br /> 6orrower shell prompdy discharge any lien which hac priori�y onr this Securily Inswmen�unless Qortower:(�)ngrces in ` _ .,r�« �-` <br /> wd�ing�o�he payment o(the obiigation saured by�he li:r in a mann¢r eccepubSe m Lender, (b)mntes�s tn gouc7 feilh the IIGi i`"t� 'k" - <br />_ by, or defends against enforcemem of �he Iien in, legal proceedings which in thc Lender's opinion opemte io prevent the ��i;i���n j _" <br /> �. -.,,i;;u:-`::� <br />� Cn(otcemcnt e�tM licn;or(c)recurec imm tbe hnldcr af the licn an agremicnl talisfaciorv lo lcnder subordinaling Ihe lien lo t:kj2�S'••:.-__-- <br />- this Security Insuunxr.t. If Lcndcr de� ihat any pan af thc Propeny is subjrc�to a lien�ahi:h may auain priority ovcr 'S:Jv j���y,ii{�.-,� <br />.. ihis Securiry Insuunxm,l.ere!c�may give Oorrower a nrnice iJentifying�he lien. Dmrnwer shail sausfy�he licn or�ake one or t 3�r�{j�i,9q��}{:7- <br /> mo�c of�hc aclions xt fo:xh aS�vc wi�hin 10 days oC ihr civing of noticc. �,+'�.����'�nk}�i�;:�;, <br /> i(.- �`�).�rist(c.t.. <br />_ io�m3020 9190 �r"ij`p ijf:�;J,1_ .. <br /> . ryP1er6 ������_{!(_.)�: l�: <br /> (-t.:,��!,,1"': <br /> i.IG3G19•N[�2 L;'liiy�;��r'({',' <br />.. , _,. �. <br />_ i� ,. . <br />.. ----_�.-,---•cir....-.... .... .,,...;.,,._ ... ...--. .___.._..w....,..,.� ., - <br /> r.,�.s;:e•', ..r:'_ ... � -r.r:q.� .� . � � . rr-:• . .. . '-v'=�'.Syrlr::i�}'. <br /> ..i:- . �• . . . <br /> � n,' <br /> i. . <br /> . . . .� . " �-- <br /> �.r <br /> :'%i.' . - . - . <br /> _ .. ` . <br /> ' ,. �� - <br /> L_. ' . . .- . . <br /> '. " . _- -.- '_. � _ � . <br />