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Maran•�I nr Pronerly In!�nr•t�otr:n. f3nrr�nvrr �h:dl kr.ep ihc nnprovenicnts no�v cx+sting in• hcrcal'tcr crected on thc <br /> Property insurcd uguinst Inss by tir,•.I�u:ard:;inrludcd within thc tcrm "cxicndcd�.uvcragc" nnd any uthcr hu�ard��, including <br /> Y� Oouils ar Slooding, i'or wliirh l.cnd�:r rccquirrs ir�suraiicc. 'I'hih in�uriincc shall bc:m��intaincd in tl�c umounts iind for tl�c periods <br /> " � d�at Lcndcr requircr. Thc insurancG car��icr pruviding thc insurance yh�dl I►c;ch��u:n hy Rurrowcr�ubjcct tn Lcndcr's uppraval <br /> _'.�.r_' <br /> ° � which sl�all n�t be unrcasun��bly �:vitlihc:ld. If Durrowcr fuilti tn muintain covei�u��w deurihed above. Le:nder may. ut [.ender's <br /> upti�m,ub.ain�:ovcragc to protcct 1.,�;nd�:r's ri,:hts in thc Pr�perty in:iccnrdancc ���iUt para�;raph 7. , <br /> �,-.' ,'�.� All insurance polieies and r;nc���ul:,shc�ll be i�eceptahle tn I.ender und shull include a st�ndurd mortgu�;e clause. L.ender <br /> �,'� sh;ill huve thc right w held the p�+li��:ies unJ renewnls. If Lendar myuir��s, fioiro�ver�>half promptly give to Lendcr uU reccipcs of - <br /> � __ paid prcmiwns and renewal notiaes. In ttic evcnt of loss, Dorrowcr sl►all give pmm�c notice to the insurancc camcr and I.ender. _ <br /> `�'"'�. � Lendcr may mukc pmnf of loss it not nindc promptly by f�orrmvcr. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower athr.r�vise agree in writin�, insurance proceeds shrsll be applied ro restoration or repair of the <br /> Property damagcd.if thc restrratiott ar r;pais is economicaUy fes�sible and I..ender's;sccurity is not lessened.lf the restoration or <br /> -��..� repair is not cconomicully feui�ible c+r Lcnder's sccurity �vould be lessened, the insurancc procccds shall be appliecl to thc sums <br /> . � .• � sccurcd by this Security Inntcumen.t.whcther or not then duo, witt� any exccs5 paid to Borrower. lf Borrowcr abandons the <br /> Propeny, or daes not unswr;r withnl 30 days a notice 1'rom Lender that the insurr�ur.c c�trrier has offered to setde a claim, then <br /> , Lender mAy coUcct the intini�ncc pror,eeds. Lendcr mny une thc proceeds to rcpf:ir or rc5tarc th� Praperry or to pay sums <br /> ,. • :r secured by this Security Inruwment, v,hetlicr or not then due.Thc 3Q-dny peiiad �vi1l begin whan the natice is given. <br /> Unless Lender und i.�Un+ower othenvisc agrce in �vriting, any application <rr pruceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> � postpone the due date of thc m�nt6tly �ayinents referred to in par��rnphs I and Z or change the amount of thc payments. If <br /> �;�:;;��:;?•�?; under pnragraph 21 the Pcnperty is acquired by Lender, Borro�ver'g right to ruiy insueance paiicies and proceeds resulting from <br /> � ' damage to the Property pni��r a.�t�ie acqianaition shall puss to Lecader ta thc exteut oC the sums secured by tti�s Security Instrument _ <br /> ,•x,, •'�� immediatcly prior ro the ricGuceitian. <br />="'j�� 6.Occupuncy,Pre�:rvat�m�,Mlafnte►�amce unc7 4'rotc�tia�2 of the Proper'r.�-*Sorrower's Loan Applicntion; Leuseholds. _ <br /> :_ __ Barrotiver shull occupy,esatuhler,h,and u:;c tlie Property as Borr�wer's principal resirlence within sixty days aft�r the execution of - <br /> '?n;'�:�i� this Security Instrument and shall cont9r.tue to occupy the Pro�acaty ufi Horraver's i7rincipul resldence for�t least one year after _ <br />_- =.�{;, <br /> "'i��• the date of accupancy, L.encler ottterwise ugrces in v�ritine,whicl�consent�fhall not be unre.zsonably withheld, or unless <br /> '�y�'�`;��' extenuating circumstuness e;ci:;t which arc beyond Bano�ver's control, 13oir�w�:r shall not destro�, damage or impair the - <br /> -.1��i�t� Property, allow the Pra�lcrty to detcriorate, or commit wnstc �n thc Propeity. 13onower shall be in defAUlt if any forfeiture <br /> _. ���; <br />---;-=��� action or proceeding, wthttttar civi� or criminnl, is begun that +n l.{:nder's good ffiith jud�ment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> _nL,LL::�•,�,� <br /> _.- �-,�r� �roperry or atherwise muterii�iey impair ei�e iien created by thin Secur-icy Insiruincni or I.cnuer's aecuriiy inicrc�i.$�r►uwcr mny <br /> -.;-,-.��;�;� cure such a dcfuult and minntatu,an provided in pura�raph 18, 1?y cau,ing�he act:i�an or proce�ding to be dismissed with a rul9ng _ <br /> -;_�:�jy'� thut. in Lendar's gaod fair6i dr.terniinution, precludes forfeiture uf the 13oi7nv�e�s inteeeyt in the Property or other material <br /> —_-="�� impuirment of the lien �:renti:d by uiis Sccurity Instrument or C.euder's securi�y interest. Bonower shall also be in default if <br /> ___--�"� Borro�ver. during the lo�i ap�rlcr.ntion pracess,gave mntericilly tal�c or inaccurate;nformation a•statcments to Lender(ar failed <br /> � -="�`-"� to provide Lender with nny mi�teriul inforn�ation)in connectian with the lonn evidenced by the Note,induding,but not limited <br /> ���� to, representntions cu�cer:ning Eornower's occupancy of the Propeny as a princi�nd residence. If this Security Inst�ument is on a <br /> _-�_� Ieasehold. Borrower shuIi,cumply with all the provisions of the Ieasc. If Borrowcr acquires fee title to th� Pruperty, the <br /> '�^'''�`� � leasehold and the fce titln e�hiit0 not mcrgc unlcss L.cnder ugrees to the meraer in weiting. <br /> _—.-- 7.Protection uf Lendu�•'y Ri�Otts ie�tMc Property.[f Bmrower fails��pc�ri'orm the covenants and agreements wntained in <br /> this Security Instrument, ar t6te�ir.a le�a! procecding that may si�nificantly afti;ct Lender's rights in the Property(such as a . <br /> • proceeding in bankruptcer, pa�o6•nte, for condemnntion or forFniture or to enfoi�cc Iaws or mgulltions),then Lender may do and <br /> pay for whntever is nece:ss:try to�rnoG:ct Aie vulue of the Pro��eiiy and L.ender'�+rights in the I'roperty. Lender's actiuns may <br /> includo paying .•uiy sum:� secu�td by a lien which has priority over U�is Se�:urity Instrument. appearing in coun. paying <br /> - ------- reasona6le atturneys' fee.y au�ent�rislg on die f'rUp�rty to mal:e repairs.AlthoutFii Lender may takc nction under this paragraph <br /> � 7, Lender does nat have tcc�d�su. <br /> - Any amounts disbunscd �y Lcnder undcr this purn��nph 7 shall become additional debt of Bonower secured by this <br /> °°_�°__- Sec:urity Instrument. Untetue Gurrower tuiJ L.enc�er ugrce to other tcrnts uf pny�ncnt, tlicse amounts sliall bear imerest frmn the <br /> date of disbursement at 4ttiz r��3te rate �end shult b� paynble, wi�h inte��est, u�yon notice from Lcndcr to Bonower reque.sting <br /> ' puyment. <br /> ._.�� 8.Mortgage I��sm:utce. [f L.ender rcquired mongage iusui�ancc as A cnndition of m�ilcing the loan sccured by this Security <br /> --=_= Inststtment, Borro�ver s�ttle pay the p�iniums required to mai�et:in the mo��'gage insurancc in cffect. If, for any�n,.the <br /> — mnrtg�go insurance covrsi�a�e r�qnircd My Lender lapses or ceases to be in eff.ect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> � — obtaln coverage substantt�![y eGuitialcnt to du mortgage insw�ance p��evioual�� en effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> _ --�-�= cost eo Eonower of thQ tturiK�agc: insui<utce previously in ef'fect, from xn altemate monga�e insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> -- '"�;� substuntially cquivalent mirzT�u�a i►isur.�icc coveragc is not availoble. }3oiruwcr shall pay to Lender euch month a sum equal to <br /> - .'-"=''�'-� one-twelRh of tne ye.lrly mo���i►�te insurance premium bein�pxid by }3ar�r�wer�vhen thc insurance coverage lapsed or eeased to <br /> :w,�Y;,�i;��� <br />�,:,�_�;�1� be in effect.Lender�vill ttccept,ur,e an� retain t�ntse�puyments as ii loss i�:scrve in licu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> ..�: C__�+"�. <br /> =s;�,,.�� Form 3028 9l90 <br /> -x ,.y;:,�. <br /> _;;-'��'•�,,;� r+oa a oi o <br /> —�_-�c:'� . <br /> _ =t�+*.�� ___ ..�.___us._____.�--- -._.�_ .e..__ <br /> �-.i.fa'�T . ..,..-�..v..9q„�r�.��+�w—��r . .. . .. � _"__'_" ._ <br /> � �.1.: . ' , . ,-:'.'.,:.;. . . <br /> '+'Mi� . ,iR:� � . . �4'�'I�' I_ , . " ���.�--i•tf. • �. . . �- � <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> ; .. ..� <br /> - ;4'.� ' � ,t. l ,� .' . �. .... .;-... � �y . <br /> , d ' , � : <br /> .. <br /> - -:- ! � �� ' .� : -. . • .._ - � .. .. .. � <br /> e� <br /> _ :..,�c .' .. . - . _ .' _ , . . ._ . _ .. . .. ,. ., - ,. <br /> - - � . . . . ' . . � � �� ,� , .. .. <br /> . . . . _S� , _ - , .. .. <br /> . . . .. ' . . � . . . -�+ . •.�,. . _w.� . - <br /> ' . t . ' .. . � ' %�� ' .4 !f,y . . ., <br /> _ � . . .;�, - ,t. .. . ;�.,y�^t��•'•.. .�A' . , l <br /> - ' r � . . ' .W r�..� . . <br /> ` - . .. . ' 4~ �Fl •I. . <br /> R � `'�r <br /> S'• "- �t• • . � . {I ' \�.• . . <br /> .L,�. _A� . ... .. L L�. \. _ , ' <br /> r . , .. . . .. .� _ ` �{T,� , <br /> . ..__ . � A. --=---�` --�—--=---'--- �--- ---�-�_- �'-----•� _ . ----- -�-_- - ti•,;•k�i 4-.'y�{,�, - .. �. , <br /> - ._ _. : � -�- - „ . r :�'�`f�C_` i�i <br /> _ ' , • —�� ---- ___ ,` - - -_' _ �. ., .. '_ ., � �._ _-- ,-- <br />