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'iu.� '�•''. .. .;��;'cr`�{'t7r,}��i.��.::?!.,. .-�..__ <br /> .rn�..�cx:s� Se%+A�'►A"p . . _ . <br /> a f��.� �.QZc��.n�r�' �:: <br /> � 'I'iIGG'I'HER WITH �dl Uic impruvc�nunts now on c�rcuftcr crcctcr�ort thr, pn�perry. and �dl uau�mnntn, +�ppw•tenm�ccti, ;and __ <br /> . ` fixtures nuw an c�rcaftsr ,i part uf thc pruperty. All rcpincc�ncnts anc� nd�Eitiuns sball ul+o be ciwcrcd by thly Sccw.rity <br /> �, Instrumcnt. All ui thc fnrcgoing is rcfcrrcd tu in ihi,Scrurity Im;p•um�:►�t n;+ tl±c "1'n+prrty.' — <br /> UORRpWFR COVENANTS that Unrmwc�•is Inwfully scir�ed af Stia estaic h�rchy runvcycd und Nia:itn� rJElhl In��r+mt .ind _ <br /> ;�„ ;�� �o�rvcy thc 1'ro}zcny and that thc Pri�perry i. wi��icumbcrcil. �x��pt i�.�r�:tbrattccti rf rccnrd. Hrn•iY�wor wiirr�mi�� aind �viU � <br /> , dcfcnd�;cncrully thc titic to thc Amperty ugninst ull clnims iuid dcmamts,suhjcct to uiry encumbranccti uf i�ccunl, <br /> r:+�►+"'�': THIS SGCURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifurm covcnantu t�ar itutiurxd usr culd nun•unifurm co��annnls wi�li lin�itul _ <br /> -!�' variations Ny jurisdictiun to c�mstitutc a unitorm+ccuriry inst��ument�:utrcrim.v rcul property. <br />-? • UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borro�vcr und l.cnilcr covenant and•u�re,c us fc�llnw�: <br /> E l. Paymeut oP Prbuipul und Interest; I'repuyment nnc!�e Ci��rges. Burmwcr shnll pmmptly �iuy whcn duc �he <br /> +� principal ot'and interest nn the debt eviJenc�l by the Note and 1ny};r•�(:c�yntcnt anJ lat�churgeti due umlm'the N��ie. � <br /> 2. Funds far Taxes nnd Insurance. Subject to npplicuble lu�+v or tn a writtcn waiver t�y I..ender, 1ltn'ruwer sliull ��aik ta <br /> �i� Lcndcr on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until�lir. Motc is�uid in full,n swn("Fundt�") lin•: lul ycurly I�xcs <br /> �'" and assessments�vhich tnay attuin priority ovcr this Security Instrunt��nt ar,.�licn on tt►c i'roperty: (h►yeurly Icuychnld�,iym�ents <br /> � or ground rents on the Property, if any:(c)yearly huzard or property insucance premiums;(d)peai•ly Oi���d inxurnnce prcmi�i�:ns. — <br /> � if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if uny: und(� amy sums payable by f3orro�ver to I..ender, in ucuonlunce v.itlt <br /> . the provis:ons of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgnga in:�uranr.c prcmiums. Thcsc items arc:en0ed "li�fcro�v Gr�rs." <br /> Lender may, at any time, callect and hold Funds in un nmaunt not to exceed the maximum amrnml ++ IenJwr fi�r n fede:r'�lly = <br /> �' � rei�ted mortgage loan may require for Borrn�ver's escro�v nccuunt u�idr.r tEic t'edcral ReAI Estate Setdemnnt Arocedw•�.s Ac�;of <br /> 1974 a�a�nended from time to timc. 12 U.S.C. Sectian 2601 et seg. ("RESPA"1, unless another Imv Ihn1 upplies to the F'unds <br />;;_*��: A sets a lesser amrnmt. lf so, Lender may, at any timc, collect and hold Funds in uu amounl nat to excced thc Icsscr nmcnrnt. _ <br /> ` Lender may estimate thc wnount of Funds duc on the basis of c:ucnent diita and rea5onablc estimutec�f axpcnJitures of ft:r.urc <br /> Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with upplicable law. <br />- T'hc Funds shall be hc1�! in an institution whosc deposit:� ar�e insL+ecd by a federai ngency, b�stiumentality, or r.sT.tity <br />_ ' ,� .�. •• � (including I.endcr,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Fedai�+t Home Loun Bank. L.ender shull apply thc�unde to pay the <br />°• •'-_.,�� Escrow I►ems. L.ender may not charge Borrower for liolding nn�t.applying ti�e Funds, annuully�tl�e escrow accaui�c,or <br />_ ,:. ,;.' verifying the Escrow Items, unlcss Lcnder pays Dorrowcr intcrcsi on thc Funds nnd applicablc luw perrnits I..cndcr to m�dce:auch <br />_ >,;4', "� a charge. However. Lcndcr may rcquirc Barrower w puy a one-tome charge for an indcpendent rcAl estAta tsx rcportln�service <br /> Y'`�`t�^`rC'!'� � USCd b Lender in connection with this loan, unless a licaui�: i�i�.v rovidcs uii�cnvinc. t;i�ii:,:, pii a r�rcnt „ maur- ar <br />�P;:,:Y,��••�. , y <br /> PP P � <br /> ,�,-�.�_n�•�• ' applicabie law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall nat bc s::yuir.�d to pay Borrower any interest or�sarning9 on thc Pa��ds. <br />_"`° '•"'`�' ` Dorrower and L.ender ma a rcc in writin howevcr, thut int�nest yhall be paid on the Fundr,. Lrniler !�l�ull Bivc to Corro�+ver, <br />�.���.�.; ;? y s �• <br />:'�'��,;A�;• `� �viihout charge, an ann�al accounting of the Funds, showin�cnedits and debits to the Funds tt�ad she purpose for�vhich.•er�c'h <br />?e;,,ls:ti.-- <br />=:;���:�__=_ debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pled�eci us additia�iuil securiry 4'or nll suma secured by rhiF Sr.aurity Insti�unent. <br /> y�ar�=-"� � If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the amounts permitte� to be held by applicuble law, Lender Altall a�count�o I3oriV�wer <br /> �,,,,� for the excess Funds in uccorclance with thc rcquirements o+�ap��licable Inw,If the umount of the Fiu�dh held by l.ender ns:any <br /> �_��� dme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,I.en+i�:r muy su notify Borrower in writing,and�in yuch catie IIrn•rawer <br /> -.�,,:S�:;E� shall�ay to I..ender the amount necessary to makc up the::ti:fnr.+ency. Borrowcr shull makc up �hc defioicncy in nn�not�e xhan <br /> -=— nvelve monthly payments,at L.ender's sule discretion. <br />�-'°`� Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Security Inst�Ument, Lcntl�r shull promptly ��afhnd to Aoirrnver any <br /> - ' Funda held by Lcnder.If,unsler purugraph 21,Lendcr shnll acquii�e or�cll thc Propeny, Lcnder, priim lu lh��cquiEition on snle <br />__ __,._,�;s� of the Propert�+,shall upply any Funds hald hy Lender at ttut t6ma of ucyuiyitiun or sule us a creciit t�gainst the surns securf:tf by <br /> - this Security Instn�ment. <br /> -�- �'i 3.AppNcation of Payments.Unless applicable Inw�rravides othenvise,ull payments recaived by 1,endcr updcr pu�n�r�phs <br /> �' 1 and 2 shall be npplie.d: fi�st, to any prepxyment char�c�due under the JVote: second, to umountt+pttynblG unde�+•p�u���rnlph 2; _ <br /> -°°m°'"i`' third, to interest due; principal due;and lust, t«any lute churges due undcr the Note. � - <br /> �a��m 4.Charges;Liens.Barrawer shall pay aU tuxes, u:;s�essments, ch�rbcs, fines und impositluns attr�butahle to the Prnperty <br /> ° which may a�tnin priority over this Security Instrument, and leaschold payments or ground rents, if uny. I3mTOwer shtt6l pay <br />— - these obligations in the mannar provided in parAgrnph'it n�zt pfiid in thnt manncr,Borrower shflll�iry them nn timc dtrectly <br /> - --= ta tUe person owed paymcnt.Borrower shall promptly furnish tc�Lcnder all notiees of umounts to ba pxid undo�•this patn(�r�ph. <br /> —='—�= If�'.Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shul!pmmptly 1'w•nish to Lender receip�s uvldencing tho paymeuts. _ <br />---.:.v..-,�a., • <br /> -�- -____ Horcower sNali promptty discharge any lien which hiu pr:�ri7ty over this Security Cnstrumum unle.tis Dorrnwer:(n):iarees in <br />= --��=�'- writing to the payment of the obligation scxu�ui uy the iian i��u man�er acceptabtc.o L.c;;�dcr;(:�3:�•ntcsts in�;aoil faiih i�za lien <br />_=T'�-x-�,�-,� by, or defends against enforcement of thc lien in, Ie�ul proceedin�s which in the L.cnder's opinion opi�rnte to prevent the <br /> �;:;�`-� enforcement of the licn:or(c)secures from the i�older cif tlie Iten an agreement satasfnctory to L.ender suborillnuting thc lien to <br />;:�;ti'��rz°••:�~ this Security Instrumen4. If Lender determines that any parc af the Pro��erty is su�ject!o u lien which nwy uttuin prioriry over _ <br /> ��;::.-�. . - <br /> - �� _;�� this Securiry Instrumcnt, Lender msy give Barrower a�nuttce identifying chc lien. �arrower sh�ll sudsfy thc llmi or takc one or <br /> -^'�- ::';.;.. . <br /> � =' •� more of thc actfons set fonh above within 10 days of th�z gi�ring of notice. <br />�:a��::w;�t. <br /> - -o�, .r Form 3028 9la0 <br />_';.tii � � � Voqe 2 of 6 :. <br />_��_�.. <br />�-wl:'.'�:, <br /> ,.:��-" ti� <br />:::'1�.�4F;.,ti� <br />=.,t�`�"'�� -- - --- � , .,���:--- °- _ _ <br />-,. - � :; . - . , ' �� ' ; .�.. . <br /> � ' --�� , ' . . �;�7} , ' : .' . . ' i .> <br /> .: , � ' . , ., <br /> _�. . .. , , , '��• ` , ' , , f , <br /> �- ... , ,. , : ,. ;..�' , � _ ': <br /> . :s�;':�...:.• .• ` . <br /> ,;,• � <br /> ° " �;�,:�g!` "�e;,�.?� � <br /> � #J. � i �i^I. �� . <br /> ' . <br /> , .. ' t -,, � ., . . 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