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<br /> '��`�, . .r$r lg,i?orcc{au�e Eh�cMure.If Leader requlrts ImmedVte payment in t�uU under par�gr�ph��Gender mwy �;_c_.
<br /> �;:_
<br /> ' � invoke iJtc:�ower ot sak and any other remedks permEtted by applkabk Iwvr.Lcnder ehall be entttkd to calkct �t
<br /> �;.,'•+�:+�. . _-
<br /> all ex rntx�Cncurred in pursuieg the remedks under thia parAgrA�sh lS,inctuding�but nat limited ta�reASOn�bk ��.
<br /> ,._,,,y...+��i� P• =
<br /> � : attornej+n'P�ce�Aod rnst�ot titk eridence. -�,
<br /> �
<br /> ' , • LP t:(t�s i�ower ot sAk i�imoked�Trustee shatl rernrd a notke ot defAUlt fn eae6 county tn whic�bie law to ��
<br /> the Fh�pc:r�y �bcxted �nd sdall mail mQies of au�h notice in the mona�er prrscribed by app ¢
<br /> B�rxmvcr r�ud to the ot6er persoas prescribed by applicabk law. After the time requfred by Applicsbk Mw�
<br /> a
<br /> ' Trustc�:nlrrsll give p lk notirf Qf eale ig�p!• tond in t6e manner prescribcd by AppUcAbk law.Trustee, _
<br /> '.t- wititouF drsmr�nd on � er,s�ll e�►l Ihe�t�9 t pubik auction W the hig6est bidder at the time�nd place
<br /> �`� nncP unde��5he terms esitdeteQ�a tLe odierut'�k� nne or more parab and'sn a�Y order 1Yustee determines.
<br /> . t� 'Pcuste�nrre�r post�wae sa7e otill or any parcel o�'tLe PropertY by publlc snnou�ncement at the time and pWa of =
<br /> .� r�c imus�jr schedukd eak.Lrnder ar Its desi�nee ms�y purchrse t6e PropsrtY at any sak. o:.
<br /> aII.V h •' -
<br /> �� • � �� IP(itre Lender's intxrest Irt thie Security Yastrument is izee:�by 4�2�cucctary ead t�e Secr�tary requ�res �
<br /> ' �� �yn��,�p��r■ent in full under Paragraph 9�the Secretory may involce the aon�udicial power ot ssik providaf _
<br /> tn (dYC �lir,qfe Fnmily Mortg��e Forecbsure Act ot 1994 ("Act°) (12 il.S,C. 3751 it seq.) t►Y re�l��g � �.�
<br /> IJ,..
<br /> [oeecfmuu�e cwinniuioner a7�e93�ated under the Act to commc0oe foreciosure and to sell the Proptrty as ��'
<br /> „� pmvfdccl le t�e Ae� NaebJng in tde preaxdin8 seotcnce shaU deprive t6�e Secrebry o!any rishts otherwise (¢�``
<br /> f1YFlItAhIL(�a l�r under thi�ParAgr�p618 or applicabk law. f,7
<br /> I�y,�
<br /> � . [1Rou rt�xipt of payment ot the prkx bid�Trustee shall del�vcr to the purchaser Trusta's dted conveying ��,
<br /> ' � , ttte Ttroprcuty.'fh=recitals in the Trusta's deed s6a11 be primA facie cvWenc�o��e��of the st�tements m�de -�.
<br /> � therefn. T,'rusta shall�pply the procetds of t6e sak in t6e foUowinS order: (a) to aU costs a�d expenses ot L�
<br /> e�cercf�inFS th�power of sak.nnd!6e s�le9 fncindjng the payment ot t6e Trustee•s ters actually iecvrred,not to _
<br /> �� 3.000 96 of t6e principal amount ot t6e note At the time of the decluatjon of default,
<br /> . ' An�r.e.��lble�ttorneya'[ess ae permiiieu uy i�w;(`vj►���o:W�a.•.:."'�b;:hs�C.r�r:ty tuslr.�ment:and(c)
<br /> •:;�,,'S. , aay acc�s to tbe persou or�►ersans kgally sntitkd to iw
<br /> �:�;;1�,'i�,'�• ,
<br />''�,; `,,•.�•. L4:.11tt�onvey�snce.�Jpon paymeat of aU sums secured by this Security Inswmcnt,I.ender sh�11 ro4uest'lk�ustee w
<br /> �:iii?�r�".�,. '
<br /> `w, ;. . .� roccmvea�rhe P�opaty and siiall sumndes this Seciuity Instrume�tt and all notas evideacing dehe sExi�od by ttris�ecurity .
<br /> �;,��5�..:�.,;.�.,. without wazranty and without chacge 1D ihc:pason or pasons
<br />�;�`�ra;,�}.�.�.� Instn�mrut to'I9uStoe.Trvstoe shall reconvey ihe Px�rtY .
<br />=°,:.`r':��. 1e�aUy cititlad W i�Such pason or ptrsa�s stiall�pa;��r.y t��n costs. -
<br /> '"r''�� int a aucccssor
<br /> =-°�-°-�``�� 7A. Snbstitate Trubta. T.a�dv�at its option.a�aY from tuna to time r�emove Trustx and appo
<br />-:y,;'"'��;:1'��` tn�slee Irs eny 1Yustoe appointed heswnda by an insttument recordod in the county in which this Sx�uity InsWmuit is ;
<br /> =�c_�,�;:,� r tiustee shall succeod to all tt�e dtle� Wwec and duties ,_
<br />-:"r'':':..��, re�cc�r�ecL.Wichouc conveyance of the ProperaY.the successo
<br /> .,,..�.,.,,.�x
<br /> _:,����;lr.. can[circ.�i upon Tc�stcc huein and by epplicabk law. �
<br />�;;,�:�;'' -
<br />-.�.�-:'�;3'. .� . �,.
<br /> ��,.����;�r z1�►�¢qyest�a Natyas,garowu requests ghat copies of the notices of defai�lt and sale be sent to Borrowa s
<br /> �' � 8lId1Y:59 WI11CI1�S lI1C P[O�XfY Ad�3ESS. '
<br /> =��
<br />-_Y�,�d��, .
<br />�-,�-�.
<br /> �,<,�,.._�., '
<br /> Zx�R6d¢rs to tbts Security Instrument.If one or more riders ar�e executed by Borrower tmd rococdcd EoBt�r �
<br />-,���:���� w)d� Itiiu Stcurity Insttument, the covrnants of each such rider shall be ixicor�wtatod into and shall amead and
<br /> _=.�-��� s►��IGrcent 1he wvenants and e�ceements af this Secucity Insuuma►t as iF tho rida(s) were a pact of this Security
<br /> _..„.;,��:-::
<br /> �d� ]�istnun�n�IChccic applicablc box(cs)l. �f
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<br /> =�wv..
<br /> �—� �'a����� Mort a e Add�ndum
<br />:`:;-_��� (� Ptaaned Unit Devok►pment Rider 0 Graduatod Fayment Rida g 9 _
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