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<br /> .�;,,,,a 13.Notkes.Any nadcc to Iionowcr�rovi�dcdr o u��use af°anothc mctl►odS'[hc oa�:Snn�i�n�a r��� �e
<br /> �� mail�ng�t�y first class matl unlcss epp11cablc �1
<br /> �pc�tY Addres,a or any othcr address Borrowec desi$netes by nodcc to Lcndcr.Any nottcc�°I.�ndcr shaU bc Diven by `'!
<br /> i'irst class mei!to I.en�icx's address st�teA h��°dc�emod �tn havo baen givei�tn Bareow�or�Lend WwhennB en us �;.:
<br />„ providod for in thiR Scauriry Inssrwncnt ''-_
<br /> � provided in this paraEmph. �•`•v
<br /> 14. Cuvernt�g Lw�v;SeverabW4y.'Llus Sc�curi/y InFaument sbnQ ba Sovemed by Federal Iaw a��d thc lf►w of tt�o
<br /> �� jurisdiction in which ths Property is located•In d�o evcnt thnt fu►y Provision or cluusG of this Securlry Insuumr�►t or the �,.r�-_-
<br /> � Note conilicts with epplicable law•s�c���°nflict shall nat atfect oliier pro��s�ons of this Socuriry inswment or the Note
<br /> which can be Siven�ffe�i without�t�c conflictinB peovision.To this end the provisions of this Securinj Ins
<br /> crumcnl and
<br /> the Note are doclared to be severabk. �of the Note and of this Securnr/Inswmen� `-
<br /> IS.Bnrrower's Copy.Borrower st�ttl bo givcn on�cflnfdrmecl coPY stQraBe,or celease of ' -
<br /> 11 '•�.
<br /> `r;'
<br /> 16. tluardous Substance.+. Bonowcr sha11 not causc or permit the�rosencc.usa.dis(wsal. ���$ .. ,
<br /> any Hnzardous Substances on or in the PropertY.Borrawer sha:l not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anythiag -_-�
<br /> • the pmpaty that is in violation of any Enviranmentttl Larv. The preceding two sentences shFill not apply to the presence.
<br /> eoetallY recoS�ized to be �_'.-
<br /> ' u�.or swrage on the ProAcrtY of small quantides of Hazasclous Substances that are B
<br /> ��te W nonnal residential uses and tn maintenance of�he Properry•
<br /> . Borrowu shall promPUY B�ve I.et►der writte,�►nodce of ar_y invesdgution,claim,demand.�awsuit or other ectian Gy �-__
<br /> " enc or vat,e pa�ty involving the P[oPertY and �Y �dous Subswnce or
<br /> - any govemmental or np�ulawcY 88 Y Pn overnmental or
<br /> �vironmental iaw of whech Borrowec has aceuall�nuwledge. If Batrawer leams,or is notified by any g _—
<br /> a
<br /> reB��Y authority, that anY �noval or other remediadon of any Hazardous Sabstances nffecdng the ProP�Y � __-
<br /> nc�es.sazY�Harowu shall IxomPdY takc ail nocassatY�e��acdons in accordancc wish Environmental Lsw. -
<br /> As used in ti►is pa�a�� 1`v. "�,�rdcs:s a;�,,�,AncEC" are ihose substances defined as toxic or hazatda`.. _
<br /> k other t7ammable or wxic pa�"�—
<br /> subst�c►ces by Environma►tallaw and Ihe followang aubstances:g�s �n��g ���s or famaldehgde. nn� .—
<br /> ����, to�elc pesdcides end hafiicides, volAtifla solvents,
<br /> cadioactiva materials. A, used in ��is paraBraph 16. "Ht�vironmental La��„ means fedual laws and lnwa of the
<br /> � .. j�risdiction whuo tho Pcopaty is locutcd that relate to health,safaty or enviranmental pmtecpon.
<br />',}y�.�`•:,: NON-ZJNIFORM COVENAN'i5.Borrowu end Uender further covu►ant and agcee as foUaws: -
<br />. �`:_�.�w�.° 17.A s s i g oment ot Rents.Borcower uncondidonally assigns and trm�sfas to Lender aU the cencs and.mvu►urs of �_;;
<br /> � . ....:`.' ttu PropatY•Boerowu authorIzes Lender nr Lenda's agenu w colkct the rents and revenurs an d hereby directs each
<br />�.;.,:�� "�;�;,' tuw�►t of the PropertY�PaY the rent�ta I.endcz or Lendu's nganu.Howeva.Pnor to Lenda's notice W Bocrowa of
<br /> 5^�l'�l-0.�.'•.:�' �
<br /> _:.�o:�":•. Borcowa s bceach of any cov�trustoe a the�hrz►eC�t oi'LendaIand oirowu.'tl�is assignmcnt�of ren�consdwtcs an
<br /> - and revenues of the PropertY
<br />-�4'��^'�=� � absolute assi�ment and not an assiBmment fa addidonel sacurity only.
<br />:'�'._'`�^``� ii l.endu gives rwric�of bceach to Barcowr,r:(a)a11 rents roceived by Botrowu shall be held by �orrower a9
<br />-'��TM;� tr+utec for be�efit o€Ltnder unly.to be apPlkd to the sums aecurod by the Securiry Ins�t;(b?�l shall ba _
<br />.��:c�4:;t'� a�uti�r]to coUoct and roceivo all of tha rents of the PtoPertY;and(c)each trnant of tLe Pro shall paY
<br /> --,_-:3f�iF„.
<br /> `•""n"�"�,:. and unpaid W L.rnder a I.enda's ageat on Lendcr's writun demand to tamn
<br />_Jtn'i�?" Botrowu hav not executcd any Pnos acsignTnc�t of the rcnu and has not and wiil not perfam any sct that would =-
<br />--v'��;-y pnv�ntl.ender from extrcising its dghts undes thi�parag�aph IT.
<br /> WR•r4:,� ., before a afs,er Siving no�ce of
<br /> _.--`',�,�..,.. �dcx shall not be raloiral w enter upon,tnlce contral of or maintain thc P�ropertY
<br /> "�?`°:':;'t��'�,.• lxa►ch to Boaowet.Hawever.I.cndu or a judicially appointed raceiver may do sc�nt any ame thero is a b�each.Any
<br />.._'��`` appli�adon of rents shall nQt curc or w�ive eny def�ult or invalidate any other right or rerae6y of Lender.Th�s
<br /> . assigsimcnt of rei►ts of ihc PropercY sl�ail telmisante whe,c►Ihe dcbt sccured by the Sccurity Insuument is paid in fuli.
<br /> ��T��
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