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Si'�.l ksk"Ft�S �`�ii�s�yi�} �r � . #rtv: 51/ dtJsi:.:_._ <br /> t L <br /> �� ,.,.. <br /> � "f !) �ti.�r����������S�fU„ � r/'.i�fr.{�� 6t��"�xV._i35nYlj�+fr'�,:: - _—�._ . . .. - <br /> ---. ..._..__ -Jr.i•_4� ��__„ Md.{�_.4 �. - '_"' ' <br /> � g��- at:i�re.? <br /> : '!1 7Yan�ta ot the Pta�:r!y nr a Rcncildel lnitresl In Rorrower.It ill or any pan of the Propony or any IMerut in!t <br /> Is cold or trAnsRrrcd(or If a t>cneflcinl intcros�In Rnrrn�vcr Is sotd ar tnnsfettcd and iforrower is nnt a namral person)without <br /> I:leJtf'i i�itu(wtiilc} ��rs��lt, I.cndcr may. at ils nMion, nq ulrc Imm_dl:le paym:nl In full of all snms urnrcd by �his -_-_ _-. <br /> Sccudty Instmmem.ftox•cvcr,ihls npilnn sholl nM Ix cxcrcisal by lander if cxcrclsc fs prohibCcd 6y fodcral�aw as of ihc dp�a --- <br /> of this Savrhy Inarumcnt. <br /> 1(LCndcr cxcrclus this op�inn.I.cndcr s6all givc Dnrro�vcr nmico of acccicm�ton.Tlie nmico shall provido e perinA o(nol �a���°'-- <br /> Icss Ihan 3D days from�ho Antc tho notiu(s ddlvcr.d or mailcd wiihin whlch Rormwcr musi pay all sums sccural by thls �!-�--- <br /> Sccud�y Insimnxnt It Dorrowcr fnils to pay tlicsc sums pdor to thc cxpin�lon of thls periad,4ndcr moy invokc any rcmallos �;,__.;., <br />-. pe�mitted by this Security fns�mmem wtihout funhcr nntice or dcmand on Rorrowee _ � <br /> 16, Borcower'e RIghl lo Rtlnslxle. If Oo�rower nxcis ccnain wndidons, Ik�rrowcr shall havo �Im dght lo hnvo - - <br /> onforccnxn� of this 3ecudty Instrumcnt dfscoNinucJ m any tin»pdor ro thc a�rlicr of: (a)S dnys(or such oihcr pcdal as <br /> app11ca6io Iew may shecffy for rcinsmtcmcnt) 6cforo snlc of tho Pm�cny punannl to any powcr of salo mnin(nal In this .?_r:_ <br /> Sccuri�y InsuumcM;or(b)cniry of o Judgmcn�rnforcing tids Securi�y Inslmmcm.Thow rnnditions nro t6n1 fiotrowcr:(n)pnys -��- <br /> I.cndcr all sums which�hcn wouid bo duc urAcr this Sccuri�y Insuument and�ho Nala ns if no ncccicrnllnn had occurnd; (b) �;��=:'" <br /> arrs nny dcfault of any aher covenants w agrecntents;(c)pnys all expensvs Incurred in enforcing this Sccurity instrument, h."i�`�-- <br />� Ir.ciuding,but noi IimhcO to,rcasanablc�s' fccs;�.xl(d)�akcs uch xction as Lcr.dcr may rcasonsbly requlru to azsnw �g51i1;= <br /> thv.the lien of this Security inrtnmxn:, Lcadcr s dgAts in tra ProFetiy ar.d Oorrower's obtiga�lon ro pay�he sums ucurtd by ��:y�3=. <br /> this S9cudty Ins�mnxnt shatl cor.tinue uncha�gat. Upon reinstatement by �o:zower, thts Secunty Instmment and tl�o {5;;,.-:, <br /> aL�igazions secund hereby stuil tcmain fully efCcetire az if no aceeleration had oocumd. 3iovrerer, ihis dght ro ninstate shall ;;-�-P� <br /> ';=i"•�' <br /> nc!apply in ihc case of attcicrn�ion undcr yamgraph 17. _t��±.'.�-. <br /> 19. �k oP Nole; Changc oi Lo�n Servlcer. '(tti No�c or a paniel intcrcst in the Nae (toge�her wl�h�his Sccutity .b?;_.•S. <br /> lnstn:menp may be soid one or nwre tinr.s�nHi�ut pri�x ocsice ro Borrower.A mla may ruult in a change in tho en4ry(known � -�-��.`-__ <br /> as An`Lnan Scrvicer')iha�eollecis momhis gaymcr.tsd�x uncter thc Notc nnd�his Savdry lns�mmem.'Ihero aiso may Lw ono �.�-; <br /> or nm:e efanges of�hc Loan 3csc�icer unnia:e.i io n s..'r:ot thc Note.If lhtte Is a chne+ge oi ihe I.wan SeM1icet,ito:roh'et�vfll::.." ���`�`°�" <br /> giver.r.��inen nn9tt of ihe chnnge in acrot�la�ec xi:h pa:agnpl� 14 above xnd applicable notim.�vill siate tTe nanx and _r: ' <br /> addiaes u!ihe ne�[.oan Servteer enA thc aaAaxs to wh�ch paynxnts shouid be made.7t�c nwice xill alm mnuin any o:1'�er f - <br />. information rcGomd by applicxblc law. �r:,,,,•� <br /> 20. Ilwrdous Substpnees. I3orra�w shall na c.u.e or permi� �Ae presence,use, Aispicnt, storege,or rclease of any �;%-�,-_�_ <br /> ,::a='-. <br />. Huardous Substances an or in Ihe Propeny. 6urrower sha11 not do, nor allow n:nnne elu to do, anylhing afkcling the s"i"v-� <br /> Pmprty that is in violaUon ol any Cnvironmcmal ta�c Tnz pracding�wo scmenres sliall na apply ro thc prescncc, usc, or �;�t��;.,s-_ <br /> storagc on tha Property o(snull quanlitiu of Hazardons SuAstenoes Ihat aro gcncrally rccogntud to bc appropdal�to nomul ��,,�«:,_ <br /> residcnllal uscs and to m�intcnxncc of Ihc Propcny. ' <br />_ 6ortowcr shall �romptly givc I.undcr wriucn no�ice of any inveu�¢xi.n,claim,demand,lawsuit or o�hcr actlon by eny i .: <br />- govcmmcntal or ngu atory agency or privatc pany{nvolving�hc Pro}kny�and a,Ty H�ardous Scbstencc or Cnvironnxmal Law °�!�� -�� <br /> o!n7�ich Dorrowcr has actual knowlcdgc. If Qorco�vcr tcarns, or is notifiad by any eoecmmcr.tal or rcguialory authority,tha� +���"r�s- <br /> any rrmoval or other rcmediation of any Hazardous SuFs�ance effecUng Ihe Prnlv:tay i:n:cersary,T3ortower shntt p�omp�iy take 1.`;'[t?�":;�-: <br /> all narssary rcnxdiel uctions in accordancc wiih Gnvimnmcntni iaw. �`"-`""- <br />� As used in lhis paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Subs�anc�s'arc lhose suFs�nnres deLcti.d as�o�ic v:ha7arduns substances bp ���*r r',.: <br /> Cnvironnknlal taw nnd thc following substanccs: gemlinc, kcromnc, othar Onmmabk or mtic pitoleum producls, wx�c <br />-� pes�icides and herb(cides,volatile solvenis,ma�crials conteintng nsbesta<or fom�aldehyde,and raJioaceive n�aterfats. As uscd in ��'% _. <br /> t6is piragraph 20, 'Cnviromixnlol Lnw' mcans fcdcral laws and laws uf�hep�risdic�ion wherc ihe Pro{k�ty is locatcd thet at,i;;--- <br /> rcla�e�o hrai�h,cafe� nr envirnnmental pmtadon. nii r'�0•%�� <br /> NON-UNI�ORX1 COV[iNANTS. l7orcower and Lcndu Potther covenant and agrx as follaws: S'-%74tiis�- <br /> 2I.Acceltralion;Rrniedks.Lendrr shall give nolice to Borrower pdor to atceterallon following llorrower•s breach F';;,';-:- <br /> of ar wvenanl or a rcemcn! fn Ihis Secudl iiuln�mer�t (6ul not dor tu acceleralion under pan ra 17 uniess "?"�-" <br /> J' S Y P B Ph �'rt3Y.:-. <br /> appliwble law provldes otherwise).The noUce shali specity: (e)the de@uitt @)The acilon rcqulred lo cure the defpuilt ,�j�f�r.,-�, <br /> (c)e dple,not Iess than 30 deys fron�the duh the nnUce ls given to Borrower, 6y which IBe default must be curedt and y;:;;•-,;: <br /> (d)ihat fallure to curc lhe drlaiilt on or Ixfore the dn:e specifiai in the nothe may rault in acceterallon oT the sums �t��..��;,-,�. <br /> secured by Ihts Scturlty Ins:ramenl and sale ot thc$operty.The�wlkc shn17 Yus�hcr Infomi Botrowcr oi ihe right to � �•c•.-_- <br /> rclmltte a(ter xtteleratlan and 1he rlghf ao bdng e murt acllon 10 acurt fie non-existenee ot a detault or aqv otl�er f'�13,�'Fi�•:: <br />� dekme ot IIorr�,u�zr to accelerafion and sa:c. If Ihe dofautt Is noi curcd m� or before Ihe w`nle specllicd In ti�e r�at3ec, 6%C�=--�--' <br />_ Lendeq at i�s o-,�9on,may rrqutre fuimecii�te payment i» full ot n11 sums secured by this Srrudly Insfnunenf �Wthom ��%���`��=" <br /> fudher dannnd und ma inroke fhc wer af sale and an other remedies meittcd b a ticabtc law.Leader sh�1] be ���i'�'-� <br /> P fb Y Pe Y P� Kl_ .:q;. <br />�- rnt(lkd to mllect ail ex,penses incurztti in pursuing tl�e remedla provideJ in thls.yaragrapM1 1,Including,!nn not Ilmitecl p(,r,;,�.' <br /> lo,rcasonabte altornel-s•7ees nnd costs of tltle evide�ke, [ g,.._-� <br />- If Ihe power oi anle ts inroked. Trustce shull record a mtl.r ot detoult in each county In whlch any part of alu [rr��;,��!� <br /> - Is lorated anA shnll inall w ilcs of such nolim In the mna�mr mcrllxd b a Ilnbie law to 13urrower und ac: °-°�--'- � <br /> Propt�tY { Y Y PP xs.,;,.,�.- <br />- ihe other persons preseribcA by applicable law.Aftcr Ihe Iime rcqWied by appl3c�bic�aw,Trusta shall g(ve public noYsce X��y�• -� <br />_ ot snte to the persons enet 3n the mauner presadlxd Up nppilcabie tew.Tnutec, r.ithoul demend on iSorrox�eq shall tcll �� � <br />' 7hc 3YopcHy al public am�7ton to ihc hlghest biddcr at the lime and placc und aader the tem�s deslgnylcd In Ihe notice o! -e„ -� <br />= sale in one or more parceis nnd In xny ordcr Trustm�k�lertnlnes.T�ustm mnn� �astpone sale ot all or anypa rcel ot!he �`y,;:;'r'. <br />" ProptKy by publle announeement et the time end place of any prevloucly scheduled sale. Lendrr or tls dtsignce�nn}- ;[l'-,'3::e:'; <br />= purthasc the Propeny nt any sxlc. �'�j�;��_.`. <br /> �'�.Id�!�` <br /> (,�.,.;_ <br /> . .. :;; <br />- Fqm:f028 9190 � - <br /> vpe 5 e�a <br /> N.G3D14�NFJ5 �0 �"-- <br />:- �=-, t <br /> ) .r. ..�s:'..l^�.. . .. •�.i...a �-� .�.�n>r-�..-.......n^ni • .�" -TCGfCl1�'8f�.�Zv-� <br /> Y. <br /> `'L rihiJ�Y:tti-.-'{.V -;i�-.rt�:Yl ��. s �-�; -. - • "1�...ti � " -. <br /> ���,..t,.i.- - . <br /> -`./:. _}�.:- � ' _ <br /> ..�:_� � _.;� � . <br /> •i�.���ir����� . . _ . . _ <br /> _ _ ._ - .:.�, - . . . <br /> ��0.�� . ' - ' � . <br /> �:. <br />'-�i: . . - ' . ' - ' � - . . ' ' - . . - -.. <br /> 'f.' _ . ' . �- . � . . - . ..P'.` .. �i+t,-.-a...7«.. <br /> ' , :+i ' '_ • ' ,., <br /> { �. , -_,-. . . . <br /> 3 1 ` - - - - �y� - - - - . �. .." � . . <br /> .s ,.� `' r. . . . , �,:�.�, . ��. <br />