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� � ;, �,�'�° <br /> ., .� s r ' , _ _ . <br /> -�*'4����t -��'�"�'v'.��L'yy S�..s ��Si��:. '��FY'.�`.�.f��ri��.. -���eecr �.� <br /> ,,<, <br /> �S. =...r_�. ,.-{-. � . ��-_ . -- ... _ . .. <br /> 92�- � �c+��-r�2 <br />' p�yments mny no longu be requtred,at tia option of Lender,�t mortgngo Insuranco oovtr�ge On tho anwunt and tor the pedad <br /> thet IJCndcr rt,�uirr.$)providcd by�n Insutef spprovcd by i.cndcr ndnin Isuomes nvail�hte uA Is oWelned.Borrowcr shnll p�y <br /> tAepr�rninms requiral ro m�lnuln mong�ge Inwnnoe In efRst,or m pravido a loss reservc,unf0 the«quiremen[tor nwrtgage ` <br /> Inwrmco onds fn xcordmco wi�h�ny wrilten�gramem 6clwun Aorcowcr and I.cnder ot appllc�ble law. <br /> 9.Imnndtnn. i.�nder or i�s agent m�y m+�kc teasonxYlo cntriu upon and Inspcalons of�he Propeny. I.cnder shali givo <br /> � Iiorrowcr nolica at tlw time of or pdor to an InspscUon sncctfylns rcawnablo auso for�ho inspaction. <br /> 10.Condemn�fkn.T1w procads of any awaM or ciaim for dvnagu,dircd or mnuqucmini, Im m�nutton with any _ <br />� eor�cntna�lon or mhcr ta:tng of eay psn of ihs Propcny,o�(ot comcyancc in Ilca of mndemnatinn, nrc hcrcby asslgned nnd = <br /> sluil be p�id to I.enJer. <br /> in tho event of a toial teking of�ho Propeny,�ha pracecds sludl bo applicd to iho snms securcd by this Secnrhy Inswmen6 �� <br /> wlxlher or not Ihen duo,wi�h nny excess pald to Sorco�xee tu a^w eveet of a pxetial taktng of�he Propeny ta which the fatr - <br /> xukcl vat�n o£tFc Propeny Imr.ult�ely beforo tb�wAiog Is agvat to or gmarer eRaa tt»an�ux of tr.e sums securcd Ly this = <br /> Sauriey tastcunaest imnr,diate(y bcfott the tiklny.aa!�ss Soe�o�xee aa;t Le�er otCr.�vtv:agrtx tn writiag.ti:e sums vxurrh Gy - <br /> �Us S�v�ity Fastnu�zra trt radumA Gy ffie a.socomt of tlre gtacads mukigiicd by th^Col!o•xiag fra:8o¢: (a) tiw tcro! _-_ <br /> mount of eha sums secuttd[mmediatety beFore�Lt�aklag,divldal by(b)tir�fair marxet vatue of the Propeny Inunediately --� <br /> A��zo the ta�sing.Aay bata.�:e shat! ix pald to 3SOr:a�+et. In�ho event of a�uxial ta4ing of the A%xny in a�lch the Gir - <br /> �• rxi�Tat[vdu3 oF tAo Prop�erty invntdiazely ktfaro tho tnking is Icss ihan�he ammna:ef�he sunu sxurcd imt��i.:�ie'�y beforo thc ��;y:, <br />.. �� � -ixHOg, mdess Rorcowcr arr1 ixnder otht�viso agrw In wd�fng or antess applfcabls!�w oth:rv�ke provides;t3;proa�eds s�all �;;.:: <br />� - be►ppHed to th�sums secureA by this Sr.urity Instmment whaher or not tlta sairrs arc then diae. _ <br /> If�he Pcqutty is abxa4oned by 8ormwer,or If,aRer naico by Lender ta Parsoner ihat a!+a condemu,�r n.-ws to mako an =_ <br /> awud or settle a elaim£or dertugu, Bortnwer(alis to respomi to I.ender wrh?ee �c�yyy nfcar the dntr.Se notice is given, -- <br /> Lender fs authodud to mlixt and a�sply tM prooxds,a�Its op�lon,ei�h.t ro tanr.�::ian or izpair oi th�Pror�tg or r,.i3t sams '-_" <br /> saurcd by tlus Savriry Instrument, whGhcr or not thcn duc. ���� <br /> Unlrss 4.xnder and Bortower ahenviso agrce in wri�ing, auy :Mpiication of procceds �o principal shn?l r.d czaenU ot �"-- <br /> pos�pone�ha due date of�he momhly paymems rcfcrtal ro in paregnphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount ot xaa`:paymems. � �`� <br />� 2t.Aorrower Not Rdnud�Forbwnnce By Lemkr Not a Wafver.L'x�znsian of�he Ume for or madification f:�:_�:. <br /> of enwititetion ot�he sums sxurcd by this Security Insirunxnt gramed by Lender to any suacssor in intere�oi Aorrowcr shill °_ <br /> not oper�te su«leuo tho Il�bllity of the original Borcowcr or Borrower's succeswrs in intercst. Lendet shall r.ot bo mquircd to k=-� <br /> commence p�1�cad(ngs ngalns�any sunersmr in Intenst or refuse to extend Ume for paynxnt or othenvise nwdtfy enwnir.s.i,+n f�".: <br /> of�h¢ siimc securcd by �hls Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by �he odgin�l Oorro�vcr or Aortonea i i<:i: <br /> mttessors in iuterut. Any Porbearance by Lender in exerdsing any dgh�or rcmeEy sha11 not be e walver o4 or prccluc±a et,e '% <br />- iRCiciscufniryi�gi�iu7i2�Tiaiy. . ���-:: <br /> 12. fi�ocessors �nd Assigns Boundi Jolnt and 5ev.xal Lia611ftyj Co-signers. Thc rnvenants and agrcemems of v,is p�_--- <br /> Sowrity liu^.runxnt sh�Il bind �ncl benefic thc suaeswrs and acsigns of Lendcr and Rorcowcr,subJcct to the provisSa�s of ':'` <br /> pangraph ]F. fiorrower's covenants and agrcen�ents sha11 be joint and uveral. Any Borrou•er who co•9gns �his&cuMy C;�.: <br /> Insuunxm but does not exccute tho Note: (a) is m-signing thls Secudty Inswment onty to mongage, grznt and convey Uut �;�` <br /> IloROwcr's imcrost in�hc Property under the kmu of Ihis S:udty InsOUakui;(G}ia�wt ptrunally obligated to pay tEC sums '"- <br /> secured by thls Saudty Instrunxm;and(c)agrces that Lender and any other Borrower mey agrce to extend,matify,forlxar or 1:�.' <br /> nwko any aaonmadailons wlth regard to the temis of t6is Secudty Instmment or the Note without t6at Dorrower s consent. '"' <br /> 13.Loan Charga� If�he loan sceurcd by�his Securiry Insnvment is subJeei to a law whlch sets max(mum loan chargu, i`-`-� <br /> nnd that law is finally intarpreted m tl�a�the intercst or other loan charges collwtod or to Ue mllcetcd in conna�lon wl�i�he Fa��: <br /> lom exoxd the penniited limits,then: (e)any such loan charge shall bo redum�!�y the amount necessary to reduw tho charge �;;i,: <br /> lo�he pemiitted Iimit;and(b)any sums alrcxAy collened!rom lior�ower which�exa.dcd pemiltted Iinills will Ix rcfunAcd to <br /> Dorcower. Lender may ehoou m ms'.ce this refund by redccing :n;ptir.dFa1 outd under tlx Note or by making a dtwa t"�. <br /> payment to borrower. If a rcPond rcduces princi�aS, ihe «d�rxio� will Ix truted as a pvtial prepayment wllhou: aay `"". <br /> prcpxyment charge under�hc Notc. f`�' <br /> 14.Nolkes.Any no�icc to fiorcower provlded for in Ihis Sceurity Instrumec�: shall be givcn by dcllvcring ii or by n�ailing F�" <br /> It by On!class nuil unless applicable law requires ot enother method.The nodce sha�l be directed to the Propetty Address f-� <br /> or any other addrcss Borrower designates by notice ro Le�er. Any nottee to I.ender shall be given by first cless nrnN lo E�;`�- <br /> 'r:.,: <br /> Lcndcr's address sfated heretn or any other addnss Lcndcr daignatu by notim to 13orrowcr. My noticc provided for in atis �_-.: <br /> Socuflty fnstrunxnt shall be damed l0 6ave bcen given to Qorcower or Lender when given as providcd in this paragroph. `��- <br /> IS.Govem(ng Law;Sextnblll(y. This Sccurity Inswment shall be govemed by tcderal law and �he Iew of�he :?, <br /> jurisdicUon in whfch�he Propeny is laated. In the event�hat any provision or clasx of�his Security Inswment or the Note !�`++- <br /> cen(i(c15 wilh applicaMlc law,cuch crncTirt shall nnt a(kct mhcr pmvisions nf ihis Saariiy ir...7avren�or ihc Note a�hich caa bc �'`�- <br /> given e(hct wi�hout the mn0ining}•:o��ision.To�his end�he provi.ions ot this Si�curi�y Ir:�o:n�:nt and�he No�e are Zect��ed �t`° - <br /> to bc xverablc. 1`--. <br />_ I6.Dor+vw¢r's Copx.73o�m�y�cr shall be given onc conformcd copy n(the h:n�e and ot�his Sccurity Inttmn:eni. €� <br /> Famx709b0 ���.: <br />- vr,'�m e� j••'• <br />- MC3�79�NElt Aq��.�• <br /> F' <br /> ��: <br /> �.__ <br /> ---•rva., rva.�.7...._ - , , <br /> fr�.li T t��? - J__S]M114.�A -._—'__" .-.��_.....��-...._., - . :'��� . . _ ,\, . . <br /> _ ;n � `_ ' ' ' , . - <br /> � 'i :� <br /> .- � _ �."'.. _ . .. .' ' _ ' " _ —_— _ —'_ _ <br /> ,1 �� " . - _ --_ _ � .. � . -- - _. ._ <br /> �r . <br /> ' 1.irF� �,�f]ih� _ _ . . _ � . _ - . <br /> � 21 '��i;. � " . - . ' - . . . . - . <br /> wj.., h _ , - , .. _ _ . . .' . . - <br /> h J_' �f . . . , . . . . <br /> 7 t` �--• 1 ' . . _ ' " ". " ' - <br /> -� .. i . . .. . . , � . - . <br /> .� � .; ..�_ ' - . . _ _ . - . <br /> _ � -. . . . _ � ' .. <br /> s '��1 � �1� 7, � . � � i- � . . <br /> 4'.. e . ,1 "- l 41.' _� .. ~j� ``�R i -- -_ a �ixn. . - <br /> _ -_ : � - - t U _ r � . , -i ' <br /> � j � }��,� -,� � l. - � '- _ . <br /> 1 � <br /> i �'' .rx . - . < lt� �.{a73i� �. . . , .,i .. � .. . . : .+'. ` -. , .. .�itsS. �.._.. . ___ . <br />