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<br /> � �M � ,��cR:ribed actlons or clafi��5. G7ahtar a�slflns eo I.ender chc proEeeds df an award or claim for
<br /> � y 5ueh
<br /> � dam�ges connected with a condemnation or other cakiny u; at{ �r �ay p�rt o ti�e Rr��x�o �
<br /> Y,��.,, proceeds shall kx canslderad payments and�w�t�rms�of a�ySpr��a�dm n9a9e5 deed ofntru���secur iy
<br /> ""� asslgnment of prcxeeds is subJect to th
<br /> `"""' agreement or ather Ilen document.
<br /> 19. aNS�UrR�AkNClasonablyr assocfate�d with the Propeny dus�to its typ�and�locat an f hTF�is Insur�ante shallrbe
<br /> malntained In che amount ennd Grantor s urbJ�ect to�lende�sr approval, wl�.lch shall�not berunreasonabiy ,�. f
<br /> the Insurance shall be chos t'�y � •-
<br /> withheld. If G�antor falls to maintain the coverage describad abave L�nder may. at lender's optlon, F :
<br /> o b t a l n cavera ge to protecc Lender's rights in che Property accord�nc� to ch� terms of chis Sec:urity ' .,_
<br /> Inst►ument. ` __
<br /> All insurance qolicles and renewals shall be a����Iauset�G antor shal Immedlateld notify Lender =-
<br /> "mnrtgage clause" and, where appIlcable. 'Inss pay -
<br /> of cancellat�on ur ee`�i�atlon of the Insurance. Le�n�derive to L�nder all re�Ceipts e�ilpa�d �SrEm�6urtts and _
<br /> renewals. If Lender requires� Grantar shall immedlat Y 9
<br /> ' renewal notices. Upon lass, Grantor shall give Immedlate notice to the E�surance car�fe► and Lender.
<br /> Lender may make praof of loss if not made fmmediately by Grantor. ��ed to the resaoration or �epair
<br /> Unless otherwise agreed In writing� all insur�nce proceeds shall be app
<br /> of the Praperty.or to shallenot exe nd���rhpostpone the due date of ha sc4�ieciuled payment n�oi�chan g�e "
<br /> proceeds to prmcipa is acqutred by /•�_
<br /> che amount of any paYmene. Any excess will be padd to the Grantar. If the PropertY
<br /> Lender, Grantar's right to any insurance policles and proceeds resultin� from dama�e to thc Propertl► _
<br /> before the acquisltlon shall pass co Lendcr to che extent of cl�e Secur�d Debt lmme�l':acely before the
<br /> acquisitlon. ��
<br /> 2p� ESCRO!W F� T�ES ��i o�da�r fi�inds f r�taxes and insurance ineesirow.separate agreement� Crantor =
<br /> . . viriu�u�uC��yts#r��.�p..,�---►�--
<br /> . Z�� an�yfln nc al stat�emen��nfo�mati��ende«mayEdeem easonably��nccessaryt Gra t rr agpees to sign,
<br /> � _ • de[hrer, and flle anydaddeserve� Gr nt r's obligati ns ur�de St�eisaSeturityrinst urr�et �and Lender'srylien
<br /> ;:''....: perfect, continue� an pr
<br /> - ' status on the PropertY.
<br /> -';..,::::.. :.
<br /> -�;`,.°` 2�. u„dei hN SeNr�i�DISAurnuen�are joint�and�individu�C�C.��.S�.S�r�DSAhSs Secur�lns�trumentu�but
<br /> - ''-"�� does not sign an evldence of debt, Grantor does so anly to r�artgage Granto�'s interest in the Property
<br /> _- •��'•��� • � ta secure payment of che Secured Debt and Grantor does not agree tn be penonally Ila�ble on the
<br /> ":::y-`:�:, Secured Debt. If this Security Instrument s�cures a guaranty between Lender and Grantor, Grantor
<br />=';��.�r�:��= �`�� agrees to waive any ri96ics t�at may prevenc L�nder from bringlng any actlnn or claim against Grantor
<br /> -•'"`"`,:;:' or any party indebted aan�er the obligation. These rights may include� but are not limfted to, any
<br /> -= w...;�..,�
<br />__,_.;-•_--°=� antt-deflNency or one•action laws. Grantar agrees that Lender and any partY to thls Security Instrumen
<br />,�•;'� � may extend� modify ur make an change in th2 terms of this Security I�strument or any evidena of
<br /> _�=st�n;� debt without Grantor's conse�ncne��s�af this .Security Instrument shall bind and beneflt thehsucce sors
<br /> -':°«`��� InsXrument. The dut�es a�nd
<br /> -.�`�{f,`:•`} and:assigns of Grantor a�ad�ender.
<br />--:�;;���;.
<br /> -�'"`��' ' 23. APPUCABLE 1�►Mh, S�VI�RA'$�LI�� ���a�ET��7��p ' T�Is Securiry Instrument is governed bY c�h�e aws
<br /> _��r�� of the Jurisdlction in w+hich Lend�s�located aThis Security�nstrumenthls compleier$�d�fullV in 9rac de --
<br /> ����; url.dlction where the Prape►t1r
<br /> ,�,�.�.
<br /> �".:,'�,� '�}�is Security Instrument may noT be amendEd or modlfied hry nral agreement. Any section in t s
<br />-�3_� ���uritv Instrument, attachments, or any agreement related to the Secured Debt that conflicts with
<br />=1:Ti.;K;'1�;:�;,;- applicahiz law will not be effective usiies:, :i�at la��px�r�ssly ar Imptiedly pe�mits the variations by _
<br />�-"�G��F.� � - � ��tten agreement. If any section o�this Secur�qy Ir+strurnnnt cannAt be enforce�i accardtng ta Its terms,
<br />--�_�� ��" that sec�lon.will be sc�vered and wll{ not affecc the enforceabllity of d theepluraleth�f singular�uThe _
<br /> -��-��'�'A� Instrumenk. Whenever used. the singular 5hall�.inrJuda-t�w-� � e r convenienee onl� and are not __
<br /> �� � captions and headings of the sections af th4S,Sec�n��Mstrd ijr g„ . Time is of the esseiue In xhis --
<br /> to be used to interpret or deflne the terms.�of. �
<br /> � �� Securiey Instrument. " t .t�''i�'°Y��• ''�+� � , =
<br /> ' .'�11'�,�'�� �u'YfcrUF�•�ra1M�HI1Jw�aM.s�Y� ' _
<br /> 24. 5UCCESSOR 7RUS7EE. Lender, at Ler�der's optfon, ma fram time to ifine re►nove Trustee and appo�nt _
<br /> � � a suaessor truscee wichoue �o o�er shall asucceed t�all the title npoweritand dut esu conferred upore _:
<br /> - w(thout conveyance of th p� Y `_
<br /> Trustee by this SecurEty Instrument and appltcable law. _
<br /> �
<br /> •,',I^, � GT•15•26 09D(9/94) (p+Ya So(6) �
<br /> +.� :� p 1994 Gnken SYSUms,lnc..5�Cioud.MN p AOD�39��7I4T) Fortn U1H•M'iCLAiNE 10/i ll� _
<br /> ' �:
<br />