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<br /> ' , �7�4 '��i�q'��p „ .,.,� '� �A6 �ccrue� Interest and �Sif�IP.1(!1I
<br /> At th� optlort-�DY�ar�ler,`-�II or ariy �ar� of ei�e ayPC�d ���� anxl ch�r�__.
<br /> � shall become Imm�diately due and payable, after giving notice If requir�d by law� upon cne o�currRne�
<br /> ���, of a defa�it or a�iytIme chereafter. in additlon, Lend�r shall be enHeled to all the remedles prua�a��d byt -.
<br /> law, the terms of the Secured Debt, this Security Ir�strument ansi any related documPnts� 's���,ludlnQ
<br /> "��^��� without Ilmita+iion,the power to sel)the Propercy. -
<br /> If there Is a default, Trustee shall, in additinn to any other permitted remedY, at the requ�6t af the �
<br /> , c auctlon ca tFaa hi9hs�i
<br /> Lender, advertise and sell tF�e Property as a whole or In separateparcels at publl
<br /> bldder far cash arid convey absolute title free and ctear of afl righe, title a►�tl interest af Grantra at such .
<br /> time and place as T�ustee designates. Trustee shall give notfee of sale Includlng the Ume� eurms and:� �,}..�
<br /> � place of sale ando osed sale n of the property to be sold as requlred by the applicable law Bei e�'rct at. __
<br /> ehe time of the p p
<br /> �� U n sale of che ropercy and to the exeent not prohibited by law,'fYustee shall make anch dcalhrer a. .! '.
<br /> de�ed to c6ep Property sold whlch conveys absolute title to the purchaser, and after first paylru�,� all feec,,
<br /> charges and costs, sl�ail pay to l:end�r al! moneys aduane�tl for repalrs, taxes. Insurae�ece, Iten.�,. .___
<br /> � �� assessments and prior eficurbTanc2s and interest thereon. an� the princlpal and Intereat dn tha ��T_
<br /> any deed�f c�iarn�rey�Le sh It rbpe prima facte vldence of the facts set fonh therehn.���y� rn� re:eit��l:c in , -�;•=�
<br /> -- � ,
<br /> � All reme�9�i�� are dlstina, cumwfative and not exclusive, and the lender is endtled to aIM1'r�:n��dles. �` ';
<br /> � provided aa law ar equity, whether or not expressly set forth. The acceptance by lender of�n}r sum in� +�-,_-
<br /> �x `� payment car pardal �ayment on the Secured Debt after the balance is due or is aecelerat�f ar afl:�r• `,�
<br /> �� foreclosure proceedings are flled shall not constitute a walver of Lendet's right to requirt cr�n��l��t�: �'._
<br /> �ure of any�xisting c3Qfault. By not exerdsing any remedy on Grantors default, Lender does nnt Nrahra
<br /> ' Lender's ri�ht to later consider ti�e event a defaulc I f it eontinues ar ha��ns agatn,
<br />: VENA • A7TORNEYS' FEES; GUI.LECTION C0515. Exce�t when,. �_
<br /> prohibited by law, Grantor agrees to pay all of lender's expenses i�Grantor breaches any ccnr�nane Irt. �:..
<br /> � this Security Instrument. Grantor will also pay on demand any amoamt incurred by lender fo,�Insurtn�,�,
<br /> � _ . ln:��ing. �roca�y;no ar ncherwlse Qroteccing the PrapertY an¢� Lender's securicy inter��,t. TG�aS° l� �
<br />- � ex�penses wl� bear interest from the date of the payn�ent until pa�� m ruii ac xhe �ignssi in�cTC.�i �.��� �r� _ -
<br /> � �� �, � effect as rovidpd in the terms of the Secured Debt. Crantor ag�ees ta pay all costs anxf �x�xenre� �_-
<br /> • incurred bpy Lender (n collecting, enfarcing or protecting Lenders rights and rernedies urscthr c�h9ct -
<br /> • '" ��� � . Security Instrument. This amouoa3 may include, but Is not Ilmited to, attomeys' fees, court ct�st:�, a�r;i =_
<br />_-:�;�-:=�;��'�` '� � ` ather legal expenses..This Seturi�,y Instrument shall remain In effect until relea�ed. Grantar��:s�r�es d� �-
<br /> ;;:,�,:.,:. .,` � pay for any recordatiAn;ca�cs of.�uch release. � '� _.-_
<br /> •����1v-'=,1.- (1} Envir pmcnta�' ----..
<br /> �__;,,�;,;, 17. FNVIRONMENTAL LA'WS AND�HA2AROOUS SUBSYANCES. As used in this section, , ^.��
<br />���II�•' �• � [.aNr Kneans, wlthout (fmitation; t�e Comprehensive Environmental Respansc, Coni���sa�it,�e
<br /> ,_�..�
<br />._ ,� ;,•,,�. Uability l�tt(CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.), and all other federal, state and local laws, reg�il�ttcrr��� �
<br /> ord(n�nc�s, court arc��rs, attomey general op(nions or interpretive letters co�cerning the {wbli�t�healt:��,
<br /> '"°'W�''" safety,welfare, environment or a haaardous substance; and (Z)Haxardous Substance means a�1y ta�cfc, _
<br /> '��'��'�,,. radieactive or hazardcius material, waste, poUutam or contaminant whlch has charaeteristics whic`h
<br />� "—?�'�---•�— �� .NK!��ilC�" fAC
<br /> �n�,a • rendpr the substance�� dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safa
<br /> -:;:�=�-��•.�'�� ernrironment. The terrn 1ncTiides, without Iimitation, any substances deflned as "harzardous rnat�srta4,". _
<br />_-_--_=,-.�.��,,;{� "toxtz substances,"'hazardous waste"or"hazardous substance" under�ny Envl�onmental law. `
<br /> ..�.;,� Grantor represents�warrants and agrees that: ____
<br />�'�. �. or�will be fs aYte�ss�ored�or release�on or in�ihe Propertyl.9This re t�letinn do�esrnot ap�ii�yr t+a�sn�tls --- -
<br /> �F��`=� quantitles of Hazardous Substances that are generally reeognized to be appropria>.0 fiar th�^ --
<br /> ----�°'� normal use and ma�ntenance of the Properry. --
<br /> _i a�;,;;;� B. Except as previausty disclosed and acknowlerJged in writing to Lender, Grantur and euv:��r t��nnnt �-..
<br /> -_,:���.-,� have been,�re,arYd shall rema(n in full complfance with any appliwble Environmenral�aw.
<br /> �r;� �. Gra�tor shall trnmediately notify Lender if a release or threacened retease of A ;Ifa�rar�ta�us -.
<br /> �.�__�� Substance occurs on, under or about the Property or there Is �vi�latior� of any Environm�mtal Law - -
<br /> ° -_m';,,;, can�ceming the Property. in such an event, Grantor shall take all neeessary remedial��xc;�Zun in �.�..
<br />_ acc�rdancp uvlth any Ernrir�nmental law. ��=�
<br />_ . �q,:==:_;
<br /> ��� � D. Grantor shall immediately notffy Lender in writing as suon as Grantor has reasen to bellEy�2 tB�rre �NFn.�.
<br /> : is any psending or threatened investigation, claim, or proceedlng relaring to the ret�F�as�: ar _
<br /> ' threa[ened release of any Hazardous Substance or the violatinn of any Erwf ronee�ental law.
<br /> _ ;��� 18. CONDEMNA770N. Grantor will give Lender prompt notics of any pending or threatened a�iiv�i, �y
<br /> � private ar public entities to purchase or take any or all of the P�operty through candem�nation, emiv»sn2 .....
<br />`.° . .�� domain, or any other means. Grantor authorizes Lender to intervene in Granta:'s name fn any of the � .
<br /> ;' •• .. . :�;ti'_
<br /> ,,�.,� '.,;;
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