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<br /> S. Hazurd or Pro�perty (nsu�mncc. Bnrrowcr shidl kccp thc intproventents IlO1Y 4'XISIIII�m• IicrcaRcr L'fCCICII un tito
<br /> � PrnpeKy insured against loss by tirc, I•�a�ards includcd within thc tcriii "extcndcd covcra�c" and fl0y OlI1C1'I1111.Af(Iti, includinf;
<br />;; r 1. ...�1 fluoJs c�r Iliicxlin�;, for ahich l.en�ier requires iutiurance. This insurnnee shall be rnaintained in the amou�tts nnd for the perind�.
<br /> - �;' th,rt l.ender rryuises. 'Phe intiurance c�rri�r pruviding the iitisurance shull be chnsen by unrrower wn�ect to l.cnder's nprmvti)
<br /> � �vhich �l�all nut b�: uurcasonubly withlu:ld. If Dorruwer fuil, tu nr�intuin coverage i{escnGed abu��e. Ia:nder may, at L.�ndrr's
<br /> optim�,obtuin coverage to proecct Lender's rishts in the Propeny in accordunce with puragraph 7.
<br /> ;�`d"" '^' All insurancc policies and renewals shall be acceptnbl� to Lender and shuU inclUde a standnrd mortgtige rlautic. Lcnciccr
<br /> shtill have the right to Fold the policies.ind renewals. If l.ender reyuires,Borrowcr shall prompdy givc t�► Lcndcr all rcccipts of
<br />_°�.T-�--- ..� paid premiums and renewal notice,. In tfu event of loss,Borrnwer shall give prompt notice to the insar.�nc:e carrier und Lender.
<br /> . :;� Lender may makc pruof of loss if not madepramptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> Unlcss Lcndcr and Borrowcr otherwise agree in writing, insrrance pracceds shall bc applicd to rescoration or repair of tho
<br /> ' '.•4 Property damaged,if the restoration or re air is economicall fe:isible and I.ender's securit
<br /> ����- P y y is not lessened. If the reseurntion or
<br /> : ':td repair is not economicully feasible ur Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds sh�ll be applicd to the sums
<br /> �,=�: sccured by tt►is Sccurity Instrument, whclher or not then due, with any exccss paid tn Borrower. If Borrotivcr abundons tluj
<br /> �'� � :� Property, or does not answer within 30 days n notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to seide n claim, theFi
<br /> �.t-
<br /> �;rc��a'�' L.ender may collect thc insurance proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> P���`�=• sccurcd by this Sccurity[nstn�mcnt. whether ar not then due.The 30-day geriod will bcgin whcn thc noticc is givcn.
<br /> n';;�y���'- Unless L,ender und Borrower othe�wise ngree in writing, any Application of pr�oceecis to principal slinU not exte�id or
<br /> � � postpone the due date of the monthly paym�nts referred to in paragrapp� 1 and :nr ch;u�gc thc amount of the pa��me+�ts. [f
<br />-''�`%'�,� ; under paragraph 21 the Fropeny is acquired by Lender. Borrower's ri�ht to any insnrance policies and proceeds msultinF f'ram
<br /> =�--_ damage to the Property priar to the acquisiiion shali pass to I.ender ta.the extrnt of the sums secured by this Security•3ns�ivment
<br /> :�.,>��� immedintely prior to the acquisition. _
<br /> �s 6. Occupancy,Preservataan,Malntenance and Froteotion of the Properrty; Borrower's L.ostn Appliuida�n;Lenseholds.
<br /> "":`?!�;� IIorrower shull occupy,establish,and use,the.Propetiy'�s Borrower's principal resi.dence within sixty days ufter the execution af _
<br /> �_.;� this Security Instrument and shail continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence far at lenst one year a4er
<br /> - �~' ►he dute nf occupancy, unless Lender athEnvise agrees in.writing, which consent shall not be unreasonnbly withh�ld, or unlrss
<br />__�;�.�� extenuating circumstance.s exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bonower shall not destroy, damxge or impair thp
<br /> -`=— Property, allow the Property to dateriorate, or commit �vaste on the Property. Borrower shall bc in dcfault if any farfcitur�e
<br /> -� aeiion or proceeding, wnetner crvii or cnnunal,is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment could result in forfeiture of th�
<br /> �""'a.;:�'�`-``��, Property or otherwise materially impair t�e lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's sccurity interest. Borrower may
<br /> =� cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding ta be clismissed with a rulln�
<br /> -_- � that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of thc Borrower's intcrest in thc Property or other n►aterial
<br /> -�-�-- in�pairment of the lien create�l by this Security Instrurnent.or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower shall also be in defnult if •
<br /> ""="�'� E�prrower,during the losu�app�iCation process, gavc materially false or inaccurate information or statements ro Lcr�d2r(or frtil�cl -
<br /> ____-_—=�- to provide I.ender with any material infarmation)in connecfion with the loan evidenccd by the Note,including, but not limittxl
<br />-- -- to, re�presentations conccming Bonower's occupancy of the Property as a principal raidence. If this Securi�y Instrument is on a
<br /> °----_-- leasehold, Borrower shull comply with all the provisians of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title tu the Property, the
<br /> Ica.sehold and the fec titie shall not merge unl�ss Lender�giees to the inerger in writing.
<br /> _ 7.ProtecUon of Lender's RI&ht�irl the Fropetty.df Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agrc;ements contzinad tn
<br /> � this Security Instrument, or there is a lesal proceeding that muy significantly uffect Lender's rights in tlie Property (sucl� as a
<br /> procecding in bankruptcy,probate, for canaernnation or forfeiture or ta entorce laws or�egulations), then Lender may do an;l
<br /> , pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and I.ender's rights in tl�e Property. I.ender's actions rnay
<br /> _ include paying a��y Sums secural by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, puyin�
<br /> reasonable attomeys' fees and entering on th� Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action unde� this purngrnph
<br /> � 7.I,ender dces not have to do so. _
<br /> Any amounts disbursal by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall bernme �dditional debt of Burrowcr securec! by d�is
<br /> Se�:urity Instrument. Unless Borcower and Lender agree to other tcrms of payment,�hese nmounts sh:ill bc:ar intcre.et 1'rnm tlio
<br /> datc of disburse►nent at the Note rate and shall b�.ptrynble. with interest, upon natice from Lender to Bo�rovver reque.r•ting
<br /> payment. .
<br /> �.;
<br /> --�
<br /> 8. MortgagP insurancel7f i.ender required mortgage insurance as u condition of making the loan securoct b�+tbis Sccurity
<br /> ._ Instmment, $arro�gr shall pay tlie premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effcct. If, for a�ay rcasun, thp
<br /> mortgage insur�nce Coveru�e required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effec:t, Horcower shall pay the prcmiums requin;d to
<br /> _ - __ obk�in covcrage substantl�lly eyuivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in cS'fcct, at a cost substantially equivnlent ro tha -
<br /> -__= cost ro Bonower�of the martgage insurance previously in effect, from an ulternatc mortguge insurcr approved by Lender. !f -
<br /> ___��,;a: substuntially equivalent naartgage insurancc coverage is not availablc,Borrower shall pay to:..�ifdc,caci�uwnti�u aurn cquai ro
<br /> _ _�.�:"�I � 1 onc-twclf'th of ihe yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when thc insurance cover�ge lapsed or ccased ta
<br /> ___����� �, be in cffect.7.ende�wiil accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of monbnge insurance. Loss TCSCNP. —
<br /> — � Fnrm 3028 9/90
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