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<br /> � '�OGE?'f11Elt WITIi all�lic improvemcn�s nnw��rr hereafter cr�ctcd on thc properry,und ull cascmcnts, s�ppurtcnances, and �_
<br />`'� fixture5 no�v ur he►'eafle�• n part of" tl�e property. AU �epincements cmd i�dditionc slmll id�i� he cuvereAl hy thi� Sccurity
<br /> " � Instrumcnt. All af ihc forr�;oing is rcfen�cd to in tl�iy�ccurity lnstrument.�s tlic "Praperty..'
<br />"'`�q�`' I1pRf;Q1'.'L'!t�UV1�r:A":TS ttt:►t linrr�::�r.r i::I�::�fu!!y�citicd of'thc cstatc hcrrt�y c+n�vcycd und hus Uic eigiit tu grai�t und
<br /> .w'� com�i:y.thc !'ruperry and thnt thc f'roperty is unr.nr.umbcrcd,cxcc��t for cncumbranccs nf' rccord. Iic,rr��wcr warr.�nts :end will
<br /> -- dcfcn�i gancrally thc tiUc t.,the I'roperty iigain5t nU r.faim�:ind�Icmund+, �ubj�c[tu wty c�:tuntb�•�u��is of r�:cord. �
<br /> -_y=,-�:_• 7'HI i Sk"sCLIRI'fY INSTRUML'NT eombin�s uniforrn covenants f'or naticmal utie +ind non•unifnrm covenants with limited
<br />--=� varintimis by.lurisdiction to crnistitute u unifarm�,c:r,uri�y ins►rumcnt covcring rcal proprrry.
<br /> ��. -� U1dI1�ORM COVGNANTS.Do�•ro�ver und I..enticrcovenant and agrec as folluws:
<br /> ;�, , 1�. Pnymcnt af Frinctpal and Intcrr.st; Pl•n�rayme��t and I.ate Charges. Harrrnver shall promptly pciy whcn duc thc
<br /> '� '' princip�l of nnd interest on thc debt c:videncccl by Ihe Note and:�ny prcpaymcnt�nd lute chargcs duc undcr the Notc.
<br /> : { : 2. Funds for Tnxes nnd [usursince. Subjc:c:c to applicable luw m• to ii written waive�b; L.cndcr. Borrower shall pay to —
<br /> �,��,� i..cndcr nn thc day mouthly puyments are due und�n the Note,until the Notc is paid in full, a sum("Funds")for: (a)yeasly taxes
<br /> nnd nscessments which mtry attain priority ovr.r thia Security Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b)yearly Ieasehald payments
<br />�J���� or gmund rents on the ProEferry, if any;(c)ycurly ltuzurd or property insurance premiums; (d)yearly flood ins:►rance premiums,
<br />,:_;;��;
<br /> ..���,• if�ny; (e) yeurly moitga�e insui�nce premiu�ns, if any; and(t)any sums payabte by Borrower to I.ender, in accordance wit
<br />_;,�:� �ha provisions of par�grnph S, in lieu of Uie pay�arr.nt of mortgage insurance premiums,These items ere called "Escrow Items."
<br /> -'+�- I.e»dar may, at any time, collect and hold f unris in an umount rrot to exceed the maximum nmount a lender far a federally
<br />_:;�� , ��eleted mongage loan may require for Barro�vr.i�'s escrow account under the federal Re:al Estate Settlement Proceclures Act of
<br />;�,�., 1974 ae mnended from•�iitte to teme, 12 U.S.C. �cction 2 6 0 1 et srq. ("R F..S P A"),u n less uno t he r l a w t h a t u p plies ro the Funds
<br /> ;%'rl,�[i�, sets� Iesser�miount. 4f sa, l:��xdtr unny, al an;r time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excced the lesser mnount.
<br /> —:., Lendr.r mny estlmate 1he ainourn o�L unda dua�Un the basis of cu�rent dnta and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future
<br />''_,r��.;� Escrmv Items or othenvise in accordance wid��s;o;plicable law.
<br />--.� The Funds shi�li Me held in an in�titulil>s� whose depesits ar insurccl by a federal agency, instrumentulity, or entiry
<br />